TDI Gwen X Male Reader

By RealMemey

122K 1.8K 1.1K

(Please Note This Is My First Ever Story. So If The Quality Isn't That Good, Sorry!) [You will be replacing... More

[Chapter One] Beginnings
[Chapter Two] Great Heights, Greater Falls
[Chapter Three] A Snooze Fest
[Chapter Four] Unsportly Sportsmanship
[Chapter Five] Total Drama's Got Talent!
[Chapter Six] Summer Time Camping
[Chapter Seven] Challenging Fears
[Chapter Eight] Up Creek Without A Paddle
[Chapter Nine] Campers Unknown Hunting Grounds
[Chapter Eleven] Trust Issues
[Chapter Twelve] Boot-Camp
[Chapter Thirteen] Haiku Conflicts
[Chapter Fourteen] Gender Wars
[Chapter Fifteen] Wheel Of Misfortune
[Chapter Sixteen] Homewrecker Ahoy!
[Chapter Seventeen] Hide And Go Seek
[Chapter Eighteen] Moto-X Star
[Chapter Nineteen] Thursday The 12th
[Chapter Twenty] A Wild Duck Chase
[Chapter Twenty One] Uncomfortable Bonds
[Chapter Twenty Two] Daily Life, Daily Strife
[Chapter Twenty Three] Castaway Campers
[Chapter Twenty Four] Forest Frolicke
[Chapter Twenty Five] Done By A Dare
[Chapter Twenty Six] The Last Chapter, Really!
[Epilogue] Campers Clash, and a lot of Cash!
[Bonus Chapter] Totally Incorrect Quotes
[Bonus Chapter] House Flipping Freakshow!

[Chapter Ten] Kitchen Drama Nightmares

3.8K 66 33
By RealMemey

Chris: "Last time on Total Drama Island! It was hunting season for our campers, only, they weren't hunting the wildlife- they hunted each other! With paintball guns!"

[Flashes back to all of the times someone's been shot with a paintball.]

Chris: "Unfortunately, even when they were divided into hunters and hunted, they still couldn't resist shooting the crap out of each other!"

[Flashes back to 'the fight'.]

Chris: "Will Heather's alliance last till the end? Do (Y/N) and Gwen have a plan to take out said alliance? And will Cody get the medical treatment he needed after what happened to him? Find out more on- Total! Drama! Island!!"


[It's yet another day on Total Drama Island, everyone peacefully asleep in their cabins. Inside of the Killer Bass's guy's side of the cabin Geoff asleep with his hat over his face, Harold asleep and- scratching his rear, and DJ talking in his sleep. Duncan is the first to awake, he lays up and jumps out of bed and starts doing push ups, that's until he catches a whiff of something foul and looks down. He sees a pair of underwear with a visible brown stain on them.]

Duncan: "Auugh!" [He recoils back as the other guys all laugh, awake to see him recoil.]

Duncan: "Not cool Harold man, not cool!"

Harold: "Those aren't mine."

Duncan: "Yeah right, you're always leaving your gifts lying around!" 

Harold: "No I'm not, gosh!"

Geoff: "Uhh, yeah you are dude."

Harold: "You have like, absolutely no proof!"

Geoff: "No one else wears that kind dude." 

DJ: "And your mom sewed your name onto the label." 

Harold: "Whatever!" [He says visibly annoyed as he crosses his arms.]

[He grabs his towel and storms out.]

Harold: "I'm going for a shower!"

Duncan: "Hey, don't forget to clean the skid maker!" [He calls out to Harold.]

Duncan: "I think Harold needs to be taught a lesson boys, who's with me?"

[He looks to DJ and Geoff, all with mischievous looks on their faces as they all high five.]


[You're all gathered near the river for Chris to make his announcement.]

Chris: "Today's challenge will test your minds, your teamwork, and your skills in the kitchen. You'll be cooking a three-course meal and serving it to me for tasting. The winners get a reward, the losers will send somebody home!" [He points over to the dock.]

Chris: "Each team will appoint a headchef to create the theme of the meal and to oversee the cooking. To cook, you need ingredients, every morning a truck brings us food, today's task starts there!" [A delivery truck literally reverses out of the river, a dolphin looks out of the drivers window and makes dolphin noises as you're just standing there dumb founded.]

