By Magical_LittleStar

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THE ROYAL COUPLE Meet Swasti Singh:- A Greek goddess with a unique personality, her life revolves around two... More

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14(Finally the wedding)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 22

4K 144 15
By Magical_LittleStar

Swasti's pov

I sat in the car,and wore the seat belt as that devil started the car,

Vihaan:Y were u here till so late?(he said focusing on the road)

Swasti:My not-so-dear boss had sent me to have look at the site PERSONALLY!

Vihaan:Is this how u talk to ur boss?!(he said abit angrily)

Swasti:Which boss?(I said playfully)

Vihaan:Who else is here?(He said annoyed)?

Swasti:Oh u!Well ur my husband as of now because we r not in the office remember!(I said smirking)

Vihaan:Hmm,don't be so happy tomorrow is yet coming,where I'll be ur not-so-dear BOSS and not ur psycho HUSBAND!(He said smirking)

Ok,this is what we call apne hi per par kuladi marna.(Putting urself in trouble because of ur own mistake)Hey bhagwan!In this whole world u found only Me!

I looked outside,deciding people to call for my tomorrow's funeral!

Vihaan:Don't worry from now!Save it for tomorrow and before tomorrow save it for home!

Swasti:What the fuck do u mean?!

Vihaan:Ur boss told me,u called me a psycho,so let's show u tonight who exactly is a psycho!!?(I said looking at him with wide eyes as getting away from him by sitting more closer to the door)

Vihaan:Relax!I'm not gonna do anything here!But I definetly will show u who actually is ur psycho husband,at home!(he said smriking)

I WANNA SUICIDE!!!!!Please god!Lemme just go on the last floor of burjkhalifa and suicide,it will be much much better than going home with this BASTARD,DEVIL,DEMON,MONSTER,JERK,IDIOT etc etc etc!

I cried mentally as we reached home,and I hurriedly removed the seat belt and literally ran to my room and locked it!

Once I was in,I left a sigh that yay I'm safe!I'm not gonna open this filthy door at all now!

I changed into a kurti and plazo(Its comfortable for me)

After around 10 minutes,someone knocked the door,I know it must be that bastard,so I decided not to answer it but then Kashi spoke from outside,


Oh fuck!I ran and opened the door!

Swasti:Sorry,I was in the restroom what happened?

Kashi:U r called down for dinner!

SHIT!I didn't even think of dinner,but I can refuse saying I'm not well,ya.

Swasti:Umm...ka-(I was cut by kashi)

Kashi:Maharani said that u need to have ur dinner and there are no excuses as u didn't have ur lunch properly!

Hey bhagvan!I hate my life!But I can get back inside the room fast yah?


I went Down after taking my phone.


I said sitting as everyone had come except that devil,luckily!But just When the helpers served me the bastard came and sat next to Me!

Mom:Ranbir told me that u didn't have ur lunch properly,y?

Swasti:Actually,wo..woh(I looked at Bhaiya for help,just to get a i-can't-help-u look and I so wanted to kill bhaiya)

Swasti:Woh I had got busy with work!

Mom:Silly girl!From tomorrow onwards I'll pack for u lunch and I want it finished!(Mom said sternly shouting at me like I'm a 10-years-old)

I chuckled,


I spoke after sometime,

Swasti:How are ur studies going Ritika?

Ritika:They are going well,but full with tests,I do exams more than we actually study!

I chuckled,

Swasti:Even my college days were same!But I yet remember enjoying a lot with my friends!


We all talked as we went to our respective rooms,I walked super fast to reach my room before that bastard can reach me but just as I was to reach my room someone pulled my wrist and my back bumped with the pole behind!And I saw that Bastard is the one,he had captured me between him and the pole by putting his hands either sides.

Vihaan:Running,are we?

Swasti:I...i...wasn' said looking anywhere but him)


Swasti:I...I'm not!

Vihaan:When did I refuse?(He said smirking,ugh!!!I want to smack his face so hard!!!!)

Swasti:Lea...leave...Me!(I said trying to push him,just to fail)

Vihaan:Y so soon,u haven't even seen how psycho ur husband is yet!

FUCK ME!!!!!

Swasti:I already know...leave me now!

