Kissy |HS|

By CanyonMoon96

154K 2.9K 782

|British Dictionary| Kissy; adj. 1. Informal showing exaggerated affection, especially by frequent touching... More

Kissy |HS|- prologue
Ch. 2
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 31
Ch. 33

Ch. 32

722 19 0
By CanyonMoon96

"This is her first time using a surfboard. She was about 4, her persistence was beginning to peak as you can see, she refused to wear anything but her life vest."

"Ma! That's not really an ideal photo to bring to show and tell," I drunkenly scolded my mother, more embarrassed as she flipped through countless photo albums.

I huffed, chewing on my food and watching as everyone gathered at the end of the table to swim in my shame.

Well, everyone except for Avery.

My eyes flickered to her, watching as she focused intently, sticking olives onto the tips of her fingers. I refrained from laughing, placing an olive into my spoon and angling it as you wpuld a catapult.

"Hey!-" I laughed as Avery turned to me, a scowl on her face as the olive hit her in the eye.

Her whispered threats began as she pointed her olives at me, which only caused for more laughter.

She glanced between me and the occupied individuals, making sure no one else was paying attention, before she took her spoon and pulled it back, loading it with a pea.

I watched as she let go, her distorted finger causing it to relapse and shoot her in the same eye.

By now I was wheezing at her failed attempt of revenge, her palm in her eye as she began to giggle too.

I met her eyes....eye, both of us trying to battle quietly at each other. Who am I kidding, we're as subtle as hyenas.

"Ow!" I laughed more as she launched an entire bread roll at my head, causing all the others to put a haul at what they were doing.

I met eyes with Harry, a slight smirk as he crossed his arms.

"What are you two doing?"

Avery cleared her throat, casually sucking an olive off her index finger.

"Clearly, we're very busy calculating the velocity at which food flies."

My quick response caused Avery to choke on her food, tossing her head back as she simultaneously died and chuckled.

It was a circle of life kind of thing, we were absolute idiots and once we started we couldn't stop.

Harry refrained from laughter, as Avery coughed up a follow up answer.

"Yes, yes it's a very important project. more important than NASA Harry. You wouldn't understand."

We both stared down at our plates, shoving food into our mouths as we continued our amused fits. My mother laughed, all too familiar with the idiocracy that Avery and I bring to the table, quite literally.

"I think, you've both had quite enough to drink."

"Does that mean I can't have water?"

My mother gave me a dead set stare, finding herself stuck with a headache of a child I'm sure.

"Luna, too much alcohol to drink. You can have anything else but that."

I grinned sheepishly and excused myself to the kitchen area, searching the know, just in case I wasn't feeling it with the water.

"You are something else."

I peered behind the fridge door, humming in response to Harry's frequent words.

"You want some juice Har?"

He chuckled, nodding his head as he stood closer to my side.

I pulled out apple juice, and stood below the glass cabinet. Staring defeatedly at what I could reach, had my arm not been uncooperative.

"Har, could you get the glasses?"

Immediately he complied, reaching over my head to grab three. The smell of his cologne washing over me was almost drowning.

I loved the way he smelled.

His eyes met mine, pure bliss and ignorance fogging my brain as I stared lovingly at him.

He chuckled and pecked my lips sweetly, taking over my duties for drinks.

I watched as he made the task look beautiful.

"You're so pretty."

His eyes glancing at mine briefly, a smile stretching across his face.

"Why thank you love, you're quite pretty yourself."

I was putty at his words. Everytime he spoke, it created a flutter in my chest. Must be my uterus pulling on my heart strings.

He patted my butt, directing me back to the table as he grabbed the drinks.

"Anyways, where were we BeBe," he sat down with my mother, flipping through the photo albums.

I rolled my eyes and sipped my juice.


"I love you too mom. I'll be back next weekend, or the weekend after."

I hugged my obnoxious mother, rushing out the door, which was only counteracted because she held Harry back the longest. Loving on him and holding the worlds longest mom conversation.

This day felt long. We had to stop at my dad's next, something I was more relaxed about but dreading the interrogation I know my father will have with Harry.

I buckled myself in and watched as Harry made a beeline to the drivers side, all of us waving a final good bye to my mother. He got in, buckling himself in as well and turning his attention to me, a sweet grin set.


He chuckled, "where to now?"

"Oh!" I jumped in my seat and punched the address for my father's house into the GPS, giggles filling the back of the car as Avery mocked me.

"You girls," Harry shook his head, finding joy in our childish behavior.



I was more nervous to meet Lunas father. Seeing as though I've only just found out her parents aren't together, and by stereotype, fathers can be more intimidating than mothers.

I was glad to see Luna more relaxed, even though she drank to reach that level, it was still nice to see her dwell on something other than the pain her arm.

I huffed, and trailed behind Luna, her fingers wrapping around my pinky. Something I've noticed she does often. It was cute.

"Hi dad," she planted a kiss to her father's cheek, pulling me in behind her. I watched as they interacted lovingly. 

"And this must be the famous Herman stales."

I chuckled confused and took his hand for a handshake, Luna laughing and shaking her head.

"Dad, it's HARRY STYLES, not Herman."

He waved his hand back, "Agh, tomato tomahto."

"Potato potahto." I added on to his phrase, to which we both commented in unison....

"Let's call the whole thing off."

We shared a cheeky grin, and moved towards the living room. Conversation sparking immediately between myself and Lunas father.

"So Harry, you like baseball?"

Lunas soft footsteps wandered the house as she set up food for her father.

"Its a good sport, I'm a fan of quite a few sports."

He nodded, smiling at his daughter as she catered to him. "Mom said go easy on the potatoes. And eat more greens."

He chuckled, and averted his attention to me as she walked away.

"Luna, she takes care of me. Of both of us really. Shes a good kid, and she's always been supportive. Makes me wonder what we did so right, to raise such a beautiful daughter."

I smiled at her father's reminiscence, her parents bragged endlessly of Lunas heart. Her ability to love the way she did. Made me wonder just as they did. But It made me think more about what's under it all.

I watched as she hustled and carried in two glasses with scotch. Pouring one for her dad and myself. A slight smile appearing on my face.

"Thank you love."

She blushed, nodding and trailing off.


Avery popped around the corner and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Avery dear, where have you been hiding."

She laughed and sat on the nearest couch. "I was on the phone. With a very important caller."

"No she wasn't, she fell asleep in the car."

Luna chuckled, intervening Averys lies.

"Ahh, well rest is good for the skin." Avery agreed and held up her invisible glass to toast his words.

"Harry, son, where you from? Luna says your from somewhere around the European area?"

My ears perked up at Luna scoffing in the other room.

"I'm from redditch, in the UK."

He nodded, taking a drink from his glass, silence washing over briefly.

"Is your mother single?"

"Dad! Harry dont answer that," I laughed at his question and Lunas stern look as she popped around the corner.

"Well sir, I can't speak for my mother but I do know quite a few ladies that im sure would love to make a pitch at you." We both laughed, her father wheezing and tapping my hand.


The rest of the night, I spend listening to Lunas father tell me stories. Vicariously living through his memorabilia from his teenage years to fatherhood. Luna watched admiringly at her father. He went on about baseball, to heart of all sports for him and Luna. They both spoke about every game they've seen, every game they've watched.

Lunas family was anything but broken, for how apart they were, I've never felt so much love radiate.

She was more calm around her father,  which could be the booze wearing off slowly. But calm nonetheless.

"I tell you Harry, you should see Luna swing a bat. Girl has quite the swing."

"Really?" My attention averted to her as she shook her head.

"Oh don't shake your head, she's stubborn. This girl can hit a home run as well as babe Ruth,  you'd think he'd be our ancestor."

I snickered at the new found information, although not surprising to hear about her athletic abilities.

"Shes got a party trick too," her dad raised his eyebrows, as if he could look more proud.

"Yeah let's not get into that tonight," she laughed and picked up any dishes and brought them to the kitchen.

"Whats her party trick?" Avery and Lunas father both smiled at me.


"That trick is for parties dad!"

He laughed and leaned in, whispering into my ear, which became more of a surprise than her batting skills.

I stared at her, grinning ear to ear as she sat down. To which she glared.



Look at that, 2 for 2. 

I have more ideas for the story, some you won't like and some you will.

Just more of an introduction, and connection between Harry and Lunas parents.

I hope you enjoy, I know it's not everything you were waiting for and I'm sorry!

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