The Greatest Ever

By MAHB4104

44K 885 205

That one day, everything changed. As the boy fought the beast with burning heart full of passion, his courage... More

The Greatest Ever
Lore AND Family
Status & Dungeon
The Journey
The Progression
A quick Note*
Ch 7
Declaration of War
The structure of my fic
Aftermath && Additions
What it means
Fame & Encounter
Climax (2)
Status Sheet*
Past, Present & Future
Abyss & Saint
Extermination Squad

This new World

3.5K 61 21
By MAHB4104

So, here's the second chapter. It's a bit earlier than scheduled, but I had some free time so wrote away



It was dark with some light illuminating from the walls all around. The tunnel was clean and tidy as if someone regularly tend to it but that was strange. Who would waste their time cleaning such long and spacious tunnel?

2 shadows were walking side-by-side, one tall and another small. There was a third shadow who seemed to be sleeping on the shoulders of the taller one, unconscious perhaps.

"Thank you very much mister for helping us BUT why are you helping us?" asked Lili in suspicious manner. She had met her share of people who seemed like helping others on the surface but held other intentions. Lili didn't believe anyone other than Bell would be willing to help without asking for anything in return especially in dungeon where killing and looting was a very common thread.

Naturally she had her reservations towards this stranger

"You're not wrong, I do have other intentions, but rest assure I won't bring you or this companion of yours any harm" Zoro naturally felt her suspicion and he couldn't really blame her. A stranger comes out of no where and offered his help without asking for anything especially in this dark damp place.

'Where am I anyway?' He thought

"Lili doesn't get it, but she will trust you FOR NOW and thanks once again" or so she said but the way she looked at him was intriguing as if trying to find something written on his face.

Zoro was a veteran so he could feel she was lying about 'trusting him' especially as she put her hand on that crossbow as if preparing for the worst.

'I wonder, what kind of life has she lived to have that kind of personality' thought Zoro and chose to ignore her actions.

"Hmm, so your name is Lili, was it? What is this place anyway? Where are we?" asked the taller shadow named Zoro to the smaller one

"Lili's name is Lililuca Arde and this...WAIT!?"

"You don't know" asked Lili in a very clear shocked and confused tone

"What do you mean and why so shocked? I simply asked a regular question"

"Nonononono there's nothing regular about that. I mean YOU ARE WALKING IN DUNGEON and yet you don't know where we are at?"

If previously she felt threatened, then now she only felt strange. Was he trying to fool her? But who would do so in such manner?

'Is it that he truly doesn't know or is he perhaps trying to get me to drop my guard?'

'BUT NO. That couldn't be since in that cae, he wouldn't have asked something so stupid and out of ordinary'

Her confusion was evident and quite realistic as well.

'Let me test him'

"So, if you don't know then how you came here and why?" she asked

"I..." Zoro felt like he shouldn't tell her the truth. His circumstances were strange and even he himself wasn't exactly certain of everything. Perhaps he would have told her IF she could help him understanding all this, but he felt like she wouldn't know and thus he used one sentence he never wished to use ever, "I got lost"

'WAIT!?' he exclaimed 'Didn't she say something about dungeon? Is this some sort of prison'

'No, that couldn't be either' He remembered those fancy amors and weapons those people were wearing and holding. Which prison would allow that?

While he was in doubt, Lili was immersed in her own thoughts


Lili POV

Nothing made sense here. First that Minotaur just came out of nowhere as if it was implanted there. Then Mr Bell fought it refusing others help though she couldn't blame him either. Afterall, he wanted adventure and he got one so why would he ruin it. It was also good since she had felt an instinctive fear the boy had especially towards the minotaur. He was frozen there for a couple of seconds, maybe some past incident had carved a fear deep into his being.

He shouldn't have that fear now since he fought it and won. It was good for his growth though she wished he would have growth towards aspects like emotions and feelings and whatnot. This was a good start.

Then the boy was praised for that fight by Finn himself. Although she never admitted it, she was jealous of him. Afterall someone from her Race which is the weakest had reached the heights she would never reach. At least not her current self.

