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Sorry so short but wanted to get something out...enjoy

I just left my parents house telling them the news. My mother cried so much because she was so excited and my dad was so cool but I knew he was happy. I went home and saw Dave was sleep on the couch. He woke up once he heard me in the kitchen.

"Yo, when you get here"

"I just walked in"

"How'd it go with your parents" he asked as he came and stood against the counter

"You already know she was dramatic and had her promise me not to call your mom since we haven't told her yet"

Dave nodded his head

"What time you get in last night"

"6 am"

Kori rolled her eyes

"Look I don't need the attitude"

"What...me with attitude. Never because I have no right to feel some type of way when my boyfriend be gone all hours of the night and I was here throwing up not able to sleep all night"

He sighed "I know I'm sorry because it is not helping with your stress but some shit went down and we had to handle it"

"Whatever Dave" Kori went upstairs to get ready to meet the girls


"When I tell you I laid his ass out this morning" Lonnie said as she took a sip of her water

"I was so mad but emotional at the same time. Dev ain't know if he should hold me or go sleep in the guest room"

"Well Juan was in his man cave"

"Right Dave ain't come upstairs cause he already knew"

"I woke up this morning with a email confirmation for a prenatal massage. I'll take it but I'm still pissed"

"Yani I guess we can go together in the next couple months" I said as they all turned to me

"Nooo K are you"


I shook my head as the tears started flowing and I pulled out the ultrasound. They got up and we all had a group hug.

"Kori this is so exciting. How is my big headed cousin feeling about it"

"He is excited but keeps pissing me off but you know nothing out the usual. DJ he is being a little brat about it but I know it's my fault" I smiled

"He will loosen up once time goes on"


"Congrats my guy" Dev said while dapping Dave up

"Damn so you knew since your birthday" Juan asked

"Yea we wanted to hold off until she was 12 weeks just to make sure all was good"

"You've experienced pregnant sex haven't you" J asked

"Naw can't say I have. DJ momma was a bitch during pregnancy so I ain't touch her"

"My boy ain't nothing like it"Juan said while shaking his head

"You would definitely know all them kids you got"

We all laughed and went back to our offices

I picked Kori up from the house and DJ from school and we headed over to my parents house. As soon as we walked in my mom hugged DJ and looked down at his shirt. She fell to her knees and started crying.

"I prayed that this would happen at the right time"

I looked over at Kori and she was now crying while hugging my mother.

"Oh Dave please do right by my baby this time"

I nodded my head and she came over to me and hugged me. I looked over at Kori and saw the scared look in her eyes. To know I caused her to be so traumatized made me feel like complete shit.

I Hate You But I Love You (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now