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916 33 3

Jisung grabbed his backpack slinging it over his shoulder before leaving out of his room and going downstairs. He saw his mother sitting on the couch reading a book like she'd normally do.

"I'm going to school now mom, later!" He called out.

She looked away from her book and to him after hearing his voice, giving him a smile, "Later sweetie and be careful please!" She said.

Jisung smiled and nodded, "Don't worry mom I will." He said, then left his house, closing the door behind himself.

"Hi Ji!" Jisung flinched at the sudden loud voice beside him. He looked to his side and seen Chenle smiling brightly at him.

"Hey Lele!" He said back with a smile. Chenle reached over and interlocked their hands.

"Do you think the hyungs already know?" Chenle asked as they began their walk to school.

Jisung shrugged, "I don't know but I think they've got an idea about what's going on." He answered.

"Oh, but can you believe that Mark hyung and Haechannie hyung started dating the same day we did, that's so crazy." Chenle said.

"Wait you two are dating?" Both boys stopped and whipped their heads around at the sudden voice, seeing Renjun and Donghyuck.

"Yea, we kind of forgot to tell you guys yesterday because of what was happening but.. at least you two know now." Jisung said as he rubbed his nape with his free hand.

"Knew it." Renjun said. Chenle and Jisung stared at him in shock.

"What, how?" Chenle asked.

Renjun shrugged, "I mean it was pretty obvious, you two were literally staring at each other with heart eyes, your holding hands, and you've both been walking to school together a lot recently." He explained.

"Were we that obvious?" Jisung asked as they all continued on their way to school.

"Seems like it." Donghyuck answered.

"At least you guys weren't the last people to get together. Unlike Mark hyung and this clown over here." Renjun said pointing over at Donghyuck.

He looked over at Renjun offended, "Excuse you, but not everyone has the capacity to just suddenly confess to their crush and get a happily ever after. Your such a damsel in distress." He said.

Renjun scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I am not a fucking damsel in distress, I just have a lot of issues with people because they never know when to leave me alone."

"Yea like I said. Damsel in distress." Donghyuck said rolling his eyes.

Eventually they made it to school, with the two still bickering back and forth, while the young couple that walked beside them inevitably ignored them as they were too caught up in their own world to listen to the two. They walked through the hallway sometimes looking around but mostly conversated between themselves.

"Are you guys happy that there's only three more days left until the weekend?" Donghyuck asked.

"Hell yea. I cannot stand being at this school anymore." Renjun said.

"Me neither." Jisung said agreeing with him.

"I finally get to sleep in without having to wake up early." Chenle happily said.

"You can say that again." The four boys flinched as they heard an unexpected voice behind them. They all turned around seeing Mark and the other two.

"Seriously guys, stop sneaking up on us like that." Donghyuck huffed out.

"Yea, you almost sent me into cardiac arrest." Renjun said.

"Sorry." The three apologized.

Donghyuck scrunched his face up in discomfort then reached over and grabbed Mark's arm pulling him towards himself, "Do not get my boyfriend into your weird synchronization that you both have." He said pointing his finger at the two boys in front of him.

"It isn't weird Donghyuck." Jeno said rolling his eyes.

Donghyuck scoffed as he rolled his eyes, "Yea because it's fucking creepy. How can you both just say something at the same time out of nowhere. Weirdos." He said causing both Jaemin and Jeno to roll their eyes.

"It just happens by accident." Jaemin said and Jeno nodded in agreement.

"Your both still weird for doing it." He mumbled but they still heard him.

Renjun rolled his eyes at his best friend before going over to his boyfriends, "Hey guys." He said with a bright smile.

"Hey Junnie." They both said in unison.

Donghyuck shook his head, "Nope. Not dealing with this, come on babe." He said grabbing Mark's wrist and walking away from them.

"At least he's gone." Jaemin said shrugging.

Renjun slapped his arm causing him to wince at the sudden impact on his arm, "Don't be like that, plus your synchronization is kind of creepy." He said then left to go catch up with the couple that had left them.

"Wow, even our own boyfriend betrayed us. Traitor." Jeno said before him and the others went to go catch up with the other three boys.