'Now that I think, what was that glint in his eyes when he looked at me?'

'Was he smitten by Lili....., No that couldn't be true. Perhaps she reminded him of something or perhaps he simply felt pity towards her'

'Well, who cares? None of my business'

Lili sighed and turned towards the man walking by her side though he seemed to be immersed in some thought.

'Now, what is the deal with this green haired man'

First, he says he has other intentions and then contradicts it by saying he won't harm them OR did he contradict himself? Whatever the case she was not going to put her trust in him. She was ready for any suspicious activity to shoot. Just in case, she also held that magic short sword of hers, just for emergencies though she wished she wouldn't need to use it. It costed her quite a bit afterall.

'But he's really strange'

She had heard of his proclamation about destined to be the very best at swordsman ship.

'What does being the best at swordsmanship even mean?'

She didn't know and found not understanding him at all. His motivations, his drive, goals and ambitions, nothing mattered to her but what did matter to her was the strange question he asked of her.

Where is this he asked and then when she asked him a counter question as a sort of test, his answer bewildered her even more.

'LOST!?' She did not expect that kind of answer. He was saying he came to dungeon simply because he got lost on surface. Did he not see that massive tower, did he not see all those people and yet 'LOST'?

'Is he Blind and deaf?' 'No what am I even asking myself, of course he's not'

'No, WAIT! Maybe, just maybe. Let me ask him'

And thus, she asked:

"Mister, are you lost because you do not know the way back to the surface or to some other floor?"

Yes, he might have planned to go to some other floor or perhaps he couldn't find his way back to the surface. He should be a newbie then but what is a newbie doing all the way to 9th floor? Was he asking to be killed?



Zoro was awakened from his thoughts and suspicions. The girl, no he should call her Lili. Lili had asked him a rather strange question

'Floors, Surface! What does that mean?'

'Oh, perhaps this place has many floors. After all that sense of danger did come from somewhere down below but it was very deep so there should be MANY floors in this ALIVE place'

How weird does that sound calling caves ALIVE. But then again everything in the universe has a certain rhythm. The stones have it, so does trees, water, fire and literally everything but that rhythm doesn't make them 'ALIVE' rather gives them a certain pattern to follow. Cutting along those patterns is how you cut through many un-cutable/indestructible things. But this is different. It has rhythm sure but lacks that certain pattern and only blood and flesh/living beings are like that. They have no patterns but that doesn't mean they can't be cut, rather you don't need any special understanding to cut them. You just need enough power to do so.

'So how is this massive place alive'

'Hah, man I'm getting tired. Sure, enough I'm not good at those critical thinkings'

'Screw this'

'She asked me a question and I'll just go along with it. Not like I'm losing anything here anyway'

And so, he answered

"Yes, You're right. I truly am lost here"

"So which floor is this again?"

Hearing this Lili sighed

'I am smart' she thought 'But since he helped us so let me give him some advice'

Lili: "Mist-"

Zoro: "Stop! Zoro, Roronoa Zoro. That's my name"

Lili: "Hmm, Mister Zoro then. You know newbies shouldn't come this faar. You were lucky to have found Master Bell fighting and bumping into us otherwise you could have easily gotten yourself killed"

Zoro: "Master Bell? Is that his name and why do you call him 'Master'? Are you perhaps his slave or something?"

The world Zoro came from was once plagued by slavers. They caught and made slave anyone, WHY? Because they had power as well as backing of the corrupt World Government though that system had been destroyed by now due to them taking down the government and he hoped for those times to never come again. He himself never experienced slavery but he had seen the conditions of those slaves.

Lili: "How rude. I call Master Bell because Master Bell is Master Bell."

"Oh, his full name is Bell Cranel, and I am no slave. Master Bell saved me, so I call him that, nothing else"

Zoro: "Good for you then and which was this floor"

Lili: "Oh sorry. This is floor nine"

Zoro: "And what was that thing Bell was fighting?"

