mischief and sarcasm

De nonexistent2244

108K 3.3K 439

stiles is done with beacon hills, done with the pack and done with old memories. he can't handle the prolong... Mais

not a lovey day
road trip and a prick
sleeping is for the weak
furys furious
new york new you
unlock ur full potential bro.
huh. cool.
stiles loves spiders.
intentionally getting caught.
interrogation time
family supper
bump in the night.
more time with spidey
painful betrayal
we are venom
quiet conversations
fresh start
which is home?
easy peasy
forgive and forget
unfriendly face
hello again.
oh good- enemies

run ins and runing away

5.8K 157 21
De nonexistent2244

stiles POV

i had been driving for a few days now, occasionally stopping for drinks or fuel but that was all. i didn't feel like eating. deciding i needed to at least take a small rest from my 'running away' fiasco i stopped in a small town. about 60 miles away from new york which i guess is where i'm going.

i scratched the back of my head and shoved my shades on before stepping out my car. the sun was glaring daggers in my eyes and i was not in the mood for that.

i spotted a little cafe across the road and headed over to it.the barista was nice, she had curly blonde and a name tag reading sadie. next to her stood a tall guy, with short ginger hair that could almost pass as a mohawk. he didn't look too pleased to be there. his name tag was lying on the counter 'Lars' i decided i liked Lars. i ordered a black coffee and a doughnut with red and blue sprinkles before taking a seat near the entrance of the cafe.

i let a sigh escape my mouth as i sat down. god i was tired.

so sleep

'just shut up will ya?'
surprisingly they did.

i gulped down some coffee, it burnt my mouth bad. i was too tired to care. not to tired however to notice five people in the shop non-discreetly staring directly at me. i could see little earpieces they occasionally whispered into. again non-discreetly. i needed to leave, whoever these people were obviously wanted me. i scanned outside the window at the bustling street. another five were out there too. goddamnit this is why i shouldn't stop.

groaning i stood up. grabbing my untouched doughnut and bag before leaving a tip on the table. i pushed through the doors and took a sharp left, away from my car. i couldn't let them know i had clocked onto their existence so i strolled around nonchalantly.

the cogs in my mind kept turning. i needed a plan. and quick before these guys got impatient. i quickly looked at my surroundings, maybe i could loose them over a couple fences? i'd need to be fast and not to mention sneaky about it. maybe if i knocked on a door then- yeah that would work.

to seal the deal i acted like i was relieved when i spotted some random persons door. jogging over to it i tapped on the oak wood and rocked on my heels. the door opened. an old woman looked at me confused.

"hey!" i exclaimed loudly. loud enough for the group a little while away from me to hear.
"i haven't seen you in forever" i stated with a smile. before as subtly as possible whispering

"some people are following me, need to sneak out your garden. will pay you back. got a doughnut"
i prayed to whatever god is fucking with me to let this work.
the old woman looked a little fearful before plastering on a smile.

"oh, honey it's so good to see you!"
she explained, ushering me into the house
then slamming the door behind her.

"oh you poor boy. are you okay?"
she questioned. concern filled her gaze. what a saint.

"thank you so much you're a life saver i owe you everything!"
i exclaim pushing the doughnut into her hands.
she smiles softly

"i know it's a doughnut but i have some money if you need it?"
i hastily spoke. aware of how little time i had.

"oh please dear don't worry, no one has come to see me in a while so even some kid whose being followed with a doughnut and shades is welcome."

my heart broke a little.
handing her a piece of paper and a pen i asked

"you're the kindest person i've met, i'll call you as soon as i'm safe and i'll happily visit you and bring doughnuts"
i said honestly, she was, such genuine kindness i hadn't seen in many moons. hah get it, cuz of werewolves?

"i would like that my dear"

she scribbled out a messy number. i smiled, stuffing it into my pocket i turned to leave through the garden door, thanking her profusely.

then shot out the door and over the fence. my legs pumped beneath me as i sprinted through gardens. then over another and into an alleyway. just before i reached the end someone stepped out before me. one of the stalkers. without thinking i leapt up and sent a kick straight into her jaw.

stumbling slightly i kept running. hearing the woman crumple to the ground behind me. i saw another not too far away. pulling out my bat i slammed it into her stomach, she doubled over in pain. i kept going. one more left then half a mile to my car. then home free. i thought to myself.

out the corner of my eye i saw two men fast approaching me. i changed directions at the last moment and shot down another allyway. this time i scaled the side of a wall.
crawling up it i felt like spider-man.

the two men were below me. i heard them bellow orders into their ear peices. i scrambled for purchase at the top before heaving myself over.

once again i took off. my feet thumping against tiles and i ran on roofs. another stalker dropped down before me. i swept their legs from under them and pushed on.,my car was just below me.

climbing down as fast as possible. i booked it to the drivers side, about to open it when i heard


i did. licking my lips slightly i turned to face the person apprehending me. a woman stood, her hair a little ruffled but otherwise fine. her shades had a small crack in them. it was a miracle mine were still in tact.

"you are under arrest for potential villainous threat and assaulting S.H.I.E.L.D agents."
she shouted.

"drop any weapons,"
she said. now was my chance. i began sifting through my pockets before producing two things. yes. a small smoke bomb (made by me) and an electricity pellet, (also made by me) the pellet would collect any electricity from nearby things and stun the closest group of people near the pellet. i had learnt quite a bit from dr. banner who was literally my idol. but no time for fan boying

the rest of the 'agents' had gather behind the woman. patter her back and praising her for 'catching' me. i smirked.

i threw the pellet down at the woman's feet. she eyed it for a moment before scoffing.

"what's th-?"

she started before electricity shot out from it. landing on every agent near by, except irritably one, oh and stunned a pigeon. my bad. i scooped up the dazed bird and threw my smoke bomb down before hurrying into my jeep and slamming down on the accelerator. i sped out the town and towards new york. i needed to get there quick and lie low for a couple... months? yeah maybe going to the city where the avengers live wasn't the smartest idea. but there's safety in crowds. that's  what i was gunning for anyway.

i carefully placed the pigeon on my passenger seat and wrapped it up in a spare hoodie. before turning my attention back towards the road.



how do you think you climbed up that wall?

'i don't know. with the right motivation?'

MY powers.

'your powers? your just a nagging voice now at the back of my head'

what about the kick to the agents head? or how a feeling of calm washed over you when anyone would be freaking out at gunpoint

'i guess i'm just a special little soldier'

it was our power stiles. but only a fraction. sleep and you can unlock it all

'what a great idea, sleep, leave myself vulnerable, you come out to play, wake up to death'

it would not be like that stiles. trust me

i scoffed. yeah trust a fox spirit that's known for being a trickster. smart.

another chapter yw

Continue lendo

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