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865 35 26

Jeno arrived to school hand-in-hand with Jaemin as they walked down the hallway of the school. They received glances from those around them, it was as if they had never been seen before which inevitably weirded the two out. They both turned down a hallway wanting to get away from the weird looks.

Suddenly a voice yelled making both boys stop walking and began looking around, their eyes landing on a classroom that was a few feet away from them. They both approached the door as quietly as they could so they could listen.

"What don't you understand? I don't like you Joonlim." Jeno and Jaemin's eyes widened as they recognized the voice as Renjun's.

They heard Joonlim scoff, "But what's the point of staying with them if they cheated on you." He said.

Renjun kept quiet before answering. "I don't know.."

Jeno looked over at Jaemin with a confused expression as he quietly asked, "When have we ever did that?" Jaemin shrugged in response then went back to listening.

"Why can't you just give me a chance Renjun. What do they have that I don't?" Joonlim said.

"Leave me alone Joonlim." Renjun said turning around.

"Answer my question." Joonlim said, stopping him from leaving by grabbing his arm.

"Why do you want me to answer so bad? When will you ever realize that there is never going to be anything between us." Renjun snapped as he yanked his arm from out of Joonlim's grip.

"Even after everything I've done for you?! Your just throwing it away for them?!" Joonlim yelled. "I knew you way before them, I fell in LOVE with you before them and your just throwing me to the side like some trash!!"

Renjun stayed quiet, "I'm sorry Joonlim but you need to know, I'll never see you like that." He said.

Joonlim balled his fist, "I can't believe you." He spat. He took a deep breath before grabbing Renjun by his arm and pulled him close then smashed his own lips onto the latter's.

Jaemin and Jeno got confused as to why it had gotten so quiet so they decided to peek inside, immediately regretting their decision as they seen the two kissing. They both stood there shocked at the scene in front of them.

"Why.." Jaemin whispered out as he backed away from the classroom, "Why did he do it despite everything he just said?" He looked over at Jeno with teary eyes.

Jeno frowned as he walked over to him bringing him into his embrace, "I don't know Nana.. I don't know." He said as he began to rub circles on his back.

Jaemin didn't want to let the tears fall but no matter how hard he tried they began to escape, streaming down his face, "I don't want to be here anymore Nono." He said.

"Alright, let's go." Jeno said letting him go and grabbing his hand, leading him out of the hallway as he wiped away his tears.

Renjun heard footsteps and immediately pushed Joonlim away from him, "What the hell Joonlim?! Why would you do that!" He shouted at the male in front of him.

Joonlim smirked and licked his lips, "Cherry chapstick. Pretty tasty, don't you think?" He said completely ignoring the glares the shorter male sent his way.

"Don't just skip over my fucking question like that asshole," Renjun spat. "Why the hell would you kiss me."

"If I can't have you then no one can." He answered while walking towards him.

Renjun began to back away the closer he got to him. "Stay the hell away from me."

Joonlim stopped walking after realizing he had Renjun trapped between him and the door, he put his hands on either side of his head and began leaning in until he was close enough to his ear.

"Your mine Huang Renjun and you'll always be," He said. "And by the looks of it, you won't have anyone else to turn to expect me. Everyone you've ever been friends with will just throw you away like your trash and you'll be all by yourself. No more Donghyuck, no more Jeno and Jaemin. No one."

Renjun lowered his head at his words, "Just leave me alone." He said as he pushed Joonlim away from him.

"That's all you'll ever be. Lonely with no friends to talk to. Just a loner with anger issues." Joonlim said and began laughing.

Tears formed at the edge of Renjun's eyes as his words played on repeat in his head, 'I have no one left do I? Why can't I be better.' He thought. He quickly wiped the tears away as they fell.

"I don't care. I'm moving to the states anyway," Renjun said turning around, "So leave me the fuck alone. You've caused enough trouble as it is." He then left out of the classroom leaving Joonlim to stand there in shock.

'He's moving the states?' He asked himself, 'Fuck this wasn't how it was supposed to go.' He quickly left out the classroom to go and find Jihye.

Meanwhile Jeno and Jaemin walked towards the lockers with frowns on their faces as the scene they seen replayed in their minds on repeat. Once they reached the lockers they saw their friends.