Lili: "You truly don't know anything, do you? This is why beginners get themselves killed"

"That was a Minotaur. It's a powerful level 2 monster but this one was an anomaly since they don't usually spawn here"

Zoro: "Oh" He be told, everything went over his head. Monster, Minotaur, Spawn, Level 2? What was this gibberish.

"Wait, Spawn. Not given birth?" He asked, 'Do they come out of earth or something?'

Lili: "Not even the most basic learning hnn. Yes spawn. You could say these walls around us give birth to them" "Though I've heard that in middle floors, they pop out of even the ceilings and the floors, but we don't have to worry about that happening here"

Zoro: "That's unbelievable" even though he was from a world full of crazy and strange powers, but this was a first for him. Walls Giving birth, who would believe that Scenario but here it is happening.

"Wait, I didn't see any such things you just described. We've been walking for some time, but I haven't seen any of those monsters popping out" This was very interesting. Screw the logic, he wanted to see such a spectacle. Creatures coming from ground, that would be a blast.

Lili: "Well of course they're not coming. The Minotaur probably killed all of them and that's good. I don't want to face any monsters coming out right now BUT that's a wishful thinking since they should appear from 8th floor onwards"

"Hey, you mister, even though you're a newbie but seeing as you're holding three swords, I don't know why three but still you should have gotten falna and should be good at fighting"

"Although I cannot sense but I can tell that you're probably not weak and should have quite a bit of fighting experience so hand over Master Bell to me and get ready. I can only support and am not a good fighter"

They had arrived at a corridor

"We're going up to the 8th floor"

Zoro: "Oh, so we'll see them popping out now. I JUST CAN'T WAIT; my hands and swords have been itching for a fight no matter how insignificant they might be"

Zoro was clearly very happy and expectant completely disregarding the 'Falna' thing he talked about

Lili: "Insignificant hnn. Look I don't care who you are but DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE the monsters. You're a newbie and probably a lvl 1 so just try to run in case you can't handle"

Zoro: "Never in my life have I ever underestimated an opponent no matter how strong or weak they might be"

Lili: "That's good then. Now, get ready and here we go"

She said with pure determination on her face






And much more.

That's what the front scene represented. She was shocked, speechless, unable to move or even squeak.

What was all that? Who was the monster here? Should she pity them?

Those were the thought Lily was having

Afterall this man named Roronoa Zoro was an ABSOLUTE BEAST.

One attack, just with one swing of his sword, without using any skills or magic (she assumed) the walls were cut alongside monsters they were just about to face. Yes, that's all he did. He was slaughtering monsters left and right without a care in the world. His attacks were destructive but very precise. Once she told him not to hit their chest, the monsters lost their heads.

He was excited she could tell, not because he was killing but because he was fighting. It seemed as if he enjoyed the act of fighting. She had seen this scene many times before.

They were at 2nd floor now, and she had seen the same scene again and again in repeated manner. No matter the numbers, no matter the types and no matter the power, the monsters just kept on losing their heads and in fact the number of monsters they encountered was probably 5 times normal. Perhaps if this happened once, she could call it a coincidence but no. It happened again and again. Literal volley of monsters came and died. The number of stones she had collected had already filled her bag to the brim. Never once had she though this since her bag could easily house a person inside, she wanted and yet not even an inch remained inside for anything.

But still why so many, was the dungeon provoked or something. Then again it was possible since he decimated the walls at least 10 times by now, not because he lost control, NO. Simply because as he told her, "There was a monster on the other side" and that's it. That was his explanation for decimating dungeon walls.

She no longer understood anything, what was a guy like him doing on the upper floors? The way she saw it, he was at least as powerful as Lvl 4s since those thick walls meant nothing to him. One thing for sure thought, his swordsman ship was ABSOLUTE. It was as if he was perfectly one with his swords, as if he had blended with them. He was a perfect swordsman and fighter, but he did have a rather strange flaw. 1st time for her seeing someone with that kind of flaw

This happened at 4th floor, while she was collecting stones and drops from monster bodies she gave him a direction, she requested

"Go straight and take 1st right where you'll find a monster bee nest. The honey from there is to die for, the absolute best and goes for a lot of money", Yes, she was shameless. She wasn't satisfied with the sea of monster stones, she also wanted honey. Afterall the more the merrier as they say

Then she simply focused upon taking out monster stones. After a long time when he didn't come back, she worried not for him but for herself and Master Bell who was still unconscious. Afterall if he had abandoned them, no way to say what would happen since killing among adventurers was normal. She looked around everywhere and after some time heard the noise while standing near the entrance to the 5th floor down. She went down and saw the guy running around cursing killing monsters left and right.

