TDI Gwen X Male Reader

Od RealMemey

122K 1.8K 1.1K

(Please Note This Is My First Ever Story. So If The Quality Isn't That Good, Sorry!) [You will be replacing... Více

[Chapter One] Beginnings
[Chapter Two] Great Heights, Greater Falls
[Chapter Three] A Snooze Fest
[Chapter Four] Unsportly Sportsmanship
[Chapter Five] Total Drama's Got Talent!
[Chapter Six] Summer Time Camping
[Chapter Seven] Challenging Fears
[Chapter Eight] Up Creek Without A Paddle
[Chapter Ten] Kitchen Drama Nightmares
[Chapter Eleven] Trust Issues
[Chapter Twelve] Boot-Camp
[Chapter Thirteen] Haiku Conflicts
[Chapter Fourteen] Gender Wars
[Chapter Fifteen] Wheel Of Misfortune
[Chapter Sixteen] Homewrecker Ahoy!
[Chapter Seventeen] Hide And Go Seek
[Chapter Eighteen] Moto-X Star
[Chapter Nineteen] Thursday The 12th
[Chapter Twenty] A Wild Duck Chase
[Chapter Twenty One] Uncomfortable Bonds
[Chapter Twenty Two] Daily Life, Daily Strife
[Chapter Twenty Three] Castaway Campers
[Chapter Twenty Four] Forest Frolicke
[Chapter Twenty Five] Done By A Dare
[Chapter Twenty Six] The Last Chapter, Really!
[Epilogue] Campers Clash, and a lot of Cash!
[Bonus Chapter] Totally Incorrect Quotes
[Bonus Chapter] House Flipping Freakshow!

[Chapter Nine] Campers Unknown Hunting Grounds

3.8K 58 26
Od RealMemey

Chris: "Last time on Total Drama Island! Our campers had to track through the infamous Boney Island!" [He says that last part with an ominous voice.]

Chris: "Their challenge was to take their canoes all the way from one end, all the way to the other! Luckily, they got to meet the wild life that lives there!"

[Flashes back to you all running away from the Wooly Beavers and Geese.]

Chris: "Though, some almost sunk under the pressure!"

[Flashes back to you and Lindsay in the quicksand.]

Chris: "What truly happened to Izzy after her 'exclusion'? Will Cody truly ever actually back off of Gwen and (Y/N)'s relationship? And will the author of this story continue with the inconsistent upload schedule? Find out more on- Total! Drama! Island!!"


[It's yet, for the ninth time in this story, a new day on Total Drama Island. Everyone is asleep in the cabins, that is until Chris flies a helicopter over the cabins. Duncan hears this and jumps out of bed, visibly shaken up.]

Duncan: "They're coming man! They found us!" [He dives under Geoff's bunk.]

[In the girl's side of the Gopher's cabin, Leshawna jolts awake, slamming her head into the bunk above her.]

Leshawna: "Ugh! Okay, that dude is really starting to get on my last nerve!"

[Gwen over hears Heather telling Beth and Lindsay to go start a shower for her.]


[All of the girls are dressed and waiting out side the restroom, needing to go. Unfortunately, Heather is taking her sweet time in the shower.]

Bridgette: "What's the hold up?"

Lindsay: "Heather needs her private time." 

Leshawna: "How long's queenie gonna be in there? I got urgent business!" 

Beth: "She could still be a while."

Gwen: "Ahh! That's it, I'm going lumberjack style."

[Chris comes on the speakers.]

Chris: "I hope you're ready for the most- challenging challenge yet! Breakfast in three minutes at the campfire pit."


[You're all gathered at the campfire, as you were all told.]

 Chris: "Are you ready for today's extreme max impact challenge!" [He says with his arms in the air.]

 Owen: "We, are, ready!" 

Chris: "Incoming!" 

[He throws a can of beans straight at Gwen's face, she braces for impact as you quickly reach out in front of her, catching the can. She opens her eyes and looks to you smiling, you smile back.]

Chris: "This, is breakfast." 

Heather: "No, breakfast is crepes, croissants, even Chef's crappy burnt eggs!" 

Owen: "Beans beans are good for your heart the more you eat the more you-" [Chris throws a can of beans at Owens head, knocking him out.]

Chris: "Today's challenge is about survival, we're going hunting!" [He pulls out a paintball gun.]

Duncan: "That's more like it!"

Harold: "Isn't that a paintball gun?" 

