The General: Reunions

By Mervac195

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Everything's been taken from me. My home. My wife. I didn't expect to get frozen and wake up two hundred year... More

Chapter 1: War Never Changes
Chapter 2: Out of Time
Chapter 3: The First Step Part 1
Chapter 4: The First Step Part 2
Chapter 5: Returning the Favor
Chapter 6: Clearing the Way
Chapter 7: Graygarden Part 1
Chapter 8: Graygarden Part 2
Chapter 9: Call to Arms
Chapter 10: The Vault and Diamond City
Chapter 11: Hole in the Wall
Chapter 12: Zone Three
Chapter 13: Zone Two Preparations
Chapter 14: Zone 2 Part 1
Chapter 15: Human Error and Zone 2
Chapter 16: Zone 2 Part 3
Chapter 17: The Forged and the Slog
Chapter 18: Dunwich Borers
Chapter 19: The Sinkhole and Vault 75
Chapter 20: Vault 75 and the Hospital
Chapter 21: Malden Center and BOS Recon Team
Chapter 22: Preparations
Chapter 24: The Detective
Chapter 25: Railroad, Meet the General
Chapter 26: Retaking the Castle
Chapter 27: The Marksman and Combat Zone
Chapter 28: Preparations are in Order
Chapter 29: Getting a Clue
Chapter 30: Reunions

Chapter 23: The Fens and Vault 114

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By Mervac195

After taking care of some raiders on a shipwreck as they crossed the bridge, it didn't take long for them to take care of them. Though they were gonna have to stop into Diamond City for Power Armor repairs. It was fortunate Mason had already been planning to stay there for the night; otherwise, he would've been annoyed. As they continued toward the stadium, Mason decided they'd sell the spare armor and weapons they had to collect the junk he needed.

Fortunately, there weren't any Super Mutants to fight; otherwise, Mason would have knocked down the boards and sandbags the guards used for cover. Entering the ballpark, a few of the guards commented on the armor, a few complimenting it. As he saw Piper's sister, he walked up to her, seeing her handing out papers.

"Special edition of the paper, read up!" the kid said, handing some papers to Mason. Taking a quick look at it, he realized it was just some of the stuff he'd lived through, so there was no point in reading it. "So, what are you doing in Diamond City anyway?"

"Just lookin' for someone," Mason responded, not seeing Piper around. She was probably inside.

"Let me guess, that someone's gone missing, right? That's what I'm telling ya. So, who is it?"

That was... surprising. Mason was gonna come back later to see if someone could help find Shaun, but he may as well ask now.

"A baby boy. Kidnapped," Mason told her. Even if she was a kid, they surprisingly knew a lot. Didn't mean she needed to know the relation between him and Shaun.

"A baby? Wow. That's a new one. Usually it's adults. Hmm. You're in bad luck. No one tris to find missing people in Diamond City. Missing people means the Institute is involved. And no one wants to get the Institutes attention."

"You're a smart kid. Isn't there someone in town who isn't afraid of this Institute?"

"Well, there is a detective, Mister Nick Valentine. He's not afraid of anything. If anyone's going to help you, it's him."

"If his business card ain't shaped like a heart, Imma be disappointed." Mason remarked, noting that the name sounded familiar.

"Yeah. I'm definitely sending you to the right place. Good luck mister," the kid laughed.

"See ya around, kid," Mason said, turning to look around the market. Finding the Power Armor station by the crazy woman, Mason hopped out of it, pulling the core out, and walked up to Arturo.

"Hey, Arturo," Mason greeted, walking up with a smile. "Got armor and ammunition. Yours if you want 'em."

"That's my line, new guy," Arturo laughed. "Don't forget to stock up on ammunition you need."

"Of course," Mason stated, setting the spare armor on the countertop. "Be a waste of the trip otherwise." Even if it wasn't the purpose of coming to Diamond City, it was a nice bonus.

"Too bad you ain't got a revolver," Mason remarked, collecting the caps owed. "I'd pay a decent amount for one."