"Could you guys walk a bit slower. I only jogged to catch up with you guys and I'm still out of breath." Chenle complained.

"Not our fault you hate running, let alone jogging," Donghyuck retorted while shrugging, which only earned him a slap to the back of his head by Renjun. "Ow! what the fuck Renjun?!"

Renjun shrugged, "Sorry, just felt like slapping you, plus it seemed like the right time to do it." He answered.

Donghyuck glared at him. "Your an asshole you know."

"I know." Renjun replied.

"Anyways, what do you guys plan on doing this weekend?" Mark asked, speaking for the second time since he'd been there. They all replied with nothing. "Great. Maybe we can all do something this weekend."

Jeno cocked his eyebrow as he looked over at his older brother. "Like what? Go on a triple date or something?"

"Not what I was talking about but that works too I guess." Mark said.

"That sounds fun." Chenle said.

"For once I agree with the dolphin," Donghyuck said, which resulted in him receiving a thump on his forehead from Renjun. "Renjun I swear to god. Hit me one more time and I'll personally throw you across this hallway."

Renjun rolled his eyes at his best friend's threat, "Like you'll be able to pick me up." He snorted.

"I can and I will." Donghyuck said glaring at him.

"Sure you will Dongyuck." Renjun said.

"Alright that's it. Come here you little shit." He said. Renjun cursed under his breath before running down the hallway with Donghyuck running after him.

Jisung sighed, "Why is it always them?" He said as he and the others watched the two run before disappearing around a corner. The rest only shrugged at the younger's question.

Hajun walked down the hallway bored with his hands stuffed into his pockets. He hates to admit it but he misses Jihye, they were best friends and he always had someone to talk to but he didn't want to talk to her again. All she wanted to do was hurt the person she once considered her best friend at one point, until she got what she wanted. She was so selfish and ignorant it annoyed Hajun so much.

"Why can't she just face the truth and realize she has no chance with them. She'd only be hurting herself in the long run." He muttered to no one but himself.

As he continued walking he went down an empty hallway where no one was at and continued thinking to himself.

"Alright Jihye, all you need to do is break them up." Hajun stopped walking as he heard a voice that belonged to Joonlim's come from a classroom right next to him.

He quietly walked up to the classroom pressing his ear to the door as he continued to listen to the conversation between the two.

"But what if this doesn't work Joonlim?" He recognized the voice as Yujun's.

"It will Yujun. All we have to do is frame the both of them for cheating then Renjun will stop talking to them, then I'll tell Jaemin to meet me by a classroom or something and I'll do the same to Renjun, and I'll kiss Renjun in front of him so he'd tell Jeno and then they'll break up leaving poor Renjun heartbroken and I'll have Renjun all to myself." Joonlim explained to the two.

"But they both hate you so what makes you think Jaemin will actually listen to you?" Jihye asked.

Joonlim sighed. "This plan isn't for today, because you still need to kiss Jeno in front of Renjun. But for right now that's what'll happen." He said.

"Fine but this better work Joonlim." Jihye said pointing a finger at him.

Joonlim smiled as he crossed his arms over his chest, "Don't worry it will." He said.

Hajun balled his fist as he quietly backed away from the door, 'Those pricks are so fucking annoying. Why can't they just leave them all alone,' He thought then sighed. 'I need to tell Donghyuck this before it's too late.' He turned around then began walking to class.

The bell could be heard all throughout school signaling everyone it was now lunch time. Renjun walked out of the classroom with Jaemin by side as they trailed behind the couple in front of them.

"Hey Nana, where's Nono? He didn't come to class." He asked the boy beside him.

"I have no idea, he was with us this morning after you and Donghyuck ran off but then he just suddenly disappeared." Jaemin explained to the older.

Renjun bit his bottom lip before asking, "Do you think something happened to him?" Jaemin shrugged in response.

"I have no idea but I'm sure if he did get into something he'd be able to handle it." He reassured the older.

Renjun sighed, "I know but I just can't help but to think about what could've happened to him," He replied, then he let go of the younger's hand. "I'm going to go look for him."