[Geoff and DJ open the back of the truck, reveling plethora of all kinds of different foods, ranging from ham, to ribs, to eggs, and even fruits.]

Geoff: "We could do a killer Italian theme!"

Duncan: "Hello headchef!"

Geoff: "Seriously!" [Duncan nods.] "Then lets get grabbin!" [They walk into the truck to start getting their ingredients as your team walks up.]

Heather: "Headchef called it!"

(Y/N): "That isn't how that works nit wit."

Heather: "Aww? What's wrong? Mad you can't be headchef? I bet you can't even make toast!"

Gwen: "(Y/N) could be a better chef than you any day of the week!"

(Y/N): "I appreciate the compliment but-"

Leshawna: "All in favor of (Y/N) being headchef, raise your hand!" 

Owen: "As long as there's food I'm happy!"

[Gwen, Owen, Leshawna, and even Beth all raise their hand as Heather angrily stares at you all, especially Beth, officially making you head chef.]

(Y/N): "Guys- I don't know how to cook!" [You say nervously.]

Heather: "Aha! Told you that dork didn't know how to cook. So how about you all just hand that role over to m-"

Leshawna: "That's why Gwen should be Vice-Headchef! All we need is a little bit of lovin in that kitchen and we'll be cookin tonight!" [She says energetically as Gwen wraps her arm around yours.]

[Heather looks like she's about to pop a blood vessel.]

Heather: "Okay, what should we cook, 'headchefs'." [She says with obvious hatred in her voice as Lindsay just steps back.]

Leshawna: "Don't worry hon, just ignore her." [She says to you.]

(Y/N): "Uhh-" [You're trying to think of something to make as Gwen notices your breakdown.]

Gwen: "I have an idea!" [She writes some things down onto her drawing notebook, rips off the page, and hands it to you.]

[You all walk over to the truck and you list off who's all getting what.]

(Y/N): "Uh okay, so- Leshawna, mangoes. Beth, pineapples. Lindsay, macadamias. Heather, molasses, and Gwennie, tomatoes."

[Everyone, but Heather]: "Yes Chef!" [They all yell to you energetically as they go in to get the ingredients.]


[You see the Killer Bass already in the kitchen as your team walks in, Gwen listing off who's all doing what.]

Gwen: "Heather, Lindsay, you're on the Citrus Macadamia!" 

[Heather and Lindsay put down their stuff as Lindsay asks.]

Lindsay: "Know how to make a Citrus Maca-thingy?"

(Y/N): "Gwen, where did you learn how to make this stuff?" [You ask her.]

Gwen: "Oh, I used to cook with my mom all of the time when I was younger. But mostly from me watching stuff like Heaven's Kitchen and Kitchen Dreams by Rordon Gamsay.." [She whispers that last part to you as you nod.]

[Owen comes barging in, bumping into you and dropping all of the oranges he was carrying. He then slips on the oranges and falls straight on them.]

Owen: "Ohh, sorry you two.." [He says with regret.]

(Y/N): "It's fine man, accidents happen." [You say with a reassuring smile and help Owen up.]

Owen: "Thanks man. I'll go out and get more!" [He rushes out.]

[Gwen comes up and kisses you on the cheek as you blush.]

Gwen: "Okay, (Y/N) and Owen, will do ribs." 

(Y/N): "I'll do my best babe!" [You say saluting as Gwen giggles.]

*Confessional Booth*

Gwen: "The more I'm with him, the more I absolutely love him! His dorkyness and wits, and his cute face in one big loveable package is just- uggh!~" [She covers her face which is beet red as she fawns over you.]


Gwen: "I- know you will.." [She tells you beet red.]

Gwen: "A-and lastly Leshawna and Beth will be on pineapple skewers and mango dip."

Leshawna: "Girl- let me handle the appetizers I know how to make a pineapple chutney that would melt the socks off the devil!"

Gwen: "Sure! Alright Leshawna you can do the appetizers and I can help Beth, let's get cooking everyone!" 

[Everyone, but Heather]: "Yes Vice-Chef!"

*Scene Change*

[Owen is running, carrying a crate of oranges with him. He runs into a tree and looks up in fear to see a bees nest above him, they start attacking him as he gets up and runs away, the bees chasing after him.]