His exact words,

"Why did she not give me clear directions. Where am I now anyway"

That was the peak of ridiculousness. He was cursing HER. She felt like, go hit him but then again it wouldn't be a laughing matter if he killed her or abandoned her, so she calmed her anger and went to him.

She didn't ask anything just led him back. Now, why did she not ask him 'How did he got here', simple. The guy had a lot of self-esteem, and she didn't want to hurt that pride of his so she just ignored it BUT she still couldn't wrap her head around the fact of him actually going down when all he had to do was to go straight and right. How hard is that to understand?

'Hah, Forget it'

'But who is he anyway? Which Familia and which level is he at?'

'I'll ask him later'

And thus, the carnage continued


It was a bright sunny day. Sun was at its peak when a guy came running to the guild, an adventurer no doubt but the guy looked strange. He was in a hurry and the 1st thing he said shocked the entire guild,

"A minotaur was seen attacking a white-haired guy on the 9th floor"

A statement which had disturbed the guild quite a bit especially Eina.

Eina was a guild advisor in charge of Bell Cranel. Once she heard the news, she tried to deny the possibility of the boy being Bell.

'Was it him but how?'

'Does he have some sort of fate with minotaur in general'

'First on 5th floor and now this, Oh Bell I hope you're alright'

Those were Eina's thoughts. She worried for the guy but there were no romantic feelings here. She just thought of him as a little brother or something and while she was worrying over this a new news came about,

"There are too many monsters spawning"

This guy was a veteran and was quite known among the few to have mastered the first 8 floors and yet now he was saying there were too many monsters spawning.

Just what was happening today. Naturally the guild immediately tried to take care of said situation when another fellow said

"A man is hunting like crazy down there"

Another news which offseted the first one. Was it some high-class adventurer but why would someone like that pay attention to beginner floors? Perhaps he was simply going down when encountered such situation thus decided to take care of it lest more casualties come about.

Whatever the case, some tension was alleviated from the guild but still some checking was needed. While they were thinking this, a man came out of the dungeon with a girl.


Zoro: "So, this is the surface"

Looking up

Zoro: "Damn, that is a massive tower"

"Hmm.... hey Lily Who were those people watching Bell fighting down there?"

"They weren't weak, at least were stronger than everyone else I met since coming here"

Lily: "since coming to Orario hnn"

"Well, that's natural. They are Afterall part of one of the three strongest familias here, The Loki Familia"

"Loki Familia hm...", "What is this familia that you're constantly talking about?"

Lily: "You know mister, you are really strange. You're that strong yet lack the common sense that everyone has. You give me the feeling that you do not originate from here"

Zoro: "Well of course, I'm from faar east and there's nothing like this there"

Lily: "I don't believe you, but I won't pry. Everyone has secrets"

"Let's go to lady Hestia and take Master Bell to his home..... No wait. What are you going to do now? I can hand over all the stones if you want"

Zoro: "Nah! I'll go with you. It's not like I have anyone here to go to".

Lily: "What do you mean? Are you not in a familia? No wait! If you were in a familia then you would know what familias are but if you're not, then how are you so strong"

"Nothing makes sense"

She was muttering to herself

Zoro: "Hey, let's go somewhere else to that, Hestia you spoke of. Maybe you'll find out the answers to your questions there but why don't you first get rid of these stones. Did you not told me they could be sold to the guild for a hefty sum of money?"