"You'll find one eventually," Arturo stated. "At least you know what suits you."

"When it comes to handguns, got a preference for revolvers. Pack the kick of a horse."

"Not gonna hear any argument from me."

"You're a smart man. Got any preference?"

"Sure I do. But that's information you'll have to pry from me. Can't be giving away all my secrets."

"Well, thanks for the ammunition," Mason told him, walking over to the crazy one he'd talked to after his interview with Piper.

"I suppose we can do business," the woman said, mason already looking through her stuff and counting caps. "We have everything you need."

"Have everything delivered to this location," Mason said, holding out the caps and a piece of paper. "Should be enough for delivery."

Her eyes widened back, stiffening, an unsteady smile coming across her face. "What?' she asked, her voice shaking.

"The caps are for the junk, and the location I need them delivered to," Mason stated. "Do I need to repeat myself?"

"How do you have this many caps?!" she questioned, yelling in fear. "You shouldn't have this many!"

"Traveling and not spending much," Mason stated, noticing people crowding around to see what was going on. "Look, you're causin' a scene. That ain't good for business."

Calming her down, Mason collected the junk he'd need for repairs, scrapping them by the workbench for the necessary pieces. After finishing, Mason got to work on the Power Armor. It may be a tank, but he'd rather fight in optimal condition vs. near it. Never knew when something could tear through it.

Putting the tools away as he finished the repairs, Mason handed the fusion core to Heather to hold for now, walking to the newspaper.

"So, you ready to head out?" Mason heard a familiar voice ask, seeing Piper sitting on her couch.

"Let's go."

"Alrighty then," she said, standing up. Seeing Heather approach her, Mason noticed a look of recognition cross Piper's eyes.

"Only reason I'm willing to put up with you is because of him," Heather stated coldly. Mason sighed, hoping he wouldn't have to step in.

"Oh, give it a rest, would ya?" Piper shot back, not one to let someone look down on her.

Stepping between them before it could escalate, Mason kept them both at arms reach, keeping them out of each other range.

"Before we go, let's settle some things. Heather, you're an adult. Act like it." Hearing her grumble something he wouldn't repeat, Mason turned to Piper. "Now, I don't know you that well, but let's get one thing straight: you will not ask her any questions about that place. I don't mind bein' forced to talk about something, but you will not do that while you and I are travelin' together."

"Sure, Blue," she remarked, pulling her cap down.

"Alright, now let's move. Got a week to get to the Castle and a lot of ground to cover."

Walking out of the place and to his Power Armor, Mason heard someone talk about how sweet it was, making him sigh. That was a bit childish, granted he could be at times. Mostly when it came to fighting and comics. Still, he was going to have to keep two females from fighting, and he was taught to never get in the middle of a catfight. Something he never learned to listen to.

Listening to the Diamond City Radio as they walked, the music blaring in Mason's suit. He felt bad for the Travis kid. He'd be dead if he weren't in Diamond City. Walking by the road beside the river, Mason noticed something ahead, gesturing for the assault rifle. One downside to power armor, couldn't carry bags without them being strapped to it. Getting to one knee, Mason aimed the rifle.


Hitting a turret above the entrance of Back Street Apparel, the raiders noticed and yelled.

"What the fuck?!" one of them yelled, pieces of the turret falling and hitting the top of their head.

Running towards him as the raider recovered, Mason rammed the armor's shoulder into the man, sending him flying. Turning to the others, he knew that hit probably killed the man, but that wasn't important at the moment.

As one of the raiders by pipes fired at Mason, trying to penetrate the armor, a third was fighting Heather and Piper. As Dogmeat bit the leg of the raider shooting at Mason, she screamed in pain, Dogmeat holding her in place.

"Hold 'er there," Mason commanded, charging forward. As he reached her, she tried to swing a sledgehammer, Mason hitting it away as he lifted her by the throat.

"You... bastard!" she yelled as she tried to breathe. "Go to... Hell!"

