The Lost Nation: Nkechi the R...

By Layla-A-D

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Since her birth, Nkechi's has been reassured by the fact that her life was predestined. Her fate was written... More



452 48 25
By Layla-A-D

"So, your nation does not refer to themselves as N'galiki."

Nkechi fought the urge to roll her eyes to the sky at this repeated question. She had been seated in this house for who knew how long, and the questions were never ending.

"That is correct. My nation finds it extremely offensive to refer to us as such. We are not skin shifters. My nation's ability to shift forms has nothing to do with magic per say but is a sacred bond crafted by the Goddess as a gift to my people."

The council members grunted in response. Nkechi could see their brains wracking to find more questions. Her nails dug into her thighs as she stared blankly at them from over the table.

Nkechi was tired of the constant questioning. From the moment the council members had met her, she had been bombarded with question after question. She had been aware that this would be the case the moment she told Makaio to fetch the council, but she had hoped they wouldn't have been so disrespectful.

They had barely introduced themselves, merely giving names and taking her to a secluded house before they began the interrogation. She was tired, hungry, thirsty, and just down right over the whole ordeal.

Makaio shot her a contrite look, he hated that he had been the one to bring the council members to her. They had at first been mystified by her markings. Some had known at once what her skin meant but the rest had no clue. The moment the rest of the council were  informed, their trepidation shone through in their line of unreasonable and downright disrespectful questioning.

Their questions had been expressed the first time but when they continued to plague her with the same questions both Nkechi and Makaio grew annoyed.

"Hmm and you don't call the Goddess Savuriya?"

Nkechi's lips pulled into a tight smile as she prepped herself to reiterate the same point. Again. She was sure that this was her third time answering this particular question. Although no one had been as brazen to ask the same exact question, the meaning was still the same, as would be her answer. 

"That is also correct. As previously stated, though we worship the same deity, the Goddess revealed herself to our ancestor under a different name. To us she is Yahuna, Our Night Lady as it was at night she revealed and bestowed her power upon us."

"How do you know that the name you refer to her as is correct. Perhaps your ancestor was incorrect?"

"Yes, good question Kohiy, and what exactly do those marks on your skin mean." Another council member by the name of Jefru asked. He had thick long hair that was braided back, the hairstyle emphasised his high cheekbones and feline shaped eyes.

Nkechi huffed out a breath of air and narrowed her eyes at the council members. Her politeness had reached its end.

"How do you know that you are correct in your assumption of the Goddesses name?" Challenged Nkechi.

"Yes well, we know because- well because- "

Nkechi interjected Kohiy's sputtering with her sharp tone. Her elbows rested on the table and she leaned forward with her hands spread flat.

"I'll happily remind you of our history. Of the three nations, The Daharen came first. Pathikyo travelled to my tribe, the Feri tribe and settled with one of my ancestors. His first direct encounter with humans was with our ancestor. He revealed himself to her first and created my direct ancestor, Osemi. The Goddess revealed herself to Osemi first. This happened long before the Goddess bestowed her gifts to Solayka. So again, how do you know that your ancestor was not wrong?

You asked the meaning of these marks?" Nkechi ripped the material of her top to show the splattering of white splotches that covered her arms.

"These marks mean that I am a Funai. I communicate with The Goddess in ways that your small minds could never grasp. I have her favour above all else. I am her vessel in this life and through me she shapes the world. So, the next time you think to inundate be with your senseless, repetitive and for a lack of better word, stupid, questions remember that."

The council room came to a deafening silence at Nkechi's outburst. The awkward silence was intercepted by the sound of clapping. Nkechi's angered gaze flitted to the sound. A small smile tipping her lips as Makaio's gaze met hers as his hands came together.

"That's enough Makaio," grumbled Kaori.

"No father, I don't think that is enough. Nkechi has been here for over two hours and she has not been offered a beverage or any food and yet you all know her importance. I find it ridiculous that you have spent so much time harassing the woman. It was only right that she put you all in your place."

"How does our treatment of her affect you Makaio! She's N'galiki. She's not even a-" a screech was ripped from Jefru's lips as a knife flew past his head and imbedded itself into the wall.

