The Borrowed: Aerium's Breeze

Af Yatoshu

728 51 19

I am a cursed child by fate. Lose almost everything since child. The last straw i have is this curse... While... Mere

Story review
(0) When he is dreaming
Character review #1
(1) First objective, First blood
When he is dreaming: Blessings
(2) Second objective, Daydream walk - phase 1
Daydream walk: Guild's regulations
(2) Second objective, Daydream walk - phase 2.1
(2) Second objective, Daydream walk - phase 2.2
Daydream walk: Breakthrough
Daydream walk: Lunch with Sibling
Daydream walk: Mess in Dinner
(3) Third objective, The hunted Hunters - phase 1.1
(3) Third objective, The hunted Hunters - phase 1.2
(3) Third objective, The hunted Hunters - phase 1.3
The hunted Hunters: Offering, Prolog
The hunted Hunters: Offering, part 1
The hunted Hunters: Offering, part 2
The hunted Hunters: Offering, Late Supper
Character review #3
One's claim: Sacred duty
(4) Fourth objective, The dream he denies - phase 1.1
(4) Fourth objective, The dream he denies - phase 1.2
(4) Fourth objective, The dream he denies - phase 2
The dream he denies: Breakthrough
(5) Fifth objective, Struggle to awake - phase 1
Struggle to awake: Trust to disbelief
(5) Fifth objective, Struggle to awake - phase 2
6th Obj: He is an Apathy - 1
8th Obj: Pride of Honor
Character review #4

7th Obj: Just-Self

12 1 0
Af Yatoshu

Dining hall,
Flamerose Inn
The day before

'What the hell?! Not only he's close to that cute Manna, he casually talks with the gleaming Innowner lady!! Furthermore the lady taps his shoulders unhesitantly and sometimes smiling widely or laughing. Even veteran-looking adventurers around here don't dare to do that to that lady!!'

Nobu thought furiously while managing his expression as calm as can be.

'Daaaammnn!! I can't let it continue this way! Am I not the protagonist here?! Something's wrong with the development!'

Suddenly there's a commotion heard on other table.

"Wh-why are you here, G-guildmaster?!"

'Huh? Guildmaster?! Where is he??'

"What? Now I'm banned coming here?"

'H-him?! That huge uncle?! Ugh...looks very strong!'

"Cut the crappy act, just get him outta here."

'Eh, Madam? Didn't she talk to that Yuki just moments ago? Where is he?'

Nobu found Yuki standing nearby at an empty table already.

'Eh? Who's that girl beside him?? I didn't see her when he talked to the madam. No, wait! I think she indeed entered together with that boy. So who is she? If I look closely...'

Nobu focuses his sight on her with his high perception but still maintain his posture so the others do not catch on him.

After a while, Nobu realize the girl is a slave to Yuki.

'Hah! And I thought what a noble he was, Now look at this. You played as Hero but taking a slave? What a non sense!!'

'Judging blindly' become a fuel to his idealism and jealousy. Nobu's unable to keep his composure any longer.


"What is it, Nobu? Is there anything you want to order?" (Sena)

"What's gotten into you, Nobu?" (Helen)

Nobu answers it by silence then stand up from his seat.

"Calm it down, Nobu. You can talk it out whatever your concern." (Asghard)

Seconds later he starts to walk away to a certain direction, without paying attention to Asghard's words.

"Did he do something weird lately?"

"I'm not so sure either. This morning, he's just fine and all." (Asghard)

His teammates look at him trying to figure out Nobu's thought. Only Sena has a guess on her mind.

"Damn, and it happens when we're in the biggest city of adventurers." (Asghard)

"Huh? What are you talking about, Mr. Asghard?" (Helen)

"In this kind of place, we should be careful with our attitude, more than in Noble's place." (Asghard)

"Why though?" (Helen)
"Group of Free people like adventurers tend to read our gestures as some misunderstanding." (Sena)

"Huh??" (Helen)
"Sena's right. It seems it's similar in your world." (Asghard)

"Indeed." (Sena)
"S-so isn't it bad? What should we do?"

"Calm and observe." (Sena)

"Yes, for now, as long as the people here remain calm, we can only see and act depending on the situation." (Asghard)

Step by step, Nobu comes closer to the designated table. Holding strongly to his own belief.

'He has all the fame of hero, many people look up to him, even a big shot like guildmaster befriend him. Not ended there, some famous beauties even close to him!'

'I want to know him more. No, I must investigate him!'

'I must come closer to know his talk with the guildmaster.'