"No," Mason stated, setting his rifle down. Pulling his fist back, he punched her, face caving in as the metal fist connected.

Dropping her, Mason was about to help Heather and Piper before noticing a turret in a cart. Walking up to it, Mason looked at it for a minute. Raising his foot, Mason kicked the cart, sending the turret flying into the street as it tore apart. Looking to the others, he saw they'd taken care of the other raider and sighed in relief.

"Collect the armor and ammunition," Mason told the others, picking up a missile launcher from a pipe. Leave the raider, collect the leather, metal, and combat armor."

"Shouldn't that be left to scavengers," Piper questioned, Mason taking the trap with the launcher apart.

Leavin' them to earn caps? No. I put the armor to use, not on a shelf collecting dust. Guards at settlements need protection," Mason answered, noting Heather pursed her lips when Piper questioned him. Approaching the entrance to the building, Mason turned to them. "Watch my back. Power Armor and meant for the indoors."

Stepping in front of the door, Mason raised his foot, kicking forward as he sent the door flying. As the door hit someone on the other side of the first room, Mason stomped forward, the ground shaking with each step.

Reaching a raider, Mason grabbed him by the shoulders, moving forward by another cart turret. What was the point of those? Pushing the person through a door, breaking the latch and deadbolt, Mason released the man as he slammed him into a wall.

Seeing a door about to open, Mason went to take a step forward before a pool cue was broken over his back. Swinging his arm back, Mason sent whoever he hit flying.

"That wasn't nice," Mason mumbled, turning to see who'd hit him. Mason turned to a woman firing a pistol, Piper finishing off the previous raider, seeing who it was. Guess she wasn't incompetent.

As the bullets bounced off his armor, Mason stepped forward. Raising his arms, he brought them down onto her shoulders, making the woman crumple to the ground.

"What the hell is going on down there?!" a man yelled down from the stairs, making Mason step towards them.

"Heather, keep Dogmeat and loot the bodies. Piper, on me and keep low."

Heather looked like she wanted to argue before he grabbed a broom. As Mason broke the brush off, she thought better of it, Mason feeling like this would bring back some memories.

Hearing someone yell for two others to get ready as he climbed the steps, Mason got ready.

Reaching the top, someone came out of the room and began to aim their weapon. Swinging up, Mason caught the raider in the chin with the handle, stopping them from pulling the trigger. Grabbing the other end of the handle, Mason swung it into the other side of his head, sending the raider crumpling to the floor. Anything could be a weapon. Just have to swing hard enough.

"Fuck!" a raider yelled, Mason stepping into the room. "The bastard has power armor!"

Charging forward, Mason rammed his shoulder into the raider, slamming them into the wall.

Turning to the final raider, he blocked a sledgehammer with his arm, using his free hand to backhand them into a T.V. Stepping out of the Power Armor, Mason began to help search the place as Piper said something.

"Who are you?" Piper questioned, her eyes wide in fear at what he'd done.

"" Me?" Mason questioned, taking the fusion core out to preserve the battery. "You'll learn in time."

Looking around, Mason laughed as he found a Grognak comic. While he couldn't unlock the safe, that was an amazing find. He was about to continue before sneezing, hitting his head on the wall.

"That's gonna leave a headache," Mason groaned, rubbing his head. "Putain d'allergies."

"Bless you?" Piper said, notably confused by what he'd said. "Also, not a smart idea to hit your head on a wall."

"Pas de merde," Mason stated, rubbing his forehead as the pain kicked in. "Ain't my fault that I throw my head forward when I sneeze."

Sneezing again, yelling as he did, Heather came up the stairs with Dogmeat, concerned about the noise.

"Allergies messing you up?" she questioned, Mason covering his nose.

"Ain't askin' how you know about that."

"Before you started using the T-45, you constantly wore a helmet besides when eating, drinking, or sleeping."

Sneezing again before he could respond, Piper jumped back.

"Jesus, Blue, here," Piper said, handing Mason a bandana.