Chris: "Why yes Harold-" He points the paintball gun at him "It is!" [He shoots Harold in the stomach, causing him to fall over in pain.]

Bridgette: "So we won't be killing anything?"

Chris: "Negatory, this is the first ever paintball deer hut! I'll announce the teams once we get into the woods, so- finish brekkie!"

[You all hear Owen burp and look over and see he's eaten all of the cans of beans.]

Owen: "Ahhhh, got any more?"


Chris: "And now for the team breakdowns, the Killer Bass hunters are Harold, Geoff, and Bridgette." He tosses three out of the four green paintball guns to them.

Chris: "And using orange paint, are the Gopher hunters, Leshawna, Beth, Owen, and Lindsay." [He tosses the red paint ball guns to them.]

Owen: "Waahooo! This is awesome man!" 

[Suddenly, Chris gets an idea.]

Chris: "Okay, to even out the teams, as well as to make this a little more interesting, Gwen!" [He points over to her.] "You'll be the fourth hunter for the Killer Bass!" [He throws the last green paintball gun over to her.] "Luckily, you'll only have to work with them for this challenge only!"

Gwen: "And why would I want to hunt and shoot my own team members?"

Chris: "I knew you'd say that! That's why I've given you a target! Shoot that target, and your team gets an extra two points! But, if anyone on the Killer Bass's team shoots the target, they get the two extra points! You also get a special yellow paint for your gun, to prove that you actually hit them!"

Gwen: "Heh, this shouldn't be that bad." [She gives you a smile as you return it.]

Chris: "Only- your target is-" [He pauses to add dramatic tension.]





Chris: "(Y/N)!"

*Confessional Booth*

Gwen: "Ohhh man. You have got to be kidding me!! I have to shoot my own boyfriend with a paintball gun!?"


(Y/N): "I just hope she doesn't hit any sensitive areas." [You say worriedly.]


[Everyone gasps in shock as you and Gwen look at each other nervously.]

Chris: "You also get these styling glasses and wicked camo caps! The rest of you, are now deer!" [You all just stand there in silence.]

Chris: "Here are your antlers, noses, and little white tails!" [He turns around to show off the tail.]

Heather: "Yeah right! I am not wearing that!" 

Duncan: "There is no way I'm a deer." [Chris puts a pair of deer antlers on his head as well as putting a red nose him.]

Chris: "Take these off and your team is toast!"

Chris: "Target!" [He points to you.] "You get a one minute head start, once everyone's ready. I recommend finding a really good place to hide brah! And I should warn you, paintballs hurt, a lot!"

*Mini Timeskip*

[As you're putting on the deer tail, Gwen walks over to you, dressed in the aforementioned cap and goggles.]

Gwen: "I've gotta say, you look absolutely adorable with that on~" [She says smiling while blushing, you can't help but look away- embarrassed. You then look back at Gwen.]

(Y/N): "And I've gotta say, you look hot in those goggles." [It's now her turn to blush as she kisses you, you then see Leshawna walk up to you two.]

Leshawna: "Awww. Here's my cute couple!" [She says smiling and hugging you both.]

Leshawna: "Good luck out there (Y/N), hope Gwen doesn't hurt you too bad."

(Y/N): "Thanks Leshawna." [You say, smiling back at her.]

Chris: "Alright! Looks like everyone's ready! Target, your head start starts, now!"

[You quickly kiss Gwen one more time, telling her that you love her, and run off into the forest to find a place to hide.]

*Gwen's POV*

Leshawna: "Alright, I know this will be hard for you needing to shoot your boyfriend and all, but we need this win!" [She grabs Gwen's shoulders.] "Chris wants to play mind games with you here, don't let em!" [She lets go as Gwen nods her head, looking at the paintball gun in her hands.]

Gwen: "Sorry if it hurts (Y/N).." [She tells herself.]


[It's been a few minutes since Chris announced the game's officially begun, you're leaning against a tree, catching your breath as you think of a place to hide.]

(Y/N): "Okay, so it's gotta be a place for Gwen to find me easily, but not a place that's easy enough for the Killer Bass to find me. Maybe a place that she knows we-" [You stop yourself as you get an idea.] "She'll have to look there!" [You run off to the spot.]

*Gwen's POV*

[Walking through the woods alone, holding a paintball gun, and hunting for my boyfriend, wasn't how I was thinking of spending my day.]

Gwen: "If I were (Y/N), where would I be..?" 

