Humbling Spot Conlon (A Spot...

By girlwithnopatience

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**DISCONTINUED** Falling in love was far from Nicky's top priority. All she wanted was to keep her secret and... More

Ch. 1: Carrying The Banner
Ch. 2: The Secret Gets Out
Ch. 3: What's So Bad About Brooklyn?
Ch. 4: Getting Brooklyn On Board
Ch. 5: King of New York
Ch. 6: The Greatest Secret Spiller on the Vaudeville Today
Ch. 7: Newsboys Rally
Ch. 8: Guilt
Ch. 9: I Hate You, Jack Kelly
Ch. 10: Once and For All
Ch. 11: We Beat 'Em!
Ch. 12: Confession
Ch. 13: Arrogant, Selfish, Entitled Son of a-
Ch. 14: Get Over It
Ch. 15: Friends
Ch. 16: She/Her
Ch. 17: Back the Way It Was (Kind Of)
Ch. 18: Blushing and Annoyed
Ch. 19: Jack Kelly, The Human Punching Bag
Ch. 21: Worth The Wait
Ch. 22: Coming Full Circle
Ch. 23: Little Devil
Ch. 24: I Can't Just Take a Break
Ch. 25: Nightmare Come True
Ch. 26: WHERE IS SHE?!
Ch. 27: The Best Thing To Happen In This Place
Ch. 28: Banished to the Basement
Ch. 29: Freedom At Last
Ch. 30: The Tale of Penelope Badger
Ch. 31: Forgotten
Ch. 32: Worst Birthday Ever

Ch. 20: Late Night in Brooklyn

447 8 17
By girlwithnopatience

Spot was acting strange. He didn't make flirty remarks like he usually did. He didn't even give me his signature smirk as much anymore. He just wasn't himself. It was concerning. 

I got exactly what I wanted. I hated it. When I thought this was what I wanted I didn't realize that what I wanted wasn't actually what I wanted. I wasn't sure what happened to him, but I didn't like it. 

So I didn't go to Brooklyn as much. It just wasn't as fun anymore. Instead I was left trying to find entertainment from the Manhattan newsies. But all they ever did was talk about girls recently, which didn't exactly spark my interest. 

Boredom hit me harder than usual one day. I was laying in bed, staring at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep. I could hardly close my eyes. I needed to do something or I would explode. 

I hopped out of bed, almost falling on my face. I pulled on my clothes and slid into my shoes. I put on my hat. Well actually it was Spot's hat. I still hadn't given it back. 

Just as I was about to exit the door I heard a voice behind me. "Where are ya goin'?" I turned to see Jack sitting up in his bunk. That was strange, he was usually a heavy sleeper. 

"Not sure yet," I said with a shrug. 

"Who is that?" 

"Nicky. Why're you awake?" 

"Couldn't sleep. Why're you awake?" 

"Same as you." 

There was silence for a few moments. "Where are ya goin'?" He asked again. Either he was really tired or he didn't listen to a word I said. 

"I just told ya. I dunno." 

He hopped out of bed. "Can I come?" 

I groaned. I was hoping to just get some air by myself. "I guess. But ya can't bug me." 

I could see him salute. "Yes sir- uhm- Yes ma'am." 

Jack led the way. He seemed to know exactly where he was going, like he'd been planning this. He had grabbed my hand and begun to drag me wherever it was he was going. I usually would've protested, but I was curious as to what he was doing. 

He dragged me across the Brooklyn Bridge and I realized what he was doing. Well, I knew where he was going. I had no idea what he was planning on doing in Brooklyn. Probably something to do with Spot. 

We got to the dock and Jack shoved me forward, disappearing into the shadows. I rolled my eyes and started to stroll around. 

Soon I was met with the silhouette of a large figure. I expected to just cross paths with them, no problem. Instead they walked straight towards me. 

"Hey, you one o' Spot's boys?" I asked. No answer. "Assumin' that yer one o' Spot's boys, where is 'e?" I figured I might as well find him because Jack ditched me. 

The figure stood tall over me. He was definitely one of Spot's boys. He grabbed me by my shirt and lifted me closer to his face. "What d'you want, boy?" He asked in a husky voice. A voice I definitely recognized. 

"Girl, actually," I corrected. 

"That didn't answer my question." I squinted at his face. I could just make out who it was. It was Champ. He didn't like me very much. 

I shook my head, giving him a disappointed look. "Champ, we've talked about this. Spotty Boy doesn't want ya liftin' me up no more. So if ya could just put me down and tell me where 'e is, that'd be great." 

He scoffed, tossing me aside. I landed with a thud, wearing an annoyed look. "When I said ta put me down, I didn't mean that you should throw me," I said, picking myself up. "Where's Spot?" 

He pointed. "Over there." 

"Nice seein' ya," I said, tipping my hat. 

I made my way in the direction he pointed. I found Spot sitting at the docks. Without a shirt on. I stopped in my tracks, staring for a few moments before snapping out of it. "How's it rollin'?" I asked. 

Spot hopped up quickly, whipping out his slingshot. He slid a marble into the pouch and aimed it at my face. It was strangely graceful looking. It was as if he'd practiced a million times. 

"It's just me, Spotty," I said, taking my hat off and bowing. 