"Only 'cause I don't wastin' a fusion core," Mason remarked, tying the bandana around his face. "Where'd ya find this? Looks like the American flag."

"From Becky at Fallon's. Needed rags to wipe things down, figured this makes as good of one as any."

"Thanks," Mason responded, picking the lock of a toolbox. "It'll be helpful when I'm not in armor."

Unlocking the chest, Mason pulled out some duct tape and screws, both of which were useful.

"Can't keep you out can they?" Piper commented, making Mason chuckle.

"It's a basic lock. They're fairly easy to pick." Mason answered, putting the junk into Dogmeat's bag. "I've had to pick a few in my time."

Collecting everything, they scrapped the useless weapons and armor at the workbenches in the building. After getting back into the armor, they got moving again. They came across a Super Mutant on an overpass, though Mason was able to snap its neck when they got close enough. Piper made a comment about how she couldn't tell if that was his normal strength or the Power Armor, though Mason said nothing. Seeing Heather was uncomfortable being by Piper, Mason decided to do something he was hoping he wouldn't have to do.

"Heather, take the front," Mason ordered, slowing down.

"Enemies ahead," she asked, a bit too eager to fight.

"No. I'm certain you know where Park Street Station is. We'll be staying there for the night. You'll be taking the lead. Dogmeat, you follow closely behind her. Piper, stay behind me."

"Good with me," Heather stated as she walked by, Piper staying behind.

"Uh, Blue. Are you sure about the Commons? No one comes back alive from there."

"Is there a monster or something?"

"Like I said, no one comes back alive. Closest thing I've heard is that it's big and green."

"I'd have to guess a Super Mutant," Mason said, passing by the amphitheater. "But it's apparently one creature. Even a small group of settlers could take one out."

"Only person I've heard refer to a mutie as that," Heather remarked. "Probably the first."

"When they can't fight and whine just 'cause they get hit, they're a pantywaist."

Walking in silence for a while, Mason turned the radio off as they approached the Commons, scanning the area as they came to a stop in front of the pond. Noticing pieces of a boat strapped to something, he realized whatever it was, was breathing. Looking closer, Mason realized it was the size of the green behemoth he'd seen a few weeks before. Looking and studying it this time, instead of freaking out like before, they slowly walked past it, Mason moving slowly so as to not make too much noise. Reaching the station, Mason released his breath as they walked in.

"Que diable was that?" Mason questioned.

"That was a behemoth," Heather remarked. "Wonder what one is doing this far in the city."

'Who cares? When we leave, I don't want to come near here again," Piper stated.

"For once we agree," Heather responded.

"I don't," Mason told them, shocking them. "Lookin' at the map, traders have to come through this area a lot. Probably take detours to avoid the pond. Can't let it slide. Before we continue-"

"Who's there?!" someone yelled from the ticket area. Mason hoped they were friendly.

"Let's finish this later," Mason remarked, walking down the steps to try to talk to the man. "Hey, we're lookin'for-"

"Fuck, pulverize the bastard!" one yelled, Mason realizing he'd have to fight. Charging forward, a man fired a submachine gun at Mason, who could tell based on it being an automatic and not looking like a semi. Ramming the man into the gate, Mason's shoulder went into his chest.

"God... damn it..." the ghoul said, falling to the ground.

"Bastard!" another one yelled, trying to land a hit with a baseball bat. Swimming his arm up, Mason sent him flying into a wall, doubting he'd survive that.

"Who is this guy?" another yelled as his two friends fell.

"The General," Mason growled, stepping toward him.

As the guy raised his weapon, a laser hit him in the face before he could pull the trigger. Turning around as the man fell, Mason saw Heather standing there, rifle raised while Piper was checking one of the corpses, a bullet in their head. Clearing the bench for someone to lay down on, Mason turned to Heather.

"Get some rest," Mason told her. "Piper's gonna take first watch."

"When was this decided?" Piper questioned as she brought what loot she had collected, including a pink button-up that would probably fit Tyler.