"I'll come with you." Jaemin said.

Renjun shook his head, "No, it's ok I'll go by myself." He said.

"But-" Before Jaemin could reply Renjun stopped him.

"I'll be fine Nana I promise, just go meet up with the others at the cafeteria." He said. Jaemin wanted to shake his head no and say he's going with him but he just decided to let it go.

He nodded, "Fine, just be careful ok?" He said.

Renjun smiled and nodded, "I will Nana I promise." He responded and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before turning away from him and began walking down the hallway to go look for Jeno.

Jaemin stood there staring at his small figure until it disappeared around a corner. He sighed then turned around to go and catch up with the couple that had now left him.

Renjun continued walking as he searched around for the boy who had mysteriously disappeared. He checked the few classrooms that were around him, only to find them empty. He sighed as he continued walking until he heard talking around a corner. He slowly walked to the corner until he went around it seeing Jihye and a boy who seemed to look familiar to him but he wasn't sure.

"Is that Jeno..?" He whispered to himself.

Jihye then noticed Renjun staring at them and took this opportunity to grab the boy by his shirt and smash their lips together. Renjun scrunched his nose up in disgust as he watched the scene unfold before his eyes.

"Ew what the fuck," He muttered. He squinted his eyes as he tried to get a better look at the boy's face. "Why does that look like Jeno.."

He shook his head and sighed, 'I'm probably just imagining things since I haven't seen him for awhile.' He thought, before turning around and walking away to continue his search for his boyfriend.

Suddenly the boy roughly pushed Jihye off of him making her stumble backwards and fall onto the floor.

"What the hell Jihye?! I already told you I have two boyfriends." He said.

Jihye smirked as she got herself up off of the ground before replying back to him, "If I were you Jeno I'd rephrase that to one." She said.

Jeno looked at her confused, "What the hell are you talking about." He asked.

She shrugged, "You'll find out later but as of right now, I need to go. See you later Jeno." She replied with the same smirk on her face. She then walked off leaving him to stand there confused.

"What the fuck is she talking about.." He muttered to himself, then sighed, "She's probably being an ass like always. Fucker." He shook his head before eventually walking off heading to the cafeteria.

Once he got there he walked inside searching for his friends. He smiled as he spotted them at a nearby table and walked over to them sitting down between Jaemin and Jisung.

"Hey guys." He said.

"Where have you been?" Mark asked.

"Yea you weren't in any classes this morning." Jaemin said.

"I had to go to the dean's office for something." He told them.

"What for hyung?" Jisung asked.

"For a stupid fight I got in last week, apparently the boy that picked the fight with me decided to tell on me." He explained.

"What's going on?" They all turned their attention to Renjun who sat down between Donghyuck and Chenle.

"Oh Jeno was just telling us why he was in the deans office." Donghyuck explained to his best friend so he was caught up.

"Oh." Was all he said before starting to eat his lunch.

"You know the school lunch isn't THAT bad but it's still terrible." Mark said as he poked his food with his fork the school provide him.

Donghyuck slapped his hand making him stop, "Stop doing that and eat it or not. It's gross seeing you just playing with it like that." He said which resulted in Mark rolling his eyes but responding with a small 'Fine' before eating it.

"So Ge where were you?" Chenle asked gaining the elder's attention.

"Looking for Jeno." He answered blandly.

Jeno furrowed his eyebrows as he looked over at Renjun, "You were looking for me?" He asked and Renjun nodded. 'So was Jihye talking about Renjun? No she couldn't have been talking about him.' He thought.

"Hey Donghyuck could I talk to you for a second." All boys at the table turned their heads seeing Hajun.

Donghyuck looked at him confused before answering, "Sure." He got up from the table before following Hajun out of the cafeteria making the rest confused.

"What the hell.." Jisung said.

Jaemin reached over Jeno and pinched the younger on his arm making him yelp in pain before turning to look over at him.

"What the heck hyung?!" He said as he held his arm.

"Why are you cursing, your like 4 years old." Jaemin said.

