I Hate You But I Love You (Pa...

By vrock89

41.5K 1.4K 211

What happens when Dave gets back in town? *Pictures are just for the purpose of the story. No affiliation at... More

Chapter 4???


1.3K 56 6
By vrock89


"Damn" I look down to see Kori head going up and down

She stopped and I turned her around bent her over the arm of the couch and entered inside her and she whimpered a little. I sped up the pace and she arched her back more and made me go crazy

"Dave baby ahhhh shit"

I put my leg up and it was over and she knew it.

We arrived at Yani and Dev's gender reveal late but just in time they were about to pop the balloon. I stood by my mom and she gave me the side eye and I just grinned as she shook her head.

"5...4...3...2...1" Yani and Dev popped the balloon as Devin held Meer and pink confetti started flying around

Everyone started jumping up and down especially Yani and Devin's mothers. Devin was in shock that he was actually having a girl and Yani was excited because she wasn't outnumbered anymore.


"Bitch how you late and planned the whole thing" Lonnie asked as I finally sat down and was able to eat

"Being grown that's why" Reya said

"You couldn't wait until after to be nasty. Had us waiting on you as you getting dicked down" Yani said in disgust

"First of all don't come for me ok and second Dave had been cutting grass with no shirt on after he got out the shower he looked so good and I just had sit on it real quick"

"So it was your fault"

"That is the past and I made it in time to see we are welcoming another baby girl" we all squealed

"Yes, now Haven won't be the only girl"

"I still can't believe I am going to be a mom of 2"

"Yes, girl now you got to make sure Dev don't put number 3 too soon"

"Oh hell no his ass will not get it whenever for a long time. I can't do this again for another 3 years or so"


"Damn my guy you good" J asked Dev as they sat the conference room about to have a meeting

"Hell naw Yan had me up until 5 this morning crying having a total meltdown because because she can't fit her favorite pair of jeans anymore. Just for her to get back to bed I had to go to the gas station and get her some ice cream to eat at 6am"

"I really feel for you my guy I do" Juan said while shaking his head

"My bad I sent ya'll the updated spreadsheet for the revenue report. You good bruh" Dave said walking into the room

"Pregnant wife" Dev, Juan and J all said in unison and Dave nodded his head


"I'm sorry what did you say"

"Your urine sample came back positive. You're pregnant"

"Woah woah I came for my yearly visit"

My OBGYN just smiled at me "Kori we talked about this and I know this is shocking but everything happens for a reason. In a few weeks we will get you in for an ultrasound and I will call in some prenatal vitamins for you"

"But but I have the birth control"

"IUDs are not always 100% just like orally taking isn't full proof. We will need to remove it"

I sat in my car in silence for about an hour after my appointment. I told my manager I wouldn't be back in for the rest of my shift because I would not be able to concentrate. Dave's birthday was tomorrow so when I go get his gifts I'll pick up something as a reveal.

**Dave's birthday**

"Happy Birthday Dad!" DJ exclaimed as he excitedly handed him a card he made him

"Thanks dude for my card"

"You welcome. Look mommy Kori has gifts for you"

Kori smiled at DJ's excitement but on the inside was a nervous ball of emotions. I handed Dave his gifts. I got him some Gucci cologne, a JBW watch and Gucci wallet and belt

"Thanks bae" he said and gave Kori a kiss

"You're welcome but I have one more gift for you" she handed him a small gift bag

He opened it and took a onesie that said "Happy Birthday Daddy"

Dave frowned and looked over at Kori who looked like she was going to cry and DJ said his name and that is when he noticed the shirt DJ was wearing "Promoted to big brother"

"Yooo are you serious" Dave looked like he didn't know what to say and Kori shook her head

He ran over to Kori and picked her up spinning around. When he put her down he pecked her lips over and over.

"Ewwww" DJ said before running up the stairs

"When did you find out"

"Yesterday when I went into my yearly"

"That must've been why you been feeling nauseous and extra bitchy then normal"

Kori gave him the evil eye "Shut up" she mushed him

"Well yo ass was eating everything in site"

"Damn you think I was having symptoms too"

I shrugged "Maybe"

"Shiiit this the best birthday gift"

We didn't have a big party or anything just had something over at Yani and Devin's place for Dave. We had decided to wait and tell everyone just to make sure all was well first.

"Um where is your drink" Lonnie asked

"My stomach has been acting crazy lately. I'm going to chill tonight"

"Mhm well more for me" Reya said

"So Reya are you and Juan doing good" I asked

"Yea since the whole fiasco we have been communicating more"

"I'm glad to hear that because yo ass was trippin" Yani told her

Reya sucked her teeth "Whatever I apologized ok"

"Lonnie" Yani asked

She sighed "J would not let me be great. He guilt tripped me and when he took me to the house I felt more like shit. We doing good though and can't wait to have ya'll over Haven is loving her playing room"

They all looked at me and I swallowed the lump in my throat "We are good Dave hired Pierre's brother so now I don't have to worry about beating a hoes ass anymore"

I walked out onto the patio with Dave's birthday cake and we sung happy birthday.

"My boy you getting old" Juan said while nudging Dave

"Hell yea it is starting to show in your game" J said and they just stopped and stared at him and busted out laughing

"You tried" Devin told him

"Dave I thought you said you were going to chill on smoking so much"

"It's my birthday I have many things to celebrate"
"I know but you promised" I crossed my arms

"Awww shit naw don't do that whining"

"You get on my nerves. Go cut your cake I want a piece"

"Shit I want a piece of your cake"

I rolled my eyes and whispered "That's why I'm like this now"

He licked his lips while looking at me in some shorts and tube top

"Dave go cut the cake" I laughed as I pushed him


Kori was 7 weeks and was going in for her first appointment. She was so nervous and I tried my best to console her. When they checked for a heartbeat it came in strong and they measured.

"Everything is looking good at this point" the doctor said while looking down

"Good I've passed the point from last time"

"Yes you have and I think because there was no stress put on the baby this time around"

That got to me

"I have your due date of May 24th"

I looked over at Kori who was on the verge of tears and rubbed her back.

"Thanks doc" I said to her

"You're welcome and congratulations. Kori all will be fine I'm here with you again" they hugged and we left making the next appointment

We sat in the car and rubbed her leg. "You good"

"Yea. I'm just trying to take everything in"

"Well I know what will make you happy"

"What" she asked as wrinkled her nose


Her face lit up "OMG I want breakfast food"

"Breakfast food it is"I said while laughing

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