"You wanna sleep when she's the only one awake?" Mason remarked, pointing at Heather as she collected the clothing of the man she killed.

"How are you sleeping then?" Piper questioned, Mason stepping out of the Power Armor.

"In this," Mason remarked, taking the core out. "Learned how to sleep on my feet."

Checking the core, Mason marked it as nearly depleted, stuffing it in Heather's bag and setting a new one to the side.

"That's surprising," Heather said in surprise. "Didn't think you knew that."

"Don't mean I like it," Mason pointed out. "A lot of the merde I know is due to necessity, not want." Turning from Heather, he looked to Piper. "You got first watch. Anyone comes along and you can't handle them, wake me."

"Got it," Piper said, Mason stepping back into the Power Armor. Shutting it down, Mason got situated, looking around one more time before falling asleep.

Waking up, it took Mason a minute to remember where they were. Seeing Piper sitting in a chair off to the side, awake but close to falling asleep, he stepped out of his Power Armor. Walking up to her, he tapped her shoulder, causing her to whip around, almost hitting him in the head with her gun.

"Jesus Blue, don't sneak up on someone like that," she remarked, yawning as she did.

"Get some rest now," Mason stated, gently prying her gun from her. Didn't need it going off. "You've earned it."

"Thanks Blue," she said as she yawned as she found another bench. "Wake me up when we need to get moving."

"Probably won't have to," Mason said, Piper falling asleep. Setting her weapon to the side, he went through their cooler, Heather waking up.

"What's on the menu today?" she asked as Mason pulled out some food.

"Mutt Chops or Squirrel on a Stick. Your pick."

"I'll take the Mutt Chops," she said, Mason passing the food to her. Eating his food quietly as she ate hers, he took his rifle from her bag, making sure it was in good condition. Mostly to pass the time. He hadn't used it much besides against turrets and machines. Needed to figure out how to fix his problems. Unfortunately, therapists were in short supply.

"Doesn't it get stuffy wearing that?" Heather questioned, gesturing to the bandana. Fortunately for Mason, he'd grown up wearing one almost all the time.

"Better than letting allergies affect me," Mason remarked. "Grew up wearing one, whether I was at home or workin' on the farm."

"At home?" she questioned, making Mason laugh.

"Once a month, everyone would clear their schedules. Would work together to clean the house. Kicked dust into the air. It's why I hated it."

Messing with his rifle, Mason wished he had a compensator for it. Would help reduce the recoil, leading to a steady grip in combat. Setting it to the side when he was done with it, he pulled some paper out and started writing. While he was, Heather made minor adjustments to her rifle, humming while she did. Putting the paper away, Mason stood up, looking towards the broken escalators.

"I'll be back," Mason whispered to Heather. "Checkin' for people downstairs."

"Don't start a fight without us," she grinned, gesturing to Dogmeat.

"I won't," Mason said, rubbing the top of her head as he walked by.

Carefully stepping over the turnstiles, Mason kept quiet as he climbed down the steps, noticing a mine made of a scale at the button. Disarming it, Mason noticed one attached to the wall, though it had no wire attached to it, though he didn't know how'd it go off. Nearing the bottom of the stairs, Mason pressed his back to the wall, hearing voices ahead.

"Jeez, where are those guys?" one of the men asked. Mason found it odd they were now questioning that. How long had it been?

"Fuck if I know. Haven't heard from them for hours. You don't think-"

"Nah, they're dumbasses, but their not that dumb. Who'd want to fight Swan anyway?"

"Yeah, well I'm going to check on them. See what's wrong with them."

"Don't go fight Swan," one of them laughed.

"Yeah yeah," a ghoul said, moving towards the stairs. Moving up quickly, Mason didn't have much time to get back, even less to get behind some barrels.

"Where have you assholes been?" the ghoul yelled out, rounding the corner. Jumping forward, Mason grabbed the gun by the barrel, slamming the ghoul's wrist down as he wrenched the weapon from his grasp before kicking him back.

