Teen Titans x Fem Reader

By bcaceres25

204K 4.5K 1.3K

It has been bothering me of seeing barley Teen Titans fan-fiction and some that are not have updated for year... More

please read!!!
Divide and Conquer
Final Exam
Forces of Nature
The Sum of His Parts
Deep Six
Mad Mod
Car Trouble
Apprentice Part 1
Apprentice Part 2
How Long Is Forever?
Every Dog Has His Day
Only Human
Fear Itself
Date with Destiny
Titan Rising
Winner Take All
Aftershock (Part 1)
Aftershock (Part 2)
The Beast Within
Can I Keep Him?
Bunny Raven... or... How to Make A Titananimal Disappear
Titans East Part 1
Titans East Part 2
Episode 257-494(Don't Touch That Dial)
Cyborg the Barbarian
The Quest
The Prophecy
Mother Mae-Eye
The End (Part 1)
The End (Part 2)
The End (Part 3)

Employee of the Month

1.9K 53 25
By bcaceres25

Doing a stake out in a farm isn't so much fun, due to the waiting and the long nights but this night was different. A UFO actually made its appearance stealing one of the cows, "Titans now!" Robin commanded, Robin and Starfire was disguised as the elderly farm couple, While Beast boy was acting as a cow and Raven as a scarecrow. You just hid in the deep darkness of the barn while Cyborg was the main attraction by being the cow that was taken. "Moo yah!" Cyborg yelled as he blasted the claws that were holding the cow, he then jumped on the UFO. Causing the ship to blast in different directions hitting Beast boy to crash into the barn "WOW ITS GETTING AWAY!" He yelled at trying to hang on, Y'all chased after him, Robin rode on his motorcycle but he soon jumped off of it to fly with y'all  with his cape that was shaped to be a bird form.

"Cyborg were closing in, hang on." Robin tells him "That's what I'm trying to do!" As the team were chasing Cyborg Beast boy started to fall behind getting tired of the chase. The UFO made its way to the city and then pushed its brakes causing Cyborg to hit against a building, making him fall with all the other rumble from the building. You quickly grabbed Cyborg in the air when Raven used her power to stop the rumble in the air so Robin and Starfire can move the people out the way, when the people were gone Raven let go of the rumble as you brought Cyborg to the ground "Thanks dork." he says "Anytime man." "Cyborg where did it go?" Robin asked, due to the UFO being gone "I don't know it just disappeared." "This is the third time this week it's gotten away." Thanks for stating the obvious. Your other side said in your head, "Well at least there's some good news." "You finally decided to let me drive the T-car." Beast boy finally made it to the group "No, I found a new place for breakfast." The sun already came up making it morning "Mega Meaty Meat? I've never heard of this place before." "Sounds healthy." Raven said after Robin in a sarcastic tone.

"Come on guys what's a better way to end an all night stake out then with a nice juicy steak." Cyborg did have a point there "Hello, does the word I'm a vegetarian mean anything to you, there is no way you could get me inside a place like that!" Beast boy called out "Besides we should get back to the tower to start tracking that ship." The team started walking away but you stayed behind with Cyborg "Let's get something to eat, these long nights are really driving me crazy." You guys walked in then walked out with two meaty burgers and you also got a milkshake. Y'all finished eating then walked back to the tower as you were drinking your milkshake you look towards an dark alley to see someone staring you couldn't see their face just their red eyes, you just shrugged it off and kept walking.

When you guys walked in the tower, Cyborg was going to yell that you guys are back, but you quickly shut his mouth with your powers "Shh I don't want to do anything but sleep." Is all you said before teleporting to your room knocking out on your bed it took about 20 minutes for your sleep to be disturbed by Beast boy who just walked into your room with no knocks "We need to talk." "I'm literally going to throw you out of my room." "Hear me out, where do you get the money for your book?" "Would you believe it if I said I used to have a pimp." You tell him "Not one bit." "How about daddy's money." "Maybe, so you didn't work for your money?" He asked "Bitch I did my time for that money." "Ah yes when you were in prison in Tokyo, I remember." "Is there something you need?" You said trying to sleep "I want to buy a moped but Robin said I can fly and Cyborg won't make me on, then Raven said to get a job." "Well there is your answer hon, go get a job." "You wanna join me?" Beast boy asked, "Not today, I've been up for too long I'm no help." He nodded his head understanding the situation leaving you to finally sleep until your phone started ringing "What!" Your other side yelled into the phone "Hey my amazing, beautiful all so wonderful best friend." 