"Oh hey guys." Mark said after noticing them.

They both waved, not uttering a single word which made the others confused.

"Are you okay hyungs?" Jisung asked.

Jaemin forced a smile onto his face as he looked at him, "We're fine Jisungie, just.. a bit out of it." He answered him. Jisung didn't quite believe what he said but decided to just nod.

"We're gonna go to class, see you guys later." Jeno said then pulled Jaemin along to their class before the others could get a single word out.

The four boys looked at each other with confused expressions, "That was weird.." Chenle said.

"You can say that again. We have like 5 more minutes before class starts." Mark said agreeing with him.

Donghyuck bit his bottom lip as he looked between the three boys around him, "Fuck I should've told you guys sooner." He said catching their attention.

"What are you talking about hyung?" Jisung asked.

"Well that day when me and Hajun left out of the cafeteria to go talk, he told me about how Joonlim and Jihye were planning to break Renjun and the synchronization twins up. I didn't bother telling you guys because for one, I didn't think their plan would get this far and two, I thought Ren was smart enough to not believe them about things like this but it seems like I was totally wrong and now it's my fault that this happened. I should've just told Renjun from the beginning. Fuck." He blurted out. The three stared at him in shock.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner hyung?" Chenle shrieked earning a few glances from the people around them.

"Don't be so loud Lele." Jisung whispered-yelled to the older.

Chenle showed the younger an apologetic smile before turning his attention back to Donghyuck.

"No seriously sunshine why didn't you tell us sooner." Mark said.

"Because I never thought their stupid plan would be able to get this far but I was clearly wrong and now not only is Renjun sad but so is Jeno and Jaemin. And who knows they might end up breaking up with him and it's all going to be my fault." He quickly said.

Mark put his hands on Donghyuck's shoulders making him look over at him, "Don't blame yourself for this sunshine. It's Joonlim and Jihye's fault that all this has happened." He told him and Donghyuck nodded.

"We need to tell Jeno hyung and Jaemin hyung about this before they decide to break up with Renjun hyung." Jisung said.

"Ji is right, we need to tell them." Chenle said.

"I would love to but we need to go to class before we're late." Donghyuck said.

"Fuck! Five minutes are almost over already." Mark said.

"Time flies by so fast when important things need to be done." Jisung said rolling his eyes.

"We need to go but we'll see you later at lunch hyungs." Chenle said grabbing Jisung's wrist and dragging him away towards their class.

Donghyuck sighed before grabbing Mark's hand and walking away to their class before they were late.

It was now lunch time and neither Mark or Donghyuck had gotten the chance to try and speak with Jeno and Jaemin. They were starting to get worried.

They left out of the classroom and waited for the two to come out, along with Renjun who had-surprisingly-showed up to class. Just as they came out of the classroom they seen Jeno stop Renjun before hearing him ask him if he and Jaemin could speak with him.

Renjun reluctantly nodded at the younger's question which made Donghyuck and Mark stare at them anxiously.

"Uhh actually Jeno and Jaemin, we need to speak with you guys." Mark said.

"Not right now hyung, we need to talk with Renjun." Jeno said.

"But-" Mark was cut off by Jaemin.

"We'll be quick hyung." He said then left down the hallway with Jeno and Renjun following behind him.

"Fuck." Donghyuck cursed.

Mark sighed and grabbed Donghyuck's hand then began walking towards the cafeteria.

"Mark what are you doing? We need to tell them." He said.

"There's nothing we can do to stop them from talking sunshine, so we'll just have to tell them after they get back." Mark said. making Donghyuck frown at his words.

'I'm sorry Ren.' He mentally apologized.

Renjun anxiously walked behind the two as they turned a corner. He had a feeling about why they wanted to talk with him but he hoped it wasn't what he thought it would be.

He suddenly ran into Jeno's back from not paying attention, since he was stuck in his thoughts. He backed up a bit as they both turned around to face him, only making his anxiety rise after he seen the serious expressions on their faces. It was silent, neither of them wanting to talk first.

"So what did you two want to talk to me about?" Renjun asked as he stared down at the floor.

"Renjun.." Jeno started, making Renjun's heartbeat quicken its pace. "I think it's best if we break up."