Vihaan:Really?(He said keeping a knife on my throat as I looked at him with wide eyes)

Vihaan:Why r u looking at me with wide eyes?I thought u already knew?

Swasti:Lemme go!(I said looking at the knife on my throat)

Vihaan:Not yet!(He took my hand and made me hold the knife and took the knife near his throat holding my hand)

Vihaan:Kill Me!

I looked at him all shocked and my eyes had become as big as a plate,what the fuck does he mean that I kill him?My hands started trembling,

Vihaan:Why the fuck r u hesisting?U always wanted to murder me right so y not now?

This guy IS a PSYCHO!Please swallow me god!

My hands trembled and he came near to me as my hand moved backwards,and I could feel his hot breath fanning on my face as I felt ticklish,and my breathing stopped.


I started shivering and my hands started trembling as he came even closer leaving barely an inch distance as the knife started cutting his skin slightly and i immediately threw the knife down and closed my eyes tightly as I put my hands on my mouth to stop myself from screaming,as soon as blood started coming out.And he too left me as my breathing became heavy and I fell down on the floor leaning on the pole as tears started flowing.

He just left from there and I'm very glad that he did!I hate him!I hate him!I hate him!!!!!!!!!!!

I cried my heart out and then I went inside my room and washed my face as I wrote down everything on a paper and flushed the paper.It made me feel better,I cried the whole night and finally fell asleep crying!

The next morning when I got up,I had dark circles and I looked all messy,i did my morning chores and hid the dark circles under makeup but it just made it look lighter not vanish it.

I wore a Formal peach t-shirt and black Jeans with a black purse and high ponytail.

And I then went Down after collecting some of my files that I have to submit to that psycho and my laptop.

As I sat everyone greeted as everyone had already come,and I wished them back.After having breakfast,mom gave me Tiffin as she told last night and I went to office in my own car since I knew where it is,and I love driving so I drove myself,I had already taken permission from Dad.

As I entered everyone greeted me as I greeted them back and I went to my cabin and kept all the stuff as I went through the files one last time and decided to go submit them to that bastard.

I gathered all the courage I could and knocked as I prepared myself for another worst session of my life.

After hearing a husky come-in,I opened the door with trembling hands as I walked in with baby steps and stopped just after 2 steps from the door.

Swasti:S...sir(I swallowed the lump formed in my throat)

He looked up as soon as I said sir,

Vihaan:Put it there!(He said pointing at the table next to me and I kept it there)

Vihaan:And about the contractor?

Swasti:Sir...i..I..have..appointed...a...contractor....the file is here(I said pointing at the 3 files I had brought)

Vihaan:I heard,u called me ur not-so-dear boss!(He said getting back to work)

I was ready for this,but I'm already too unstable to go through this,

Swasti:So..sorry..sir(I said looking down in a low voice)


THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!I was seriously in no mood to have another emotional trauma and make a mess out of myself Atleast in office!I was to leave when I remembered that I don't know what I have to do next,I mean I do know but I'm not dumb to let that work go in waste so y not ask this idiot from before!


He looked up,


Vihaan:What do u think ur supposed to do next?(he asked in a bored tone and continued working)

Swasti:Sir I was through the files of the 1st company to get a better and clear view...Ishaan has given the summary!

Vihaan:Do what u want!(He said in a bored expression)

Swasti:Ok(Wow,how comes I'm allowed to do anything I want!Yayyy!)

Just when I was to leave,he called,

Vihaan:Do u know why i told u to check the Site personally?

I looked behind and thought for a second,

Swasti:So that I personally know how exactly the land is?


I looked at him perplexed but went and sat either ways,after taking many baby steps and my nervousness increasing with each  step,

Vihaan:What position are u in?

Swasti:I'm the CFO of KKS companies!(I said proudly,smiling)

Vihaan:Yah but u don't act like one!(Boom!All my proudness had gone to the drainage,I frowned)

Vihaan:What's ur dream?

Swasti:To become the CEO of KKS companies!

Vihaan:A dream is not what u see when ur sleeping,a dream is something that doesn't let u sleep!Have u heard of this quote?(He said getting up)


Vihaan:So consider this company as ur one and only dream,ur life and put in everything that it takes!