"I believe Nkechi expressly told you that she finds that term offensive," thundered Makaio.

"Yes, I did say that Makaio, but it seems that his arrogance will have you asking all of the wrong questions and dismissing the important one."

"Yes, the important question of why you are here." Stated Abada.

Nkechi nodded her head at the regal woman, her presence exuded respect making Nkechi believe she was a crucial member to the council. Of the six members present, Nkechi could tolerate less than half.

"I think we all know why I am here. I am here because the Goddess seems it so. She is working in the ways she knows how. Reuniting our broken nation into the one we rightfully were."

Abada's forehead knitted in mild shock, "you mean to say Savuriya is trying to revive the Yari Soleen."

"Yes. Though I believe the word trying is incorrect. She has already began her work. Through the marriage of Maliha and Ujarak she was able to settle a decade old war."

"How do you know of my daughters marriage?" A bewildered Kaori questioned.

"What part of she is the Goddesses vessel do you not understand?" Teased Hanan.

"I am assuming the Goddess has a similar plan here. You and Makaio will marry and end one of the oldest grudges our Nation has had." Her soft smile was the only kind face in the room. Well except for Makaio, though his gaze inspired a completely different emotion.

Nkechi nodded her head in agreement "A grudge that we we fail to understand or care for."

Jefru  took exception to Nkechi's words. His face turned a deep shade of red and his skin between his brows thickened in anger.

"Your nation overextends their importance. They have no baring in the runnings of our nation. Your lineage is weak and heavily disputed."

Nkechi scoffed a laugh. She leaned back in her chair and crossed her leg over the other. She placed her hand on top of her knee as she smiled smugly at the man.

"Heavily disputed by whom? If we have overextended our nations importance, then why has The Goddess bestowed us with the sight where your nations does not have it? Why were we gifted Pathikyo's favoured form? The problem is clearly greed. You are scared to share your control and power. The Yari Soleen was only led by the Dahsolik nation because my ancestor acted as a sacrifice. In her death, your nation was left at the helm of power. The Draganik nation was never a problem as their numbers have never been significant enough to pose a threat. That is not the case with us. Amongst the Daharen there are five nations and our bond is stronger than your weak nation. Fear and greed rule your nations heart and the Goddess will have none of it for much longer.

To add insult to injury, your nation has now fragmented apart. Brother and sister tribes' have fought with each other for so long that even now you barely acknowledge each other. Your tribe would rather rot on this island alone then take a chance on the rest of the world. It's sad." Nkechi slated the tribe.

Though she understood the reasons behind their actions, the Goddess had set her a task and to reach it she would have to know when to pull her punches and when to deliver a fatal blow. Each error of the tribe was not unknown to them. They knew their downfalls and were content with them. Not any longer. 

"We had our reasons for protecting ourselves this way but even I can see it has done us more harm then good." Mumbled Kaori, a contemplative look on his face.

"If you are to marry Makaio, what would the goddess expect of us. That we join another battle to save another tribe or nation? We will not sacrifice our future for another's."

Nkechi bit her lips to stop herself from reacting so strongly to his words. The Nah Barros were one of the most selfish and weak tribes she had ever come across. Though she understood they had terribly suffered, she found it disappointing that they could not see how all the other tribes and Nations were suffering in their absence.

"The Goddess has yet to reveal her plan but I do know that she is keen to have each Ishanu reconnected. Without this, the world remains imbalanced allowing the Svolik to run rampant."

"How do we know that you are a true amabassador of your nation. You travel alone and none of us can dismiss the scars along your body. You're scaring suggests you are not as highly exhaled as you pretend". Sneered Jefru.

Nkechi blinked back the onslaught of tears that threatened to burst out of her eyes. Her fingers curled around her wrists as she tried to hide the marks. The feeling of one silvery mark brought her back to the moments that still featured in her nightmares. One tear slipped down her cheek, a reminder of all those nights she had cried in pain as she lay alone in her cage.