Renjun snapped his head up as he stared at the two with wide eyes, "W-what do you mean?" He said.

Jaemin sighed, "Listen Renjun, we love you, we really do but for the time being.. I think it's best if we go our separate ways." He said. The sadness evident in his voice.

Renjun felt his heart break. He couldn't believe the words he was hearing. They wanted to break up with him, "W-what, a-are you guys s-serious?" He asked, tears swelling up in his eyes. They both looked away from him as they slowly nodded.

He bit down on his bottom lip, tightly closing his eyes shut, 'This has to be a nightmare. Wake up! Just wake up already!' He mentally screamed at himself, feeling his tears falling out of his eyes.

He forced a smile onto his face as he looked at them, "I-if that's what you both think is the best then.. alright," His voice breaking. "I wish you both nothing but happiness." He said as more tears began to fall uncontrollably.

Jaemin and Jeno felt their hearts break as they watched him attempt to wipe away the tears that had no intentions of stopping any time soon.

Renjun sniffled, "E-excuse me, b-but I have to go n-now." He hurriedly said before quickly walking around the two and headed towards the library.

Jaemin closed his eyes as he felt his tears finally fall after hearing Renjun's quiet sobs slowly fade away. He opened his eyes and turned to look at Jeno, seeing him wiping away his tears.

"Nono, do you think we made the right choice?" He quietly asked.

Jeno sniffled then turned to him, "I don't know Nana." He answered.

"It hurts seeing him cry, especially knowing that it's because of us." Jaemin said.

"Yea it does.." Jeno quietly said.

Jaemin wiped away his tears then intertwined his hand with Jeno's, "Let's go to the others ok." He said softly with a smile. Jeno nodded since he didn't want to speak, afraid he'd break into a sobbing fit if he said anything else.

They began to walk to the cafeteria in silence, not in the right mood to say anything. After a few minutes of walking they finally made it to the cafeteria, they went inside seeing their friends at a table then went over to them and sat down. Everyone at the table stopped what they were doing and looked over at the two boys who had evident frowns on their faces.

"Hyungs... are you okay?" Chenle hesitantly asked. They both nodded, not saying a word.

Donghyuck stared at the two, "Don't tell me you guys did it.." He said, hoping whatever he thought happened, didn't actually happen.

"Yea we did.." Jaemin said then placed his head down onto the table.

Donghyuck frowned, "Where he is?" He asked getting up from the table.

"We don't know, he just went around us and left." Jeno replied.

Donghyuck sighed, "I probably know where he is then." As he was about to walk away Jisung stood up.

"I'll come with you hyung." He said and Donghyuck nodded. They both walked away from the table, leaving out of the cafeteria to go find Renjun.

Chenle looked over at Mark confused, "Hyung what's going on?" He asked.

"By the looks on their faces, they just broke up with Renjun." He told the younger. Chenle turned to face the two boys with wide eyes.

"Is that really true hyungs? Did you both really break up with him?" He asked. Jaemin  and Jeno slowly but surely nodded their heads to confirm that what Mark said was true.

"Why?" Chenle asked.

"We thought it was for the best but now... we don't know anymore." Jeno said sadly. Mark and Chenle shared worried glances before looking at the two.

"What made you two want to break up with him?" Mark asked.

Jaemin lifted his head and they could see his teary eyes. "We saw him and Joonlim kissing earlier."

"Wait seriously?" Chenle asked and Jaemin nodded.

"Do you guys have any idea why Renjun would stop talking to you guys in the first place?" The two only shook their heads at Mark's question.

"If anything, I'd say it's that bitch Jihye's fault and of course that douche Joonlim." Chenle said.

Despite being sad Jaemin reached over and pinched Chenle on his arm, making him wince in pain and hold his arm, "Watch your mouth, your also a fetus." He said.

"Wow hyung, even while being sad you still pinch me for calling her what she is. And that hurts." Chenle whined as he rubbed his arm.

Mark sighed, "I just hope Donghyuck and Jisung are able to talk to him. Maybe then all of this could be fixed." He said and Chenle agreed.

Donghyuck and Jisung had finally made it to the library, frantically looking around trying to spot the older male. They walked towards the back of the library, and their eyes immediately lit up at the sight of seeing Renjun but soon a frown spread across their features as they seen him quietly crying.