"Make it quick Wally." You said putting your face into the pillow "The HIVE has a new hideout now, being run by Brother blood." "There's nothing new there, why not just have titans of the east to deal with it." You said with a very tired voice "They're chasing down a gang of robberies that is causing the people to riot on their money being stolen. So Bumblebee is sending out Speedy to look into it, causing him to call me, now I call you." "What is the HIVE doing so wrong that we have to investigate?" "Apparently a secret file is being held by them from a different group. The titans east doesn't trust it." You groaned at how annoying bad guys can be, "Look Wally I don't think I can be much of a help, me and the titans have been doing these late stake outs of UFO's taking cows. I haven't gotten much sleep." You heard a gasp over the phone "Is that actually (Y/n) (L/n) complaining about life?, the girl I know gets up and flicks off the world." 

"I want to argue with you but I like the ending of your sentence." "So is this a yes?" Wally asks "I just got to ask Robin first before I can go." "Since when did you need a man's validation?" You were shocked for a second and thinking how right he was "I'll see you later man." You said before hanging up the phone, you got out of bed and walked to the living room. Yes, you read that correctly you walked instead of teleporting to save power. You see Robin working on the computer to catch the UFO's location, "Hey Robin my all time favorite leader that I totally respect." You said trying to not sound a bit sarcastic "Whatever it is, it's not." "You didn't even know what I was going to say!" You sounded a bit offended by him not hearing you out "I already know what your going to ask, your going to say if you can leave the team to go do something then come right back. You already did that three times ." 

You turned his chair facing your way and put both hands on each side of the arm rest. "How about we make this the fourth time." You said making eye contact with him "You do know I'm your leader right." He said as he puts his hand on your wrist "And you do know I can disappear at any moment right?" "Fine, tell me where you're going this time." You moved behind him and put your arms around him like a hug from behind "So demanding I like it, Wally called saying stuff about the HIVE having information its going to be me, him and speedy probably breaking in." "You know for you to go out you have to do me a favor." He tells you "Gee Robin I'm not so good with favors or remembering." "All you need to do is say yes and I'll let you go." You thought about it for a moment but who the hell cares this is wasting time anyways "Okay fine I'll do this favor for you, don't miss me too much." Robin looked up noticing how close the two of you are, you winked then vanished. Robin let out a loud sigh "Why did I get lost in her eyes?" Is all he said

You went to the titans east tower "Where are my boys!" "(Y/n)!" Más y Menos ran towards you to engulf you in a hug "Nosotros te extrañamos." (We missed you!) The twins said "I missed ya'll too." "Hey (Y/n) It's been awhile." Bee said flying towards you, but came cutting in flash "(Y/n) These kids are so cool they almost run at the same speed as me!" "Glad you could join us." Speedy says as he walks to you "We are grateful for your help, but are you sure you want to do this?" Aqualad asks "I've done way more dangerous things than this, and Brother blood is no big deal." "Yeah (Y/n) totally got this." Flash says backing you up, "First thing first is a plan, now we know the teen titans already went undercover as students, but we want you to do something different." Bee says "Different? How different?" 

Time skip, to you in the outfit above.

"Man I feel like this should've been my everyday outfit, but no it's for a villain student." "A villain teacher." Speedy corrected "A teacher!? Since when could I teach?" "Since now." Flash says "We already made a resume for you and Brother blood approves of it, He's expecting to see you for an interview in 20 minutes." Aqualad explains "Also here's your wig I definitely didn't wear it, maybe we should get you eye contact too." "There's no need I think I got it covered."  "NO NO NO I don't wanna be a part of this !"  Your other side thought "Where is the new HIVE located?"  "Don't ignore me!" "The coordinates are sent to your communicator, Flash and Speedy will soon join you later." Bee tells you "Okay then well I'll see ya'll later." You teleported near an underground location where a gate was there having a camera on the side, you started walking towards it "I will not be a part of a wannabe villain con!" "Will you shut it!" "We can't use our regular power or it'll drain us, so I came to the decision to let you out."  You tell them "Wait, so you're actually trusting me? I didn't know you fell on your head." "You know maybe this is all a bad idea." "No no babe, I got this I'll do my part and I'll get the job done....What is the actual job again?" You sighed to yourself "The mission is to act like a teacher, but in secret we are going to look around for a restricted file." "Ah what's in the file?" "I don't know dumbass it's restricted." "Hey, just remember I'm going to be in control so chill out." 