Opening her eyes, she wiped the rogue tear away and cleared her throat. "I was granted permission to leave the Feri tribe by my brother who is one half of the leading pair of the Feri tribe. His Solah and second half of the leading pair, has been blessed with the gift of sight as has my mother. The Feri will accept this unification because they believe in the godess and have no prejudice."

"You would willingly do this? You would marry without love?" hummed  Abada.

"Love has been known to complicate most situations. I would marry because The Goddess wishes it, and I am but her vessel."

"Makaio?" Kaori questioned; the disbelief was clean in his tone.

"Nkechi, can we speak alone? We did not start on the best foot and I would like to correct that before we make any commitments."

"If we must," Nkechi's sighed.

Makaio chuckled as he pushed open the door and motioned for Nkechi to follow behind him. The light that shone through the centre of the house had not done any glory to the beautiful hues of the day.

"It's a beautiful sight isn't it." Makaio murmured while looking up at the sky.

"I'm sure we didn't step outside to discuss the sun," Nkechi grumbled.

"I wanted to apologise about the way I treated you before. I didn't really acknowledge your decisions or choice. I'm sorry for that." Makaio apologised sincelerly.

"I tolerated it then, I won't tolerate it now. I won't ask that you learn to love me, but I will demand you respect me and allow me to rule by your side. That is all I ask of you."

"You have the right to rule as my Solah. That is given. However, I would at least ask you to try and care for me. Is that not what you would like? I have always imagined that I would have a love like my mother and father. He kept his hair short for years after my mother died to show he was taken. Some days he sits in her spot and I know it is her he's talking to. Don't you want that?"

Nkechi swallowed back her feelings. The love Makaio talked off seemed like a fable, some sort of tale that could never truly exist. A reality that she knew could never be hers.

"Our marriage will unify our tribes and begin the dawn of a new era. Love has no place in such a political paring but respect is crucial," Nkechi deadpanned.

Makaio was dumfounded. In all his interactions with women, he had never met one who had not desired love from their partner. Nkechi was an anomaly and he almost felt sad that she had set her standards so low.

Nkechi's hackles raised at the pity that glinted back in Makaio's eyes. "I don't need your pity, Makaio. I have known all my life that I would never marry for love. I am sorry if my lack of interest in it has you uncomfortable."

"I'm not uncomfortable, I'm shocked and a little disappointed but I can see that we won't agree on this matter. I have one last question and then we can go back inside. If you knew The Goddess wanted you here, why did you fight me so hard?"

"I didn't feel the time was right. I had somewhere else that I needed to visit first but apparently my needs and wants are inconsequential."

Nkechi knew she was acting like a sullen child but the more she spoke to Makaio the more she was seeing paralleles between her arranged marriage with Kofi. The only consolation was that the Goddess was her matchmaker in this marriage.

"Not to me. I know there is no love here but there is a bond, a pull. I vow to honour that and to respect your decisions. I won't dismiss your wants or needs."

Although Makaio's words seemed sincere Nkechi was smart enough to know that he likely wouldn't stick to his promise, but she would give him the benefit of the doubt for the time being.

Linking her arm through Makaio's extended arm, they made their way back into the house. The low-level chatter stopped the moment they entered back into the house.

"Have you resolved your issues?" Queried Kaori.

Nkechi did not mind the man, he seemed to be one of the only council members that made unbiased decisions.

"We have come to an agreement of sorts. Nkechi has agreed to marry me- "

"And in exchange Makaio has promised to give me respect and the right to rule alongside him. I am dubious that it will last long."

"Nonsense, don't you know it's bad luck to speak negatively on the day of your ceremony?" Teased Kahalo.

"Excuse me?" Nkechi spluttered. She could not be understanding the woman correctly.

"The wedding process in our tribe is quite lengthy. We will need to begin with the cleansing before we can actually bind you two at sunrise. Nkechi you will come with me. Kaori, I trust you know what to do with Makaio?"

Nkechi looked to Makaio for assistance but her betrothed had already disconnected her arm from his. Frustration was quickly becoming her frequent emotion, but she tried to tamp it down.

"Can I at least eat first? The hospitality is seriously lacking within this tribe," grumbled Nkechi.

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