The ravens that follow a dream

By i_ship_to_much_23

15.9K 662 226

Philza always seen other birds that where black but always seen flying close to the green man but then again... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
New book
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter ten
chapter eleven

chapter nine

496 31 6
By i_ship_to_much_23

As the two left the house they noticed that one of the family members where watching them or they thought they where

"Quackity what do you think of that family?" George asked as he looked back where the house is in the distance

"Their an odd family but to be related to XD that means they must be powerful but that girl though i wonder what's she's like.." quackity said as he thought about something

"Though that man and that person in the photo I wonder who they are and how come we never seen him around the server at all" George said as he looked at the other male

"We may never now about that but we need to tell the SMP about these people while we're at it maybe they know who they are really.." he said as he looked at the colorblind male

Meanwhile with dream and the rest

"Hey does anyone else have a bad feeling?" ✨Eret✨ asked as they looked at the rest of the family

"Yeah you do have a point because I felt chills after they left" sapnap said as he agreed to Eret and thats a rare thing for him to agree with someone.

"I think we should trust them about what their saying plus they seemed to be watching dream and Michael to which is weird" Hero said to the rest

"Yeah you are right plus they where looking for dream when they where in a dress while at it too" ghostbur said to the group

After they heard that all of them started to plan on how to kill them if they tried anything on daydream as everyone got done with the meeting Michael picked up dream and XD grabbed his cloak as it slipped from dreams grips as Micheal did he walked up stairs and bid the god a goodnight and see him tomorrow.

XD p.o.v

As Micheal left with Daydream I let out a sigh I didn't feel bad about slapping George but he keeps on trying to call me i shouldn't have included to try to call me I should ask Miss.Death if there's anyway to break the link between me and George

As I thought of a way to break the link I was forced to teleport Infront of the male himself  'man he's getting more annoying I should just end the contract right now' I thought

"yes George~" I asked as I dragged out his name

"You know XD I thought we where close so why didn't you tell me you had a fucking sibling or siblings and how dare you slap me!!" he said with anger laced in his voice as he slightly yelled

"Well now George the reason you don't need need to know who is and isn't in my family and I don't need you to be in my life 24/7 and the reason I slapped you is that you where making my sibling uncomfortable and you should of noticed and I know what you did so know I think I'm going to leave" I said with venom in my voice

"What do you mean you know what I did??? XD what do you mean" he yelled

"I said what I said in now good fucking bye" I said as I slammed the door as I did I took a deep breath in and out a couple times and teleported to dreams and Michaels house and lie down on the couch and called HD

"Hello?" I heard on the other side

"Hey HD how are you?" I asked as I spoke in a soft tone in my voice

"Oh I'm fine did anything happened you sound tired"he asked with worry voice

"I hate your human look alike he did bad things to daydream and I'm planning to break the contract and link" I said in a tired tone in my voice

"Yeah I do too I don't like him at all and good even though he is my look alike too and he isn't even a demigod or a god or even a hybrid" HD shouted angrily as he did I wince a bit not expecting the outburst

After a bit we talked and said our goodbyes and I love you's I thought about a time to talk to Miss.Death herself about breaking the contract with George as I slowly feel asleep

The next morning

Wilbur aka ghostbur p.o.v

As I woke up I see that my little brother was cuddling me as I thought back to when I would try to cuddle with Tommy but Phil usually took him away and cuddle the small tommy but I'm happy that Conner was sleeping but I can't move at all

As I slowly moved I noticed the friend was laying on the floor until they noticed me getting up as I did so I moved slowly and floated hoping the door as quietly as I could

As I did I walked passed mom and dad's room and seen that XD was laying down on the couch until he feel off the couch causing the god to wake up from his sleep

"Oh good morning ghostbur how are you" he said

"I'm good just about to go outside with friend what to go with me?" I asked as I held on some blue in my hands

"Sure why not so that you don't get lost" he said as he nodded his head

As I held on friends lead we talked a bit  as we turned back I thought I saw someone in the woods as I looked back they where gone

"Hey ghostbur what is that blue stuff in your hands?" XD asked

"Oh this is blue they take away your sadness and make you feel happy" I said smiling as I did I felt like someone was watching me seem like XD felt it to because he turned around to look around

"Why don't we go inside okay ghostbur"he said

"Okay" I said as we walked into the house once we did I noticed the XD was chanting and raised his hand at the door

I left you guys a cliffhanger muhaha I'm evil but I'm back from the dead hope you guys like the chapter and I am going to still be working on the gods so I'm still working on it and some chapter in the oneshots book and still taking requests for the oneshots but have a good morning/night/afternoon my fallen blobs

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