Treat you better

By RosanaAparecidaMande

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Rosaly was a Brazilian girl who had moved to Canada, fleeing from a dark past and seeking peace for her heart... More

Chapter 1- Start over
Chapter 2- The Real Shawn Mendes
Chapter 3- First meeting
Chapter 4- Attraction
Chapter 5- The dance
Chapter 6 - Feeligs
Chaptert 7- The surprise
Chapter 8- Totally unexpected
Chapter 9- confused
Chapter 10- Falling in love
Chapter 11- Complicity
Chapter 12- Pain
Chapter 13- Frustration
Chapter 14- Discovery
Chapter 15- Hope
Chapter 16- Thoughts
Chapter 17- it is love
Chapter 18- Possibilities
Chapter 19-Desire
Chapter 20- Love and fear
Part 21- Passion
Part 22- Planning a surprise
Part 23- Going to heaven
Part 24- Roses
Part 25- Stuck on you
Part 26- Promises
Part 27- Love is all around
Part 28- sharing feelings
Part 29 - Love between us
Part 30- Relationship
Part 31- Rosaly's Joy
Part 32- Complicated love
Part 33- Destiny
Part 34- The invitation
Part 35 - Meeting Shawn's family
Part 36 - Love and grief
Part 37- The party
Part 38- Bitter Jealousy
Part 39- Love and desire
Chapter 40- Face to face to the enemy
Part 41- One step away from freedom
Part 42- Love hurts
Part 43- Two hearts meet
Chapter 44 - Soul and heart
Chapter 45- Passion and love
Part 46- Love is a 4-letter word
Chapter 47 - What moves me
Chapter 48 - Our story
Chapter 50- Christmas
Chapter 51- Surprises
Chapter 51- A baby on the way
Chapter 53- Love and pregnancy
Chapter 54 - In family
Capitulo 55- All love in the world
Capítulo 56. - Where our dreams come from
Chapter 57 - Together
Chapter 58 - Darkness

Chapter 49 - Happy Birthday

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By RosanaAparecidaMande


Shawn reached out and touched Rosaly's warm body next to him, and smiled. He was always the first to wake up, on account of his various commitments of the day, and also because he liked a good run before going to the recording studio, but that morning he decided to stay in bed a little longer, before having breakfast and going to work.

He looked at the sleeping woman on his side, and thought how good it was to wake up with her. He loved the scent of  apple in her hair, which always spread across his chest as they slept cuddled every night, and also the scent of her skin that at that moment seemed to be etched in his mind, for he could feel it throughout the day, wherever he was. If he could he would put it in a jar and collect it just for his own pleasure.

Rosaly was amazing in every way. She made him so happy that Shawn wondered whyhe had not found her before. He had spent so much time with frivolous girls while his girl was lost somewhere out there, suffering at the hands of a man who couldn't see how wonderful she was, and deserved to be loved with all his heart.

At this thought, Shawn clenched his fists unconsciously and locked his jaw. he didn't want to think about Caio, and most of the time he didn't, but there were moments that he couldn't avoid it.

Hate was a petty feeling and it wasn't worth wasting time and energy on something so negative, and it wasn't in Shawn's nature to hate someone, but that man awakened his worst side, and for the first time in his life he wanted to see someone behind his back

Shawn ran his hand through his hair, and then folded one of his arms behind the head that was cut out on the pillow. As Rosaly had fallen in love with someone so terrible, Shawn would never understand, only imagined that she had been deceived and betrayed in her purest feeling, and that it was nothing difficult for a man like that to delude the the heart of a girl who only wanted to be loved.

How could a person like Caio waste so much real feeling? Rosaly had so much to offer that Shawn sometimes got lost in the intensity of love that she made it a point to show for him every day, and being loved that way was incredibly sublime, especially for him who had never had that kind of feeling in his life before meeting Rosaly.

Anyone who looked at him might think that he lacked nothing in life, and that all he had to think about was getting exactly what he wanted without any effort, but they were wrong. Maybe he could buy any material property that passed through his head, but the love that Rosaly offered him could not be found in any corner, and he felt sorry for Caio Vieira for having lost a woman like that, at the same time that he felt grateful that fate had given him a chance to meet her.

Because of Rosaly's fear, Shawn had reinforced security. The terror that Rosaly felt was real, and even though Shawn told her not to worry, he could see the shadow of fear pass through her eyes every time they spoke on that subject, so he wanted her to feel as safe as possible, Although, he knew that uncertainty was the worst thing in the world, because it brought nightmares potentiated by the fertile imagination and seriously compromised by insecurity. His anxiety had taught him so, therefore, the key was to keep the mind sane so that the inner demons could be tamed, and if he could think clearly when the problems presented themselves.

He did not believe that Caio would be so easy to approach Rosaly now that there were so many people protecting her. Yeah, he wouldn't be such a fool for trying to hurt her while she was with Shawn. He wouldn't want the police after him until the end of the world, because that's what would happen if he tried anything against Rosaly and Shawn. But just in case, Shawn had hired more security, because you never knew what could go through Rosaly's crazy ex-fiancé's mind.

Shawn saw Rosaly stretch out on the bed, open her brown eyes and smile at him tenderly. She was beautiful even when she woke up with her long curly locks in a total mess. He took his hands to her face and asked her caressing his lower lip with his thumb:

- Good morning, how are you feeling this morning?

- I feel incredible. - She replied by stroking Shawn's breastplate.

- I also feel incredible, mainly by waking up with you by my side. - he said taking her hand to her lips and kissing her fondly.

- What have I done to deserve someone like you, Mr. Mendes? You are every girl's dream, you know? - she said wrapping his neck with her arms.

- You are the dream of any guy, especially mine. - Shawn kissed the tip of Rosaly's nose, and kept her face close to yours.

- Now you're overreacting. I don't have anything special. Rosaly said laughing.

- You're perfect for me, Rosaly, especially in every way.

- Do you really think that about me, Shawn? I mean, do you think I'm perfect for you? - She asked with a furrowed brow.

- I think you are the most amazing person in the world, and lucky for me, you are in love with me. - Shawn said biting her chin gently.

- Passionate, surrendered, completely at your feet. I love you so much that all this feeling does not fit in my heart. I'm sorry I was so foolish not to tell you this before. - Rosaly put her forehead to Shawn's and closed her eyes.

- You said. Not with words, but with gestures. Every time you look at me like now. Every time you smile with the most beautiful smile I've ever seen, and every time we make love, I feel how much you love me, and it's like I can reach out and touch the essence of your feelings into my fingers.

- You're always a poet, Shawn. No wonder your music is so successful. You're so intense and passionate. - Rosaly said by kissing him gently on the lips.

- It's not poetry, dear, it's my heart telling you how much you mean in my life. - Shawn took her lips between his and kissed her passionately. When the kiss began to warm, Rosaly pushed him gently and said:

- I would love it if we could stay in that bed a little longer, but I need to remind you that if we don't get up now, we're going to be late for work.

- What's the problem? I'm your boss, remember? - he said kissing her on the face while his hands caressed Rosaly's naked back.

- I know, but I don't want  to make people think I have more privileges than they do. - Rosaly replied.

- Everyone in the studio knows we're together.

- This is no excuse for me to work less than the people there. - Shawn laughed at hearing her words.

Rosaly had an unusual sense of responsibility for her age. That's what you'd expect from someone who's lived a long time on their own, but Shawn knew that in most cases it wasn't like that. He just wanted her not to take life so seriously and have a little more fun. Although he knew he wouldn't change anything that she was, because he loved her just like that.

Rosaly got out of bed and as she went to the bathroom completely naked, Shawn was admiring the beautiful view she had of her back. He had seen her  like this so many times, but his desire for her remained the same. Rosaly's body was one of the things that made him love her with devotion, besides all the other things that were not visible. She was naturally graceful, perhaps for the dance that required an elegant posture, but she had everything right, her rounded shapes without exaggeration were perfect, just as he liked, and Rosaly showed them to him without any modesty. She did not care for his looks upon her, and that security she had over her body, not being ashamed of anything in a clear acceptance of herself, was what made her even more seductive.

Shawn got out of bed with some reluctance and followed Rosaly to the shower. Bathing with Rosaly was another thing he loved to do, and they had done it almost every day since they returned to Canada. And it wasn't just because he loved playing it underwater, sometimes nothing sexy happened, and they just liked to be together under the shower. What he liked was the intimacy they shared, because it made their relationship more and more personal

After bathing, they dressed and had coffee together, leaving soon after on their way to the studio. Rosaly returned to work in his studio a week after they arrived in Canada, and had already adapted very well, and ended up conquering everyone with her sweet way. It had been a month since they had returned, and Rosaly seemed happy with the choice she had made, and that was what mattered most to him.

At first he was afraid she might miss home, but the smile she gave him every day proved to him that she did not regret coming back with him.

It was almost lunchtime and he had arranged for them to have lunch together when he received a message from Daniella. At first he was worried, thinking that maybe something had happened to Rosaly's mother, for she had told him that after her father's death the mother had become depressed and had relapsed several times over the years, and now with her daughter away, Shawn had thought she might have gotten sick again. But when he opened the message he saw that she was telling him about Rosaly's birthday that would be next Saturday. He responded by thanking her for the information.

Then he wondered why she hadn't told him anything? They couldn't pass up that blank date. Suddenly, he knew exactly what to do. He called his mother and in a nutshell explained about Rosaly's birthday and what he wanted his mother to help him with, and Karen agreed excited.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Shawn began to wonder what kind of gift he would buy, it had to be something that matched Rosaly. A smile lit up his face when he discovered how he would present her and it would be  the perfect gift.


Opening her eyes that morning, Rosaly was not surprised to see Shawn looking at her as if it were the first time he saw her. He had been doing this for a month, ever since they went back to Canada, and every morning when she woke up Shawn would watch her sleep with a look that thrilled her soul.

She'd never been happier. It was true that she had taken a long time to decide to come back, but after she did, Rosaly did not regret it, and hoped that she was making Shawn as happy as he made her feel. He had a way of taking care of her that made her feel like a princess, and he was always concerned about her well-being, and even hired more security guards so that she could do everything she liked without feeling threatened.

It was not a situation that pleased her, but she did not complain. After the terror she had lived with Caio in her kidnapping, she was terrified at the thought that he might be around and hurt her somehow.

After a month of hanging out with the men Shawn had hired, she had become accustomed to their presence, and hardly bothered to walk the streets with them at one point on each corner, watching her cautiously, but she really only felt safe when she was in the arms of Shawn in his apartment, which was also her home now, living a family life that she had always wanted to have with him.

She still felt fear, especially when Shawn was out of the house, and a thousand and one thoughts came to her making her anxious, and only came back to breathe again when she saw him crossing the entrance door, with his warm brown eyes and the smile that made him even more charming, saying how much he missed her and kissing her with a passion that never faded between them. She couldn't bear the thought of losing him, the terrified idea that Caio might hurt him in some way, although Shawn always reassured her that nothing bad was going to happen to him, her heart only calmed down when he was with her in their apartment. Rosaly didn't tell Shawn this fear of hers, for she didn't want her neurosis to ruin the moments of love they had. Being with him was what kept her sane in mind as the rest of the time she simply fought a battle against her fear.

But she refused to stop living her life as it deserved. She would not abandon the man of her life again for lack of courage. If that life of escape had taught her  that she should not waste good times on conjecture, she should take advantage of them to the last drop, for the future was uncertain and inaccurate.

Shawn's family was another positive point in making Rosaly feel welcome. They had been so wonderful with her, that Rosaly hardly had time to feel homesick, despite thinking about her mother every day and talking to her on the phone whenever she had an opportunity.

She couldn't thank Karen for taking care of her like a daughter, and inviting her to lunch twice a week, even when Shawn couldn't keep up with her, Aaliyah was sweet, and Shawn's father was always sweet to her, too. How did   she get so  lucky? Besides having at her  side the most amazing man in the world, she still had an admirable family. She couldn't wish for anything more in life.

She  looked at Shawn smiling, loving those eyes that stared at her and shone brighter than the sun outside, smiling even more when he asked her:

- Good morning, how are you feeling this morning? - and she replied that she felt incredible, wondering mentally how he could become more and more irresistible every day. And when he had said that his mornings were better because he woke up with her every day, Rosaly had responded full of happiness.

- What have I done to deserve someone like you, Mr. Mendes? You are every girl's dream, you know? - You couldn't resist and you hugged him. She could never keep her hands off him for long, because she  loved to touch him, kiss him and  loved to do everything with him.

But then he surprised her again as he always did by saying that she was his muse, as if there was no woman in the world better than she was, and it made her feel so special that it brought tears to her eyes. To hide the blush of her face and her clumsiness she said:

- Now you are exaggerating. I have nothing special. - and he almost made her cry for real when he looked into her eyes and said that to him Rosaly was perfection in person.

How could he say that when she had so many flaws she couldn't even count, and cowardice was one of them? So it was her insecurity that made her ask:

- Do you really think that about me, Shawn? I mean, do you think I'm perfect for you? - and Shawn replied:

- I think you're the most amazing person in the world, and lucky for me, you're in love with me. - she laughed at his words, feeling the soft touch of his lips on her chin and confessed with her emotional voice everything she felt for him, and that she had not had  the courage to confess until that moment for fear of exposing herself too much and then suffering:

- Passionate, surrendered, completely at your feet. I love you so much that all this feeling does not fit in my heart. I'm sorry I was so foolish not to tell you this before. - Their foreheads stuck together and Shawn said passionately:

- You said . Not with words, but with gestures. Every time you look at me like now. Every time you smile with the most beautiful smile I've ever seen, and every time we make love, I feel how much you love me, and it's like I can stretch out my hands and touch the essence of your feelings on my fingers. - God! How couldn't she love someone so capable of saying what was in his heart without fear of confessing what he felt? What was wrong with all the women in the world anyway? How could they let a man like that through? Deep down, she was grateful that he was all hers. Bad luck of the others who never managed to appreciate this incredible side of Shawn that belonged to her and no one else.

Too moved, Rosaly said that there was so much poetry in his words that extended to his songs and the success they made, and he responded once again with words that left her ecstatic:

- It's not poetry, dear, it's my heart telling you how much you mean in my life. - And then they kissed, the passion burning in every touch, which Rosaly had to interrupt or they would end up making love again. That's what her body wanted, and Shawn's too. It was never enough, as she was always drunk by his touch, and needed more and more without ever getting satiated. She reminded him of her work commitments, of the responsibilities she knew she had, and that she couldn't let other people think she had privileges because she was his girlfriend, Shawn being her boss.

He tried to argue by saying:

- Everyone in the studio knows we're together.

But, Rosaly had not let herself be convinced, going straight to the shower, being followed by him, and they took a delicious bath together, just sharing their moment together without any too intimate touch. She liked it just as she liked the warm kisses they sometimes exchanged under the shower.

After breakfast they went to work, and Rosaly stayed all morning entertained answering fan emails and organizing Shawn's stagram. When she went to look for him to go out to lunch, she found him looking at his phone all smiling, curious Rosaly asked, hugging him from behind.

- What is swrong with my boyfriend? - Shawn got scared and tried to disguise himself leaving her intrigued.

- Nothing important. Shall we have lunch?

- Sure. -  She agreed, wondering what Shawn was up to.


It was the third time that Rosaly had tried to talk to Shawn and he didn't answer, seemed to be distracted by something in his head that Rosaly had no idea it might be.Did he have any news of Caio, and so it was weird all week? Did that monster reappear to spoil her happiness? Fear made her spine freeze, her stomach twitch, she took a deep breath to ward off anxiety, and she looked at Shawn who still seemed absorbed with something he now frantically typing into his phone.She couldn't stand it anymore and asked.

- Honey, did something happen? You seem so far away. - Shawn looked at her and smiled saying:

- No, I'm just working on a new composition.

- So, why have you been acting strange all week? - She asked, not even realizing that she was letting out of  breath that until that moment  had been held.

- I'm not strange, dear. - he replied with a look that she did not understand. What was he hiding from her?

- Shawn, we've barely spoken all week, because you seemed to be in a hurry all week and your head should be in the clouds because every time I tried to talk, you were so far away. What is it? Have you had enough of me and are you trying to find a way to tell me? - Rosaly asked with her hand on her waist at a serious look at Shawn.

- Where did you get this? Come here. Let's talk straight. - Rosaly approached the couch where Shawn was sitting. He took her in his arms at once, kissing her hair

- Forgive me for this week. I am full of work, and my head is racing. I know that's no excuse for me ignoring you, even though I didn't do it on purpose. - the whole thing was not a lie at all, but, the bigger truth was that he was preparing a birthday party for Rosaly that Saturday, and had to arrange several things, because it was last minute  and his mother would not manage everything alone, since they were in it together. He had also asked Brian and Lexy for help, and everyone seemed quite committed to giving Rosaly a beautiful party. Therefore, being a little away from her that week, he was not very good at disguising, and tried to keep himself busy enough for Rosaly to think that overwork was the cause of her estrangement.

- I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to sound like a complainer, it's just that I was frustrated that you didn't talk to me like you always do, but I promise I won't bother you with my bullshit anymore. - he tried to smile and almost told Rosaly what he was planning, as he couldn't bear to see her unhappy. But he soon gave up the idea. That would put an end to all the surprise, and he might as well hold out one more day.

- Don't apologize. It was my fault. Now, stop this nonsense of thinking I'm tired of you. This will never happen. - to prove what he was saying, he kissed her by laying Rosaly gently on the soft cushions. He buried his hands in the back of her head, forcefully holding a mass of hair between his fingers Rosaly's hands ended up on his chest, and as Shawn was already shirtless, it was easy for her to caress him, as she felt his fingers pulling her blouse up, leaving her only in a lace bra and a pair of shorts that barely covered her legs. He lip-walked the gentle curve of Rosaly's neck and when he captured her mouth again, they were already panting.

Rosaly felt him descend his hands to the side of her shorts down to the heel, running his fingers slowly through her thighs, causing Rosaly to moan in anticipation.

He took her in his arms  and carried her to the room, and when she realized they were in the middle of it, she asked

- What about our dinner?

- That's the least important thing right now, because I want to give my girl all the attention she deserves. - and by his words she already knew she was already seduced. And for the next few hours, Shawn showed her that her desire for her never ended.

She got up on Saturday totally relaxed, and realized that Shawn wasn't by her side. He left her a note saying that he was going out for a jog, and then he needed to sort out some work stuff, and that he'd be back by lunchtime. An hous later he texted her saying his parents were having a business dinner  at their house that night , and that they were expecting them, but that it was not for Rosaly to worry, because the dinner did not require fancy dress, and that she should be ready at seven o'clock.

Rosaly sighed, thinking about what to wear. Soon, she remembered a dress she had bought in Brazil, weeks before coming to Canada, and it was perfect for the occasion.

Thank God she didn't tell Shawn it was her birthday. She disliked celebrations because they reminded her of her father who loved to party for her and her brother, but after he died, Rosaly never allowed herself to celebrate again. It was a happy time that she would always remember fondly, but for her it didn't make more sense since her biggest incentive was no longer there to make her smile. Then her birthdays became ordinary days that had nothing special for her.

Rosaly prepared lunch, and waited for Shawn who never arrived, she became worried and sent him a message, which Shawn responded to immediately, saying that he was swamped with things to do, and that he would not have time to go to the apartment before his parents' dinner, so he had asked Brian to pick her up and Rosaly was surprised that Brian was going to Shawn's parents' business dinner, then thought that Brian was considered a family member, so maybe he was invited. She told Shawn everything was fine and she didn't think about it anymore.

AtsSeven o'clock she was ready. She had put on a red dress with shoulder strap, which were locked in her back, tight to her waist and then falling down to her knees in a simple but perfect model for a dinner. She fastened her hair in a beautiful braid, wore black sandals of medium heels, and as always put little makeup focusing to lips and eyes, and accessorized  with  silver hoop earrings, and the bracelet she had gained from Shawn and from which she never parted with.