Lily: "I'll do that later. Master Bell is more important right now"

"I'll lead the way"

Zoro: "Whatever floats your boat"

"Yaaaaaaaaawwwwnnn man I'm getting sleepy again and hungry too"

Lili: "Let's go to the Jagamarukun stall then. Before you ask Lady Hestia works there and Jagamarukun is a potato snack. We'll take Lady Hestia from there and U can also get some snacks"

Zoro: "Hmm.... Hey where can I find some booz?"


Zoro POV

'That is Hestia?'

A girl...woman... whatever. So that's her hnn

'Well, she's small, but hmmmmmmm It's good to not have that crapy cook around'

Hestia looks like a beautiful young lady wearing full clothes but maaan, never though I would call someone beautiful.

'I've seen some on the way here and all of those men and woman looked beautiful, lacking any flaws whatsoever'

They were special, different from others around and their beauty didn't come from physicality, NO. It was their aura. That aura is what made them beautiful, I've never sensed such a flawlessly pure aura

'I bet all of them are very strong. Should I just go and challenge some of em'

'What were they called again, yes CELESTIALS. That's what that Lily called them'

There are many different races around, but these guys are different.

'Hm..!? Someone's watching me'

looking around...

'This is different from that dungeon'

'Up there, the top of that tower?'

'Someone's there but who? I hate not being able to use Haki. Can't even see just some distance away properly'

The gaze intensified as if trying to look into his very soul

'Heh! Let me see if you can continue gazing into my soul'

POV end

He intensified his aura


Lili: "Hm... What happened? Why are you looking over there?"

Zoro: "Nothing......"

Lili: "Let's go to Lady Hes-"


Said Hestia coming over from behind her stall, screaming her throat out

Lili: "Please calm down, it's just mind down"

Hestia: "But those injuries"

Zoro: "They're not serious. The boy is simply exhausted"

Hestia: "Who are you?"

Lili: "Perhaps we should take Mater Bell to home first?"

Zoro: "Don't forget to bring some of those snacks, I'm starving"

Hestia: "Follow me"

Said Hestia while quickly walking towards her home

Hestia: "Why did you not just take him back before coming over?"

Lili: "I do not have the keys"

Hestia: "Arghh fine but you better tell me everything once we get back"

Lili: "Sure"

After some time, walking

Hestia: "We're here. Hurry up bring MY BELL inside"

Lily: "Yeah Yeah, yours...."

Zoro: "This is where you live"

Hestia: "Any problem with that"

Zoro: "Just a bit run down"

Hestia: "Grrrrrr.... I'll deal with you later. Yes there. Put him on the bed. I'll bring some hot towels"

Zoro: Looing around "It's not bad for living"

Hestia quickly brought some hot towels, washing Bells body. Bell was for the most part healed due to that Long-eared woman. They call it magic. It reminded Zoro of some early days of his adventure.

Zoro: "Hm... What's going on?"

Said Zoro while looking at a small mirror at a corner hunged to the wall

Lili: "What's wrong?"

Zoro: "Nothing, I just look a bit younger"

Lili: "Younger?"

Zoro: "Yes.... hey how old do I look to you?"

Lili: "Around 18 to 20 range"

Zoro: "What!?"


Yes Roronoa Zoro, a 33 years old guy suddenly looked a decade younger. Is this also an effect of his travel?



2nd chapter is also complete. Look yes, I had said and had even thought that this chapter would be about his interactions with Bell and Hestia but hey, there was a journey from 9th floor to the surface, so I thought, why not? This way it wouldn't be as if he automatically knew everything about this new world rather, he talked with Lily during the way up and came to know many things

In this way I've displayed Lily's character along with his own, so it works in my book

Now what will he do?

Would he join Hestia Familia, or maybe some other or perhaps he won't join any familia at all?

And look some of you might think the pacing to be bad or slow but first three chapters are about context. I'll pick up the pace after the next chapter so enjoy

Oh yes, I do not like those skimpy outfits so everyone including the amazoneses will have full clothing. Although the clothes won't be baggy and will have full open arms and about half the legs would be revealing.

Also, do leave any comments or suggestions you might have. I am literally depending on you fellows for new ideas and themes to explore so do help me please

Next chapter, Next Weak

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