"I'm trusting you okay, if you need help bring me back." You were getting close to the entrance "I'll see you later sunshine." Now your other side was in control showing their red eyes, they stopped at the gate and rang the buzzer "Name?"  Someone answers "Name, name, name!, What the fuck is my name!" "Um I'm here for the teacher interview." Seconds passed before the gate opened, your other side sighed in relief, you started walking in and met with a hooded figure "Follow me." is all they said "This is the start of a horror movie."  You followed them through the hallway then stopped at a door, the hooded person knocks, the door creeks open, then the hooded person walks away "Come in." is all you heard in the room, you walked in "Ah you must be Ms. Monokuma." Brother blood was the one in the room "What do those weirdos think I'm a psycho! It's true I am but what's up with this name." "Yes sir, it is a pleasure to finally meet you." "Likewise, I had the most pleasure reading your resume and you have such a unique name. Are you by any chance from Japan?" Brother blood ask

"Yes, but I left japan to explore the many attractions of the world." "So you travel? That's excellent, tell me how you changed the students minds at the old school you work for, you are the reason for their trauma." "Oh no it's definitely like that anime." "I made them feel despair, and manipulation was always my favorite technique." Your other side said as they touched Brother bloods hand "What the fuck are you doing!? trying to seduce him!" You said in ya'll mind "Well at HIVE academy we try to form our students to a good path of villainous and to hopefully bring down those troublemakers of teen titans." "Oh Mr.Blood it would be an honor if you let me teach your students how to respect manipulation." Your other side said with a soft voice "Everything about you seems marvelous, so I think you're qualified enough for this. would you like to meet your class?" "That would be wonderful, and please call me Ms.Kuma only the people I like get to call me that." Brother blood takes your hand and places a kiss on it "It would be my pleasure."

He took you to your class it was exactly like you remember it from when you went undercover with Cyborg. You see the students and remember the few, you saw the group you caught stealing at that museum in a distance there is two familiar people that look like flash and speedy "They suck at disguises, be lucky no one know you guys." "Lady's and gentlemen I'll like to introduce Ms.Monokuma, she'll be your new psychology teacher, treat her with respect, have fun with the class Ms.Kuma." Brother blood says as he left "Didn't know I was teaching already." "Starting off today's lesson is despair, can anyone tell me how to cause despair?" No one answer which pissed your other side off, you turn facing the bored starting to write until you were hit with a paper ball then heard a fits of laughter, you turn around to see the students silent instead of one that was still snickering with his friends, your other side uses their powers to bring up the ball and send it straight to the kids head making him fall over

"Since Brother blood is no longer here you guys are now my responsibility, meaning you are in my control, meaning abuse is on the table." " So I expect ya'll to get your act together before I make you all suffer for it." Your other side threatened "Pain causes despair, that's the answer." Jinx announced "It was a trick question hon, there are many answers to what causes despair my favorite is manipulation. Here's a scenario.... let's say we have a class of students trapped in a school wanting to leave, for them to do that they would have to commit their greatest fear. Of course it's common for the student to not even think about their fears but that's when manipulation comes in, to pressure them and make them overthink so much to a point it will drive the students crazy and just want to get this fear over with and just leave. After the act is done they feel this magnificent feeling called regret that is another cause for despair. Every human has regrets, has things they'd like to go back and change. To the point it causes depression and so on, there is so much to the mind then we know." The bell rang "Okay get the hell out of my class." 

The students started to leave Speedy and flash were about to walk up to you until Jinx beat them to it "I have to say that your lecture was very interesting, I couldn't stop listening." You look in the distance to flash point at his wrist meaning to hurry the fuck up, "Ha thanks pink I appreciate the interest." You walked away from her but she turns towards you feeling like she heard someone else call her that name before. "(Y/n) must be crazy letting you out." "News flash, she is. Ha you see what I did there." "I'm confused, about who this is, this isn't (Y/n)?" Speedy asked "It is but it's not." Flash explained "Let's explain later girls, we have some shit to do." "Your right, the computer system is on the east side of the building." Speedy says as he looks at his communicator for the location, the three of you start walking in the hallway no one is around, you get a call on your communicator from Beast boy "Whats up boo." "Wow it's the other (Y/n), well If you dudes wanted to know I finally got a job." He shows you his employ outfit and the other teen titans there "That's cool I was actually rooting for you, even if you didn't believe us having a pimp." "You had a pimp!?" You hear Robin say in the background "Ya'll didn't know about (Y/n)'s pimp?" Cyborg said as he eats a meaty burger "I knew she had a pimp, he sells amazing sapphires." "Can someone please explain what a pimp is?" Starfire asked after Raven