When she opened the door for Brian, he was accompanied by Lexy, andRosaly was surprised, but said nothing. However, she couldn't get it out of her head that the situation was getting weirder and weirder.

- Honey, as always you look wonderful. - Lexy said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

- You, too. - Rosaly replied. Lexy wore a Royal blue dress that fully matched her blonde hair

- With all due respect. I have to agree with Lexy. You look very pretty. - Brian said by kissing Rosaly's hand.- Are you ready? - he asked.

- Yes, let's go. Rosaly agreed smiling.

They got into Brian's car, and while he was driving Rosaly couldn't help but notice the difference between the two friends. Shawn was very careful when they were inside his Porsh. He never ran a red light, he didn't run beyond the permitted limit, and he always paid close attention to where he was going. Brian was a little more reckless, not that he was an irresponsible driver, but he didn't mind following the rules of traffic too much.

They arrived at Shawn's parents' house, and there were some cars parked in front of her, while others were, in the Mendes' garage. Rosaly noticed that the house was all lit up, but very quiet by the amount of people who should be in there. Everything that night was so weird, and Rosaly wasn't getting it.

When they crossed the entrance door, a band of unknown people shouted "surprise", and that's when she understood what was happening. She looked straight ahead and saw Shawn smiling with a sparkle  in his eye that made her fall in love with him again. Rosaly was sure that Shawn was responsible for that surprise party. But how did he find out? She had never said anything about her birthday. Shawn was really amazing, nothing went unnoticed, and although she was not a fan of parties, that would be very special for her, it was almost as if she could feel her father next to her telling her, "Come on, my dear, make a wish and blow the candles". Rosaly could not remember his requests at that time, but if she could have guessed that her father would leave so soon, she would have asked him to stay longer in her life, taking care of her as the ever loving father he had been.

She barely noticed the people coming to greet her. Most of them were unknown to her, but it didn't matter much because Shawn was there, as were Brian and Lexy, Karen, Manoel and Aaliyah, and that was enough for her. After a few minutes, when the greetings ended, Shawn said with his guitar in his hand:

- Well, folks, as you all know, today is the birthday of this beautiful creature that I was lucky to meet and fell in love with at first sight. So I want to sing her a song that I wrote this week especially for her. The name is Angel. -He sat in a chair placed on an improvised stage with the guitar in his hand, while Rosaly couldn't believe he actually wrote a song for her.

Then his voice filled the room tuned, powerful and sexy, and the way he began to sing looking directly at her, made his heart drum, as if following the same emotion contained in his voice:

You look like an angel.

When you look at me this way. 

You mess with my head

When you smile at me this way 

When you dance in the moonlight. 

Baby, you make me crazy. 

I've never imagined that loving would be like this 

So intense and so deep. 

That I would never be free again. 

I'm your slave, I'm your prisoner 

Do with me as you wish. 

I'm your man and that's so true 

Be my woman forever. 

You make me see the stars. 

When you kiss me with such passion 

You make me lose my mind 

While I dive deep in this emotion 

I no longer own myself 

I only belong to you. 

It will never come to an end. 

The love I feel for you.

I'm your slave, I'm your prisoner 

Do with me as you wish. 

I'm your man and that's so true 

Be my woman forever. 

When Shawn sang the last line, the applause exploded with many encore requests, and he said as soon as they declined:

- Well, thank you very much for listening and applauding, but there's someone I need to talk to first.

Rosaly saw it coming toward her, while her eyes looked like a cascade from where warm tears flowed abundant. His arms wrapped around her, and his hands caught her face between them and Shawn said:

- Happy birthday, my love. - Then he kissed her with an incredible tenderness, and Rosaly tried not to start crying again, and  she asked with watery eyes:

- How did you find out it was my birthday?

- Daniella sent me a message last week. And she explained to me that you don't like parties and why. But I wanted to make this day special for you, so I hope you're not mad. - Rosaly reached out and touched his face with her fingertips.

- How could I be angry about something like that? That was the most beautiful surprise I've ever had. Thank you.

- I had some help from my family, Brian and Lexy. Did you like the song?

- It's wonderful. Was it the one you were working on this week?