[I ponder as I continue walking through the woods, I decide to walk a path that's familiar to me, ironically it's the same path we took when he took me on our first date for the camping challenge. Suddenly, an idea pops into my head.]

Gwen: "He wouldn't.." 

[I book it to the thought I was thinking of, and there I see him. Sitting in the same clearing he took me to for our first date, the sunlight shining on him, making him look even more beautiful. I stand there gawking at him as he notices me.]

*Your POV*

[You notice Gwen arrive, staring in awe.]

(Y/N):" Heh, took you long enough~" [You jokingly tease her.]

Gwen: "Ugh! Of course you'd hide where we had our first date, that's so- cheesy- but- I love it!~"

[She walks up to you and sits next to you, kissing you on the cheek as you wrap your arm around her.]

(Y/N): "Well, you still have to shoot me to score the two bonus points."

Gwen: "I'll do that in a bit, right now I just wanna enjoy our time together." [She looks at you and smiles, she then rests her head on your shoulder. An idea pops into your head.]

(Y/N): "Wait, I have an idea that might just be dumb enough to work. Chris never specifically said the deer couldn't fight back~" 

[You say with a sly look and tone in your voice. Gwen looks at you in confusion as you tell her your plan, a mischievous look appearing on her face as well as you two get up and start your plan.]


Geoff: "We need to find (Y/N)! With those extra points we could totally win this!"

[Suddenly, Harold spots you, you notice him and start running. Geoff notices this as well.]

Geoff: "What are we waiting for! Lets go get him!" 

[They start running after her, all of a sudden, all three of them are caught in a trap, one foot caught as they hang upside down, causing them to drop their weapons. Gwen walks out and high fives you, as well as giving you a kiss. She hands you her paintball gun as you shoot the three of them, they all yelp in pain, you hand it back to her and turn around, your back facing her, she shoots you in the back, meaning she's scored the two bonus points, it hurt like crap, but at least they couldn't get to you first.]

Geoff: "Drats! That was actually a pretty good plan! Good job you two!"

Bridgette: "Yeah! Nice plan!"

(Y/N): "Thanks!" [You say as you cut loose the ropes holding all three of them upside down, they fall on the ground groaning in pain as they stand back up.]

Geoff: "But-" [He says, picking up his paintball gun, Harold and Bridgette following.]

Bridgette: "Deer don't score points for shooting the hunters, do they?~"

Harold: "Heheh, yeah."

(Y/N): "We probably should have gotten rid of their guns before I cut them down.." [You say nervously as you look at Gwen, she returns the look.]

[They start firing at you, luckily missing all of their shots as you pick up Gwen bridal style and book it.]


[You finally managed to lose them, you and Gwen sit down on a stump to catch your breath, you see DJ prancing past like a deer and Owen behind him chasing him. Owen sees you two and stops, out of breath.]

Owen: "Hey... (Y/N)... and Gwen... did she... catch you..?" [He says panting.]

[You get up and turn around, showing Owen the yellow paint on the back of your (Shirt/Hoddie/Jacket/Etc).]

Gwen: "Yeah, we also just got done running from the entire rest of the Killer Bass, well, (Y/N) ran at least." [She says as you nod, catching your breath.]

Owen: "Okay... I need to... go catch... DJ..." 

[He says, still out of breath as he runs of to go shoot DJ. You see him shoot a couple shots at him, missing them all. DJ runs over a stream while Owen tries to follow suit, but he ends up smacking his manliness into a rock and groaning in pain. You can't help but wince as well.]


[You and Gwen decide to continue walking through the woods, one because you both think it's romantic, and two you both want to get more distance between the Killer Bass and yourselves. Suddenly, you hear a conversation go on between Beth, Lindsay, and Heather. You and Gwen hide behind a bush and listen in.]

Heather: "We decided to give you one last chance if you take it back, you can rejoin our alliance."

Beth: "Take back what? 

Heather: "The N word, No.

Beth: "I don't want to take it back! 

Heather: "You are nothing without me!" 

Beth: "Do you know why we keep losing challenges?" 

Heather: "Because they're lame and stupid!?" [She throws her arms out dramatically.]

Beth: "No, because you're so busy being mean that you don't even try! All you can think of is bossing us around!" [She shouts at her as Heather steps back and gasps, she then takes off the deer nose and throws it at Beth.]

Beth: "Oh- that's it!

Heather: "Bring it dweeb!"

[That's when you and Gwen decide to get out of there before things get too heated. While walking away you talk to Gwen.]