"Sorry to cut this conversation short but we have some files to steal." Speedy presses the hang up button on the communicator you were already close to the room "So Ms.Monokuma by any chance you do extra credit?" Speedy asked "This guy ends the call with my friends and now is asking for extra credit...man I love this guy." "Let's just get this file and leave." Flash said sounding a bit annoyed, you looked in the room first to see any cameras and the best part is that there was. You used your powers to disable them, "We don't have a lot of time." Speedy quickly went to work while you and flash stayed watch "Um guys there's a password." "No fucking dur there's a password, you don't know the password?" "Nope." Is all flash said  "I know the password." You all turn to the door to see Kyd Wykkyd "Do we grab him or something?" Speedy asked "Yeah we should definitely grab a student." Flash said in a sarcastic tone "I got this guys." Your other side of yourself grabbed Kyd Wykkyd and smashed their lips with him

Flash gasped the loudest "Did I miss a few chapters?" Speedy questioned, your other side broke off the kiss "Password." "All worship Brother Blood123." "Now leave." "Yes ma'am." Kyd Wykkyd quickly said/left, "I'm in." "So now you're just kissing everyone now huh!" "Um guys?" "Don't worry about it speedster (Y/n) needs more action in her life." "Guys." "No she does not! She is perfectly capable of being just by herself without your help." "Yo guys." "Ooooo someone is jealous." "I am not!" "Guys!" You both turn to speedy who access the file "So who is the Brotherhood of Evil?" "An old organization I think." Flash said, the screen started to glitch then turned off, sadly enough the alarm started to go off "Time to go." Flash said "I got thi-..." You passed out, the guards were making their way to the room "I'll handle the guards, just wake up (Y/n)!" Speedy yelled "(Y/n) wake up, hey, hello. (Y/n) hello, hey (Y/n)!" Flash stopped as he hears the guards firing their weapons and Speedy shooting out his arrows. Flash started to shake you "Time to wake up, Okay hello you hear me. Wake up (Y/n), (Y/n) wake up! I don't like this (Y/n) wake up!" 

"Please...stop shaking me." "Thank god, Yo Speedy lets go!" Speedy jumps in the room and grabs onto your shoulder you teleport them back to the original titans tower then passed out again "Why are there cows here!" Flash yelled "You have to pardon my friend here we just went through an emotional roller coaster." "Were going to make our way out, we brought back (Y/n), don't worry she's still alive....we think...cya" Flash and Speedy run out 

Time skip

You woke up in your bed "I hate stake outs." A knock was heard at your door, "Come in." Beast boy walks in "Hey BB whats up." "Oh nothing much just catching you up." He says "So turns out meaty meet was really alien tofu, that came here to steal cows and destroy the earth. But I kidnapped the alien leader and turned all the bobs back into goo and shut down the destruct-o-tron before the world could explode, also in the end Cyborg ate the tofu leader."  You had many questions but was too tired to say anything "Seems like you had a day, I'm very proud of you BB you did a great job." "Oh it was nothing." He says smiling "Yeah totally saving the world is an everyday thing." You said sarcastically "Also next time maybe you should say if you need more sleep or anything." "Oh come on, passing out on ya'll is so fun." "Don't even." Beast boy says as he hits you with a pillow, Robin then walks into the room "Time for that favor." He says "Ooo you're in trouble." Beast boy says as he walks out 

You were doing Robin's favor, you were going up and down breathing heavily, it was beginning to hurt every time you went down "73, 74, 75, 76." Robin counts as you do your push ups "Can I please stop." You begged "Nope not until you go to 200." Your phone ringed signalling a text, you started doing the push up with one hand as you grabbed the phone "Your complaining with two hands but no complaints with one." "Shut it." 

Wally- Hey I'm really sorry for making you do the job when you told me you didn't want to, also if it makes you feel better I'm not going around kissing people.


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