- Yes. I couldn't tell you. I'm sorry.

- You are forgiven. - she said by kissing him.

- Do you want something to drink? It's hot today. - Shawn asked.

- A juice. - she replied.

- Wait a minute and I'll be right back. - Rosaly watched Shawn walk away, and then turned around to take a closer look at the people around her. Without expecting, a girl approached her and said:

- So, are you Shawn's new girlfriend? - Rosaly didn't really like the tone she used to say that. She noted that the girl was pretty. She had honey-colored hair up to her waist, and her eyes were big and brown. She was taller than Rosaly and had model build, and she also noticed that the girl was  measuring her  from top to bottom , and felt uncomfortable, but still tried to be polite when she said:

- Yes, I'm his girlfriend.

- Rosely, right? - Rosaly realized that she pronounced her name with a certain disdain. Buts he pretended not to notice the contempt in her eyes.

- Yes, and who are you?

- I'm Lauren. Shawn and I dated a few years ago, then we became best friends. - the way she said "best friends," she seemed to want to imply that it wasn't just that, but Rosaly ignored it. She wasn't gonna let that insolent girl put doubts in her head and ruin such a wonderful evening. Lauren was going to say something else, but  she realized that Shawn was coming back and she rushed to say goodbye:

- It was nice to meet you, Rosely.

- The pleasure was mine. - Rosaly answered politely, but did not reach out to greet her as he would normally do. That girl didn't like her at all.

- - So. Did you meet Lauren? - Shawn asked while extending her the glass of pineapple juice.

- Yes, do you have anything to tell me about her? - Rosaly asked arching an eyebrow.

- She is a great friend. - Shawn replied trying to change the subject...

- She told me we were more than that. - She saw Shawn running out of her sight and became tense.

- We were more than friends in the past, Rosely. But, that was a long time ago, and  we were kids. Today we're just friends, you shouldn't worry about that. - Shawn touched her hair and then put his hands on her waist.

- I'm not worried. - That wasn't at all true. She was annoyed that the girl had told her about her involvement with Shawn in the past, and although he had said that they were now just friends, she was almost certain that the girl still had feelings for him. she didn't want to ptolong that subject , so she  said to Shawn,

- Let's dance.

- Sure, but you know I'm a terrible dancer.

- Well, everybody knows how to move their feet, Shawn. You don't have to be a dancer for that. - and then she dragged him to the dance floor, and they had fun for hours. After a while, Shawn pulled her by the hand and said:

- Come with me, I want to show you something.

- But what about the party and the guests? - she asked frowning.

- My mother willtaken care of them for us, I already talked to her before. - and so he took her to the car, and then they left.

Shawn drove a few blocks, and stopped at the curb on a well-lit street. He turned to Rosaly and said:

- I'll give you my second gift of the evening. - He took his hand to his pocket and from there took a little box, handed it to Rosaly and asked her to open it, and she did so then and sighed  as she looked inside, where there was an emerald ring with little stones of brilliance around it.

- What a wonderful gift, Shawn! I loved it. - she said looking at it with sparkling eyes of happiness.

- I'm glad you liked it. I never gave you a proper dating ring, and I want you to wear it until the day I make you my wife. - His eyes caressed her when he said that, and Rosaly could do nothing  but kiss him. She was thrilled by his words, because marrying Shawn was the thing she most dreamed of in life, and the thought that it could come true made her eyes shine like stars.

When they separated, he opened the car door, took her hand and said:

- Come with me. - Rosaly followed him without questions, just wondering where he was taking her.

They stopped in front of an elegant building that seemed to be worth thousands of dollars. So Shawn took a key out of his pocket, opened the door and invited her in. The place was dark, so Shawn turned on the lights, and Rosaly could finally see where they were. It was a dance studio fully equipped with the most modern of its kind, and it would make any dancer happy. Why had Shawn brought her there? Did he...? No, he had not done it, she thought shaking her head.

- What is this place, Shawn? - she asked carefully.

-It's a dance studio. - He responded by passing his hands by the hair in an attempt to mend his rebel strands.