'Besides, I must do a report to the guildmaster after all. So this is a perfect chance, I can't miss it!'

Finally Nobu arrives, gives off a prideful vibes in his gesture.

'Now, let's see what's your reaction.'

Unfortunately regarding to Nobu's expectation, Yuki just sips his tea like there's nothing happened. And the guildmaster crosses his arms, trying to calm himself, but gazing at Nobu with intimidation.

'So it's your answer, fine I'll counter it as polite as possible. Then let's see what the reaction of people around you.'

"Greetings to the guildmaster of Spawnhall city. I, the current hero of courage, pay respect to you."

Nobu greets the guildmaster with his learnt basic etiquette.

"Move on, boy. We don't need such bothersome gesture here."

'W-what? So it's the opposite like Helen said?'

By the strict tone from the guildmaster, Nobu's taken back but immediately adjust himself to speak politely in front of them.

"Ah I see. Then I'll get to the point. We take a journey around the kingdom to gain experience since we've got stuck recently. And we'll be glad if we get support from the nearby guild."

"Alright, you lot got my permission."

"Thank yo-"

"Y-yeah, but?"
"Your party should follow our rules as normal party. Otherwise, don't expect any assistance from my guild."

The guildmaster emphasizes the deal firmly, Expecting the hero does not treat it carelessly.

"Yes, I'll ensure it to satisfy your expectation."

"Alright, go on your way then. I still have business with this boy here."

'What the hell with this attitude?! He prefer this boy?'

It annoys Nobu that The guildmaster prefer meeting with Yuki than him.

"Can I know who's the boy right here that you move me aside for, guildmaster?"

"It's not your rights as a hero to know everything in my guild, you know."

Said the guildmaster feeling annoyed with the arrogance of the hero.

"But still, the guildmaster move aside a hero for a mere commoner boy, huh? I wonder what specialty he has?"

Now the hero tries to compare himself as an important figure, hoping to induce some doubts against Yuki. Then disappoinment, distrust, and chaos.

His main goal is arise as a savior in the middle of riot. For this one thing, he had already plans and scenarios ahead on his mind.

"And I'm quite close with the Royal family, I'm sure I can negotiate your problem."

And Nobu tries to approach the situation from two sides. Buttering a favor to the guildmaster.

But, it's not as expected.
After all, it is Spawnhall's guildmaster.

"Hah! Didn't you say that you got stuck at that royal castle? What basis do you have to say this boy is weaker than you?"


"At least, while you're stuck at that safe place, this boy always dives into dangerous places and faces many deaths with other adventurers. I, myself as a guildmaster, will guarantee his capability."

"Uh r-right if you say so."

"But not your case."
The guildmaster continues his statement.


Nobu's going down instead of Yuki.
He becomes the victim of his own scenario.

'How dare you! Don't know our true capability and arrogantly judge us like that?! You don't even know our efforts!'

The audiences just watch them while smirking. They suddenly become calm and curiously listen to their conversation.

Nobu assesses the situation and not proceed recklessly. Nobu backs down politely, at least saving his face in public.

That's what his party expect, but it doesn't happen actually.

'And look at all of these people, like they know everything about us! What's good about this newbie, huh?!'

'He just sits arrogantly on top of all these arrogant shits! He must be the most arrogant one here! I'll show you the way of true protagonist!!'

'That way, they'll realize that their proud newbie is just a mere arrogant weakling! Then they'll know their place below us!'

For a while his party is glad of Nobu's humble gesture, though actually he coughs all his courage and starts to speak his mind.

"Then may I have the honor to test my ability against him?"

All of hearing is shocked, some even cough their drink.

'I know it's wise to retreat right now. But I can't let this chance slide. Who knows how famous this man will become. It'll be too late if I move when he's already knowledged throughout continent. Whatever the outcome, I must take this chance.'

That's what Nobu thinks.

"Haaahh...I know this happen occasionally. But,'s up to you, boy."

The guildmaster states it while gazing to Yuki's direction.

'Huh, occasionally?'
Meanwhile Nobu wonders about a thing, but shrug it off immediately.

"As always, I'll welcome it at the usual time."

Yuki answers it casually after drinking his tea.

'Dammit, he's sure too friendly to a guildmaster for a mere adventurer. Even we, heroes, must pay our utmost respect to some guildmasters before.'

"Haahh alright, come to the guild at seven. Then you can have a duel with Yuki at nine."

"Thank you, sir."

"Then I'll excuse myself, oldman."
Said Yuki as usual.

'Huh?? Oldman??'
But Nobu's curiosity arise once again with this unusual 'respect'.

