If Only

By EmillyKathrynn

1.5M 34.5K 3.6K

When Charlotte is left devastated by her boyfriend's infidelity. She finds herself persuaded into a night out... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Fourty One
Fourty Two
Fourty Three
Fourty Four
Fourty Five
Fourty Six
Fourty Seven
Fourty Eight
Fourty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Bonus Chapter
The Love Of Ace
Bonus 2

Thirty Two

19.9K 408 42
By EmillyKathrynn

Charlotte Crawford

I wrapped the final gift twisting the last tie sorting them in the corner of our room to pack in a suitcase

"Damn you are a psychopath over the holidays" I rolled my eyes turning to Belle who stared at the pile of the perfectly wrapped gifts

"I've always been like this around Christmas, plus we are spending it with his family. Presentation is important, plus remember the last time I didn't wrap correctly with mom"

"But mom isn't going to be there" Belle mused "neither is her evil little sidekick our father!" She sat on the couch near the fire pit in our room as it crackled

"Soooo" I looked up as a grin stretched on her face "yes there is a couple gifts in this pile for you" I looked around "but I don't see any for me"

"They are in the guest room packed away because you peak!" He stepped into the room

"You like to spoil your Christmas gifts?" His voice was husky as he removed his tie entering the room looking to Belle "hey Belle how's Yale"

"Finals sucked but they are over!" She cheered "she doesn't intentionally spoil the gifts, she just can't help herself"

"Noted" he said looking at me and then to the pile of gifts "your wrapping is so-"

"Crazy" Belle cut in "psychotic, concerning-"

"A little, did you do all that yourself?" He gazed at the gifts impressed

"We get the 23rd of December off so I had to keep myself busy today before we leave, plus I didn't know if I would have time to" I placed the wrapping, ribbon and scissors in a box

"Are you both packed?" I looked at him and nodded "good, we have to go soon the plane is on the tarmac"

"Oh I seriously thought we were taking a road trip" He looked at Belle confused as I shook my head"we would just drive there to go skiing growing up... let's just say Charlotte wasn't the best"

"Okay, fine I can't ski... your no Olympian!"

"With traffic we would not make it at a reasonable hour, Charlotte would get car sick and we would have to stop every thirty minutes" I stuck my tongue out at him annoyed

"How mature" he countered

"Nobody has ever told me to act my age, so why should I?" I shrugged "plus twenty two year olds do this all the time, I know two of them who do it frequently"

"Oh I always get told to act my age" Belle chuckled "I'll go bring my stuff to the elevator" she left the room heading downstairs

"So your like, really into Christmas" he seemed surprised, to be fair he has no idea who he married

"It just brings me joy in ways giving to others plus the decorations spending time with family, we'd usually go to Lizzy and Josh's and my parents would join us Christmas Day at night sometimes"

"Are you sad not going this year?"

"it's always too much drama, my parents ruin everything and Lizzy's great but without Emma"

"It's empty" I nodded as he rubbed my shoulders

"Well with my family, Celine goes overboard on the decorations and there is never a dull moment let's just say" he rolled his eyes "you get to meet my grandmother"

"What if she hates me?"

"She's been wanting to meet you, she couldn't come to our wedding and she feels terribly impolite that you two are just meeting now" he sighed

"She sounds posh" he nuzzled his face into my neck "she is in ways, she can be crazy to... she might not like you" I groaned

"But not everyone has to like you amore... I just have to" he smirked

"How's Niccolo and Teddy?"

"Niccolo's swelling went down and he's recovering. But Atlas getting so close to him is a major concern, means our security is loose"

"Should I be worried?" He shook his head

"No" he placed his hands on my jawline cupping my face "you are safe always, I have people watching you always"

"I have stalkers?" He sighed

"You are married to me, since the second I found out about your pregnancy you've had body guards hidden in plain sight" I rolled my eyes

"Controlling much?" He placed a kiss on my forehead "protective much" he replied

"If anything ever happened to you and our little girl because of me I would never forgive myself" the emotion in his eyes were alarming, I could see the look in his eyes, the thought showed fear