- I know it's a dance studio. - she replied rolling her eyes. - I want to know why you brought me here.

-- I brought you here because this is my third gift to you. This studio is yours. - that's when she understood that he had done exactly what she had suspected minutes before she said:

- Shawn, I didn't...- he didn't let her finish. Shawn put his fingers on her lips, silencing her for a few seconds while saying:

- Please, Rosely. Don't refuse my gift. I know you told me you wanted to buy a studio with your own money, but let me do this for you. We're together now, and I really want to make you happy. - he said almost begging.

- You don't need to give me a studio to make me happy, Shawn. - she replied with a half smile.

- I know that, as I also know that dancing is what gives you pleasure and defines you, so I want to see you continue to do what you loves so much. - Rosaly shook her head and couldn't believe all that. How could she refuse any gift from Shawn when he spoke such sincere and true words to her? For this reason, she said:

- OK. I accept. Thank you very much, my love. - She hugged him, feeling his arms around her waist, squeezing it against her affectionately. Then he let go of her, took her hand and said laughing:

- Now, come with me. I want to show you the best part.

- Do you have any more?

- Yes, but it's just a detail I haven't mentioned yet. - he said making a mystery face that made Rosaly laugh. Shawn opened another door that stood in the back of the studio, and Rosaly found herself inside another smaller room, but where there was a mirror, dressing table, a comfortable sofa bed, a minibar and a wardrobe.

- This is your resting place. - he said as if he revealed a great secret.

- Wow, that's fancy, it even has a sofa bed.

- Yes, you can rest in it between classes. - Shawn explained.

- It seemed comfortable. Do you want to test it with me? - Rosaly said maliciously and Shawn looked at her in amazement, understanding between the lines what she meant.

- I would love to. - he said going towards her, taking her in his arms and kissing her passionately. They walked blindly a few steps, until Rosaly felt the soft padding  beneath her back. Shawn stopped kissing her to tear off her dress, admiring for a second her body wrapped in blue lace, which did not stay long on her skin. Shawn undressed iher in a hurry because he was dying to feel Rosaly's soft skin in contact with his. She moaned softly as his body descended on hers, adoring to feel it completely naked that provoked her with the waving motion of his hips on hers. Soon they were burning in the fire of desire, and Shawn began to kiss the entire length of her skin, in warm and swift touches, reaching the height of excitement in a few seconds. God! That man was so intense, he didn't even give her time to breathe. When he opened her legs gently, depositing his warm tongue between them. Rosaly thought she was going to have an orgasm right there, but before he satisfied the tingling that Rosaly felt in her intimacy, Shawn placed her over his body, encouraging her to touch it as she wished. Her lips descended hungry for his body, and ended up in his abdomen, Rosaly's favorite place.  She kissed the spot by going up to Shawn's groin, hearing him say her name softly in an agony of pleasure. She then took his member into her mouth, stimulating it in the same way he had done to her, and stopping it before he  came apart on her lips. So she crawled up to his belly, rubbing her body over Shawn's, seeing his brown eyes so dark that it seemed like the night had taken hold of them. She sat between Shawn's legs, entwined his fingers in hers, and made him sit with her while he possessed her at that moment. It was the first time they had sex in this position, and to feel her so close to him that way, it made him embrace her so tightly, as groans of pleasure escaped both of their lips, and when they reached their climax together, they fell lying on the couch, taking a few seconds for their breathing to return to normal

As they calmed down, Rosaly lay over his body, and resting her head on Shawn's chest, she said maliciously.

- I think the couch is approved.

-I agree. Wait till you see the tub. - Shawn said smiling.

-. Do we have a bathtub? - Rosaly asked him,  opening her eyes in surprise.

- Yes, and how about trying it right now?  - Shawn said with his hoarse voice, sliding his lips around her neck.

- I'd love to, but what about the party?

- We'll get back to it later. It's still early, I think we can be gone for another hour.

- You convinced me, Mr. Mendes. Show me this wonderful tub. - He picked her up and took her to the bathroom, where there was a big, comfortable bathtub. And while he loved her among the foams, all Rosaly could think about was the desire that that man provoked in her body and from which she would never be free.

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