"What're ya doin' here?" He put the slingshot back in his pocket. 

"Thought you'd be more happy ta see me." 

He scoffed. "Whatever." 

"Why aren't you wearin' a shirt?" I wondered aloud. It was pretty chilly, so it seemed kind of strange. 

"I wasn't expectin' you ta come. Otherwise, I woulda kept it on. Sorry," He said, beginning to put his shirt back on. 

I glared at him. That was the most non-Spot thing I had ever heard come from his mouth. "What is wrong with you?" 

"What d'you mean?" 

"That was where yer supposed ta say 'Like the view?' or somethin' like that. You would never apologize." 

"What're you even talkin' about?" He asked, buttoning the last few buttons. 

"Gimme yer cane," I commanded. 

Spot placed a hand on it defensively, as if he couldn't possibly give it up. "Why?" 

"So I can whack ya across the head." 

"I'm confused." 

I threw up my arms angrily. "That makes two of us," I said, "What happened?" 

It was silent for a few moments. I couldn't tell if Spot just didn't want to answer, or if he didn't understand the question. "What?" He said finally. I rolled my eyes. Couldn't he just think for once? 

"Yer actin' different." 

"Good different?" He asked, sounding hopeful. 

I punched him hard. He winced, rubbing his arm. "My arms are completely covered in bruises because o' you." He complained, "Wouldja cut it out already? Yer killin' me here." 

"No," I growled, "Now tell me what happened." 

"Got some advice," He explained, "Apparently, it was bad advice." 

I shook my head. "Jack's got some explainin' ta do." Did he even know me at all? What kind of advice could he have given that would completely break Spot? It seemed impossible. 

I stormed over to where Jack had disappeared. I found him crouching behind a bunch of crates. Upon seeing me he froze. 

"I'm busted aren't I?" He said. I nodded, grabbing him by the ear. "It wasn't on purpose I swear," He insisted, "Spot took my advice a little too seriously and- ow!" 

I yanked him in the direction of the Bridge and released him about halfway there. "Go back ta 'hattan and stop givin' people bad advice,'' I ordered. "See ya tomorrow, Jackie Boy." I turned on my heels and headed back. 

"That was fun," I admitted when I got back to Spot. He chuckled. I laughed with him. 

"Maybe I shouldn't listen ta Jack anymore," Spot said. 

"Ya think?" I exclaimed, sitting on the edge of the dock. "What'd he tell ya anyway?" 

Spot placed himself next to me. "He thought I was annoyin' you." 

"You were." 

He threw his arms up. "Is it possible ta win with ya?" I shook my head, punching him in the arm. 

I stared at the sky. As usual, the stars were hardly visible. But the moon shone through the clouds, creating a beautiful shine over the pitch black water. 

"I should probably, get back ta 'hattan?"" I said, getting up. 

Spot held his hands up. "Wait, don't ya think it's a little unsafe? It's pretty late. It's a long walk." 

"I can take care o' myself." 

"I know. But don't ya think you should just stay here in Brooklyn for the night?" 

"Is somebody worried?" I teased, ruffling his hair, which he quickly fixed. "I'll be fine." 

Standing up, he grabbed my wrist. "What d'you think Jack's gonna do if ya get hurt? You'll be safer if ya stay here." 

"What d'you think he's gonna do when he learns I stayed with you?" I countered, "He'll kill ya. Yer dead, Conlon." 

"He ain't gonna kill me." 

I raised an eyebrow. I was pretty sure he would. Jack wasn't particularly protective of me. He knew I was capable of staying alive. However, this might put him over the edge. 

"Alright. If ya insist." He sighed, seeming relieved. Then he dragged me through the dark. I rolled my eyes. Why did he care if I walked home in the dark? I would've just left, but I was pretty curious as to what Jack would do. 

"I'll start plannin' the funeral," I said as we walked. Spot scoffed. 

He brought me into what I assumed was the Brooklyn newsies lodge. He snuck me inside and up the stairs. We passed by a door filled with boys and I expected to go in there but we kept going. 

We made our way to a room near the end of the hall. We entered the room. There was a single bed with a tattered mattress in the corner of the room. I looked at Spot with confusion. 

"Home sweet home." 

My jaw dropped. "You have yer own room? No fair. I'm a girl and I still have ta share. With Mush. D'you wanna know how many times I've been kicked in the face?" 

He smirked, snapping his suspenders. "The perks of bein' the king." 

"More like the court jester if ya ask me." I flopped down onto the bed. "Where are you gonna sleep?" 

"On the bed." 

I raised my eyebrows at him. He didn't mean- "Excuse me?" 

"Yeah, so get off. Yer sleepin' on the ground." He stood on the bed, then shoved me off. I glared at him from the ground. With a wink, he tossed me a thin blanket. 

"I hate you." 

"As usual." 

With some convincing (and arguing), Spot ended up being the one on the floor. I might have felt bad about it if he hadn't shoved me off the bed before. 

I fell asleep much easier than usual. This bed was way more comfortable than the bunks in Manhattan. Also I didn't have Mush taking up the whole bed like in Manhattan. I wondered how Spot ended up with his own room. 


hey y'all

i wont have access to any devices for the next couple of days because i have girls camp so it'll be a while for the next chapter. sorry

have a glorious day/night


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