"Damn it!" he yelled, alerting the others. Grabbing the front of his shirt, Mason lifted the ghoul off the ground, his back to the wall.

"What's going on up there?"

"Lie," Mason growled, placing a hand around the ghoul's throat.

The ghoul glared, looking between Mason and his friends. "It was nothing. Just about set the bomb off."

"Well hurry up. We ain't got all day," his friend yelled, the ghoul turning back to Mason.

"What do you want, smoothskin?" he barked. Grabbing him by the back of his throat, Mason slammed him to the ground, making the ghoul kiss the pavement.

"How many are there?" Mason growled, placing his knee on the ghoul's back.

"Woah, hey man, watch the merchandise. Even if you have more friends, you won't get past us. Too many for a couple people. There's more than a dozen down there, so-"

"Fourteen. Understood," Mason remarked, noting the look of fear in his eyes.

"How did you-?"

"Didn't. Educated guess."

Grabbing the ghoul by the throat, Mason lifted him off the ground, the ghoul now trying to warn his friends to no avail. Slamming his head into the wall, Mason released him as he fell groaning. Raising his foot, Mason stomped on his head, caving it in.

Picking up the discarded weapon, Mason hurried back up to the main area. Grabbing the fusion core quickly, Piper jumped awake as he slammed the fusion core into the armor, opening it up.

"Fourteen people," Mason said, jumping into the armor. "Piper, you stay here. Heather, you and Dogmeat on me."

Turning to Heather, he looked at her through the screen, her looking in the lenses. "Ready for a gunfight?"

"Always am," she responded. Mason found Piper looking at him as Heather quickly got her armor on.

"I'll help, even if I just woke up," she stated, yawning.

"Stay. Here." Mason remarked, placing the weapon in Heather's bag. "You'd be more trouble than help."

Not leaving her room to argue, Mason headed back to the subway, Heather and Dogmeat following. Storming down the stairs, he knew ghoul's friends were likely looking toward them, wondering what the stomping was.

"What the hell?" he yelled as he turned the corner. "What the-"

As he reached the bottom, Mason swung his arm to the side, catching the man in the chest, sending him flying into a trailer. Charging towards the nearest man, the others watching the man go flying, Mason rammed his shoulder into them. As the man slammed face-first into a column, Mason got ready to charge as the others turned their attention to him.

"Power Armor!" one yelled, firing his weapon before Heather shot him down. Seeing she'd found cover, Mason turned back to the others, not having to worry about her too much. Taking a step forward, the ground shook.

"Pulverize him!" one yelled, all of them aiming in his direction.

"Morceaux de merde," Mason growled, storming forward. As they started firing, he broke into a sprint. Punching the nearest one, Mason slammed the guy into a freight car, his back breaking, coughing up blood. Grabbing one by the skull as they charged at him from the side, Mason crushed his skull, killing the man. Five down, nine to go.

Turning to look around, Mason stepped back as some of the men peppered him with bullets, annoying him as he held up an arm to protect the lenses. May have been bulletproof, but didn't make cracks any less annoying.

Seeing six people left, Mason saw they were behind cover, figuring it was time to interrupt them. Charging forward, Mason raised his arms. Barreling through a column, Mason ran a man down, not even able to tell they were human once. Seeing the other men looking at him, their eyes wide, mouths open, Mason growled.

"Pisse pour le cerveau," Mason growled, a few of the men backing away as the others shook. Stepping forward, one of the men pulled the trigger, Heather shooting him in the shoulder.

Reaching an arm down, Mason sent a Nuka-Cola machine flying, crushing two of the men as it slammed into them.

Charging forward, two of them fired at Mason. Slamming into one of them, Mason trampled over them, Piper moving to take out the one beside him. Getting between her and the guy, Mason gestured for her to wait. Grasping his shoulders, Mason lifted the man to his feet, some of the cloth tearing on the hands.