*Scene Change*

[Gwen's helping you put the finishing BBQ sauce on the ribs as you two look up and smile at each other. Though you hear the door burst open and see Owen, carrying a crate of oranges.]

Owen: "It's okay everyone! I'm back haha!" 

Owen: "(Y/N) heads up!" [He throws the crate at you, though you're unprepared as it full on smacks you in the face, causing you to drop the saucepan and fall on the floor as Gwen looks in shock.]

Gwen: "(Y/N)!!!" [She screams your name as she bends down to check on you.]

Owen: "Heheh.... oops.." [He says.]

*Confessional Booth*

Heather: "Things are going perfectly! Except for Owens hornet stings and (Y/N)'s concussion, which means he's out of today's challenge, but still this challenge is totally ours!"


[Gwen's practically having a meltdown as she's on the floor making sure you're even still alive.]

*Gwen's POV*

Gwen: "(Y/N)! Are you okay!?" [I say as everyone else comes to see what's happened.]

Heather: "Nice going moron, we just lost our headchef!"

Owen: "It was an accident, I swear!"

Beth: "I hope he's still alive.."

Leshawna: "How about we just lay him over on the wall, and when he wakes up he can come join us again."

[I wrapped my arms around his waist.]

Gwen: "Then I'm stepping down as Vice-chef, I want to be with him when he wakes up.."

Leshawna: "I understand girl, then we'll just have to find someo-"

Heather: "Then looks like I'm headchef now!" [She says proudly.]

Leshawna: "Nuh-uh, I-"

Heather: "Everyone, back to your stations!" [She cuts Leshawna off as everyone groans and goes back to what they were doing.]

Heather: "That means you too Gwen! Unless you want to be kicked off of course." [She says in a condescending tone as I stand up, eyes red, and go back to helping Beth. Beth just pats me on the back and gives a reassuring smile as I just stare at her.]


Heather: "These slices are totally uneven! Gwen, switch places with Leshawna." 

Gwen: "What are you talking about? They look fine to me." 

Heather: "Um, you aren't headchef anymore, meaning you have to listen to me!"

Leshawna: "Uh, no!" [She gets into Heathers face.]

Leshawna: "You appointed yourself cause you stole it off of Gwen when she was worrying over (Y/N)!"

Heather: "Pssh, not my fault. He was being useless anywa-"

[Heather didn't even get to finish that sentence as it's now Gwen's turn to get in Heathers face.]

Gwen: "Call my boyfriend useless. I DARE you!" [She says with a fire in her eyes as Leshawna even backs away slowly.]

Heather: "Well, he is!" [She says. The room goes silent.] "He's done nothing but be a hazard for us! Like causing a bear to chase us up a tree, getting hit by paintballs multiple times when he was the target last challenge, losing us the bonus points, and what's saying he won't continue to be useless later on!?" [She says in Gwen's face.] "Now, go back to work so we can win a challenge for once!"

[Everyone his absolutely shocked, even the other team who was listening in. The room is deathly silent. Gwen sets down the knife she was holding and storms outside. Slamming the door behind her.]

Heather: "Whatever, everyone back to work!"

*Gwen's POV*

[I make my way back to the stump I drew on before, I sit down and take out my sketchbook, I flip it open to a stylized image of me- and (Y/N). It's of us just smiling and holding each other close, just having a good time. This is before we hooked up, and I smile, knowing how accurate the drawing is to how things are between us. I flip it to another page, this one a day after we started dating. This ones of us sitting on a bench by a lake, watching fireworks go off as I'm laying on his shoulder. I look at a few more drawings, but quickly close it and put it away when I hear someone coming, I look up and see Owen, he has a sad look on his face.]

Owen: "Hey Gwen, I'm really, really sorry for knocking out your boyfriend.."

Gwen: "It's fine, I know it was just an accident, but, please be more careful and aware to what's going on next time, okay?" [I look at him with an understanding look.]

Owen: "No worries, no more clumsy Owen from here on out!" [He says saluting.]

Gwen: "So- what brings you out here?"

Owen: "To apologize, also to get away from Heather since she's being mean, even making Leshawna mad." [He laughs nervously as he scratches the back of his head.]

