zero || eddie munson (UNEDITE...

By _croki

35.3K 791 123


Authors note
part i
null's walkman
1 ~ d&d (edited)
2 ~ unexplainable things (edited)
4 ~ ready or not, here i come
5 ~ stuck with me
6 ~ isnt that a makeout spot?
7 ~ watergate
8 ~ back in the real world
9 ~ the plan
10 ~ angry hicks
11 ~ its like The Rolling Stones said; you can't always get what you want
12 ~ 3 can keep a secret if 2 of them are unreliable
1 - 000=NULL

3 ~ the library

2.2K 58 6
By _croki

The thing that woke Null up was a door being slammed open, followed by an angry question;

"Where is she?!" The voice demanded.

Null opened her eyes, pained by the bright lamp turned on by the nightstand by her feet. She groaned as she stretched, her neck propped up awkwardly on the arm of the couch.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Harrington?" Eddie asked accusingly.

At the mention of Steve, null shot up in surprise. "Steve? What're you doing here?"

Steve glanced at her, before his face contorted in anger. He looked back to Eddie, hesitating for a moment, before he shoved him. "What the hell did you give her?!"

Eddie shoved Steve back, sizing him up. Eddie then made up his mind, and shoved Steve to the ground, leaving him to scramble and pull Eddie down with him.

The boys tumbled on the ground, trying to get as many punches in as they could. Steve was mad at Eddie for a couple reasons. He thought that Eddie had hurt her, obviosuly, as he'd been able to take in the sight of her bleeding nose, eyes and ears. Steve also felt a bit jealous that on Null's first night out in months, she'd chosen Eddie 'the freak' munson over him.

Eddie on the other hand, had had anger towards Steve 'the hair' Harrington festering since the day he'd walked in to the high school with his arm around Nulls shoulders. Eddie had his eye on her for a long time, and secretly hated himself for not getting to her sooner, but also hated Steve for stealing her from him.

"You guys, stop!" Robin shrieked, trying to pull Steve off of eddie. Steve at least, had fighting experience, thus giving him an advantage. Eddie on the other hand, was crazy, and did not play fair, catching Steve by surprise often.

Steve's punches were calculated ones, including those to the face and jaw, but also towards the abdomen. Eddie didn't punch much, as his rings made any landed punches hurt his knuckles, thus he resorted to hair pulling, biting, spitting in Steve's face, and kicking when the opportunity presented itself. It was gruesome.

"What do we do?" Chrissy whispered to Null nervously, biting her fingernails.

Null watched Robin intently. She'd grown to read Robin quite well, and currently Robin had her hands on her head as she paced across the room, trying to figure out how to stop the fighting without getting injured herself by catching one of their loose blows.

Robins eyes landed on a few empty beer bottles, scattered on the kitchen countertop. Null saw the lightbulb turn on in her head as Robin decidedly matched into the kitchen, grabbed the bottles, and threw them on the floor aiming for the loudest volume she could muster.

The two stopped their tumbling, perking like dogs to the new sound.

"Get yourselves together, seriously," Robin scolded. "Get up."

Eddie and Steve rose to their feet, glaring at each other like they would jump on each other again in a moments notice. Eddie wiped the blood from his busted lip, leaving a trail of red blood smeared on the back of his hand and his mouth. Steve straightened out his clothes and raked through his hair. Null swore she saw Eddie roll his eyes at that.

Robin looked around the silent room. The only one who wasn't bleeding besides herself was Chrissy, who stood awkwardly and uncomfortable. The boys blood was self explanatory, but Nulls was not.

"What happened to you?" Robin asked null.

"We have an upside down code red," null sighed, an eery feeling creepy over her.

Robin said nothing and her face gave away nothing but she visibly paled, and Steve's face began to looked more stressed and annoyed than it had been moments before.

"What's going on?" Steve asked, forgetting wholly about Eddie, gently guiding null to the couch to sit down as he sat down beside her, ready to hang on every word she said.

"It's different. It's like what happened with will when he was possessed, but only because of the fact that he could be reached from the upside down. This is..." Null was at a loss for words, not sure of how to describe what she'd seen moments before she blacked out. "This is worse than anything we've ever faced, I think."

Steve faces betrayed him as it began to show some of his worry, and Null wondered how soon he'd grow gray hairs.

"What about them?" Robin asked, gesturing towards a silent Chrissy and Eddie.

"What we're facing now, it was after Chrissy. We got out by playing her favorite song. We think music is like some sort of loophole? I'm not sure. But we all need to meet up. Soon," Null urged, hands resting between her spread legs as she looked towards the ground.

"Name a time and place," Steve replied, looking at Robin for confirmation. "We can contact everyone tonight and be ready by tomorrow."

"How about the library at noon?" Null suggested. "We'll need to do some research."

Robin shrugged. "Sounds good to me."

"And make sure you get everyone on board," null added. "Im talking all the kids, even Erica, and Nancy too. Everyone who's dealt with this shit before who's currently in Hawkins needs to be there."

"Copy that," Steve said, standing up as if getting ready to leave.

"Wait," null replied. Steve turned around quickly, almost too quickly, as he awaited her reply. "Do me a favor and take Chrissy home?"

"Sure," Steve nodded, disappointed that she hadn't said something more.

"Wait," Chrissy said. "What do I do to make sure...whoever that was... doesn't get to me again?"

"Well you said music is some sort of loophole, right?" Robin asked.

Null nodded, "at least that's what we think."

"So then we just need to make sure Chrissy's always listening to her favorite least until we figure this out," Robin replied.

Steve scratched the back of his next. "Uh, is that really realistic, though? I mean what about when she's showering? Or at school? Or-"

"I think she gets it," Eddie interrupted, as he crossed his arms over his chest and rolled his eyes.

Null sighed. "Okay, this whole macho man competition isn't going to solve anything."

"I can make a cassette tape loop," Chrissy offered as she shyly spoke up. "And I'll keep headphones on my at all times. If I need to take them off I'll have them resting around my neck so I can put them back on if I feel something coming on."

"Hold on," Eddie interrupted. "You can feel when it's 'coming on?'"

"Yeah," Chrissy wrung her hands together as she looked at the floor. "Just before it happened, I felt like... I don't know, creeped out."

The group looked amongst each other, before they reached an unspoken agreement. They wouldn't really come up with a better plan, at least for now. This was it.

"Well. Let's get Chrissy home so she can start making that tape," Robin elbowed Steve who's eyes had been settled on Null for a few moments too long.

"Yeah. Let's go," he responded, taking one last glance at Null before they all filed out.

Eddie closed the door behind them, and Null moved to his side to watch them leave, Robin hopping out of the car to tell Max before they pulled out of the trailer park.

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