His angel her devil

By everlove2069

1M 17.8K 5.8K

Aria Stella: 18,very sweet shy girl, gets abused by her father, doesn't know why her life is as bad as it is... More

Chapter 1: So it begins
Chapter 2: Fuck off
Chapter 3: Extra shift
Chapter 4: What happened?
Chapter 5: Life goes on.
Chapter 6: oh no.
Chapter 7: Just friends?
Chapter 8: Hostage
Chapter 9: Do you want to leave?
Chapter 10: Can you just come outside?
Chapter 11: Hug
Chapter 12: Train Wreck
Chapter 13: Dont let me go.
Chapter 14: My rings?
Chapter 15:Hurt by you
Chapter 16: Internal battle
Chapter 17: Good morning.
Chapter 18: Ace
Chapter 19: Don't touch me.
Chapter 20: Alice
Chapter 21: Is this okay?
Chapter 22: Fucked up
Chapter 23: You got me fired
Chapter 24: Dont take her
Chapter 25: Not so fast
Chapter 27: Too late
Chapter 28: Hugs that can kill
Chapter 29: I will be the loudest one.
Chapter 30: I'm ready.
Chapter 31: Fine, im gone.
Chapter 32: I love you
Chapter 33: College
Chapter 34: I found it!
Chapter 35: Why?
Chapter 36: Well where did you put it?
Chapter 37: Let go
Chapter 38: Fluffy
Chapter 39: I made it!
Chapter 40: All grown up.
New book!!!

Chapter 26: Broken

16.6K 295 55
By everlove2069

Arias pov🦋

Damions phone rang pulling both of us out of our sleepy states. He looked at his phone for a second and his eyebrows pulled together in confusion.

He slowly answered the phone, his voice changed to his work one. "You the fuck is this." Damion said and a few seconds later I felt his grip on my tighten and his jaw clinching.

I was super confused but I tried to just let it go. I thought it was just a work think it was none of my business until Damion said a name.

"Ace. I swear to god you low life son of a bitch!" Damion yelled into the phone making me flinch. I held his hand for reassurance and he seemed to calm down a bit.

On the other side Ace I believe said something and it made Damions face turn into one of horror as he looked at my forehead. "No..." his voice trailed off.

Damion quickly pushed me off the bed and rolling his body on top of mine. And not even two seconds later hun shots started going off like crazy. Damion lifted his head up and looked me over.

"Get under the bed! Don't move okay? I will be right back. I'm sorry baby." He said lightly kissing me.

I was so confused so I just listened. My boyfriend is a mafia boss and told me to hide. Of course I'm hiding!

It was loud, shouts cries of pain and gunshots rang throughout the house. I was shaking in fear when I heard the bedroom door open.

"Coge a la chica y llévala a la mazmorra." I heard someone say in a deep Spanish accent. The voice sounded familiar but I didn't have time to think before I was snatched from under the bed.

I saw a boy who looked about my age grab me roughly with a sympathetic look on his face. I tried to hit him or punch him but he took his gun out making me stop immediately.

"Just walk and I won't have to knock you out. Okay?" He said pushing me to the door. I started walking slowly while thinking of a plan.

When we got down the stairs the shouts got louder and there was bullets flying everywhere. I was looking around when I saw Alfonso slitting a guy's throat. Then man fell limp.

"Alfonso!" I yelled without thinking. His head snapped towards me and when he saw the boy he pulled out his gun.

I have never seen Alfonso this serious and honestly it was scary. The boy knocked me out by hitting me with a gun. The last thing I heard was one voice that made me feel safe.

"Aria!" I heard Damion yell before I was dragged out of the house.

17 hours later 🦋

I woke up to a man grabbing me and throwing me in a room. I groaned as I tried to stand or to crawl. My body felt so weak I wanted to just go to sleep but I couldn't even trust that.

Once I got to a wall I took a break and just rested waiting for anything. It didn't last long as the rusted steel door was opened.

A familiar man walked in and looked at me with crazy eyes. "Well it's nice to finally see you again. Aria." I knew who he was now...Ace.

He started walking towards me and I pressed my body further into the wall. "Oh, it's okay I won't hurt you. I just want to see something." He spoke in a think Spanish accent. His hand lifted up causing me to flinch.

I felt a sweaty hand on my cheek and I almost vomited. I opened my eyes to see his face leaning closer to mine. Before he could kiss me I turned my head making his wet lips hit my cheek.

His eyes snapped open and there was only anger that lingered in his eyes. He grabbed my jaw making me look into his dark eyes.

"You will be mine. I don't care if I have to force you to submit to me!" He yelled as his hand lifted up and slapped me across the face.

"I told you I wouldn't hurt you. And I didn't! You did that to yourself." He said leaving the dark room. I wanted to go back to Damion.

I was bored. There was nothing to do except sit her in this cold ass room with nothing. Not even a blanket!

I must of been here for a couple hours just thinking. I should of kissed Damion again. I wish I would get the chance to see him again.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a door opening. In walked Ace the other boy who knocked me out with a tray of tools and a camera.

The boy had the same sympathetic look on his scrawny faces. He looked smaller than me with his small frame and light eyes. "Get her ready." Ace said walking out of the room.

"Aria, right?" The boy asked looking at me before turning to the tray. "Yeah." I barley whispered. He turned around with scissors.

"Okay look I'm really sorry señorita but I need you to take off your clothes. If you don't I will have to cut them." He looked uncomfortable but I really don't care. He is asking me to get undressed! Hell no!

