If He Only Knew ( Larry Styli...

By xSarahPepperx

845 36 17

Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles haven't seems each other for 2 years since "the incident" what will occur wh... More

If only he knew (Larry Stylinson)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

chapter 2

85 4 2
By xSarahPepperx

Hey Guys I had A lot of Ideas so I decided to update twice in one day! I hope you're enjoying it so far, please tell me what you think! Thanks for reading xx Now I'll shut up and let you read! :D x

"Eww, get away from me you Fag! What the Hell?! why did you kiss me? Get away from me you freak" Harry yelled and pushed me away from him once he say everyone staring. I just looked at him, his eyes turned back to the cold, emotionless ones I was ever so used to. Why did he do that to me? I wanted to kiss him but never would've. I wish he didn't kiss me, it just made me want him more. Now I was gonna be the freak in school. Everyone would stare at me and call me a fag or gay as I walked by, I felt like dying, why did he do that to me? I could feel the tears bulding up in my eyes, I walked out of the closet and rean out of the house, why did he have to do that to me? I was un popular enough as it is and now? Ugh I didn't want to think about it, I just wanted to run away and never turn back. 

I made it back to my house, I didn't have to worry about my oarents being home, they left a few weeks ago to spend 6 months in australia with my sisters. I ran straight up to my room, what had i just done? I kissed him, I kissed Harry Styles, the funny thing was, I actually enjoyed it. No, I must forget about him, we hate each other right? I have to hate him, what else am I supposed to do? I could feel the tears streaming down my cheeks, I hated him, he humiliated me in fronst of the whole year basically.. was that his plan? did he kiss me intentionally to blame the whole tihng on me? No, he wouldn't do anything that bad would he? The thing is I don't know anymore...

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, I pulled it out

*1 new message from Nialler*

I really couldn't be bothered with anyone but decided to read it..

* You okay mate? D'you want me to come over? I'll bring pizza and movies..*

This is why Niall was amazing. I smiled, he was the best friend ever

*Sure if you want, I need someone to talk to*  I pressed send and waited for him to arrive, In the mean time I hopped into the shower trying to forget what had happened, Harry just kept popping into my head. His lips, his eyes, everything about him was pure perfection, I really should stop this. I turned off the water, dried myself off and slipped on some sweats and a t-shirt. 

I heard a ring at the door, I opened it up to see Niall smiling with three pizzas in his hand, one for me and two for him obviously.  I forced a smile, but he saw right through my fakeness.

"Come on buddy sit down and tell me the whole story" See Niall would understand, because he's bi, he doesn't care whether it was a oby or girl I kissed, it made it so much easier to talk about it


"And then he kissed me, I didn't know what to do, so I kissed him back, I tried to pull back but he held me closer.. Then the door opened" I was in tears, Niall didn't know what to say.

"Oh, God Lou, I can't believe he did that" Niall said appologetically.

"I know, do you think that was his plan all along? Get me in the closet so he could tell that I fancied him?!" Crap what did I just say "Not that I fancy him or anything" That was the worst lie EVER  

"Lou, I know you fancy him, Don't worry I won't tell anyone, but I actually think he fancies you too" I sat up and coughed, almost choking on my pizza

"WHAT?! Niall he treats me like a piece of shit! Of course he doesn't like me! He thinks I'm gay and a Fag for gods sake!" I couldn't help but want Niall to prove me wrong, It would be so great if he liked me like I liked him.

"That's just how he shows that he likes you, you know when you were in kindergarten all the girls would make fun of you? That's because they LIKED you.. Harry likes you but doesn't want to look liike a pussy by being in love with a guy."  It actually made sense, kinda. I wasn't sure whether or not Harry really liked me, but I hope he did.  

"Thanks Niall, I think I'm just gonna lay low for a while, let everything pass.. Anyways what movie do you wanna watch? personally I feel like the notebook but it's up to you" I smiled trying to change the subject

"The noteboks fine with me! But Lou, don't let him change you, you're perfect the way you are"

I smiled, Niall was amazing, I won't let Harry change me, no one is worth that.

"I may fancy him but you're my best friend." I smiled as I put the notebook into the player, we say silently watching it, even though I wasn't paying any attention, all I was thinking about was Harry, why was he so bloody perfect?!  It annoyed me to think that he knows he's loved, but treats everyone like dirt. 



Why did I do that? Ugh I'm an idiot, why didn't I just tell everyone it was me who kissed him. I regret everything I ever did to him, who could hurt a guy like Louis? He was the definition of perfect, his eyes were like black holes, you get sucked into staring at them, his fashion sense was adorable and his personality was sassy and fun, and DAT' ASS I mean I know I'm not gay but he is gorgeous. I've fancied him ever since I met him, I just don't know what came over me tonight. That kiss, it was perfect, his lips were soft, his eyes were shining, I couldn't resist the temptation. But when the door opened, it was like I had to become an asshole just to keep my status. I didn't want to do that to Lou but I had to, I wonder if he feels the same about me? No never, after the way I treated him he'll never talk to me ever again. I messed up big time, I know I mess up a lot but now what? 

I walked over into the shower, hoping that somehow it would wash away my clouded thoughts, I scrubbed my hair and body and got out of the shower, I threw on my Dark blue jeans and my jack wills sweater, the purple one, should I go over and see Louis? No, that would just make it worse. I went for a walk to try and clear my head.. 

