Humbling Spot Conlon (A Spot...

By girlwithnopatience

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**DISCONTINUED** Falling in love was far from Nicky's top priority. All she wanted was to keep her secret and... More

Ch. 1: Carrying The Banner
Ch. 2: The Secret Gets Out
Ch. 3: What's So Bad About Brooklyn?
Ch. 4: Getting Brooklyn On Board
Ch. 5: King of New York
Ch. 6: The Greatest Secret Spiller on the Vaudeville Today
Ch. 7: Newsboys Rally
Ch. 8: Guilt
Ch. 9: I Hate You, Jack Kelly
Ch. 10: Once and For All
Ch. 11: We Beat 'Em!
Ch. 12: Confession
Ch. 13: Arrogant, Selfish, Entitled Son of a-
Ch. 14: Get Over It
Ch. 15: Friends
Ch. 16: She/Her
Ch. 17: Back the Way It Was (Kind Of)
Ch. 19: Jack Kelly, The Human Punching Bag
Ch. 20: Late Night in Brooklyn
Ch. 21: Worth The Wait
Ch. 22: Coming Full Circle
Ch. 23: Little Devil
Ch. 24: I Can't Just Take a Break
Ch. 25: Nightmare Come True
Ch. 26: WHERE IS SHE?!
Ch. 27: The Best Thing To Happen In This Place
Ch. 28: Banished to the Basement
Ch. 29: Freedom At Last
Ch. 30: The Tale of Penelope Badger
Ch. 31: Forgotten
Ch. 32: Worst Birthday Ever

Ch. 18: Blushing and Annoyed

484 8 14
By girlwithnopatience

It was much easier with Spot now that Beth was gone and we'd established that we were just friends. It was back to our normal bickering and doing idiotic things. More him than me on that second one. 

At the moment, Spot was trying to get me to climb up a building onto the roof with him. Not going up the fire escape or anything, actually climbing up the side. 

"C'mon, I do it all the time. It's safe... ish." 

"Safe-ish," I repeated, "Wow, that's super encouraging. Yer doin' a great job at convincin' me." 


"Yes, Spot," I said sarcastically, "I'm gonna free climb up a five story building. What d'you think I'm stupid?" 

He thought about it for a second. "Well..." I punched him in the arm. "Please. It's fun." 

"If ya wanna die, go ahead. Just remember, it was your idea, and I tried ta warn ya. I better not get any dirty looks at yer funeral." I snapped his suspenders. "See ya later, Conlon." I turned away walking in the other direction. 

"Where are ya goin'?" Spot asked, jogging to catch up with me. "I wasn't done with ya. I was thinking next you could jump off the Brooklyn Bridge. Sound like fun?" 

"I can't tell if yer bein' serious," I said, rolling my eyes. 

He walked backwards in front of me. He gave me a smirk and a wink. "When am I not bein' serious?" 

"Most of the time," I said truthfully. It was weird to think there was a time I thought he was this serious and mysterious guy. Now he was just an idiot that I liked for some reason. 

He continued to walk backwards, not paying attention to where he was going. He already almost crashed into several people and was barely missed by a carriage. I wondered why he didn't just walk forward. I told him to. More than once. He just wouldn't listen. 

"Yer gonna trip," I warned Spot, seeing he was about to crash into a cart full of fruit. He didn't listen to me, proceeding to tumble backwards into the cart. 

The look on his face as he was sitting there in the cart had me dying from laughter. He wore a glare, as if it were my fault. To go along with the glare, he wore a banana peel as a hat. 

I nearly fell over from laughter as I held out my hand to help him out. But rather than me pulling him out, I was yanked in. I was right on top of him. Our noses were merely inches away. 

He cocked an eyebrow and gave me his usual smirk. With a glare I rolled off of him and into the fruit. "Was that on purpose?" I asked. 

"You expect such little o' me Nicky," Spot said, fake offended. Then he winked. "You liked it. Don't lie." 

I shook my head and threw an apple at him. "Yer an idiot, you know that?" 

Spot turned on his side to face me. "You tell me every day." 

The man with the cart seemed to have only just noticed us. He began to shout at us, he even tipped over the cart to get us out, leaving me and Spot on the ground with a bunch of squashed fruit. 

I tried to keep in my laughter as we were being yelled at. I made eye contact with Spot for a moment and I could tell he was about to burst out laughing as well. When he finished Spot and I made quick apologies and ran away, laughing. 

"That was hilarious," I said when we stopped. 

"I know," Spot agreed, "Did you see his face?" I smiled widely, but then I looked down and it quickly turned to a look of embarrassment. Apparently Spot had grabbed my hand as we were running and he still hadn't let go. I quickly released my grip, staring at the ground. 

"What's wrong, Nicky? Were you bothered by that?" Spot teased. It wouldn't have bothered me if he had let go when we'd finished running. But he didn't, therefore it bothered me. 

"Of course not," I lied, folding my arms. 

He nodded, clearly unconvinced. Then he grabbed my hand again, kissing it gently. "Does that bother you?" I could feel that my cheeks were red as I yanked my arm away from him. It wasn't even the fact he'd kissed my hand, it was the look he was giving me. 

"I hate you!" I shouted, trying not to sound too flustered. 

Spot stared at me. He looked me up and down with a soft smile. "Yer face is red," He informed me. I glared intensely at him. He knew what he was doing, I was sure of it. You don't tell someone that they're blushing unless you want them to blush more. 

I hadn't noticed before, but Spot had gotten closer to me. Our faces were inches apart from each other, our eyes were locked. My heart jumped to my throat and my palms became sweaty. A smirk made its way onto Spot's face. Was this the moment? 

No. The answer is no. This was not, in fact, the moment. When our noses were touching and I thought it was finally going to happen, Spot shoved his cap onto my head and stepped back, wearing a smug look. I was disappointed, but tried not to show it. 

"What on earth was that?" I asked angrily, adjusting the hat so it was no longer covering my eyes. 

"It wasn't the right moment." The right moment? What was that supposed to mean? 

"Friends, remember?" I reminded him, but I was also telling myself. I needed that reminder because, I'll admit, I'd wanted it to happen. I really wanted it to happen. But we'd agreed to just be friends and I was planning on keeping our agreement. 

"We'll see," Spot said simply, beginning to walk away. 

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" I asked. No answer. "Spot? Spot, what does that mean? Spot Conlon you get back here right now!" I shouted out to him. I tried to follow him, but I couldn't seem to get my legs to work. He'd left me here, blushing, annoyed, and confused. 


nicky can't go five seconds without telling spot she hates him, can she? 

sorry for the short chapter, y'all 

ngl i was going to name this chapter you stupid boy because i did mary poppins at my school and the way our miss andrew said that line was absolutely iconic 

anyway, have a glorious day/night 


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