I was about to protest when he cut me off. "Look if it makes you feel more 'comfortable' I will face the wall just please don't do anything stupid. I kinda wanna see my girlfriend tonight." When he finished he turned around facing the wall like he promised.

"You done?" He asked still looking at the wall. "Yeah." I was now undressed and extremely cold and tired.

He turned around with his eyes closed. He seems like a sweet kid. I feel bad for him that he has a boss like Ace. He peeled his eyes open but kept them on my face the whole time. I really liked that he didn't even try to peek it made me feel okay.

"Okay, because I feel bad and I don't like what Ace is doing I'm going to warn you. Ace plans on making a video of touching you and hitting you around a couple of times and sending it to Damion. I told him that touching you would not really fire up Damion because he doesn't care about that aspect. He agreed and said he would just smack you around a few times. Look I'm only telling you this because I felt bad but I'm not just some weak dude so don't fuck around. Got it?" He told me aces plan and I couldn't even keep the smile off my face.

I know he did me a favor and for that I am great full. I sent him a small smile and a nod as he left the room.

After a few minutes Ace walked back in with a camera in his hand. I still remember he wouldn't touch me but he was still going to hurt me.

I started shaking at the thought as he walked closer. "Aw, don't worry. It will all be over once he is dead I promise." He coped in my ear making me shiver in disgust.

"And action." He set up the camera and walked to me, grabbing me by the hair to a chair in the room. He roughly made me sit in the a chair and started tying me down.

"Look at how hot she is. Hm?" He said grabbing my jaw making me look right at the camera. He stepped back for a second and threw a punch at my face.

"Mm, once I get her all used up I will send you back a body part." He said as I spit out blood. He kicked me in the stomach making my stomach clench.

I felt broken, as he hit me and kicked me. He cut me a few times and I wanted to scream and cry but I just held them back and the most I showed was a whimper. I felt used, they were using me as bait to get to Damion.

I had so many cuts and bruises on my body once he was done I know I was probably unrecognizable. I felt disgusting when he would bend down in my ear to tell me how hot I looked.

Once he had finished he stopped recording and just left me tied in the chair as he left the room. I hope Damion gets here soon.

Maybe that's my issue. I relay on so many people and I never help myself. I never stick up against people I just take what others give me.

I'm just weak. I was never strong enough to fight back.

I thought of a few ways to get out of here as I slipped in and out of consciousness. I soon realized there was no use and soon lend my head forward.

Goodnight mama I love you, and goodnight Damion my devil.

I was almost asleep when the door creaked open, I heard a small sigh. "I'm sorry. Just know he is coming to get you soon." I heard the boy say as he untied me and picked me up.

He set me on the cold ground making my shiver. A few seconds later I felt a warm blanket cover me. "I need in back by morning so take what you can right now and we will see what tomorrow brings." He left the room after that leaving me wrapped in a warm blanket.

How can someone so sweet get caught up in all of this...I thought as I slipped back into dream land.

Damions pov🔪

Aria has been missing for over 24 hours and I was getting nervous. We know who did it but they are hella good at covering their tracks.

Alfonso was working all the time and I wasn't giving anyone any breaks. I want her found and I want her back.

It was around 7 am the next morning when I got a call from Alfonso.

Phone call in bold.

Me:This better be fucking good.

Alfonso: sì, capo. Come quick we just got a email and we are waiting for you to get here to open it.

Me: I'm on my way. Click.

I hung up and ran out of the room and into the hacking room.

When I got in there, Alfonso and Johnny both had glasses on looking at a email on the screen. When I walked in both of them lowered there heads in respect.

"Show me."

When the video started I saw Aria in the middle of the room naked. I quickly looked behind me to see all the men in the room looking at the wall. Good.

Ace grabbed Aria and sat her on a old rusty chair. I got nervous when she started tying her down. "Look how hot she is..." I heard that disgusting pig say as he punched her making her head whip to the side.

He continued to hit her and it made my blood boil. When he was done kicking her a few times he told me that he would send me back a body part of hers when he was done using her.

When I looked at the email again, I saw a message right under it in the littlest font. I snapped and Alfonso tan over to me.

"Zoom in there." I said pointing to the screen. He quickly zoomed in and I saw the message that almost made me sigh in relief.

Use this email to track her. She is okay for now but I can't promise anything.

I looked at Alfonso and he nodded in understanding while getting back to work. I stayed in the room in case we got anything.

4 hours later and I was getting more and more anger due to the slowness of the process. I want her back. In my arms and safe, but I know she will never be safe with me and that's what hurts the most.

Alfonso clapped which made my head shoot up. "We got an address, it's a worn out warehouse down on the east bay on 27th street." He was saying that as Johnny wrote it down.

"We leave today get ready." As I was walking out Alfonso stopped me. "Sir with all due respect. Our men are tired. We need rest or we might not pull it off. Just wait till like 10 tonight?" Alfonso said looking down in nervousness.

I thought about it as I looked around the room and everyone had bags under their eyes and I bet I did as well. I sighed "10. No later and wipe that fucking smile off you face." Alfonso had a small smile and it made me mad.

"Yes, sorry capo." Alfonso said while I walked out of the room. When I got to our room it felt empty. I didn't have her. I didn't get to kiss her even though she turned her face to the side.

16 hours my love, please wait just 16 hours. That was my last thought as I cuddle up to a pillow that smelled like her.

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed! Love you🖤🖤-love author. Word count: 2240

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