The young avengers

avenger37 tarafından

35.6K 726 180

Y/N Starks life isn't like your average teenager. Most kids her age are going to high school, going to party... Daha Fazla

you've got a deal
sour things
best behaviour
trouble makers
first day
the princess that sings
special night
its mission time
you didnt see that coming?
the maximoff twins
friday night
Match makers
robot battle
Important authots note!
finding ultron
evil plan
safe house
the dark side
plotting agaisnt ultron
searching for natasha
peace in my time
the miracle
more trouble makers
show offs

begining to a werid love story

1.6K 33 8
avenger37 tarafından

~chapter 4~
☼~beginning to a weird love story~☼

y/n sat on her chair, spinning around impatiently as she waited for her friends to show up. then as if almost on cue, the two came running into her room, both stopping in the door frame.

she spun around in the chair to face them.

Kate let out a breath, then inhaled another, her breathing unsteady from running. "we came as fast as we could." She panted.

Yelena who was right next to her straightened herself up, "whats wrong. what happened?" She asked her friend confused, and the they both walked fully into her room.

Y/N gave a mischevious smirk. "i have some very exciting news." she said, and sat up in her chair, fully preparing herself for what she's about to tell her friends.

Kates eyes widened, and Yelena just hung her head back. "oh my god you said 'come asap' i thought you were dying or something." kate said to her friend, and shook her head in disapproval.

Y/N rolled her eyes in response. "listen! that new recruit were getting? he's a teenager." She informed the girls.

Their expressions immediately changed.

"no way." kate said.

"yes way!" y/n said back excitedly.

"see? told you it's the beginning to a weird love story." yelena stated, staring straight at Y/N, causing her to roll her eyes in response.

"i haven't even met him. what if he's some annoying douchbag." she questioned. yelena just walked over and plopped down on her friends bed.

"then we kick him to the curb." kate said as she nodded her head, earning a laugh from each Y/N and Yelena.

"i wonder if he's magic." The blonde questioned.

"that's what i said! and my father just shushed me." y/n said with a frown.

Kates eyebrows furrowed. "rude."

"right?" y/n replied, agreeing with Kate's statement.

"wanna know what else is rude? Thor getting 9 different kinds of pop tarts." Kate said, bringing up what happened earlier.

"what? couldn't risk him getting mad and breaking another cupboard door." she said in defence.

"ya that guys crazy." yelena added.

Y/N twisted in her chair again, turning to fully face Yelena. "didn't you literally almost rip of buckys head this morning just because he woke you up?" She asked her friend.

Yelena shook her head. "No that is totally different. He clearly deserved that." she added.

Y/N just pursed her lips and nodded her head.

"mhm. sure he did."

Kate quickly changed the topic to what she really wanted to talk about right now. "soooo. what are you wearing later?" She asked y/n as she walked over and joined yelena to sit on y/ns bed.

She shrugged. "i don't know. probably just this?" She said, looking down at her outfit.

kate made a disgusted face as she also looked down at what y/n was wearing.


The girls head snapped back up to look back at Kate. "why? what's wrong with this?" y/n asked confused.

Kate tried to change her tone. "nothing it's just.... maybe something a little... nicer? first impressions matter." kate explained to her friend.

That what the thing

Y/N didnt exactly care what people thought about her or her appearance.

Until this very moment.

"like what?" She asked them.

"ooooo can we dress her up." yelena questioned as she looked up at kate.

"i'm not a barbie doll." y/n told them.

"you are now. come on." kate said, then her and yelena dragged their friend into her walk in closet.


Y/N was sitting anxiously in her, room waiting for her father or jarvis to call her down to meet the new recruit.

Until finally it was time.

"miss stark your father is requesting you in the main lobby." jarvis informed the girl.

She felt like her heart was gonna beat out of her chest.

"thanks jarvis."

She got up, looking at herself in the mirror.

Kate picked out a nice green dress and little tie up cardigan— something she knew she friend has never worn— which Y/N honestly didn't totally hate.