I wrapped my hands around his "well I'm right here with you, right now and I'm okay" I took his hand off my cheek placing it on my bump

"She's okay, we are okay and it's Christmas so you have to drink and be merry!" He chuckled

"I'll bring your stuff down to the car, go see Belle"


The drive from the airport through Vermont was endlessly stunning. The snowy hills and coated trees that had been visited by winter. Belle had fallen asleep on the ride up to the lodge

I couldn't believe his family owned their own private ski lodge. My family had money growing up, but not this kind of money. They never spent it on family ordeals anyways 

"In the fall Vermont is beautiful also, I'll have to take you back then" I looked to him and we soon drove through a little town coated by Christmas decorations

"Oh I am such a sucker for this shit, makes me think of hallmark movies" he rolled his eyes

"Those are terrible and cheesy"

"I'm aware, that's what makes me love them" I mused sinking further into his arms

The town soon slipped away as the suburban turned towards a long road "just up this hill" Nate told the driver and we stopped at the gate soon being let in

"Belle" I shook her and she opened her eyes slowly "huh?" She groaned

"We are here" she perked up stretching out her arms "wow it's beautiful here" she looked out the window "I didn't know we were staying at a resort?"

"We are not" the car stopped infront a grand ski house "this is it, my family ski house"

"This is not a house" Belle said "I thought the penthouse was insane, this is" she looked at the house "you guys are crazy" she mumbled

"I think it's beautiful" I stepped out of the car wrapped in my long black winter parka "I love the decorations"

"I mentioned Celine goes all out" Nate popped open the trunk as I went towards the door ringing the bell to be greeted by Leo

"Hey sorellina" he pulled me in for a hug looking behind me and sighed "and the enchanting Belle"

"I promise not to break your toes this holiday" he scoffed "They are here!" He called

But I was mesmerized by the inside "my god your homes gorgeous" I couldn't help but gush, the inside was cabin like but chic, classy in each way

a gasp came and I looked to the staircase as I heard Nate enter behind me "oh look at you darling!" Celine rushed down the steps to me taking me into her arms and stepped back "may I?" She asked and I nodded as she placed her hands on my bump

"Wow, you are almost there... so crazy and exciting!" Her smile was indestructible as I stared at the woman, she loved babies

"Well your home is absolutely beautiful, thank you for having us" she shook her head

"Darling this is your home now to" she turned to Belle taking her in for a hug and then to Nate

"Merry Christmas Nate"

"Thank you Celine" they hugged and I heard a squeal coming from upstairs "are they here!"

Jillian's voice echoed down the stairs followed by her rushing down "oh look at you" my eyes widened

"Look at you, who allowed you to add pink to your hair?" Nate piped in as Jillian cruised down the steps

"Western Massachusetts makes you do crazy things sometimes! There's just nothing out there to do... and it's temporary" she enveloped me with a hug

"You get prettier each time" she looked to Nate "are you keeping this poor girl out of trouble?"

"Trouble?" I questioned and she smirked 


"When my big brother was in school growing up he used to get in the biggest fights, went from school to school and did mindless pranks getting him thrown out" I looked at him shocked

"Oh my god are you serious" he sucked in his lips with embarrassment and she let me go going to Belle embracing her

"Where's dad?"

"He's still working, he will be in tomorrow"

"And everyone else?" Celine looked annoyed as she looked upstairs

"They are watching golf with Niccolo, Teddy and Thomas" Celine complained "they never turn that damn tv off, not even to see you!" I hadn't heard of Thomas since our wedding, he was an old friend of Nates but I didn't really know him

"Mama, take it easy" Jillian linked arms with her heading upstairs as a maid went out to fetch our bags and Belle and Leo mocked each other

"You didn't mention your parents live in an actual resort they converted into a home"

"My great great grandfather owned this place, he built it. It was never converted it was made this way after many years and it's been passed down" he kissed my cheek "but it's technically mine, before my grandfather Ambrose kicked the bin he left it all to me, everything"

"Why?" I chuckled

"He hated my father, loved me" he kissed my cheek intertwining our hands "just wait till you see our bedroom amore, then I'll give you a real Christmas gift" he whispered sending shivers down my spine