I got back to my house and went straight to bed, I checked twitter, everyone was talking about how gay Louis was and how he was a fag. I wanted to stop them, stop saying that about him, you don't know him.. but then again neither did I, I never took the time to get to know him, Even though I desperately wanted to. I lay ontop of my bed for a while just thinking about tomorrow, first lesson, Biology. Shit! I sit next to Louis on that class, what am I gonna say? Oh I don't know, I took of my sweater and climbed into bed not bothering to take my jean offI fell asleep thinking about that perfect boy wearing stripes...


 I woke up the next morning feeling sick, I pulled on my uniform and decided to get the bus, I normally got a ride with the boys' but today I just felt like being alone... 

I stood by the bus stop when the bus arrived, I climbed onto the bus, realising I had made a huge mistake, the bus was full to the brim, the only seat left was beside Louis. I decided to just stand at the front of the bus when the bus driver said

"Are you gonna sit down kid? We need to get a move on." Thankfully just at that moment an older man got off the bus leaving a space for me right at the front. I sighed, why did I have to take the bus?  I pulled on my headphones and listened to "How to save a life"  and closed my eyes. When we arrived at school I felt my heart beat faster as Louis made his way from the back of the bus, I got off only to see my "mates" waiting for me at the stop.

"Harry!? Why did you take the bus mate? I always pick you up!" Jack said as he walked up tp the school.

"I just felt like it, okay? Back off" I hissed, I didn't really feel like talking to anyone today, especially becuase Louis was sitting next to me in bio. Whenever I saw him I wanted to kiss him, I've never felt like that about anyone before, it was weird, and frightning.. 

I walked into the bio. class and sat down, I placed my book on my desk and looked over at the desk beside me. There he was, sitting, he looked perfect. 

"What are you looking at Styles?" He hissed.. yep, now I know he will never talk to me ever again. 

"Louis, about.. about yesterday-" 

"Louis Tomlinson and Harry Stlyes detention lunch time" Mr.Casey said. Shit, now Louis will hate me, just as i was trying to appologise.

"Thanks alot Styles." Louis said to me as we walked out of class, why did he hate me so much now? Oh wait, stupid question... 


I walked towards Mr.Caseys room for detention, Louis was waiting outside the door.

"Louis, could I come over later? I was going to invite you to my house but, my sister is there."

I smiled I really wanted him to say yes, I needed to kiss him, Badly. 

"Fine, but I hope you're not planning on staying long, I've got things to do."

I smiled, he accepted! Oh I was on top of the world, even though he hated me I was going over to his house and I was gonna tell him how I felt, btu what if the other guys didn't think I was cool anymore? Maybe I shouldn't, or I should turn up drunk, or pretend to be drunk, so I can blame whatever happens on alcohol. 


I walked up to his door, I put on my drunk act and knocked at the door. 

"coming" Louis shouted, his voice was perfect, almost angelic

"Hey Lou, I was wondering if I could come in, I need to talk to you about something."

He opened the door and lead me into the kitchen

"Do you want anything to drink?" He said in a cold, emotionless tone

"No thanks, but Lou?"

"Yes Harry what is it?" He turned to face me, oh how I wanted to kiss him..

"I'm really sorry about the other day, I shouldn't have done what I did" I looked up at him, he had grey sweatpants and no shirt on, he looked amazing

"I know, you shouldn't have kissed me.. but why did you?" He said, slightly dissapointed

"No, that's the thing, the kiss was..... perfect"" I looked up and smiled, but he looked confused

"So you meant to kiss me? But then why do u always call me gay?" I frowned, I wanted to tell him everything, but that would take too long

"Lou, I thought that maybe, if I kissed you, you would fancy me, because even though I call you gay and stuff, I really fancy you..." I looked up at him, he smiled and didn't say anything He walked over to me, I could feel him getting closer, his lips were inches from mine, I could feel his breath on my skin. 

"Harry I don't know what to feel, I've never thought of you in that way, not until recently.. but when you blamed the kiss on me.. I just was a-"

I cut him off crashing my lips to his,  not knowing what to do he immediately pulled away

"Harry please don't do this to me, please don't kiss me and then leave"

"Louis, I won't, we can be together, just not publically, not yet any-"

He had heard enough, he pasionally started kissing me, oh got I love his kisses, I put my hand on his waist ond pulled his hips towards mine, I could feel his hands in my hair, I loved him, I don't even know him that well but I loved him, I backed him up onto the counter, he jumped up now sitting on it,  I could feel his toungue on my bottom lip looking for an entrance, I slowly widened my mouth, we we're full on snogging now! I was so happy, I felt the butterflies in my stomach, I started kissing his neck and made my way down his bare torso, leabing love bited behind, I made my way back upto his mouth an we continued kissing. I pulled away with my hand still on his hips..

"Louis, you can't tell anyone about this, I really like you but we can't go public..."

I know Harry, I still have a girlfriend after all!"

I smiled, I was so happy, I felt like nothig could hurt me,  not now, not ever. 

I heard a knock at the door, Louis ran to go answer it. 

"Hey fag! We heard Harry's here, you better not be hitting on him again" It was Jack, how'd he know Harry was here? I frowned

"Yeah he is here and NO I was not hitting on him" I said strongly

"Then where is he?" Jack asked

"I'm right here" I said walking into the hallway

" What happened here?" Jack said, knowing what had been going on, he could see the love bite on my neck , crap, I wish I didn't bruise so easily

"He tried to kiss me again that little faggot, I was disgusted and tried to run away, but he's stronger than he looks you know" I said, I looked aver at Louis, why couldn't I just say it was a dare, oh god what have I done?

"You little fag you deserve to die!" Jack shouted as he punched Louis in the stomach, it was painful to watch, he fell to the floor, Jack kicked him again and again. I ran out the door, I couldn't do this, I just couldn't

. . . 

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