By biscuitsoup

353K 13.7K 10.5K

This is a reversed Harem! However, there will be only one ending for the character I end up choosing Y/n to b... More



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By biscuitsoup


"Good morning, Hairo!" A voice yelled out among the crowd of students. The red-headed boy waved at the crowd with a wide grin on his face. He continued to match down the hallway occasionally being greeted by a few people. Hairo's eyes eventually caught something and he came to a halt eyeing the quiet girl from afar.

"That's the girl that went shopping with us. I also ate lunch with her the other day!" Hairo remembered marching over to the girl to finally introduce himself. He tapped her on the shoulder watching the girl immediately paise her music and turn around taking her earbuds out.

"Yes?" She spoke. Hairo smiled widely at the girl

"Hello! I'm Kineshi Hairo! I've seen you a few times when I was hanging out with Saiki & Friends! I was thinking we could be friends as well!"

"What am I, a TV show?"

Y/n looked up at the boy with a little bit of flattery that he wanted to go out of his way to befriend the girl she thought had no idea existed. The girl nodded eventually getting over her shock. The boy patted her back

"That's great! I'll see you at lunch, then?" Hairo spoke not expecting an answer, just stating a fact. He walked away before she could answer.
The girl watched the confident boy walk away as some fellow students would wave at him and greeted him.

"Saiko will not be coming today." A voice spoke from behind Y/n. The h/c girl jumped and turned to the bodyguard who was patiently awaiting the girl's response.

"Oh. Tell Saiko that I hope he feels better. And I im sorry I made things awkward yesterday. It wasn't my intention." Y/n said. The bodyguard nodded then walked off without another word. Y/n silently wondered why exactly it was suddenly important for the guards to tell her that Saiko wouldn't be in today. Y/n shrugged it off and placed her earbuds back in their comfortable spot.


"Y/n! Good morning!" Teruhashi greeted the girl in the hallway as the two were both on their way to lunch. Y/n peered over at the girl and smiled waving at her. She was too tired to say anything after having to itch her way through the boring class. Teruhashi noticed how exhausted the girl looked and just decided to keep the conversation small to spare the girl from the overexertion of social confrontation.
The two entered the back of the school to see the rest of the group still there. Hairo jumped up seeing the familiar girl

"Oh wow. Hey Teruhashi! Are you eating with us again?" Kaido squeaked feeling his face heat up. Before the girl could answer Hairo walked up to Y/n.

"Hey, Y/n! Lovely morning right?" Hairo asked awaiting the girl's response. She stared up at Hairo for a few seconds before nodding. There was a small quiet between the two before she answered

"It is... A lovely morning!" Y/n spoke making sure to clarify. She inched closer the Teruhashi feeling a bit uncomfortable. Hairo's eyes brightened up

"You close with Teruhashi?" Hairo asked not seeing Teruhahshi's face brighten up and she awaited the girl's answer with a hopeful expression.

"Actually she's closer to me." Saiki thought appearing behind the close couple. The two jumped when Saiki placed a hand on each shoulder

"Saiki!" Teruhashi exclaimed nervously

"I know what's been going on Teruhashi. I couldn't care less that you moved on. Im relieved. I'm just pissed off you chose Y/n of all the people in this school. Seriously. What happened?" Saiki glared at the blue-haired girl. She avoided his glare with a shaky laugh

"Why's he glaring at me!? Did I do something wrong?! Does he know?!" Teruhashi worried to herself. Y/n entered her field of vision. She had been talking with Hairo and the two seemed to be having a very awkward conversation. Hairo found out the best way to approach the quiet girl and figured it would be best if he didn't get super excited and scare the girl.

"Stop staring. It's creepy." Saiki thought walking away from the girl as they all sat down on the grass.

"Kaido. Have you been getting your rest? You look a little... Out of it?" Kuboyasu asked staring at Kaido's spaced-out face. Yumehara jumped towards Kuboyasu

"I was thinking the exact same thing!" She spoke. The orange-haired girl longingly stared at Kaido who looked like he saw death himself.

"I'm fine. My mom just wanted me to study all night last night. She was in a bad mood I guess." Kaido cried pathetically to Kuboyasu who laughed to himself

"That sucks. Seems like all our parents are weird when they're mad." Kuboyasu added. Nendo laid down on the grass

"I don't think Y/n's parents get mad. I met them. They're very hyper." Nendo casually spoke. The group went quiet at Nendo's words and then they all exploded with questions.

"When were you at Y/n's place!?" Kaido yelled suddenly out of his tired state. Yumehara curiously watched ready to hear the juicy gossip.