They quietly went over to him and carefully sat down at the table, as they tried not to startle him by making any sudden noises or movements.

"Hey Ren." Donghyuck quietly said.

Renjun sniffled and looked over at him, seeing Jisung as well. "Hey.."

"Hyung are you okay?" Jisung asked softly. Renjun shook his head and broke down into another fit of sobs.

Both boys wasted no time and went to his side to comfort him. Donghyuck brung him into a hug as Jisung rubbed comforting circles on his back. They sat like this in silence as they waited for the older's sobs to calm down, which they did. Soon only soft sniffles could be heard coming from him.

"You ready to talk now?" Donghyuck asked. Renjun nodded as he slowly pulled away from him.

"What happened hyung?" Jisung asked, stopping his hand movements.

Renjun took a deep breath before responding. "They b-broke up with me."

"Do you know why they did it?" Donghyuck asked.

Renjun shook his head, "T-they never told me, they only s-said it was best if we went our separate ways." He explained.

Donghyuck sighed. "Ren, why did you stop talking to us?"

Renjun stayed quiet before finally speaking.,"I'm going with my mom to the states." He bluntly said. Jisung and Donghyuck stared at him shock.

"Hyung why would you do that. I thought you wanted to stay here with your dad." Jisung said.

"I can't do that anymore. The two people I love the most just broke up with me and.. it's all my fault." Renjun said breaking down once again.

"Ren it isn't your fault." Donghyuck said as he hugged him.

"Yes it is. I let Joonlim get to my head, like Jihye. I hate the fact that I believed them so quickly without even trying to talk to Jeno and Jaemin about it." He sobbed.

"It isn't your fault hyung, they're the ones who's at fault. They don't know how to take a fucking hint that they had no chance with either of you guys in the first place," Jisung said. Donghyuck reached over and pinched the younger on his arm. "Ow! Hyung what the heck?!"

"Why are you cursing, your literally a baby." Donghyuck said glaring at him.

Jisung glared back at him, "Hyung I'm not a baby, we've been over this. I'm literally old enough to curse." He said.

"Like I said. A baby." Donghyuck said ignoring him causing Jisung to groan in annoyance.

"Your lucky Renjun hyung is sad right now or I would've hit you back." Jisung said. Donghyuck only rolled his eyes.

Renjun stifled a laugh as he pulled away from Donghyuck, "You're like 3 years old, why are you using profanity." He said.

Jisung huffed, "Aw come on, you too hyung. I'm not 3 years old." He whined pouting.

"But the pout on your face says otherwise." Renjun said pinching his cheek. Jisung mumbled under his breath as he let the older pinch his cheek.

Donghyuck smiled as he seen the smile on Renjun's face, but it changed into a frown. "Ren, why did you ignore me?"

Renjun stopped pinching Jisung's cheek and turned to face him, "When I saw you hanging out with Hajun I thought you had forgotten about me and so I started thinking that you were going to replace me with him." He told him.

The frown on Donghyuck's face deepened as he heard his words, "I would never replace you Ren. Your my best friend, and you'll always be my best friend. No one could ever take that away from you." He said.

"I know but... I couldn't help but to think about it." Renjun said looking down at his hands that were placed on top of the table.

Donghyuck sighed and brought him into a side hug, "Don't think like that, you'll never get replaced." He said, Renjun smiled as he looked over at him and nodded.

"So does this mean your not leaving to the states?" Jisung asked.

"No, I'm still going." He said causing both Jisung and Donghyuck to frown.

"Fine, if that's what you want then alright. But I promise you this, I'll always look out for you even when your gone. I'm nothing but a phone call away. I'll be here whenever you need me." Donghyuck said.

"Me two hyung. Just call us if you need anything and we'll help you." Jisung said.

Renjun smiled and nodded, "Thanks guys." He said bringing them into a hug.

"Your always welcome Ren."

"Your welcome hyung."

They broke away from the hug and Donghyuck rested his head onto Renjun's shoulder, Jisung doing the same. "We're going to miss you."

"I know and I'll miss you guys too." Renjun said as he rested his head onto Donghyuck's.


Will Renjun really leave? I guess you won't know until next chapter :). Also double update.

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