"Yes yes, be on your way. I'm going back too."

Nobu's left behind alone in his own thought.

'w-what with his attitude?! He just casually leave the guildmaster first? And me, the hero? And look at the guildmaster, he just lets him and joins leaving with him? H-how he's that close with the guildmaster?! Now if I think about it, he's close with everyone that no one dares to!'

While Nobu thinks numerous things at once and stoned, his mates immediately circle him around and bring him back to their own rooms.

Next morning
Flamerose Inn

'Today, I'll duel with him. Didn't expect that he just agreed like that yesterday.'

'Hmph! seems like he had some duels before. But don't think that i'll be the same as your opponents so far.'

'I'll ensure to destroy you completely, physically and mentally.'

"How is it your preparation, Nobu?"
Ask Mr. Asghard, since it's Nobu's first time experience in a real battle.

Furthermore it's that rumored newbie, Asghard can't hold his nervousness.

"All set, good so far."
"I don't have anymore advices, just give all you've got. Don't underestimate your opponent till the end."

"Ofcourse, do you think I'll forget about it if you told me every seconds?"

"Ugh, This brat!"
"Haha sorry, sorry. Just joking."

"Hmph. Glad to see you being nervous just like usual."
"Eh? Is that a compliment?"

Just seconds after their empty talking ended, there's a knock on their room.

*Knock knock!*
"Noobuu~ are you ready?"

It's the voice of Helen.

"Yeah, I'm going out now."

There are responds heard outside the room.

"Hurry up~ we're hungry already."
"Should not it just you?"
"What's wrong with that? Don't you want to have breakfast?"

"Yeah, sure."
Sena's heard accepting Helen as forced.

Before Nobu's going closer to the door, he glances to Mr. Asghard as if asking him to join them. But Asghard waves his right hand as a signal to leave first.

Nobu opens the door and greets his friends.

"Alright, let's have breakfast."
"How about Mr. Asghard?"
"He seems preparing something first."
"Alright then! What meals will we have?"
"You sure look anthusiasm about food."

And they continue their talks and joys as if there's no battle ahead.

It's sure a blissful morning they have before they witness a storm.

Berserker's hall
Brandish Blade guild

"Whoa I don't know there's this kind of stadion behind the guild."

"Yeah, it sure doesn't look like this from the front of the guild."

While the heroes party look around the features in the stadion, Mr. Asghard observes over the audiences.

There are many high-rankers and veterans who's looking forward to this duel, as well the leaders and a few of executives from several high-rank parties, such as Silver honor, Violet mirage, Snow fang, and Fury storm.

As for the reason...
To observe the newbie of their interest.

The audiences start to mutter between themselves, have not recognized the heroes party yet.

Then moments later...

The host, and referee at the same time, opens the event.

"Now we will start the duel between the Hero of Courage, who's recently rumored to be summoned from another world and getting royal tutelage in the Highfall castle under the Royal family directly!.."

Under that statement, many eyes look into the direction where the host pointing out the hero party while the high-rankers only speculate and mutter things between themselves.

Still, the watchers gaze quite give an 'impression' to the hero party.

"Damn that Nobu!! first step in our first city of our first trip since only-god-knows when, and the first thing he's done is draw hostile attention out of this city's only guild??!! Gaaahh!! I'll shock you to crisp then roast you inside out!!" (Helen)

"Ugh...I agree, this much attention can become quite troublesome. But it won't hinder our objective, rather I'd say it's quite advantageous to us." (Sena)

"How?! I know this kind of attention ease our way of advertising, but!" (Helen)

"Advertising..." (Asghard)

"But, there's a chance many people will harm us out of curiosity or...jealousy." (Helen)

"....indeed." (Sena)

" use worrying that for now, let's just watch this duel." (Asghard)

"Yes, certainly."

"...and our distinguished newbie ranker, whose achievements are too hard to be counted!" (Host)


Now both of them face each other, Nobu starts his greeting with blatant provocation.

"I know you have that girl as a slave, right?" Nobu asks confidently in his own justice.

"What? Ofcourse you must release her at once!"

"Have you ever asked people around?"

"What? What do you mean?!"

"I'll just say two things.
First, you should learn about the state of affair you wanna involve."

"Guuhhh, I have my own way!"
"Second, just ask the girl. I've never forced her anything."

"Grr! Fine, I'll ask her myself."
"Go on."

Nobu comes forward to Yuki's Slave, Rhea, who stands in the participant seat.

Everyone look at him curiously, such a rare sight to see participant not clashing right from the start.