"It was when we all when to that rich cafe!" Nendo spoke.

"That place sucked." Kuboyasu cringed to himself remembering the rich boy they ran into

"They had good cheesecake."

"They had good cheesecake." Y/n and Saiki thought to themselves. Saiki smiled to himself. The only thing he liked about Y/n was their shared appreciation of sweets.

"I met her folks before leaving for the cafe. They were very sweet. A little weird too." Nendo spoke. The chaos continued and suddenly everyone wanted to go to Y/n's house. The girl cried silently to herself as everyone turned to her asking to be invited.

"That's really unfortunate. I'm sorry Y/n... Can I come too?" Saiki peered over at the girl struggling to calm everyone down.


"Thank you so much for being friends with our daughter!" Tsubaki cried out to the large group of teens waltzing inside the house. They all loudly spoke amongst themselves looking around at every detail of the house. Y/n watched the group quickly become comfortable as they sat down on the couch and floors.

"I love your carpet Y/n!" Yumehara cheered feeling the fluffy carpet. Y/n felt her face flush when her parents were quick to tease Y/n

"Would you guys like anything to drink? Soda, juice, water, tea?" Tsubaki asked glancing over to see her mom walking through the kitchen trying to find something to drink

"Mom! Y/n has guests!" Hiroshi yelled at the woman who looked over at the group of teens.

"Is that cute boy there?" The grandma spoke walking over to the group slowly

"Yeah granny, Im here!" Nendo spoke waving at the lady while clutching the soft carpet with his right hand. The group went wild again as they gossiped quietly.

"Nendo. How have you been?" Grandma asked the boy smiling at the boy who grinned widely

"I've been doing great!" Nendo added as the two were quickly emersed in a conversation.

"Let's go to your room, Y/n!" Teruhashi suggested pulling the girl forwards. Y/n's eyes lit up at the opportunity to escape the loud room. The two walked together up the steps where the voices were beginning to become muffled. Y/n shut her bedroom door listening to the voices become completely drowned out. Teruhashi looked around at the girl's many interests showing throughout the room from the posters to her closet full of very specific types of clothes. Y/n looked over at the girl who had been snooping around her room.

"What did you want to do?" Y/n asked peering over at the blue-haired girl who turned back to the girl. She squealed to herself and dragged Y/n over to her bed.

"Is there anyone you like, Y/n?" Teruhashi asked peering up at the girl curiously. Teruhashi had been wondering what the girl's taste in boys was. A part of her that she ignored hoped for a slightly different response

"Someone I like? Not really." Y/n spoke easily watching Teruhashi's disappointed expression.

"Seriously? Not a single person? What about Kunoyasu?" Teruhashi asked smiling as she watched the girl become embarrassed at the thought of liking Kuboyasu

"He's a sweet guy. But I wouldn't say I like him like that or anything." Y/n said feeling a little bit awkward by the interrogation.

"What about Nendo?" Teruhashi suggested to the girl and Y/n smiled

"Nendo is funny. But I don't think I'll ever like him romantically." Y/n spoke up. Teruhashi tensed up slightly letting out a fake laugh

"Are you even into guys?" Teruhashi asked feeling her voice shake slightly. Y/n looked over at Teruhashi's expression wondering why exactly she looks so nervous.

"What do you mean?" Y/n asked. Teruhashi glanced over at the girl feeling a bit irritated by her cluelessness. Teruhashi felt her heart beating out of her chest as she slowly brought her hand over to Y/n's.

"I mean... I don't know what I mean!" Teruhashi exclaimed bringing her hand back and standing up very abruptly. Y/n held a concerned expression towards the girl.

"I'm sorry. I must have made you awkward with all these questions." Teruhashi spoke with a very distressed expression on her face.

"Don't feel bad for her. Feel bad for me. I had to hear all those "Kiss her!" Thoughts. For a second I thought I had to intervene." Saiki groaned a little bit annoyed by how much trouble Y/n was. He marched back downstairs to the group

"You've been in the restroom for a while Saiki. Did you take a shit?" Nendo asked holding his cup of tea. Saiki sighed sitting down beside Kaido who was quietly watching the chaos while drinking the water he didn't want. Soon enough both Teruhashi and Y/n walked back downstairs. This didn't go unnoticed by the group as they instantly turned their attention from Saiki over to the couple who were getting comfortable with the group.

"Y/n! You're back, did the big crowd overstimulate you?" The mother asked watching Y/n nod slightly embarrassed.

"Why don't we play a game then!" Hiroshi cheered at his clever idea. He grabbed the nearest board game and then placed it down in the center of the group. Hiroshi pats his daughter's head for luck and then left the room followed by Tsubaki and the grandma.