Yelena curled her hair all nice, and they each finished off with some light make up, a dainty silver necklace, and a bracelet on each arm.

She felt weird dressing up for someone, especially someone she had never met.

But like Kate said— first impressions matter.

She tugged her dress down a little bit, centred her necklace, and then was on her way out of her room.

She walked down the hall, able to hear voices that were coming from the kitchen.

All conversations stopped as the girl walked into the room. "someone looks nice." nat said in an almost shocked tone.

Clint stood there leaning against the kitchen island, a bag of mini carrots. "yeah..... why?" He questioned her in between chews, confusion written on his face.

"i'm gonna go meet the new recruit!" She answered with a smile.

"Ahhhh. That explains it." Sam smirked as he nodded his head.

Nat and Clint both exchanged a look.

"that's today?" Nat asked, looking back over at the girl.

"shows how much you two pay attention in meetings." bucky commented. sam chuckled beside him.

"well have fun kid." steve told her before she skipped off to the elevator, and headed downstairs to meet the new recruit.


She was just around the corner from the conference room and she could feel herself get ten times more nervous. She looking at herself in the glass reflection beside her to fix herself one last time. She closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and turned to walk around the corner, but to her luck, she smashed right into somebody in the process.

"shit!" She cursed under her breath due to hitting her  head a bit.

"oh my god uh— i'm so sorry are you okay?" the person questioned her, seeing if she was okay.

Y/N didn't recognize the voice, so she looked up and met eyes with a handsome teenage boy. he was tall, not that tall, but taller then her. he wore a crew neck and some jeans, he had light brown hair, and had the most beautiful brown eyes she's ever seen.

but all of a sudden all thoughts were interrupted by none other then Tony Stark walking over.

"there you are! i see you two have already met." The girls father said as he placed a hand on the boys shoulder.

And that's when she realized.

oh shit.

this was him.

this was the boy.

She had no clue why it took that long for her to make the connection, she should've known that the second she looked at him.

I mean, why else would a teenage boy be wandering around the avengers tower?

She mentally face palmed over her stupidity.

so much for first impressions.

How ever, she didn't let it shake her.

She stayed confident.

"oh... you must be the new recruit?" She asked trying to cover up her embarrassment.

"yeah yeah, i'm peter.... peter parker." he said as he held his hand out for her to shake.

She reached her own hand out, connected it with his, having it a little shake. "i'm y/n stark. nice to meet you mr parker." She responded, and removed her hand.

Peter gave her a smile.

A very cute smile.

"stark? so you must be mr starks...."

"daughter. yes i'm his daughter." She answered, right before she noticed her father staring at her in the corner of her eyes.

She turned to fully look at him. "what are you looking at?" She asked defensively.

"why are you dressed so... nice?"

She didn't understand why everyone was so shocked by this.

It was just an outfit.

Sure— it wasn't her typical baggy t shirts or sweats, but it wasn't that big of a deal.

"am i not aloud to dress nice when i meet a new team member?" She questioned him.

peter just stood there awkwardly and watched them.

"i know what your doing." Tony said to his daughter.

She shook her head. "i literally have no idea what your talking about."

"mhm. just show him around." he instructed her, then turned to face peter.

"y/ns gonna show you around the tower and to your new room, you can meet everyone else tomorrow once your settled. welcome to the team kid." He said as he gave peter a pat on the back, walking away from him, and leaning over to his daughter.

"remember our rules." he whispered to her before walking away, earning a eye roll from the girl.

She then turned to face peter "ready for your tour?" She asked him with a smile. he nodded his head in response, then went to pick up his luggage.

"leave it. someone will bring it for you, don't worry." Y/N waved it off, and started walking. he looked at his stuff for a minute before running along with her and following.

"i'll just show you the main rooms for now, then you can see all the cool things tomorrow." She told him. he nodded his head and kept walking.

She couldn't help but notice how quiet he was.

"so this floor is pretty much just conference rooms. this is where nick fury and secretary peirce always yell at us for messing up on missions and assignments and what not." She told him, and he chuckled at her joke.