I gave him a i-know-that look,

Vihaan:U know what that look means?It means that u DO NOT KNOW what I said(He said moving around)

Vihaan:Have u ever done online shopping?


Vihaan:Ok,why would u prefer physical shopping rather than online?

Swasti:Mainly,so that we can inspect the product before buying it!(I said wondering why he is asking such silly questions)

Vihaan:Exactly!(He said sitting down,next to me and turning my chair to face his as he stared right into my eyes)

Vihaan:The product is the site!The papers where u will sign and get the land is online shopping and when u personally went and inspected the land that is Physical shopping!

Ok now tell me what things did u get to know about,every small details about the land that u didn't know about before going there?

I thought for around 2-3 minutes,and then realised the whole shit and spoke with shock,

Swasti:I realised it's a busy area since I was there till 8 and it was still crowdy so all the female employees would actually be safe working till late!There is also a line of Rickshaws always there so easy access to transport!The land is a bit bumpy and in fact we had to discuss this and solve it that's y it took long!And...and the land is actually really huge and it's kinda a posh area,and there is a lot of greenery too,so most probably I'll have space to add something like garden and all to make it look better.And...(As I was to list more,with one of my hand on my head,realising all this with so much happiness,vihaan cut me)

Vihaan:EXACTLY!If u had never seen the site u wouldn't have known all this things!And on top they were full chances that the constructors or the land owner would have fooled u!U maybe won't realise it now but try talking to some constructor and enjoy how they will try to fool u!

I put all my hair strands behind using my both hands and hid my face in my hands realising how stupid I could be,and how easily the contractors who I had talked to would have fooled me,no actually they had already fooled me but luckily I had decided to start off fresh!

Vihaan:Ok wow!Don't tell me u were to be fooled!?(He asked unbelievably)

I just nodded with an embarrassed face!He just sat back comfortably raising his hands in surrender.We stayed like that for sometime as I removed my hands from my face and got up!

Swasti:Thanks!(I said giving a small smile as however bad this guy is but he eventually saved me from a huge mistake)

Vihaan:Listen!(He said getting up)


Vihaan:Just don't ever call me a psycho!(He said looking everywhere but me)Just know that some words turn me into a completely different person......... and I don't want people to experience that different person(He said this looking directly into my eyes,where I could see pain!)You can leave!

I looked at him for a second,thinking if he was actually apologising for yesterday as well as warning me and I also felt as if he was hiding something,it felt as if he isn't who he is!He isn't as bad as he...It's the same feeling I got just 2 days after our marriage,when we talked in the balcony.I feel like he is a man full of Mysteries and I don't know why but I want to discover all his mysterious!

I left wondering about all these things,and I just decided to focus on work right now.I started going through the 2 summary that Ishaan gave yesterday and I was done in around 1 and 1/2 hour and then decided to look at the architecture of the company in Udaipur even though I know it already because of the summary and ofc because I have worked there but I decided to check it once more and change it's architecture a bit to make this company look even more beautiful!

At 1 I had my lunch while working and I also searched about best architectures and talked to them as I had a meeting with the constructors and the architectures so that they can work on how things are exactly supposed to be like.And I told the architectures to give me some examples of the designs by next week as I also showed them some designs of the company in Udaipur,and explained how I want things to be like.It was already 9 by the time I wrapped up everything and left and when I got out,the same time vihaan also came out and our eyes met for a second as we both locked our cabin and went to the lift,and it was so awkward in the lift as he spoke,

Vihaan:Why r u not yet home?

Swasti:Umm...I lost track of time!

Vihaan:I don't want u to stay in office after 7!(He said this and got out as I just looked at his back wondering if he was "concerned" about me but no no that isn't possible,I thought getting out)

I freshened up and changed into a kurti with leggings,

And then went Down as I gave the empty Tiffin to a helper and told mom that I had finished everything as we had our dinner with abit of laughing.

We went to our respective rooms then and since I was extremely tired,i slept as soon as my head touched the pillow!



How was the chappy?

Btw from now onwards I'll be updating on Sundays or Mondays as tomorrow I'll get my results and then normal studies so,and I also need to revise for a competition I have on 18 and 19th June,so wish me luck for tomorrow and also for the upcoming competition as I really need it!🤞🤞🤞🤞

Stay tuned,
Thank you,

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