"A board game?" Saiki spoke. The tensions in the room rose when the group realized what game it was exactly.

"Jenga!" Kaido screeched pointing at the game. Yumehara tensed slightly

"I'm really bad at this game," the orange-haired girl thought in despair

"I'll go first!" Hairo shouted

"Second," Kuboyasu spoke up raising his hand slightly

"Guess I'll be third then." Nendo cheered. The group watched the three boys set up the game. Kuboyasu would smack Nendo's arm whenever he placed the block on the rest of the stack too harshly and caused it to wobble.

"I'm going first!" Hairo shouted trying to get rid of his nerves. He placed his finger on one of the blocks checking for anything loose. He was lucky enough to find something easy to push by his third try. Hairo slowly and carefully collected one of the pieces from the other side. Kuboyasu smacked Nendo's hand when he tried reaching forward. The purple-haired teen inspected the game not longer than 4 seconds before he precisely took out a block with no trouble. The rest of the group went wild with amazement. 

"How the hell did you do that?!" Kaido exclaimed. Watching Kuboyasu becoming embarrassed by all the attention. He laughed scratching the back of his head

"Just a trick I picked up!" He spoke lying naturally. Nendo frowned at the attention he was getting

"Look over here! I'm about to pull out this weird block thing!" Nendo yelled gripping the block

"Wait Nendo!" Kuboyasu yelled. Nendo pulled the block out then the entire foundation fell apart. Nendo held up the block with a victorious grin

"Kuboyasu and Hairo move on to the next game!" Kaido exclaimed watching Kuboyasu screaming the rules at Nendo while resisting the urge to beat him up. 

"Let me go next! Kaido spoke setting up the Jenga blocks once again.

"Might as well get out as quickly as possible to avoid suspicion. Judging by the way Kaido set it up there are a lot more loose ones because of the loose foundation itself. For anyone else joining they might have a clear advantage." Saiki thought raising his hand to go next

"I can try as well!" Y/n spoke up excited to try and play the game. She always played Jenga with her family but with friends, it appeared way more fun.

"Don't lose to Kaido, Y/n." Saiki thought rooting for the girl. The three immediately started the game. Kaido made the first move, then Saiki, and then Y/n. After about 4 blocks were removed the three became nervous. Saiki glared at one of the Jenga blocks then pulled it out watching the foundation fall apart. Kaido laughed in relief

"Sometimes having these powers can come in handy," Kaido spoke staring down at the psychic who rolled his eyes joining Nendo on the couch

"I hope you don't mind Y/n. But we wanted you to join us!" Yumehara spoke up while setting up the next round. Y/n nodded stepping up towards the group. Teruhashi stepped forward smiling to herself

"Games like these come easy for me. When I have my perfection on my side." Teruhashi confidently thought as both Y/n and Yumehara finished setting up.

"Y/n, you won last time. You should go first!" Yumehara spoke motioning for Y/n to continue. The girl nodded and then began poking around the foundation until she stumbled across a loose one. Y/n smiled pulling one out. Teruhashi leaned forward. With ease, she pulled one of the bricks out. Teruhashi squealed in her mind. The three continued pulling out loose Jenga blocks until the foundation became wobbly. Y/n nervously tried poking around the blocks but stopped when it nearly fell over. She frowned then moved towards the bottom of the Jenga foundation

"Y/n! That's impossible! You can't grab one from the bottom!" Kaido screeched out his warning. Kuboyasu slapped his hand over the boy's mouth to shut him up. Y/n pushed the Jenga block. No one was aware of the assistance from the invisible entity just behind her. It helped keep the rest of the blocks stable while helping the girl push the Jenga piece. Y/n smiled when the piece made it to the other side. Teruhashi held a very surprised expression. As Yumehara reached forward touching the block near the bottom. The guardian spirit huffed them let go of the foundation seeing that he was no longer assisting Y/n. Yumehara cried silently in her corner while Teruhashi jumped up with glee holding the other girl's hands.

"We did it Y/n!" Teruhashi cheered

"Way to go Y/n." Saiki thought wanting the girl to take Teruhashi down

"It's our turn now!" Hairo spoke up ushering the two other boys

"I won't lose!" Kaido exclaimed while Kuboyasu stared at Y/n with a little bit of confusion. The three set up the game and then started playing. Kuboyasu took a few seconds to analyze but was able to tell which ones were loose and which ones were too tight to pull.