(Y/N): "I knew those three were up to something. We're gonna have to get Heather out of here soon."

Gwen: "I'd say we start our own alliance, with Leshawna, Bridgette, and maybe Duncan. Just so incase she tries anything, we could fight back!"

(Y/N): "Yeah, but that isn't the same as an alliance whose goal is them trying to get everyone else out of the game, I mean you heard Heather tell Beth how she was 'nothing without her'."

Gwen: "Well, we'll just have to hope that we get to her first."

(Y/N): "Actually, I'd say we go and give Heather a piece of our minds, if you know what I mean."

[You get yet another sly look on your face as Gwen picks up what you're putting down and hands you the paintball gun again, you both make your way back to them where they're still arguing, you ready the gun and shoot, though, you think you heard someone else shoot as well.]

Heather: "OW! OW! Okay you two, come out this instant!" 

[You and Gwen walk out from behind your bush as you see Leshawna walk out too, paintball gun in her hand, you put two and two together and you can't help but laugh.]

Leshawna: "Oh, I knew I should have gone to the optometrist before I came out here. Heh, sorry bout that!"

[Heather turns you.]

Heather: "And what's so funny to you!?"

[You want to tell her how it was revenge for their alliance, but you stop yourself, thinking it's better for them not to know that you know right now, as they out number you both. Gwen is about to speak up but you quickly put your hand over her mouth and give her a stare, she gets what your trying to tell her and stops. You take your hand off her mouth and speak up.]

(Y/N): "I just think it's funny how we managed to hit the same target at once is all." [You say with a smile on your face.]

Heather: "Oohh! Give me your gun! Give it!" [She yells at you as Beth just shoots her in the leg, causing her to fall over in pain.]

Heather: "OW! Charlie Horse!"

Leshawna: "Girl you crazy!" [She smiles and shoots her a finger gun.]

Gwen: "Got her good!" [She gives Beth a thumbs up.]

(Y/N): "Nice job Beth!" 

[You shoot Beth a smile, and you swear you see her blush as she smiles back at you. You decide to shrug it off, thinking it's just her being flustered about being complimented for once instead of being screamed at all the time.]

Beth: "Just looked like a lot of fun when you two did it!" [She says while walking up to Leshawna and wrapping an arm around her while laughing at her misery.]

Heather: "Stop laughing!!" [She says still laying on the ground, pointing a finger in the air.]

[Heather then stands up.]

Heather: "Give me that!" 

[She rips the paintball gun out of Lindsay's hands and shoots both Leshawna and Beth. You shoot her back and Heather turns and fires at you, Gwen jumps in front and is shot in the chest. She lays on the ground groaning as you gasp and bend down to check on her. Heather shoots you a few times and laughs. That's when you decide to get revenge, for Gwen. You pick up your paintball gun and start firing all of your shots at Heather, hitting every single one. You help Gwen up, luckily she's alright, you hand her the paintball gun and give her a mischievous look, she knows what you want her to do as she obliges, she fires even more shots at Heather, as it seems Leshawna and Beth have gotten into a fight with Heather as well, you stand on the side rooting on while Lindsay's cowering in fear as the three's cat fight continues. Unfortunately, none of you were paying any attention and didn't notice the Killer Bass found you all, you notice but it's too late, they fire at you all and you're all, being covered in blue paint, and it hurt.]

[Chris then comes back on the speakers.]

Chris: "Human wildlife and hunters, please report back to camp! It's time to show your hides and tally up the scores!"


[You're all back at camp and see Cody wrapped up in bandages and in a wheelchair.]

Chris: "Tisk Tisk Tisk, stealing from Chef, eating chips in the woods, being mauled by bears." [He says while pacing around, then stops.] "Do you know what I see here? I see a very undisciplined group- I see a disgraceful mess- I see a massive waste of paint product, and I have to say, that was awesome!!" [Chris says cheerfully as he throws his arms out.]

Chris: "When you guys opened fire on your own team!" 

[He points over to Heather, Beth, Lindsay, Leshawna, you, and Gwen. All of you covered in blue and orange paint. Owen looking like he's been dragged around in the dirt. And DJ and Geoff fist-bumping.]

Chris: "Not to mention that awesome trap that (Y/N) set up for the Bass! Wicked TV guys!"

Harold: "Hey where are Duncan and Courtney?" [Sadie nudges Harold and points, you all look over and see Duncan and Courtney, stuck in each others antlers.]

