The Dokutah is a Operator!? (...

By Ghuzt_D_Bloodedge

74.2K 1.7K 579

None More

Basic Info
Arise from Slumber
True Power
New Purpose
Married Blade
The Girl and the Key
Escort Mission
Separated Hearts
Stinging Shock
Operator Info (Update)
Iron-Blooded Orphans
Death and "Rebirth"
Temporary Respite
Raid & Rescue
Arrival of the Yeti Princess
Necessary Solution


5.2K 126 40
By Ghuzt_D_Bloodedge

3rd Person P.O.V

Reunion has surrounded Rhodes Island on all sides, with all of their Ringleaders present to ensure the sheer amounts of overkill in this battle. Everyone has exercised extreme caution knowing that Talulah, the dreaded leader of Reunion has personally stepped into the battlefield to meet them and person, and possibly kill them.

Nearl: Amiya, take the Doctor with you.
...Go, now!

Amiya: No! I won't leave you...

Nearl: Surely, you can feel it as well! She... If you don't leave, the entire rescue team will die here! That Talulah... She is a living monster! Amiya!

(Y/N): We're staying.

Nearl: What?! Doctor (Y/N), have you gone mad?!

(Y/N): Maybe I have gone insane because of those stupid headaches. But what I know is that I don't want anyone to die here.

Amiya: I'm with Doctor on this one! Rhodes Island will not abandon anyone, or sacrifice anyone!

Nearl: Doctor. I don't know if the mission objective is crammed into your head already, but we have to get you out of this hellhole safe and sound! Hearing you say all this is absolutely

(Y/N): So? You expect me to just ditch you all to die and suffer a lifelong guilt?

You asked towards Nearl with raised eyebrow as she seemed to be taken aback by it and didn't have anything to comeback within it.

(Y/N): I may not remember it but I've know done many wrongs in my life, I May not remember it but somehow I always felt it, if ever am I given a chance for redemption I will grasps it no matter how small it is.

As soon you we're done on your little speech.

Then Talulah prepares to use her Arts against R.I. forces.

Talulah: Resistance will usher hope into this land. But resistance... will not change your fate.

Ace: Fire!!

As Ace ordered the R.I. snipers fire at Talulah, but she vaporizes the projectiles with her Arts.

Talulah: Chernobog has already attained liberation. Our work here is done, and your group has proven to be quite interesting.

Dobermann: What...

Talulah: However, that is all you are worth. You have chosen poorly.
Rhodes Island, you should have stood firmly with the Infected.

As Talulah unleashed her Arts which incinerates everything around her.

Talulah: You have the resilience of liberators.... But I grow tired of this.

Talulah: This is the price you must pay for slaughtering your fellow Infected.
I shall grant you an ending that I am quite fond of.... Disappear.

With a tone of finality, she fired her attack. A massive wave of fire that threatened to incinerate everything on its path.

Amiya: will not hurt them. I will never allow you!

Amiya growled her words out as a reddish glint painted her eyes, maintaining the barrier that was holding off Talulah's fire Arts.

The supreme leader in question was watching the ward of dark matter hold off her infernal flames to her slight amusement before launching more Fire Arts to break through her wide shield.

Dobermann: I can't believe it. Amiya is holding back Talulah's Arts all by herself?

Nearl: Even if she is capable of doing so, Amiya won't be able to hold her back for long! Her powers are too monstrous!

Amiya was kneeling with her hand stretched out, the large diamond sigil behind her small frame beginning to flicker wildly as she held a strained look.

???: That's enough little rabbit, you done all you can, now leave the rest to me.

As those words where uttered.

Talulah was instantly blasted away from the once hooded man that sends a shockwave that shook everyone to their core and took everyone their damnedest to not fall at the sheer power.

As she slowly regained her footing, the supreme leader of Reunion, on her knee, took a good look at the man before him. What drew her attention even more, was the... creature that loomed over him.

A huge winged beast the Bahamut itself that unleashed it loud roar.

