Freaks | Eddie Munson x OC

By poisnlilies

3.8K 73 70

Jaden Miller; the weirdest girl at Hawkins High after the Hellfire Club, or as they call them; the freaks. Ja... More



832 14 25
By poisnlilies

Cheerleaders. God did I hate them. They dance and throw eachother around with their stupid bright pom poms with their hair in tight ponytails higher than the Eiffel Tower and yet people still question why I hate them. Hawkins High was full of them but here I am on the bleachers watching them do their dumb dance to the sound of the marching band's trumpets and drums.

Finally, the music stops and the girls cheer as the crowd claps and yells. My brain couldn't hurt more. Just then, the school's basketball team runs in and Jason Carver picks up the mic.

"Good morning Hawkins High!" He starts. Everyone cheers more. Seriously do their hands not hurt or something?

"First off— hey. First off I'd like to thank each and every one of you. Without your support, we wouldn't be here. Give yourselves a big hand!" More cheering.

"And of course. Of course I have to give a big shout out to the best and prettiest fans of all time, the Tiger Cheer Squad." And more cheering.

"Chrissy— Chrissy I love you babe." He pats his chest.

God, really? I couldn't take anymore of this stupid pep rally. I stepped off the beachers and left the gym, heading to the bathroom. My steps echoed through the halls and I opened the bathroom door, entering the furthest stall.

I sat on the edge of the gross toilet and reached into my pocket, taking out a pack of cigarettes and lighting one. I was only able to smoke for about five minutes before I heard people in the halls heading to class.

I stalled and suddenly the bell rang, leading me to deciding to skip my first class. That idea was tossed out the window after about 15 minutes. I realized I wasn't prepared to skip this time. I had only one more cigarette and nothing else on me other than some textbooks in my backpack.

I walked into chemistry class, stopping at the door and looking around the classroom. The teacher Mrs. Smith looked at me and sighed roughly.

"Ms. Miller you are 20 minutes late." She spoke with her irritating voice.

"Mhm. Got lost." I joked. I could hear a few chuckles, one coming from Eddie the Freak Munson in the back of the classrom. He sat right behind me which was just perfect for me today. Joke.

"Take a seat. Detention for you after school today Ms. Miller."

I walked to my seat and sat down, playing with my hands for the rest of class. After a while, I noticed there was only ten minutes left of class. That was ten minutes too long. And to make it even longer, I felt kicking on my chair. I ignored it.






"What do you want Eddie!" I whisper-yelled.

"Woah. Pardon me for trying to ask for a pencil."

"We both know you don't need one and that you're just obsessed with me. And what makes you think I'd give you a pencil let alone have one?"

"Good point. But who says you aren't obsessed with me?" He smirks.

"I'm not."

"Are so."

"Am not."

"Are so."


"Is there something you two would like to share with the class?" The irritating voice came again.

"No Mrs. Smith I was just asking Jade here for a pencil."

Before she could speak again a girl next to Eddie chimed in. "I have one." She reached into her backpack, taking one out. "Here." Eddie forced a fake smile before hesitantly taking it.

"Alright well— focus on class please." Smith turned back around and continued with the lesson.

Now there was five minutes left of class. I couldn't bare being in here anymore. Once the five minutes that felt like forever had passed, I made my way to my next class. And the next. And next. And next. When that class ended, I went back to the restroom to smoke the rest of my cigarettes before heading out to lunch.

I sat down at the corner table where no one sat. Everyone chatted, pericing my brain as I fiddled with my fingers and bounced my leg. My train of thought was cut off when Eddie suddenly stood up on the table and spoke loudly, talking about— balls in laundry baskets?

"You want something freak?" Jason stood up and yelled across the cafeteria. Eddie made a weird face before glancing at me and jumping down from the table.

For a guy thats retaken senior year twice, he was bold. I mean I only retook it once which is only half what he took. That makes a point, right? Right? He's 20 and in highschool!

The lunch bell rang and I quickly threw my food away and stacked my tray before making my way to Eddie.

"Eddie!" I yelled just loud enough for him to hear. He turns around and smirks when he noticed me.

"Jade. Hi."

"Meet me in the woods after school, yeah?"

"What, are you trying to have a secret makeout sesh or something?" He chuckled.

"Eddie! Meet me.. in the woods.. after school.. yes?" I spoke sternly and quietly.

He paused for a moment. "Sure."

"Thank you." I quickly walked past him, bumping into his shoulder purposely.

The last two periods went by fast, thankfully. I made my way to the woods and got distracted when I got to the table. A snake was slithering around the bottom of a tree. It was small but fascinating.

When I got up I harshly bumped into someone. Their chest was hard as a rock.

"Woah! Woah, heyheyhey." Eddie spoke. "Sorry. Heh. Didn't mean to scare you." I stood speechless thinking about what I said about Eddie the freak Munson's fucking chest. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Whatever let's just— get this over with." I walked over to the table and sat down.

Eddie put his metal lunch box on the table and took off his jacket.

"So. What do you want?" He rested his chin on his hands, making eye contact with me.

"Weed." I slapped a twenty on the table and he threw a bag full of the drug on top of it.

As I reached for the bag Eddie's hand suddenly laid over mine. I looked up at him, feeling—butterflies? I cleared my throat and quickly took the bag from him. Though I didn't want to, I had to separate his hand from mine before anything else happened. Not.. that it would.

"So uh— no small talk? Just— drugs?" He kept eye contact with me.

"What's there to talk about?"

"Maybe the fact that you should be in detention right now?"

"Since when were you the principal?" I said a little more swoony than I wanted. He smiled and I caught myself staring. No. You hate him. "Well um. Thanks for the— yeah. Bye." I got up and left instinctively.

That night, I didn't bother going to the basketball game. I laid in bed all night thinking about what happened in the woods. Why did I feel like that? Eddie was a nobody to me ever since I was 12, so why am I like this about Eddie the freak Munson? Did he feel like this?

I guess some questions are left unanswered.

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