Walk the Line: An Avengers S...

By I_Am_Not_Hooman

32.8K 1K 231

In a world where Soulmates exist but not everyone gets one... Long ago, as the legend goes, the powers that... More

1. Promotion
2. Happy Couple
3. Well.... Hello?
4. Unexpected News **
5. Heartbreak
6. Mission
7. Choices
8. Truth, Lies, and Revelations
9. BoS and a Raven
11. Dinner from Hell
12. Bond or No Bond **
13. Love is the sweetest lie
14. Opening Night **
15. Work
16. Going Home
17. Mine

10. Meanwhile

1K 48 12
By I_Am_Not_Hooman

Tony was pacing in front of the screens again. Nat, Pepper, and Sharon by his side. Sam had been charged with keeping an eye on the supers because everyone knew they had a lot on their mind with missing information playing a huge part. Nat had tried to tell them that Raven was best friends with Sharon and their missing piece but they thought she was pranking them. When Sharon told them, they lashed out, claiming she was seeking revenge for them not being able to make it work with her. Pepper had told Sam to keep an eye on them but not to broach the subject of their missing mate until they were ready to face the news. 

That day, while watching the recording of what had happened, something had snapped in both of the men. They decided it was easier to pretend that portion of events never happened than to face they had lost a mate that they were easily falling for. The whole situation was a nightmare that none of them knew how to shake. Logan had been able to find a trail but it went cold fairly quickly. Every time Xavier got close, he would see them underground and roughly how many there were but not where in the world they were. It was frustrating him and Jean wasn't fairing much better. Wade's better half had put feelers out in the more likely dark corners in hopes of a clue, rumor, or idea as to where they could be.

Luis suddenly ran into the room. "Oh man. Man, dude, let me tell you what I just found out. I think I found them."

Tony and Nat gave him a skeptical look while Scott walked in to hear his friend out. "Tell us Louis."

"Well, you know that gym I got a membership for when I was in that headspace where I was going to go every day before I remebered that I hate working out, especially in front of people.

"Well, across the street from that gym is my favorite ice-cream parlor with the angry manager that fired me five minutes after hiring me. He has a cousin who told him about this girl he once dated who had a big brother. Big bro was apparently into some nasty shit. He ran with a guy who was really into secret gangs and stuff. I got you all a meeting with that guy. Dude is Victor Creed."

Scott sighed and nodded while Tony seemed to be still trying to process everything the small man said. Nat seemed confused but nodded as she caught up mentally with the conversation. Logan seemed to appear from the shadows after everyone was caught up.

"I will handle Victor. It will not be pretty and I honestly thought he was dead."

Tony turned his upper body to stare at the very angry x-man. "What do you mean, you thought he was dead? Do you know him?"

Logan met the billionaires' eyes to ensure he understood him. "I better. He is my brother. We haven't gotten along in years. If he is working with the Bretheren or Hydra willingly, I will ensure he is brought back here. Just make sure you have a cell strong enough to hold him."

With that, the brooding Logan stormed out of the room. He had to clear his head and didn't even know when or where to meet Victor. Just as he debated whether or not to turn around, his cell vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out to see a message from Nat.

Didn't want to ruin your dratic exit. Meet tomorrow night at 10. Be careful.

Logan almost smirked at the message before continuing outside and to one of the four motorcycles on the path. Someone must have given up on storing them all the time since either he, Nat, or the super soldiers were always taking them for a ride.

Steve saw how angry Logan was when he sped off and down the road from his window in the room he shared with Bucky.

"Bucky, we can't keel hiding from them. The pain is getting worse. We have to tell them that the reason we can't hear her name is because we remember, and worse yet, feel her. They need to know."

Bucky groaned from the bed, his back on fire as he felt sick to his stomach. "We can't. They won't let us go on the mission if they think we are compromised. How is she so sick?" Steve gripped his stomach as another wave of nausea hit but it was soon forgotten when both men stiffened. She was terrified. Someone or something was terrifying her.