Although she really wasn't joking.

"wow. you laugh. i was starting to think you didn't like me." Teasing but still not really joking.

She just tells the truth in a funny way.

"what? why would you think that?" he asked confused.

She shrugged her shoulders.

"i don't know. your just so quiet." She answered as she looked up at him.

"sorry. i'm uh- i'm just a little nervous. that's all." he told her, and stared down at his feet as he walked.

She nodded her head. "trust me, i get it. all this can be a little overwhelming. but you know, we're probably the best people you'll ever meet... or, at least i am." She said, and he chuckled again.

He looked over at her and smiled. "you're funny." he told her.

Y/N looked up at him and smiled back.

"thanks. i'm glad someone appreciates my humour."

"so... are you an avenger too? or just the tour guide?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "bit of both. i'm not technically an avenger yet. just training to be one. like you. but you know.... same thing, right?" She answered.

"right." he said. She continued to show him around, then they finally got up to the living quarters, and luckily, no one was in the main room.

"and this... is where we live." She said as they entered the big room, Y/N gesturing her arms to the space around them.

Peter stood in one spot and looked around, noticing no one was here."where is everyone?" He looked over at the only other person in the room.

"my dad made everyone get out of this part of the building so i could show you around. we didn't wanna overwhelm you."

Peter smiled at that comment.

"so this is the living room, and the kitchen obviously. then down this hall we have a theater room. which is one of the BEST rooms of the house." She informed him.

Peters eyes widened. "no way really? like you have an actual theater in the building?" he asked excitedly.

She nodded her head and smirked.

"wanna see?" She asked, and he nodded his head. They both walked down the hall and around the corner, and she lead them both into her favourite room.

Peter looked around in amazement. "this is totally awesome!" he said with a huge.

Y/N stood there watching him, getting a little flustered the moment she saw him smile.

She quickly noticed that, and tried to shake it off.

"well... i'll uh- show you to your room." She told him. he stopped looking around the room, nodded his head before following her out of the theater room, and down the hall to his room.

"and this is your room!" She stated as she stopped at the door.

"this room is huge!... wait... how'd they already get my bag here?" he asked as he stared at his luggage sitting nicely on his bed.

Y/n smiled. "the workers here are very fast." She told him. he ran over to his bed, took a jump and landed on his back, right beside his bags.

"this is awesome." he said he he hooked his fingers behind his head and just laid there, staring at the ceiling.

Meanwhile y/n was standing in the door way debating on if she should ask the question she wanted to ask him.

But she quickly decided.

"okay i know we just met but i really need to ask you a question."

Peter leaned his head up to look at her. "what's up?" he asked before pushing himself up but the elbows, and sitting himself criss cross apple sauce on the bed.

"do you have powers or anything? i'm like really curious." he chuckled at her question, but then nodded his head.

Y/Ns eyebrows raised.

He laughed a little at her reaction. "can i show you something?" he asked her, and she immediately nodded her head yes. after that, he got up on the bed and started standing. he reached his hand up, took a little jump then....

what the fuck?

She couldn't even comprehend what she was seeing right now.

he's.... sticking to the ceiling?

She stare up at him in awe. "how are you doing that?" She asked, getting up from the chair and moving over to the bed to get a closer, and just continued to stare.

She was not expecting that.

like at all.

"i'm sticky. i'm also really strong, i have this sense thing. oh and i have web shooters that i made." he said, and let go of the ceiling and landed back on the bed beside her, and pulled up his sleeves to show her his web shooters.

"webs? like spider webs? you shoot spiderwebs and climb ceilings?"

He felt his insecurities kick in. "yeah. i'm spiderman." he told her quietly, and shrugged his shoulders a bit, staring down at the mattress.

The girl gave an approving head nod. "that's kinda awesome." She complimented him, and he looked back up at her and gave her a smile.

But out of no where, they both heard some at the door scoff an "ahem" to announce them self, knocking lightly on the side of the door frame.

And Y/N had a pretty good idea who it was.

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