"The last guy to avoid questions is dead," Mason growled, the man looking like he wanted to shrink away and crawl into a hole. "How many area there, and wh a subway station?"

"There's a vault here," the man whimpered. "There's thirty-six of us here. Please just let me go!"

"Piper," Mason remarked, pushing the man into a wall. "Finish him."

Piper looked a bit conflicted, aiming her weapon at him. After pulling the trigger, she turned to Mason.

"What was the point? He would've left and-"

"Probably find his boss," Mason cut her off. "The one in charge usually isn't with the bulk of the force. Not going to let him bring more men and put you in danger."

Not leaving her room to argue, Mason stepped out of the armor, helping Heather search the area for loot. Collecting some bullets and articles of clothing, Mason found a Nuka-Cola Quantum, something he enjoyed.

Following the rails, Mason knew the vault was likely closed, though how these men got in was beyond him.

Coming upon a group of people outside the entrance, the giant vault door giving it away, Mason gestured for the others to get down, using the sensors to see who there was. Looking ahead, Mason saw three men in total, knowing they'd be able to take care of them quickly. After giving Heather and Piper instructions on where to go, being more precise with Piper since she didn't have a knack for hand signs., Mason got ready to fight.

Turning on the headlamp, Mason charged forward, catching their attention. Aiming their weapons as he neared them, they opened fire, the bullets bouncing off the armor. Nearing one, they tried to back away, meeting the rail of a walkway as Mason grabbed him by the shoulder, pulling his arm back.

"Pick a good and pray," Mason snarled, fist already closed.

"Go to hell!" the man yelled, raising his gun to Mason's helmet, pulling the trigger. Hearing a clicking noise, his eyes widened. Mason put his fist through the man's stomach and pulled it back, looking around. Seeing some bags of concrete nearby, Mason got an idea.

"Who the hell are these people?" one of the triggermen yelled, firing at a woman with brown hair. Their guns couldn't do anything to Power Armor, but it sure as hell could kill one of the women.

"Fuck if I know!" another yelled, receiving a shot to the shoulder. "Shit!"

As his friend ducked behind a pillar, the triggerman shot one of the women in the leg, making her fall to the ground.

"Gotcha, bitch!" the triggerman yelled, moving forward to finish her off.

"ACK!!!" his friend yelled. Turning to him, he saw a bag of concrete on his chest, blood dripping from his mouth.

"What the hell?" he yelled before feeling pressure on his legs. "UGH!"

Feeling his legs get swiped, he hit his shoulder on the ground, breaking a bone.

"What the-" he grunted, seeing a bag of concrete beside him. "Where-?"


Looking towards the source of the noise, he saw the person in Power Armor picking up another bag of concrete, preparing to throw it.

"Fucking hell!" the triggerman yelled, grunting as he stood up. Grabbing his weapon, he held it in one hand, aiming it at the man.

"Fucker!" he yelled, firing round after round of his pistol into the man, his shoulder flaring in pain. "I'm gonna-"

"Your men dealt the first blow," the figure said, throwing the bag of concrete into the last man standing. Charging at the triggerman, he caught the man as he tried to roll to the side, lifting him by the belt.

"Should learn to be human," the figure growled, throwing the man to the ground. "No, you cave into your desires."

As the triggerman laid there, the figure kicked him in the stomach, the Power Armor sending him flying into a pillar, breaking his back. Watching the figure as he felt his breath leaving him, he couldn't do anything, watching the figure pick up a gun by the barrel. As it slammed the stock into one of the triggermen, he couldn't do anything as they were sent flying into a support, the figure dropping the weapon as everything turned black.

Walking up to the vault entrance after taking care of the people, Mason hopped out of the armor, going back down the steps to help collect what they could.

Finding some caps and ammunition and salvageable clothing, Mason tightly packed the stuff before going back up to the entrance. Using the Pip-Boy to open the button's case, after hitting the button, he hopped back into the Power Armor, the vault door opening as he did. Taking a deep breath, he wondered why he felt the need to come here.

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