Steve leaned his arm against the window above his head before resting his forehead on it. He was deep in thought and the pain of asking the question burning in his mind was enough to make him want to sob. "Buck, do you think she might be pregnant? I mean, the nausea, the amount of sex she's been having. It isn't unreasonable to assume is it?"

Bucky watched as sobs shook Steve's shoulders. "She doesn't remember Stevie. We can't hold her responsible for thinking she has a good thing when she has no memory of us."

Just as Bucky moved to wrap his arms around his mate, there was a flicker in the corner of his eye.
Turning and falling into a defensive position, Bucky kept staring the intruder up and down, in complete shock. Steve turned when he felt the utter surprise from his mate, only to be faced with an impossibility.

"How are you here?"
"What happened?"

Both men were too shocked to form the more important questions as the ice blue eyes seemed to stare through them.

"She has been discovered. She will be sentenced to the same Hell as the rest of us. She isn't without her own stories though. If you move now, you can save her, save all of us."

Steve spoke up, snapping into mission mode immediately. "Where?"

The figure sighed and rubbed their forehead. "I'm not sure. One mentioned being beneath a place nobody ventured without fear of superstition and a cursed land. I don't understand what that means. I have to go. Hurry."

Both men sprinted to the lab as soon as the illusion Loki flickered out of sight.

Upon sharing the news, Tony and Friday set to work narrowing down possible places that had everything necessary to be a functioning base equipped to hold the likes of Hulk and Loki.

Nat touched their arms momentarily before asking if they were okay. Steve and Bucky both nodded and told her they would be fine once all this was over.

Sharon and Sam eventually came down but even they were obviously still distraught. Bucky took pity on the pair and nudged Steve. "We don't shut out our best friends."

Steve half spun with his hands on his hips in a mild show of frustration before nodding. It was time to start telling everyone what they had been afraid to face for the last month.

Sitting across from the two, Steve and Bucky gripped the other one's knee as a sign of support. They shared how confused they had been after seeing the video. How hard it was to see Bucky's sister worming for the enemy, especially when forced to. They went on to tell them that they remebered Raven, not to mention felt her. They felt her pain, her anger, and her moments of pure bliss. Those moments were almost the hardest because they knew it wasn't them creating those feelings. They couldn't even be mad at her because she had no memory of them.

When they had finished telling Sam and Sharon everything, both sat in silence for a moment. Sam gripped Sharon's hand and looked at her with tears in his eyes. They threatened to spill over when he saw the tear lines down her cheeks.

"We need to get everyone back."

They all nodded as Nat and Tony had been listening in. "Call everyone but Logan back. I want him to meet this guy as a backup but everyone else, looks like we are going to a burned down factory in Germany that was once a base for Red Skull."

Steve and Bucky looked at one another before turning back to face Tony as one. "Which one?"

"The one you rescued Buck, here, from Capsicle."

Steve groaned and Bucky's shoulders dropped. "Of course its that one."

Nat smirked while Sharon smiled. Sam clapped the two oldest men in the room on the shoulders. "Lead the ways gramps."

Tony stopped them from leaving. "Not until we get everyone back. I want to coordinate and attack tomorrow. Tonight, we get ourselves ready for the mission."

Nat and Tony stayed to call everyone back to the compound. Sharon and Sam headed outside, needing some time alone before the mission the following night.

Steve and Bucky needed to reaffirm their own bond before going to one of the places that nearly ripped them from each other's lives.

Bucky pulled Steve by his shirt collar into the room before placing his lips against the captain's in a show of love and need fueled by passion. Steve was not to be outdone and spun them around to press Bucky against the wall as he kissed and bit the skin connecting his neck and shoulder. Steve slammed the door shut harder than intended when Bucky moaned at the bite. His metal arm wrapping around Steve's clothed torso before Steve shoved it off.