"Lady, aren't you a slave of that man?"
Nobu asks straight-forward to not waste time, but his gesture implicates politeness and sympathy.

"Yes, what do you want?"
Though Rhea doesn't care Nobu's gesture at all, and just accept the fact proudly.

Everyone and Nobu seems to be confused since in Rhea's eyes and posture, there's pride within.

"Don't you want to be free and come back to your home?"
"I'm home right now."

It's the second time they stagger, her attitude doesn't reflect as a slave at all. It's more likely as a pride warrior who protect her family.

Nobu can only grit his teeth watching this unexpected result.

"Are you sure you're not being forced or something saying that all?"

"I order you to answer everything wholeheartedly and be honest to your desire."

Before Rhea asks for a permission, Yuki already give an order as a passcode to the Slave mark.

Seconds later, there's a light shaped of Slave mark in front of Rhea, indicating the order is activated.

All of the audience, who watch this, is convinced that Rhea is a slave and her action right now can't be a false act.

There's a sympathy in some of their gaze, while others see it like a common sight.


"Yes, brother. Then once again I'll state it wholeheartedly, I don't mind being a slave to Brother Yuki. When I'm ready, He will release me to be a free person."

Hearing that the sympathy now changed into respect, while others can't wait any longer for the battle to begin.

But Nobu's still unable to accept it.

"You're so naive. Do you think when the time comes he won't change his words? This time is your only chance that may not pass again!"

Nobu's statement wavers Rhea's resolution a bit, but later she answers it with more confidence.

"You don't need to worry, sir. Brother Yuki compensates my living better than any slaves can imagine, and there are so many chances to escape that given by him."


"If he trusts me that much, why should I betray him?" Rhea answers plainly as it is an obvious fact.

Nobu can't process at all what's happened with the slave. Before he can react to Rhea's answer, he hears another breathtaking statement.

"And I'm sure your experience about betrayal can't even be compared with mine."
There's sarcastic meaning in the statement.

Nobu notices the sarcast, but he realizes it's true that he's just an introvert neet who often stay at home excluding going to study. He doesn't know at all about outside life, furthermore betrayal experience.

But, that's what make him more upsetting and furious. Blinding all of his reasons and virtues.

"Alright, seems like you're already determined."

Nobu just walks back to his position on the stage. Gritting his pride inside.

"So do we continue?"
Ask Yuki blatantly, doesn't want wasting his time. Actually he had plans all day long.

"Guh!! At first I thought we can just conclude it with discussion, but looks like I'm wrong."

Nobu still tries his effort to look as a noble hero in front of the audience.

Though it's a failure, even without Yuki's reaction.

"Hey boy! Come on!! You're the one started it! Just get on with it!!"

"Hell yeaahh!! We come here to watch bloody duel!! Not some bunch of non-sense speech!"

"You got in the wrong place, boy!! Shrine would be more suited for you!!"

"Hahaha indeed! Shrine and their talkers!!"


Just need a moment to turn the tense vibe into barbaric laughing.

With Silent Yuki in front of him and the laughters, Nobu runs out his speech's material. Then he speaks his last gesture while composing his noble figure.

"Then last warning, cease your struggle, sir. I won't be like your daily enemies."

With confidence Nobu emits his aura and starts to focus his energy as a sign to initiate the battle.

The audience starts to be quiet, since they feel an intimidating vibe from Nobu, though they're still upset for his last statement.

But it's different for high-rankers, they're feeling provoked instead of pressured, including Yuki.

"Does the palace only teach you how to do speech? That can't be, right?"

Said Yuki blatantly with his flat expression. Since listening to all babble from Nobu, Yuki starts to lose his patient.

Hearing that statement, Nobu can't spout words anymore.

'Guhh! Since you're this arrogant, It's my obligation to wake you up!!'

Nobu focuses all of his abilities on his first strike.

[Swordsmanship lv.7]
[Empowering lv.5]
[Light creation lv.8]
[Str 330 +100]
[Agi 310 +100]
[Dex 570 +162]

In seconds, there's a concentrated light cover Nobu's sword and his stats powered up significantly.

'Alright! Prepare to lose!!'

A crack on Nobu's foothold is appeared. With high speed that invisible to low-rankers, Nobu strikes Yuki with curved slash.

It seems like flows in a painting of river to anyone's eyes. A beautiful swordplay indeed, worthy for his lv.7 Swordsmanship.

But in Yuki's eyes it's just a swirling swing, and with their huge gap in agility, it's too easy to evade all of attacks.