(Y/N): "Oohh, looks like Gwen and I won't be the only couple here for long!~" 

Gwen: "This is too much!" [She says laughing.] 

Owen: "Ohohohoho- Duncan you sly dog you!"

Duncan: "The girl can't keep her antlers off me!" [He says in a sly voice, suddenly Courtney kicks Duncan in his crotch as he cries in pain.] "Can't even bend over.." [He says weakly, a tear coming out of his eye.]

Chris: "Easy Courtney, our medical tent's really only equipped for one at a time and Cody's pretty messed up."

[Geoff and Bridgette help Duncan and Courtney out of their predicament, Duncan getting on his knees in pain still.]

Chris: "Well since four members of the Gophers are dripping in paint, not counting Gwen-" [Lindsay turns around to show that she has paint on her back as well.] 

Chris: "Make that five members, including our target (Y/N) having all three colors on him. I think we have our winner!" [He points over to the Killer Bass as they cheer, Duncan even cheering and throwing his arm in the air.]

[Chris then turns to your team.]

Chris: "Gophers, I'll see you at the campfire ceremony, again.."


[You all got cleaned off and prepared for the ceremony, unfortunately Heather needs to run her big mouth.]

Heather: "I mean, seriously, twice in a row!? What is wrong with you people! I can't wait to see Beth get kicked off. I just wish I could vote off three campers at once." [She says, referring to both you and Leshawna.]

*Confession Booth*

Cody: "Okay, I know I got mauled by a bear, but I'm feeling good about this! I'm a quick healer and besides, Heather's as mean as a snake dude! Her own team shot her like 18 times, they'll never kick me off."


Leshawna: "Who did I vote for? Well Heather's been a pain in my butt from day one, but I gotta say, Cody." 


Owen: "Yeah that Cody, not so useful in challenges anymore."


Lindsay: "I totally admire Belle for standing up to Heather ,but she's so- dead now!"


(Y/N): "I know that Heather's plotting against us all, but I can always vote her out later, so I have to say Cody. One, I'm still kind of mad at him for hitting on Gwen, and two, seeing how beat up he is, I'd say that' he's better off in an actual hospital than being stuck here." 


Chris: "There are only seven marshmallows on this plate, when I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow, the camper-" [Suddenly Gwen cuts him off. ]

Gwen: "Who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately return to the dock of shame catch the boat of losers and leave- can't we just get this over with?" [You give Gwen a peck on the cheek and give her a thumbs up.]

 Chris: "Fine, whatever, spoil the moment."

Chris: "(Y/N), Gwen, Owen, Lindsay, Leshawna-" [He then stops, Beth crossing both of her fingers while Heather does the 'your dead' gesture.]

Chris: "Beth. Campers, this is the final marshmallow tonight."

(Y/N): "Bout time." [You retort as Gwen smiles at you.]

[It's between Heather and Cody, Chris waits a bit with a deadpanned expression on his face.]

Chris: "Heather." [Heather snatches the marshmallow out of Chris's hand and faces everyone.]

Heather: "You are all lucky, okay, very lucky!"

(Y/N): "Oh, just sit down you drama queen." [You tiredly tell Heather as she shoots you a death stare and goes to sit down.]

Chris: "Cody, the dock of shame awaits bro." [He says, bored.]

[Cody just stares at him, of course, he can't go anywhere, with him being wrapped up in a cast and in a wheelchair and all.]

Chris: "I guess we could help you get there." [He says with a sly look on his face.]

Beth: "I'll do it!" [She stands up and raises her hand. She starts to wheel Cody away as you all wave and say goodbye.]

Leshawna: "See ya buddy!"

Owen: "Take care dude!"


[After the ceremony, you tiredly and painfully walk back to your cabin, visible burses on you from the paintballs.]

Gwen: "Hey, (Y/N), want me to help you cover up those burses?"

(Y/N): "Sure, how so?"

Gwen: "Well, I have a makeup pallet I can use, I'll just have to go in and get it."

[You smile at her.]

(Y/N): "Thanks Gwennie, sounds like a good idea."

[Gwen kisses you on the lips and runs into her side of the cabin to retrieve her pallet. You both find a well lit area outside, since obviously neither of you could go into each others sides of the cabins without there being suspicion, she applies the makeup to your burses to hide them, it's relaxing, the night's cool breeze making the moment even better. Once she's done you thank her and you two hug and kiss, and tell each other goodnight as you walk into your respective sides of the cabin.]

[To Be Continued...]

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