Gwen: "Man I hate Heather so much."

Owen: "Yeah, we all saw how you stormed out after she insulted (Y/N). That was really uncool of her."

[Owen looks and notices the sketchbook.]

Owen: "What'cha got there?" [He says pointing at the book.]

[I look and see that he's referring to the book as I quickly hide it.]

Gwen: "N-nothing- just a few doodles and such.."

Owen: "Ooh! Can I see?"

Gwen: "N-no!" [I burst out accidentally.] "I mean, they're just a few stick figures and stuff."

[Owen just shrugs his shoulders.]

Owen: "Whatever you say man! I'm gonna head back to the kitchen, see ya!"

Gwen: "Know what, I'll just go back with you."

[Owen turns around, confused.]

Owen: "You sure? Heather will-"

Gwen: "I don't care about Heather, she's nothing but a snake!" [I say angrily.] "Lets go." [I say as I walk past Owen.]

*Mini Timeskip*

[Owen and I walk back into the kitchen and see Heather and Lindsay talking.]

Heather: "What's wrong?"

Lindsay: "Uh- we used all the flambé start, but it won't flambé!" 

Heather: "Nothing happened when you lit it?" 

Lindsay: "Oh.."

[I hold back wanting to face palm as I walk back over to the pineapples, where Leshawna was filling in for me when I was gone, though, it looks like she has a few rashes on her.]

Leshawna: "Oh, what's up Gwen. Here, I was filling in for you while you were gone, hope you don't mind."

Gwen: "Not at all." [I say as I resume where Leshawna left off.]

Heather: "Hey Gwen, come here for a second, you too Lindsay!"

[I just walk over to see what Heather wants, not making any remarks.]

Heather: "Pay attention girls this is how you flambé. Step one, pour the flambé liquid- which you did manage!" [Lindsay nods as I cross my arms, annoyed.]

Heather: "Step two of two, light it!"

[Heather lights a lighter and holds it to the flambé, suddenly it erupts into a fireball and burns it to ash, some of the explosion hitting Heather right in the face as she stands there, a dumbfounded look on her face.]

[I try to hold back laughing but let a little bit out as Heather holds up a pan to use it as a mirror.]

Heather: "Aaaaah! My eyebrows! Owen!

[Owen walks up to her excited.]

Owen: "Is it finally lunch time!?"

Heather: "No! Go get my makeup bag from the cabin!" 

Owen: "But- the bees..?" [He says, now nervous.]

Heather: "Now!" [She points the pan out the door as he walks out. Leshawna then taps Heather on the shoulder.]

Leshawna: "Excuse me, I need a bathroom break!"

Heather: "Well evidently- I need new eyebrows, but we don't always get what we want, do we!?" [She says, getting up in Leshawna's face.]

Heather: "Ugh!" [She rests her head on the table.] "It's like I'm on a team of morons!"

*Scene Change*

[Owen is sneakily trying to make his way to the cabins, the large bees nest hanging on one of the roofs. He gets up against the wall of the cabin, evidently where the nest was, and tries to slide across, but ends up knocking over a few stray glass bottles. He looks up to see if the bees have noticed, luckily they haven't. but he doesn't notice where he's going and ends up stepping on a rake. The spikes going straight into his foot as he screams in pain and falls on the ground, the force of which causing the nest to fall down and straight onto him.]

Owen: "Oh come on!" [He shouts in annoyance.]


[Owen comes barging back in with the bag, his covered entirely in stings to the point where he's blown up like a balloon.]

Heather: "Don't just stand there, give it!"

[Owen tries saying something, but no one can make out what he's saying as he falls on the floor. Dropping the bag and sending it flying. Heather tries to grab it, but Gwen shoves her out of the way, catching it.]

Leshawna: "In the fridge!"

Gwen: "You want it?"

Heather: "Yes, please!"

Gwen: "Go get it!"

[Gwen hurls the bag into the fridge, where Heather runs in to go get it, but Gwen shuts the fridge door, trapping Heather inside.]

Heather: "Hey! You can't do this! I'm headchef!"

Leshawna: "Uh, not anymore! Gwen, welcome back as headchef!"

[Everyone cheers as Heather pounds on the door wanting to be let out, causing dents to go in the metal.]