"No. No show of dominance by pinning me with metal Buck. You want to touch me? I want you to feel it. Touch me and feel how hot and ready I am for you. Fuck me like it's the last time Buck. I messed up so much with you and Raven, show me you remember."

With that, Bucky growled and wrapped his metal fingers around Steve's throat just enough to make sure Steve knew who was in control of the situation.

"You want to remind me of all the shit you pulled and tell me to use my right hand? No sir. You get what I choose to give you after all of this. Right now, right now I just want you but that angry fuck? I have the perfect way to do that in mind. Now, wrap that smart-ass mouth around me, punk, and suck my cock like the good little boy from Brooklyn that is still inside these ripped muscles."

Bucky's free hand roamed over Steve's chest and upper arm before trailing back up and gently pushing him to his knees. Steve's knees buckled as he took in the tent in his darker mate's pants. He leaned up and drew a line on the skin above the fabric that hung low on Bucky's hips with his tongue while his hands deftly moved to open and pull it down. Sitting back on his heels, Steve took in the thick length of Bucky and groaned at the small drop of precum that greeted him. Leaning forward, he lapped the drop away, never once touching the work of art before him with anything other than his tongue. Bucky leaned his back against the wall and allowed his shoulders to brave him there as his hips thrust towards Steve's teasing flicks. "Captain either suck my cock or I fuck your throat."

Steve smiled at the lack of control Bucky was exhibiting. "Maybe you should just suck mine Sergeant." Bucky growled deep in his throat before spinning their positions again. Placing Steve against the wall in his still kneeling position. His flesh hand wrapped around the blonde's throat while his vibranium one braced him against the wall. Steve knew he had cracked the careful control the ex assassin kept in place when Bucky barely ground out a single word before his length was sliding against the wet heat of his tongue. "Open."

Steve savored the ragged and inconsistent thrusts as he was held in place. He loved how Bucky felt comfortable enough to know he could handle whatever he gave him. Bucky was not going to last. He needed Steve more than the orgasm though.

"Stand. Turn around." Steve decided to do as he was told and wasn't even surprised when Bucky ripped his pants off of him, at the seams. He would be lying if he said he wasn't ready to feel his best friend fuck him like this again. They had been going through so much and he needed to feel him again. Later would be his turn but not until after this. He needed to feel him inside him, wrapped around him. "Buck, please?" That was the last strand of Bucky's control snapping. He kicked Steve's legs put to widen his stance and make it easier to take his entire length. "Steve, I can't be gentle."

"I didn't ask for gentle. Fuck me until we can't remember anything but this."

Just like that, Bucky slid home, hard. He thrust all the way in and felt the vibration of his movement shudder through his mate's spine before a guttural scream was ripped from the blonde's lungs. "More! Bucky!"

Bucky continued the punishing pace, taking his flesh hand and fisting it around Steve's equally impressive shaft. Each thrust forcing Steve to fuck Bucky's hand. He wondered if this would be how it would work with their mate. Sometimes allowing himself of Bucky to be the instrument in which they fucked her. His orgasm was building as he was brought back to the here and now by the vibranium fingers wrapping back around his throat and pulling him flush to his mate.

"Fuck Steve. I want to see you paint that wall with your stucky cum. Remind me just how hard you cum so I can imagine it's painting my insides like I am about to yours. Cum for me Captain."

That was all it took, for Steve to do just that, followed almost immediately by Bucky. Both leaned against the wall and each other as they struggled to stay standing.

"I didn't know how much I needed that." Bucky whispered against Steve's shoulders as he kissed his spine, not quite paying attention to the fact that it was Raven's soulmark he was kissing. Both men shuddered as a wave of love and appreciation radiated from the mark on their backs. 

The rest of the evening was spent in each other's arms and remembering their bond. Sharing memories, getting snacks from Friday, and taking turns rendering the other speechless. 

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