After the first night I felt more comfortable, but nervous to meet Nates grandmother Lucia. She didn't really like new people all that much from what Jillian told me, but Leo yelled at her for stressing me out

"So this was your aunts recipe?" Celine questioned as we rolled out the ginger breadmen

"Yes, it's a family one so I always tend to make it on the holiday" I rolled out the dough cutting shapes out

"I never asked but what are you two expecting, girl or boy" Jillian but her lip "they will be spoiled either way but I'm in desperation pleaseee" she went in her knees

"Still dramatic as ever" we all looked up to the sound of his voice

"Papa" Jillian smiled as she went into his arms "so good to see you" he kissed her cheek

"You as well Jill, how's your studies"

"Good, Amherst has kept me grounded you know?" He chuckled and looked to me

"Charlotte" he smiled as I took him in for a hug, deep down I hated him, I hated what he did to Nate growing up. But I had to suck up my pride and not stick it to him, only if Nate wanted me to

"Leonardo" I smiled letting go "merry Christmas Eve" he chuckled "it is indeed and it's dad remember" he looked to my bump "how's my grandchild"

"Very well" I added

"Well that's wonderful, due in April?" I nodded "you are half way there, do you know what your expecting"

"She was just about to tell me till you interrupted!" Jillian rolled her eyes

"What's all the fuss?" Nate came in with just his sweatpants on, he knows what he's doing

"God put on a shirt" Jillian gagged "Your wife was just about to tell us what you two are expecting" he looked over to me "which is" Jillian questioned again

"A little girl" Jillian stood doing a dance in the middle of the kitchen as everyone looked at her embarrassed

"A little girl is lovely dear, congratulations" Celine hugged me

"Congratulations" Leonardo said and looked to Nate "son" he smiled

In all honestly, there was a look of relief in all of their eyes. Now I wasn't a full idiot anymore, they probably were all hoping for a girl

"I am so getting matching summer sets with this girl" Jillian said continuously dancing til Nate physically stopped her "what I'm excited it's how I show my excitement"

"I think your scaring Charlotte"

"Oh shut up!" Jillian ripped his hand off annoyed and hugged me

"You have no idea what it's like growing up without a sister, house full of boys" she pouted and squeezed me

"And I do" he replied rolling his eyes

"gosh why are you the grumpiest man to ever exist. I don't know how you deal with him" he pulled me into his arms kissing my cheek

"She just loves me" I laughed softly

"You are still super grumpy" He sighed

"I get it from my father" Leonardo shot his eyes back to us "what was that?" He questioned

"Nothing" Nate quickly replied as me and Jillian giggled "so weird to see my brother in love with someone, honestly refreshing seeing that there is hope for everyone" he scoffed

I patted his shoulder "Aunty Charlie" Teddy called from the other room exiting Nates grasp I went to see him

"Daddy went on a call, has you convince Uncle Nate to get a puppy" I felt him press himself behind me

"I'm not getting a puppy Bambi" Nate stared down at Teddy "and you will not trick your Aunty into buying you one" he picked up teddy spinning him around as he squealed

"Nate" Niccolo entered the room ushering him to the call in the other room as I sat with Teddy

"Are you excited for Santa?" He asked as I sat on the ground next to him as he played with his stuffed animals

"The question should be if you are excited for Santa, he's got a big job tonight" Teddy nodded

"My elf has been hiding from me all days" it amazed me how verbal this kid was at just three years old "he leaves tomorrow"

"Oh but he'll be back again, what are you hoping for?" I handed him his little bear

"A mummy" I covered up the solemn look on my face, but the poor thing. I basically grew up without one and the woman who stood in place of her died

"Is there any toys you are hoping for?" I changed the topic as I felt Nates eyes on me

"A space suits and a rocket" he imitated a rocket blasting off causing me to laugh

"What about you!" He questioned

"Oh just being around people for the holidays is enough for me" he handed me a blue teddy bear and I hugged it close to my chest


Awww poor teddy :( my little baby

Question: What's your favorite Holiday?

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