[It's now time to present the food, the Killer Bass have a candelabra as a decoration, but Beth places down a weird looking statue on the table.]

Beth: "Your meal is coming right up sir!" [She tells Chris.]

[Geoff lights the candles with a match.]

Geoff: "Back in a sec with your meal dude- I mean sir!"

[Everyone is gathered around the food as Leshawna and Owen smell it.]

Leshawna: "Hehe! We might just win this thing! Good job on the recipe Gwen!"

Beth: "Yeah! It looks so good!"

Owen: "And tasty!"

[Gwen awkwardly laughs.]

Gwen: "Thanks guys."

[That's when they all hear a groaning noise, they look over and see you getting up off the floor.]

(Y/N): "Ow.. what did I mi-"

[You're not even able to finish the sentence as Gwen tackles you to the ground, hugging you tight and kissing you all over your face, even leaving a few lipstick marks.]

Gwen: "You're awake!!"

(Y/N): "Of course I am." [You chuckle as you hug and kiss her back. She gets off of you and help you up as you look at the table, seeing the 5 star looking food that was made.]

(Y/N): "Wow! You made that in the time I was out! Great job babe!" [You hug and smooch Gwen on the lips.]

Leshawna: "At least you know when you two get married, dinner will always be good!" 

[You and Gwen blush just thinking about marriage, not that either of you are opposed to it of course.]

Gwen: "A-anyway, Owen, you look after the food and we'll bring it out when need be. Let's do this!" [You all walk out into the dining area.]

*Mini Timekip*

Owen: "Okay looking good you guys, really good.." [He leans his ear in.] "Oh? What's that Mr. Ribs? You feel a bit lopsided?" [He takes out a piece and looks around, then eats it.] "Oh mama that's good! Oh now this side looks a little fat!" [He says looking at the other side of the ribs.]

[Chris is eating one of the dishes that the Killer Bass made, he swallows it and smiles.]

Chris: "Your antipasto past the test-o, pass the pasta please!" 

[They slide a plate of spaghetti, causing the other plate to fall off the table and shatter. Chris sticks his fork in, getting a good bit and eats it. He gives it a chef's kiss and turns to face DJ and Bridgette.]

Chris: "On a scale of one to ten, fifteen! How will the Gophers respond?" 

[You all wait proudly for Owen to bring out the food, but for some reason he's taking a while. Leshawna goes in to check, and gasps. There are BBQ sauce stains all over the walls and utensils as the ribs is nothing but bone. She looks down and sees Owen tweaking out under the table. You hear her shout from inside.]

Leshawna: "Tell me you did not just eat that entire, plate, of ribs!!"

[She shoves Owen out the swinging doors where he's carrying the trey of what used to be ribs.]

(Y/N): "Oh no..." [You say worriedly, realizing that this can cost you yet another round if everything else doesn't go well.]

[Owen brings the trey of bones up to Chris. Setting it down on the table as Chris just stares at it.]

Chris: "Yeah, this looks like it's- uh- been eaten." 

Owen: "Not all of it, I think there's a tiny chunk left on that, bone over there." [He points at a small piece of meat still on the bone as Chris grabs it.]

[He goes for a small bite, but its tough as he struggles to rip it out of his mouth but still eating it.]

Chris: "You know what, I've had worse, two points!" [Owen cheers but Chris quickly shuts him down.]

Chris: "Close Owen, but the Bass still lead 15-11 Time for dessert!"

*Mini Timeskip*

[Chris is eating the Bass's desert, but he seems unsure about it.]

Chris: "Ehhhh, six, the Bass have 21 so the Gophers need all 10 points just to tie it up!"

[He looks down at the flambé and smiles.]

Chris: "I have to, say this dessert looks like a winner!"

[Gwen looks excited as you wrap an arm around her, holding her close while smiling. That is until he goes to eat it, the moment the fork hits the flambé, it turns into smoke and ash. The smile on your and Gwen's faces immediately disappearing, being replaced by fear.]

Leshawna: "Oohhh, that's not good.."

[Chris goes to take a bite of the ash, but immediately starts to choke on it you run up behind Chris and give him the Heimlich maneuver, luckily he spits it back out onto the table.]

Beth: "Ewwww."

Chris: "What the heck is this!?"