For the first time in her life, Talulah flinched as she quietly muttered, rising up. Whoever he is, he has gained insurmountable power.

Talulah: Who... Who are you?

(Y/N): I'm just a Dokutah, passing by, remember that.

You said with a bit of a slightly cocky smile on your face while Talulah clicks her tongue in annoyance, and was irritated, and that alone is an understatement.

Talulah: Mephisto, Crownslayer.

Mephisto: Yes, Lady Talulah!

Crownslayer: What is it you need?

Talulah: Unleash your forces against Rhodes Island. Leave none of them standing.

(Y/N): I won't allow you!

Then suddenly you appreas in front of Talulah and attempted to strike her with your dragger but she quickly countered you with her blade.

Then Bahamut passes through you and Talulah as both Mephisto and Crownslayer attempts to joined her but quickly sent flying by the Bahamut's tail.

As it begins on bring carnage and rampage apon the Reunion as they tries to suppressed the enormous beast with their forces but having a hard time dealing with it.

There is no doubt that after what you did, Reunion is greatly rattled to their core thus...

This is the moment for Rhodes Island makes their escape unnoticed all thanks to your Arts that is serving as an distraction to the Reunion.

Back to your duel with Talulah she didn't seemed have expected that you we're capable fighting her, this even frustrated her even further and she used her Arts to keep you at bay.

The supreme leader of Reunion didn't expect a lone man to blindly dash through her flames, let alone punch her straight on the face, leaving her with a bleeding lip.

She looked upon the battlefield, a dark glare aimed towards the person that bent her pride 90 degrees sideways.

Talulah brandished her fiery sword, and in turn, while you unsheathed your knife.

The next thing she knew, she was grabbed by a large clawed hand, belonging to the Bahamut. Talulah seethed out as her aura practically coiled around her as she tried to struggle away from its grip to no avail and hurled Talulah sideways with great force sending her rolling onto the ground until she crashed into the very rubble she sat on.

Surprising her forces greatly, especially the surviving forces who are now even more scared shitless seeing their leader being hurled like an unwanted toy by the winged beast.

Then Bahamut created a firewall between you and the Reunion as the same quickly disappeared aftwrward, giving you and Rhodes Island a safe chance to escaped.

Few minutes Later, Reunion

Talulah looked down upon the damage that the explosions have caused. A massive portion of Chernobog's inner areas can be seen amidst the smoking steel and crackling cables, as if a giant hand decided to puncture a hole in the streets with its thumb. Pursuit is basically impossible now.

Yet, even if she is defeated today, Talulah was smiling once more.

???: Lady Talulah, what should we do now?

As she turned around and see Crownslayer.

Talulah: Fall back to the plaza. We have done all that we can for today.

Crownslayer nodded to her leader's command, leaving her to her own devices.

Talulah on the other hand continued to smile as she gazed upon the destruction had caused.

Talulah: I'll remember you... Doctor of Rhodes Island.

Elsewhere, you ran for minutes on end, silently cursing youself for not knowing the next rendezvous point would be.

Lucky, however. A large group of familiar coated people can be seen in front of him, and their voices can be heard.

R.I: Doctor!!

Guard: Holy shit! He's alive! He's actually alive!

Your movements slowed, and eventually you fell to the ground mid-run, unable to move anymore.


After taking a short respite Rhodes Island continues their evacuation through the outskirts of Chernobog.

Soon they'll be free of this Originium infested hellhole, and nobody will be able to stop.

Until army of horned men wielding katanas, massive swords, nailed clubs, and big crossbows, led by a silverhead girl holding a detonator.

???: Did you really think we'd let you just stroll out of Chernobog? Don't you think it's about time for someone to wake you from your daydream?

(Y/N): Goddammit.

Amiya: Who exactly are you?

The mysterious attacker detonates an explosive charge.

???: I don't expect you to know who I am... But, I know that person next to you..