"Amazing. Are you sure you aren't a psychic as well?" Saiki thought watching Kuboyasu pull out the loose one with ease. Once a few rounds passed Kuboyasu noticed the very scarce loose ones that were left. Kaido cheered pulling out one of the blocks then suddenly the entire Jenga foundation fell apart. He cried to himself before confidently blaming dark reunion for the embarrassing loss.

"Might as well have the final four play together," Kaido announced still a little bit salty by his loss. The final four sat down in their places while Hairo set up the blocks making sure everything was tightly packed together.

"Beat their butts, Teruhashi!" Yumehara cheered while Nendo shook his head

"No way. Y/n's gonna win this one." Nendo argued back.

"I just don't want Kuboyasu to win." Kaido pouted. Kuboyasu tensed up and then turned to the teen

"A little bit of support. That's all I ask." Kuboyasu frowned. Kaido laughed feeling a little bit awkward

"I believe in you, Kuboyasu," Y/n spoke up. Kuboyasu smiled slightly

"Thank you."

"If I had to choose between anyone I would also prefer Y/n," Saiki admitted. The tensions were beginning to rise and the small remaining group was deciding who had to go first.

"I'll go," Hairo spoke, his voice wavering slightly. Hairo poked around the foundation he created and silently cursed himself for why he made the blocks so tight. Eventually, he was lucky enough to find one and successfully pulled it out before stacking it on the top of the other blocks. Y/n reached forward assuming no one else would budge.

"You got this, Y/n!" Teruhashi spoke hoping if the girl didn't win at least Y/n should. Y/n felt her face heat up from the compliment as she pulled one of the blocks out with ease. The rounds began and everyone stared in shock whenever it would be Kuboyasu and Y/n's turn as they were able to confidently take the pieces of the tower without it wobbling in the slightest. 

"It's your turn Teruhashi," Kuboyasu spoke motioning to the girl who was visibly shaking at this point. Teruhashi stepped forward and started poking around the blocks. She didn't see the guardian spirit huff at the girl and bring its hand down releasing its hold on the Jenga tower. Teruhashi stared in shock when the tower fell

"Are you serious?! It fell?! No way, that's impossible! This is me we're talking about!" Teruhashi exclaimed in her head. She didn't notice the small smirk making its way onto the pink-haired boy's lips.

"The final three! I never would have guessed Y/n would make it this far!" Kaido cheered fangirling slightly in his head. Teruhashi took a seat on the couch with an empty expression. She never thought she would lose. Sure all the stuff she was thinking earlier was sort of true. She wanted Y/n to win but...

"It should've been me." Teruhashi thought. The rest of her head remained empty throughout the game.

"Alright! I wish you guys the best of luck!" Hairo cheered setting up the rest of the blocks.

"I got this. At the end of the day. No matter how much luck Kuboyasu or Y/n has. I can win." Hairo cheered in his head hoping the pep talks would make him a better player.


"Now it's time for Kuboyasu and Y/n!" Kaido cheered. Hairo sat on the couch with an empty expression

"You and Teruhashi both match. How cute." Saiki thought a little amused by how quickly Hairo lost.

"You idiot. Stop shaking so much when playing this game." Kaido scolded Hairo who nodded, ashamed that he lost on his second turn.

Kuboyasu stared at the girl silently wondering to himself. He eventually shakes his head as the two continued setting up the tower.

"I won't go easy on you." Kuboyasu grinned at the quiet girl who laughed slightly to herself. Kuboyasu elected to go first and once taking out one of the blocks. The couple continued taking out the pieces left and right. There were some occasional places toward each other but nothing was said. Kuboyasu stared in shock as the girl grabbed one of the blocks he swore would cause the foundation to fall. Kuboyasu glared at the now wobbling blocks. He slowly rested his hand on the block. When he tugged on it the entire tower fell apart. The room erupted in cheers and words of encouragement for the girl who held an embarrassed expression.

Kuboyasu felt his ears ring slightly as he stared at the block in his hand. He didn't acknowledge a bit of Kaido's cheering as he was too busy staring at the girl with astonishment. Saiki took notice of the boy's quietness and silently wondered what exactly was wrong with him

"Stop thinking so many things at once. Just accept your defeat. You're giving me a headache." Saiki rolled his eyes at Kuboyasu then gave Y/n a small pat on the back. The girl smiled to herself unaware of her parents crying at the beautiful scenery.


A/n: just got back from my mini-vacation this chapter was honestly just something I typed up during my duration of the hotel. Like at night. Where all the fun was done. Finished this off once I came home! At first, this was going to be a filler-type thing... And it mostly is! But there were some tiny details in the chapter that will become important later on.

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