Lindsay: "It's Gwen's recipe!

Gwen: "Yeah, but Heather burnt it!"

[Lindsay gasps.]

Lindsay: "Oh my gosh- she's still in the fridge!" [She bolts into the kitchen as Chris looks over to your team.]

Leshawna: "What? Girl was making everyone trip."

Chris: "Oh, I hear that." [Suddenly he recoils back in shock as Owen gasps.]

Owen: "Oh the horror!"

[Heather is there, but instead of her usual white skin, she's light blue, and where her eyebrows should be are just hastily drawn zig-zags.]

(Y/N): "What the heck happened when I was out!?" [You whisper to Gwen.]

Gwen: "I'll tell you later." [She whispers back.]

Heather: "Y-y-you guys a-are s-s-so dead! Is it over?" [She shakily says.]

Chris: "It is! The Bass win 21 to 12 and, it's not just because I almost died the ribs sucked too!" [He says annoyed.]

Heather: "Great! That's just great! Why do we keep losing people?!" [She storms over to the table and picks up Beth's weird tiki thing.]

Heather: "And what is this, I didn't approve this!"

(Y/N): "It wasn't your decision anyway." [You say under your breath.]

Beth: "I brought it back as a souvenir, you know, from the other island."

(Y/N): "You did what!?" [You say shocked.]

Chris: "You mean Boney Island!?" [He puts his hands on his head.] "The deadliest island in Muskoka. The one I specifically said not to take anything from or you'll be cursed?" [He says with his hands on his hips.]

Beth: "Yeah.. I didn't know, I'll put it back!" [She runs of.]

Chris: "Okay, the Killer Bass now lead with seven members to the Gophers soon to be six, and as promised the winners will be enjoying a reward tonight, a five-star dinner, under the stars!" [The Killer Bass celebrate, Duncan even holding Courtney as she yells at him to put her down.]


[You, Gwen, Leshawna, and Owen are back at the cabins sitting on the stairs as you hold an ice pack to your head.]

Leshawna: "I don't know about y'all, but Heather has got- to go! 

Owen: "Yeah! But Beth cursed us with that wooden tiki doll thingy."

Leshawna: "True."

Gwen: "Dear curse, please hit Heather next, and if possible, hit her upside the head."


[Your team is yet again gathered at the campfire, Heather staring daggers into Beth and Leshawna while you just sit there still holding the ice bag to your head. Finally, Chris walks up.]

Chris: "I've got seven Gophers sitting in front of me tonight, but only six fluffy bits of sweet safety in my hands, so good luck, when I call your name come up and get your marshmallow."

Chris: "Leshawna."

Chris: "(Y/N) and Gwen."

Chris: "Owen."

Chris: "Lindsay."

Chris: "Heather, Beth, down to you, whoever doesn't get this last marshmallow must immediately walk the dock of shame and leave on the boat of losers, forever!"

Chris: "Final marshmallow goes to-" [He pauses, adding suspense.]

Chris: "Heather." 

Heather: "You heard him boat of losers, that away, that really was stupid of you to take that doll from the island." [She says with a cocky look on her face.]

Leshawna: "See ya girl.." [She says sadly.]

Chris: "That's it for tonight, and you might want to burn some stage to get rid of any lingering curse vibes.

Leshawna: "Cool! Will Chef give us some sage?"

Chris: "Nope! So good luck with that."


[You and Gwen are laying under the stars, luckily your headache went away as Gwen tells you all of what happened while you were out, after which you two lay in silence for a while.]

Gwen: "Hey, (Y/N).." [She asks nervously.]

(Y/N): "Yeah?"

Gwen: "W-well, is it fine if, I draw you?"

You look at her surprised.

(Y/N): "You never told me you were an artist!" [You say happily.] "Mind if I see some of your work?"

[Gwen nervously hands you her sketchbook as you flip through it, the art is really good, you get to the drawings of you and Gwen together as you can't help but smile.]

(Y/N): "Wow.. I hope we can do some of this stuff you drew after we get off this island." [You give her a kiss.]

(Y/N): "And sure, draw me like of of your cute fantasies~" [You tease her as her already red face goes redder as you kiss her on the forehead. You get into the pose she asks you as she sketches away.]

[To Be Continued...]

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