Twisted Wonderland Book 1: Th...

By PinkiePieSweets

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Briar and her friends are beginning their first day at Night Raven College, but Ace shows up unexpectedly wit... More

Chapter 1: The Desperate Heart
Chapter 2: A Misappropriated Tart
Chapter 3: Garden Decoration
Chapter 4: Student Multiplication
Chapter 5: A Class Escape
Chapter 6: A Carbonara Scrape
Chapter 7: A Traditional Lesson
Chapter 8: The Legendary Seven
Chapter 9: A Mealtime Chat
Chapter 10: A Garden Spat
Chapter 11: Secret in the Oysters
Chapter 12: Egg Destroyers
Chapter 14: Delicious Varieties
Chapter 15: An Army of One
Chapter 16: Hard Work Undone
Chapter 17: A Rule Slip
Chapter 18: A Surprise Tip
Chapter 19: Punishment Escalation
Chapter 20: Rookie Frustration
Chapter 21: A Duel Ill-Advised
Chapter 22: Soundly Chastised
Chapter 23: Magic Unchecked
Chapter 24: An Unhinged Prefect
Chapter 25: A Sad Little Child
Chapter 26: Feelings Reconciled
Chapter 27: Five Second Rule
Chapter 28: Finale for Heartslabyul

Chapter 13: Past Improprieties

70 4 1
By PinkiePieSweets

To Briar, Grim, and Sereia's shock, they see Deuce is going all out at those bullies, which is a shock for them. Deuce practically attacks them with his fists and a touch of his magic. In other words, Deuce is getting kind of out of control.

One of the bullies panics, "This guy's outta his mind!

The second student panics, "Bwah! L-let's get outta here!"

And with that, the two students make a run for it.

Deuce shouts in anger, "Next time you eat an egg, you better apologize a hundred times, you buncha chumps!"

"Deuce, try to calm down! Deep breaths!" Briar panics.

"Whoooooa..." Grim says, shocked and hides behind Briar.

Sereia does the same and says, "You're scary."

Deuce is panting as he takes deep breaths.

Then Deuce becomes shocked, "Urk!"

"What's wrong?" Grim asks.

"I did it again, didn't I...?" Deuce replies.

Then growls in frustration, "ARGH! I was dead-set on becoming an honor student this time, too!"

"Huh?" Grim says, confused.

Briar walks to Deuce and asks, "What do you mean, Deuce? What happened back there?"

Deuce soon begins to explain, " When I was in middle school, I was pretty wild. I cut school all the time and got in fights. I called my teachers names, hung out with bullies, bleached my hair... I blasted around tight curves on my Magic Wheel... I'd show off my magic to kids who couldn't use it yet... I was a total punk.

"So you were only a little more annoying than you are now?" Grim asks, surprised.

"I'm quite shocked to hear that. You acted like a different person when we first met," Briar says.

Sereia says, "I agree. You've been nice to us, and try to do well with school. Though, you did get upset when you were almost expelled.

Then Briar asks, "So what made you decide to change?"

"One night, I saw my mom talking on the phone to my grandma. She was trying to hide from me, but I saw her, and I could tell she was in tears," Deuce explains, "She was saying how she must have been a horrible mom, and that maybe she never should have tried to raise me by herself. That had nothin' to do with it! She hadn't done anything wrong. It was all me. When the carriage came to take me to Night Raven College, she was so happy for me. I decided then and there that this time, I wouldn't do anything to make her cry. This time, I'd become an honor student - someone she could be proud of. And I already messed it all up!

Then Grim questions, "I mean, did ya, though? Is putting up with jerks what honor students do?

"Huh...?" Deuce says, confused.

Even I, Grim the Magnanimous, was ready to pound those losers into tuna paste! You just got to 'em first," Grim says.

"Well, Grim is right. Even I was about to give those two a stern talking to. Just, promise not to over do it," Briar says.

"Yes. Besides, you were just trying to help us, and the eggs," Sereia says.

"You guys..." Deuce says, touched by their words.

Then Briar says, "Even honor students get angry sometimes. My Aunt

Sonia tells me that everyone gets angry sometimes, but it's important on how you handle your anger. So, just be careful, okay."

"Heh heh..." Deuce replies with a smile.

He then says, "I guess you're right! I just hope those chicks can rest in peace."

The three become confused or hear Deuce's statement, especially Briar.

"Uh Deuce..." Briar replies.

"Yes," Deuce replies.

"Those eggs weren't the type that hatch into chicks," Briar says

Hearing that, Deuce becomes shocked and screams on the top of his lungs, "Wha- WHAAAAAT?! Are you kidding me?!"

Sometime later, the three return to the kitchen.

"Ah, you're finally back! Took ya long enough," Ace says.

"Let's get this tart-y started!" Trey says.

Sereia giggles and asks, "Tart-y?"

"Nice use of word play," Briar says with a grin.

"Alright, then let's get started," Trey says.

With that, the group begins to continue their project of making chestnut tarts. They mix the ingredients together in order to make the crust. Then they place the dough inside the tart pan. Then they place the tart tins in the oven. While they do that, they make the cream for the tart. As they make the cream, Deuce is moping over the egg incident. Grim keeps trying to sample the cream. When the tarts are done, they take them out of the oven, and put the chestnut cream on it. Then they put it in the oven a little longer.

Sometime later, after baking the tarts for the second time, it's time to put the second cream they've made on the tart, since they're cool now.

"The last part is to put the chestnut cream we made on the tart," Trey says.

"And then we can chow down right?!" Grim asks.

"That's right," Jasper says.

Then Grim shouts in excitement, "Consider me PUMPED!"

"Same here. Time to go and bang out this tart!" Ace says.

"Good to see your eyes're on the prize. Let's keep that momentum going," Trey says.

"Yeah!" Everyone but Deuce cheers.

And the group begins to make more of the cream as some decorate the tart with the cream. A little time later, they already decorated most of the tarts they made with cream.

Grim happily says, "Ayah ha ha! This couldn't be any easier."

"Good to hear. Keep it up," Trey says.

"Heh. You can't go wrong with future archmage Grim on the case!" Grim says with confidence.

Briar giggles and says, "Oh Grim."

"Pride comes before a fall, y'know," Ace replies.

Still sulking, Deuce says, "Eggs... don't become chicks?"

"What is your malfunction, Deuce?!" Ace questions.

"Um, I'm not sure you want to know?" Sereia replies.

Briar nervously chuckles, "Uh, let's focus on finishing the tarts."

Time has gone, and they just completed the tart, and the tart looks amazing.

"That'll do it, perfect!" Ace says.

"Myum! That looks amazing!" Grim says.

"Once we stick the marrons glacés on top, we're all done, "Trey says.

Just then, Grim jumps and shouts, "Oooh! Mememe! Lemme do it!"

"You better not screw this up at the last possible moment," Ace says.

"Don't say that!" Briar sternly says.

"Relax. I got this!" Grim says.

Then shouts, "BAM!"

Grim then cast his magic and the marrons glacés plops itself on the top of the tart.

Seeing his work, Grim shouts in excitement, "Mya ha ha! One flawless chestnut, courtesy of Grim, master chef!"

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