"I'm not 4 years old hyung, I can curse." Jisung replied while glaring at him.

"But you shouldn't be." Mark chimed in.

"I'm old enough to curse. Stop babying me." He huffed out with a pout on his face.

"Sorry Ji, but the pout your doing says otherwise." Chenle said.

Jisung looked over at Chenle in betrayal, "What the hell Lele your supposed to be on my side. Your my boyfriend." He said cursing again, which earned him another pinch but this time from Jeno.

"Watch your mouth you fetus." Jeno said.

"I'm not 4 years old!" He exclaimed as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"Yes you are." Mark piped in.

Meanwhile as that was happening Renjun couldn't tear his eyes away from the cafeteria door where he'd seen his best friend disappear through to go talk to Hajun.

"Renjun hyung tell them I'm not a fetus." Jisung said.

Renjun looked over at the younger confused, "Huh? What's even going on?" He asked. Jisung huffed out in annoyance and laid his head down on the table.

"It's ok to be a fetus Ji." Chenle said as he softly patted the boy's back, but Jisung only groaned in annoyance.

"Finally he's back." Renjun muttered to himself as he watched Donghyuck walk back inside the cafeteria with Hajun trailing behind him.

He came back over to the table, sitting back down in his seat from before. Renjun turned to look at him with curiosity.

"So what did he want to talk with you about?" He asked making the others look over at them so they could hear his answer.

Donghyuck only shook his head and waved then off, "Nothing important, don't worry about it." He replied.

Renjun furrowed his eyebrows as he continued to stare at him. "What? So if it wasn't important why did you guys have to leave out of the cafeteria in order to talk?" He asked.

Donghyuck only shrugged then turned to Mark bringing him into a—pointless—conversation. Renjun frowned as he looked at him before sighing and looking away.

'Weird.' He thought as he turned to listen to Chenle's and Jisung's conversation.

It was now the end of the day and Renjun couldn't help but think about why Donghyuck hadn't told him about what he and Hajun talked about during lunch. He tried asking him again in their last period but he only waved him off saying it was nothing to worry about. He sighed then turned to his best friend who was currently busying chatting away with his boyfriend.

"Hey Hyuck, wanna walk home together?" He asked.

Donghyuck shook his head, "Sorry Ren but Mark and I are going to the café after school, maybe tomorrow." He replied before softly patting his head then grabbing Mark's wrist dragging him away and out of the school.

Renjun frowned as he watched his best friend walk away from him.

"I'll walk home with you hyung." Renjun turned to his side and seen Jisung smiling at him.

He raised an eyebrow as he seen the boy alone, "Where's Chenle?" He asked as they both began to walk out of the school.

"He asked Jeno hyung and Jaemin hyung to walk him home." Jisung replied and shrugged.

"Oh." Jisung looked over at him confused.

"Are you ok hyung?" He asked.

Renjun shook his head as his frown came back, "Not really. Earlier during lunch I thought I had seen Jeno with Jihye but he said he was in the deans office so I'm not too sure. Then I've been trying to ask Donghyuck what him and Hajun talked about but he just keeps shrugging it off and won't tell me, and I asked him to walk home with me a few minutes ago but he declined and went to the café with Mark hyung." He explained to the younger.

"Well for one, I'm sure you were probably just imagining things since Jeno hyung was in the deans office and secondly, maybe the conversation he had with that Hajun dude was pretty pointless, and thirdly, I think they're going on a date." Jisung said.

"But I just can't help but to feel uneasy about it though, because if it was just a pointless conversation then he would've told me about it but he still hasn't," Renjun said. "I know he doesn't have to tell me everything that he does or what goes on with him but I kind of expected him to tell me about the conversation."

Jisung reached over and softly patted him on his back, "Don't worry about it too much hyung, I'm sure it's nothing." He said.

Renjun sighed and nodded, although he knew he wasn't going to really stop thinking about it, "I'll see you later sungie." He said.

"Later hyung." Jisung said before they both parted ways.

'Why couldn't you just tell me what it was about hyuck..' He thought.


Looks like drama is finally about to start happening. ;) so get prepared guys.

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