The woman pointed towards you, making every other Rhodes personnel raise their guard.

(Y/N): Talulah sent you here, did you?

???: Yep. But you know what? Getting all the way here for some overtime work really doesn't fly with me. If I were to be honest, I don't really care what that dragon woman has on her head. But then something crossed my mind, and suddenly this feels worth it. Can you guess what?

Amiya: it the Doctor?

???: Nailed the head, bunny girl. But, I also came with another person in mind. Before that, however, why don't we just roll with the simple round of introductions? You can call me W.

W: I've waited a long time to see that person next to you. I suppose that can wait. I heard the Dokutah had some, one hell of an Arts that summoned a "true" dragon and send the Reunion's ass half on fire, not to mention it tossed Talulah like a ragdoll. She never really told me what he looked like, but what he did alone really caught my interest, so I'll really appreciate it if you can just hand him over to me. Call it a proof of cooperation between us.

Nearl: You're wasting your breath.

???: Fine.

Everyone, Rhodes and mercenaries, also looked at you.

(Y/N): I'll handle her from here.

You calmly spoke, earning a smirk from W and a look of worry from Amiya and Ace.

Amiya: Doctor, are you sure about this?

Ace: For all I know, this woman may have a trap up in a store. Maybe you should bring someone with you, Doctor.

(Y/N): I'll be fine besides, I can defend myself.

W. The mercenary herself was quite surprised and pleased to see the man she wanted to see personally agreeing to talk to her.

She also has to note his drastic change in behavior. Compared to his cold distant attitude of the past, he seemed far more casual and compassionate for other people now with an air of confidence surrounding him. Quite...unlike

Also W had to note the fact that Doctor doesn't have his hood on, so now she can properly see his hair since he never showed his look to anyone as far as she can remember.

(Y/N): Listen. I don't trust these mercenaries to do nothing while you and me have our alone time, so I suggest you tell your boys to stay put. Since I don't want to hurt anyone here, if these horned men even thought of trying something to my friends, I'm going to personally kill every single one of your pack. Do you understand me?

W: Sure, sure. if that's what you want. So needy.

(Y/N): Thank you.

W: Boys, don't do anything to these blockheads while I'm gone with this man, understand? Whoever goes out of line won't get their pay, or worse.

(Y/N): Rhodes. I expect the same out of you guys. Don't lay a finger on them until I come back. I may be out for a while.

Both sides nodded and saluted to their leaders' orders, and the two proceeded to walk away from the area, with the mercenary in front and doctor in back.

3rd Person P.O.V

In somewhere in abandoned alleyway both you and W are currently standing in front one other.

Truth be told, W had grown suspicious the moment he questioned who she was. Not to mention that he wasn't even wearing a mask right before her and outright threatened to kill her men just enforced it.

Sure he is but a cold, almost heartless man as far as she remembered him, but she's certain that outright threats against his enemies is not within him. He would rather deal with them with a calculating stare akin to a machine, and wipe them out with all resources available.

This kind of behavior is so unlike him, that she is inclined to believe that he is someone else. Add that to the fact that he doesn't remember her, and she's almost certain that Doctor has an amnesia.

(Y/N): What is that want with me, W?

W: Ooh~. Getting straight to the point~

As W moves closer in front of you and placed her hand on your chin.

W: Oh my~. You're a lot cuter up close.

Then you grunt in annoyance and quickly shove off her hand from your chin.

W: So cold~. Oh well, fine by me.

(Y/N): What's the point of you doing this, W?

W: Alright then. How much do you remember then? I wonder if you really did forget about little ol' me. I'd be so heartbroken if you do~

(Y/N): I...I remember nothing.

W: That's a shame. I was honestly banking on you remembering that part so bad, but I suppose you will soon remember when given the time. Anyhoo, why don't we move on from memory lane into main question number two?

(Y/N): And what would that be?

W: Who are you? Are you really the "Doctor"?

To be continued.
Alternate scene: Ace survived

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