W-what the hell?!
How is it his agility too high that even my dexterity can't grasp it??

[Ice magic, Offensive]
"Freezing Hornets!!"

Taking action while being panic leds him to cast his special magic.

"Nobu starts to take it serious."
"No, to be precise, he's being desperate right now."

"What do you mean, Sena?"
"His opponent evaded his swings, then he has to use all of his cards."

"I guess you're right. He has never used his original magic even once to human enemies so far."

Nobu's ice magic is transformed into a swarm of palm-sized hornets which surround his opponent.

Every second the swarm is increasing till the signal is shouted.


In seconds Nobu's ice magic almost cover up Yuki from every directions, but it's shattered in a moment Yuki swings his sword.

"Just that much?"

The distracted Nobu can't respond to the impact of Yuki's swing.

He's knocked down to the border wall, making a crack and spilling some blood.

"Come, don't waste my time."

Nobu who's still trying to regain his posture, gritting his teeth feeling a weariness throughout his limbs.

'Damn it! Just that one strike enough to make me this shacky?! Damn!! I won't admit it!!'

[Ice magic, Offensive lv.7]
"Ice storm!!"

Suddenly a shade of Storm formed above Yuki. Swirling around, Forming a storm cloud in a rapid speed. This phenomenon cause a strong gust, freezing breeze and sharp ice fragments inside the arena.

"What the?! When Nobu learnt this spell?!!"

"This strong gust and freezing temperature. What terrifying spell."

"Not just that, there are countless ice fragments flying around, and seems like it intensifies much more near the center."

Dravius and Helen shockingly staring at Sena while listening to her explanation. There are many scars on her right hand.

It seems Sena tried to figure out the freezing vibe with her own hand.

"You okay, Miss Helen?"
"You should take care of yourself, Mr. Asghard. It's only a little scratch compared to Sena."

"Yes, I suggest we should draw back to a more-sheltered space."

"Yes, we'll do."

While the hero party and other audiences take shelter, Nobu still focus on his spell. He stares at Yuki who's looking up at the storm cloud, stand still.

'What the hell he's thinking? Heh! Is he scared of shit or praying his last words? Good! I'll give you time to regret.'

"'s not freezing enough compared to a Yeti's nest."
But, suddenly Yuki spouts something that heard as non-sense to Nobu.

'Guhh! I guess my mercy matters not to him. I'll show you the real protagonist power!!'

"Come down, Ice storm!!"

It's the sound of furious wind around the descending storm cloud.

The raging storm cloud moves down and the ice fragments in the air are all directed to Yuki.

Normal people will be frozen slowly and painfully by the coming storm alone, but now Yuki must face the countless ice fragments too.

"How does it feel struck by this storm that you looked down, huh?!!"

Nobu was caught off guard and unconsciously unleash his true side.

'Heh! Let's see how you keep up with this chill. You'll lose the touch of your limbs, slow the reaction of every sense, then you'll realize that it's your dead end without capable doing anything!'

In the middle of Nobu's grinning while imagining the despair on Yuki's face...


....suddenly the raging storm is shattered and cleared out as bright as a sunny day.


"'s quite cool in this sunny day, right?"
Yuki is seen standing in the middle of arena without any visible scratches.

"Yes, the cool breeze is wonderful."
It's Rhea who answers, appeared without moving much from her initial spot.

'It can't be..! H-how?!'
Nobu collapses on his knees without any strength left. Forced to admit the fact.

"Are there anymore tricks up your sleeve?"
Yuki copies a famous quote with a little bit sarcasm, Ofcourse with his flat unemotional poker face.

Though, it's an arrogant mighty attitude in Nobu's eyes.

Then it's just a silence coming out of Nobu's mouth.

Seconds later one by one of the audience come out checking the situation.

"H-hey it's bright!"
"You're right, where's the storm cloud?"

"I heard this shattering sound-"
"And strong wind."
"Y-yeah right, then it's clear like now?"

"S-so it's over?"
"W-who's the winner??"

Finally all of the audience fill the arena and confirm the situation just by looking at the center of stage.

"Is he..."
" expected since the start."
"Indeed, we should know it."

The whispers heard from the audience start to become a cheer and clapping.

At last, the referee has decided the result.

"The champion is Adventurer Yuki!!"

A sudden roar heard all over the audience.

Winner: Yuki
Condition: Winning by submission
Attack count: 0
Damage delivered: 1

The Hero of courage is losing by submission as conclusion, even without taking a purposely attack from Yuki.

- 7th Obj,
Just-Self: Cleared! -

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