Chapter 4

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Hey Everyone!! Thanks for reading xx I can't believe I have nearly 100 reads!I know that's maybe not a lot for you but for me it's... wow.

I hope you're all enjoying it x It's gonna be a bit of when they're famous too... that was a bit of a spolier.. anyways I hope you enjoy!! xx

Sorry It's so short!! :( But I have a writers block you know? and 5 tests.... :((((( 

Stay Beautiful <3 

~Sarah xx


 2 Weeks Later......


"It's been 2 weeks Jack! Just let me go okay?!"

I hissed. Jacks haden't left me alone since the incedent. I didn't tell anyone why I ran away or where I was before the crash. I just couldn't. I haden't seen Louis in 14 days. How'd I survive?!

I walked up to the school gates and made my way to bio. I was excited to see Louis, but then I remember what Jack did to him, what I did to him. He will never talk to me ever again. Full stop. 

I walked into class and looked over at my table. Louis wasn't there. 

"Welcome back Mr. Styles, glad to see you had a speedy recovery." Mr. Casey smiled as he sat down at his desk.

"Thanks Mr.C" I forced a smile upon my lips. 

"Okay class, good morning. I'm just gonna start by taking attendance.."

"Here" Jack said as Mr.C called his name

"Here" Marie hollered

"Here" I said

He went on to call out everyone elses name, except Louis'

"Okay class get out your textbooks and turn to page 130" 

I furrowed my eyebrows. He forgot Louis! I was angry, but at the same time worried. Why haden't he called out Louis' name? Was he sick? Or was he in hospital? was he on holiday? I was agitated with myself asking all there questions, which I didn't have an answer to. 

"Harry, you'll be working with Jack from now on seeing as Mr/ Tomlinson has moved back to Doncaster."

He smiled at me.. What did he just say?! Louis moved back to Doncaster! Why?! Was it because of me?! No, of course it wasn't because of me,  why would it be? Maybe he was scared. Scared that me and my "Friends" who are complete dicks would beat him up again? It wasn't my fault. I didn't think they were gonna come to Lou's house. but then again how'd he know that? He couldn't of. He thought it was my plan all along, I'm sure of it. 

"Harry, lets go mate lesson's over." Jack said to me as he punched my arm.

The rest of the day passed without anything interesting happening. I couldn't get over the fact that I never got to apologise...



*Liam POV* ( New pov yay!!!)

It had been 8 weeks since I last spoke to Louis, I wonder how he was doing. I hadn't spoke to Niall or Zayn since then either. I missed them so badly, especially Niall. I packed the last box, the last things I would ever see in my room here. I was moving, moving back to Wolverhampton, back to where I was born. 

I missed school and my friends, but the actual town here is.. amazing. I've taken up singing, people say I'm pretty good at it. I like to sing more classics, like cry me a river and stuff. Not anything too pop or R&B. 

 I decided to text Louis' 

Hey man, hows things? Li x

As I waited  for a reply I flicked the ketttle on.

My phoen vibrated and I was really excited that Lou wanted to stay in touch.

Sorry this number is no longer available, please contact your server for further information. 

I looked down at my phone in complete and utter shock, why has he deleted his number? Did he really want to get away from me that much?!

I could feel the tears build up in my eyes, not only have I los the love of my life, that silly leprechaun, but my best friend too......

If He Only Knew ( Larry Stylinson )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon