The English Rose

By loislame0384

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Non magical AU- 30 year old Hermione Granger is gifted a bookshop from her grandfather. She meets an intrigui... More

The First Letter
A Change to the Game
Curiouser and Curiouser
Walking Through the Looking Glass
An Unexpected Visitor
The Best of Intentions
The Tree Lot
Comfort Soup
Bella's Revenge
Scout's Honor
The First Date
Welcome Home Squeaks
Another Episode
The Bella Monologue
The Worthwhile Fight
The Story Continues
Turkey Sandwiches and Love Hearts
Stepping Stones
The Creepy Cellar
Therapy for Two

The Light

215 12 1
By loislame0384

The address that Bella had put into the GPS was unfamiliar to Hermione but they were headed in the general direction of London. Hermione had both hands on the steering wheel while they drove in relative silence, listening to the songs on her playlist. She looked over quickly and caught a glimpse of her girlfriend, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

"What's so funny, love?"

"Nothing," Hermione kept her eyes on the road.

"Must be something," Bella had an amused underlay to the tone of her voice. "You keep looking over here, thinking I won't notice," she turned and stared at her girlfriend, slipping her hand onto her thigh, squeezing slightly. "So," she smiled, "I'll ask again. What's so funny?"

"Nothing is funny," Hermione bit her bottom lip. "I just do think you look like a pirate a little." She heard her girlfriend laugh, deep and throaty. "I really, really," she stressed her words "really love your outfit tonight."

"You don't say?"

"Well I do," she quickly turned her head and smiled at Bella before turning back to the road.

"So pirate core is a kink for you?"

Hermione let out a nervous laugh, "umm."

"You said I looked like a pirate. You also complimented my outfit more than once and called me sexy back in my room. She keep stealing glances at me. You've had to wipe your palms off on your pants so you are sweating a little. Your neck is producing the most adorable little blush right now that I just want to nibble. Also, last time you looked at me, your pupils were slightly dilated when you looked over here," she rubbed the inside of Hermione's thigh. "If I had to make an assumption, I'd assume that you had a thing for pirates."

Another nervous laugh escaped the brunette. "I don't think it's necessarily piratecore persay," her eyes flitted over and took in the sight of her girlfriend. "Okay maybe a little but honestly? It's you, Bella, I'm so ridiculously attracted to you. I feel like a bloody teenager with my libido anytime I'm around you and this outfit doesn't help."

"The feeling is mutual," Bella squeezed her upper thigh.

"So," Hermione bit the inside of her cheek. "To sum up... you've unlocked a new pirate kink that i didn't even know I had." She felt the hand on her thigh twitch. "Though I'm quite sure as this relationship goes on, you will unlock more kinks as we go and trust me when I say that I'm here for all of them."

Bella exhaled out of her nose, "noted." Her eyes bored into the side of Hermione's face making the blush of her neck ignite.

"What about you? Any kinks you'd like to share?"

"Let's just say that I've had many, many dirty thoughts about us. There isn't anything that I wouldn't try. It's been so long, I'm not sure what kinks I may have but I'm excited to discover them along the way. I've been very horny this past week. Whatever this new medication is, it has ignited the fire."  Bella chuckled again, "I almost tested out the waters on myself this morning but decided to wait to experience everything with you."

"You can masturbate," Hermione smirked.

"Oh I know," Bella shot a sultry look that had Hermione clenching her thighs. "But I would rather wait and experience the pleasure first hand with a very capable partner."

"Are you ready for that?"

Bella took a moment to think that question over, "I feel like I'm ready to take all the steps with you."
Hermione's hand left the steering wheel as Bella turned her palm up to lace their fingers together. "Let's start with dinner, shall we?"

"So dinner," Hermione raised an eyebrow. "At least I got something out of you."

"Do you honestly think a Valentine's date with me wouldn't include dinner? Please," she rolled her eyes. "That's the absolute least I could do for you to show you how much you mean to me."

They made it to a car park which was only a short walk to the actual restaurant they were going to that evening. Bella took the lead, laced her fingers with Hermione and walked down the street side by side. It was lightly snowing and flecks of snow were getting caught in Bella's curls again. "You look beautiful in the snow," Hermione said as they made it to the front door of the restaurant where Bella had reservations waiting for them. She saw a slight pink on Bella's cheeks and didn't know if it was from the cold or her compliment.

"Thank you," she said quietly, opening the door and motioning for Hermione to enter. "Black, party of 2. I requested a private room overlooking the city so we wouldn't be around a lot of people." The room ended up being quite charming, Hermione had to admit.

When the host took them back, he announced the waiter would be in shortly. Bella nodded at the host, taking her and her girlfriend's coats over to the coat rack to hang up while Hermione went straight over to the window and looked down towards the streets below them. The snow falling added a magical nature to the evening as she watched couples strolling hand in hand down the street. Bella came over and stood next to the other woman, admiring the view as well. Hermione turned and smiled, "gorgeous."

The tips of Bella's ears were flaming red, she could feel the blush but thankfully it was hidden under her curls. "I'm not use to such compliments, Hermione. Forgive me for not knowing how to respond appropriately." In all her previous relationships, Bella had been the aggressor, the one to shower the other with compliments and affection. It was a new but not unwelcome change, just something she would have to get used to over time. It was a change Bella was happy to be on the receiving end of.

"I will tell you everyday how beautiful you are Bella," she kissed her girlfriend on the cheek before turning back towards the window. "I just love the snow."

"I remember your love of snow from when we went to the tree lot," Bella smiled. "You looked adorable with your little pink nose, drinking your cocoa and gushing over all the trees. When I looked into your eyes that night, I knew then. I knew your eyes looked like coming home. I'll never forget that date. Though I suppose it wasn't a date back then."

Hermione smiled, "I counted it as a date even if we weren't together yet."

Bella hummed in response and turned when the waitress made herself known. She ushered Hermione over to the table and pulled out the chair for her. The brunette ducked her head and sat as Bella tucked her into the table and took the seat directly beside her. "This is cozy," she leaned over and whispered into Hermione's ear as the waitress was reading off the alcohol specials. "I'll just have a water and a Diet Coke," she gave Hermione a small smile. "You can get whatever you wish for, love."

"I'll have the same as her," Hermione smiled and the waitress told them dinner was on a prefix menu for the holiday and they would have the choice between steak or seafood. The waitress said she'd give them a few minutes to decide while she went and got their beverages.

"You could've gotten some wine or champagne or something. I can't have any alcoholic drinks. Part of the whole thing," she rolled her eyes. "Don't let my shortcomings hold you back."

"Bella," Hermione reached under the table and rested her hand above Bella's knee. "It's fine. I don't really drink anyways. Previously relationships have led me to realize that nothing good comes from alcohol."

Bella put her hand over Hermione's and squeezed, "I'll take care of you."

Hermione smiled, "I know."

Bella closed the rest of the distance between them and brushed their lips together, wrapping her free hand around Hermione's neck, scratching slightly at the base of her skull. The subtle, soft movement of Bella's fingers in her hair made Hermione let out a breathy moan which would be considered inappropriate for a restaurant full of strangers. The way Bella lips subtly deepened the kiss yet still remaining chaste and appropriate for a public setting had Hermione reeling. She could kiss this woman forever, every brush of her lips, every tilt of her head, every touch of her fingers had her entire body of fire. 'Is it possible to spontaneously combust?' Hermione thought to herself when she felt the hand in her hair tighten slightly. Bella nibbled on Hermione's bottom lip, pulling back and releasing it with a slight pop. A little whine escaped the brunette as she feebly tried to chase the retreating lips. A throaty, deep chuckle sent a shockwave through Hermione when she opened her eyes and saw her girlfriend smiling brightly at her. "I see why you are named Bellatrix."

"Why is that?"

"Your smile shines bright enough to light up the entire Milky Way," Hermione leaned back in for one more fleeting kiss.

Bella cleared her throat, shifting slightly but all thoughts were cut off when the waitress came back in with their drinks. "Thank you," she said to the woman as she placed the beverages in front of them. "Do you know what you'd like to eat, love?"

"Oh umm," her cheeks reddened. "You said steak or seafood? I'll have whatever the seafood option is, thank you."

Bella ordered the steak and the waitress took their orders back to the kitchen saying she would be back with the bread service and starters salads. "So," she cleared her throat. "I'm not sure how to be a proper valentine."

"I don't know," Hermione shrugged. "I think you are doing just fine," she smiled at her nervous girlfriend. She loved when Bella's soft side showed. The older woman often exuded such confident behaviors and had an excellent sense of self which oftentimes made Hermione feel like she was the insecure one. It was refreshing to know that they were both equally nervous in these situations. "The night has only begun and you are my most favorite Valentine." The older woman seemed to relax a little, shifting back in her chair. She crossed her legs and took a sip from her Diet Coke, licking the excess beverage from her upper lip after she swallowed. Hermione stared at her girlfriend. "How is it that you make such mundane behaviors so sexy?"

"Do I?" Bella smirked.

"Always playing coy," Hermione relaxed into her seat, mimicking the crossed legs and draping her napkin across her lap when she saw the waitress returning with the bread and salads.

Dinner was lovely and the company was even better. The conversation flowed through the three courses they shared. The couple talked about everything from books to favorite films, therapy to schooling. It was a very comfortable experience. Bella had never felt that open and honest with another person. She was happy that she could be unapologetically herself around the younger woman without fear of rejection or ridicule. She settled the bill when Hermione excused herself to go to the restroom.

"First Valentine's together?" The waitress asked with a smile.

"First of many, I hope." Bella signed her name on the receipt and handed the folder back to the waitress.

"The way the two of you have been gazing into each other's eyes all night? No doubt that this is the first of many Valentine's for the two of you."

"She's perfect," Bella said quietly, watching Hermione walk back to the room.

"Enjoy the rest of your evening, ma'am," the waitress smiled and waved at Hermione as she left the room.

"What was she so happy about?" Hermione eyed her girlfriend suspiciously.

Bella shrugged, "she just came by to get the signed receipt and to tell us how adorable we are. Not to mention how in love we seem."

"She's not wrong," Hermione smiled. "I was about to ask if she was flirting with you. I know it's Valentine's Day and all but I wouldn't be opposed to punching someone if I have to."

"I assure you. She made no advances," she chuckled. "But the night is young. You may still have time to punch someone out if need be."

"Noted," Hermione laughed when Bella stood and pushed their chairs in. She walked over and got their coats. "Ready?" Bella nodded and put her leather coat back on. It was truly sinful how good she looked tonight, Hermione thought to herself. "Where to next?"

"A walk in the park."

Hermione raised an eyebrow as she pulled her own coat over her shoulders, "isn't it a little cold for the walk in the park?" She was thankful she had opted to wear her peacoat over the blazer.

Bella walked over to her girlfriend after zippering her coat. She buttoned up the large buttons of her peacoat. "Do you trust me?" She whispered, kissing the shell of Hermione's ear.

"With my life."

"Then," she held out her arm for Hermione to take, "let's continue this adventure." She led Hermione out of the restaurant and into the snow dusted streets as they walked arm in arm towards the park. "The snow is quite beautiful." She noticed the adorable pink adorning Hermione's nose as the chilly night air swept past them.

Hermione heard the sounds of people talking, music, children laughing getting progressively louder as they continued down the path. "I'm so curious where we are going."

"The park is right over there, love." Bella spun the girl around, pointing her in the direction of a winter festival. The town square was decorated for Valentine's Day. Fairy lights draped among the trees and different festival booths, many love hearts were glistening in the light but none as bright as Hermione's eyes. 

"A festival?"

"Is this okay?" Bella asked, a little unsure of herself.

"More than okay," she released Bella's arm and quickly grabbed her hand, pulling her with a new sense of purpose towards the busy festival booths. "I only wish I wouldn't have had that dessert. I can't pass up an opportunity for candy floss," she smiled at her girlfriend.

"There's always room for hot cocoa and candy floss, my love."

Bella had been right, there was always room for treats. They walked around to the various vendors, stopping to look at the handcrafted wares that were being sold. Hermione was looking at an antique stall when Bella brought her over a cup of hot cocoa. "Here you are," she kissed her cheek and handed her the drink. "See something that catches your eye?" Hermione shrugged her shoulders and took a drink. "Come now. Don't be shy. It's a holiday after all. You can either tell me what you like here or I'll buy the whole stall and give it all to you," she chuckled when the brunette's eyes went wide. Hermione pointed to an old looking ink bottle that had a handmade glass pen sticking out of it. "That is rather nice." Bella got the vendor's attention and inquired about the quill. The ink bottle was said to be recovered from WW1 and the quill was handmade by the vendor herself. It was clear with swirls of dark red and black throughout the glass. "It's perfect. We will take it," she smiled and handed the woman her bank card. "Can you wrap that up please so we don't break it in transport?"

"Of course," she said, taking the items and bank card to the back of the stall to prepare it for them.

"You didn't have to..."

Hermione's protest was cut off by a firm kiss. Her eyes fluttered shut and her whole body warmed like someone had thrown a fresh log onto a dying fire. "I did," Bella whispered against her lips. "You deserve the world, Hermione." She kissed the tip of her nose, "besides now you'll have no excuse but to write me some more letters. I miss them."

Hermione's eyes were still closed, enjoying the closeness of the other woman, the feeling of her breath against her lips, the smell of her shampoo filling her nose every time the wind blew. "No excuses," she smiled, finally opening her eyes just as the vendor was walking back over. "Thank you," she said as she took the bag with her present in it while Bella slipped her bank card back into her jacket pocket. "I guess the only downside to that outfit is the lack of pockets."

Bella laughed, "if only I were a witch and would be able to give myself extendable pockets. Talk about a godsend."

"I have something for you," Hermione quietly said as they left the vendor area.

Bella led her down a more quiet pathway further into the park where various pavilions were located under the trees. "Oh really?"

"Yes," Hermione shrugged. "It's not much."

"Can I have it now?"

Hermione nodded and pulled out a little box and handed it to her girlfriend while taking her drink to hold for Bella. "Go on."

Bella couldn't tell if Hermione's cheeks were pink from the cold or from a blush. In either case, it was adorable. She looked at Hermione then down at the little box and lifted the lid. Under a few pieces of tissue paper was a key with a little bow on it. She raised an eyebrow and looked up at her girlfriend. "What's this, love?"

"A key to The Rose."

The color of her cheeks was decidedly not from the cold. "And what does it symbolize, love?"

Hermione bit her lip, "you spend so much time at the shop. I thought you might like to have your own key. Be able to come in whenever you want without me or Papa having to be there," she stopped rambling for a minute and looked at her girlfriend who took the key out and held it up.

"Is that all?" She smirked.

"Well," Hermione felt her cheeks. She was no longer experiencing any sort of cold. "I would like for you to move in with me. If that is something you'd like but it doesn't have to be anytime soon or ever. It's if you would ever be comfortable with the idea. I know you own that house and you are there with Andy and Dora but I would like you to move in someday. This," she wrapped her hand around Bella's that was holding the key, "is a symbol that I see this as long term and the invitation is there whenever you are ready."

Bella smiled and Hermione looked down at her feet, "don't look away. Please." She caught eyes with the brunette. "The trust you have in me by gifting this key to me means more than anything I've ever received. My house means nothing to me. Home is where your heart is or so the saying goes and my heart is right there," she pointed her finger at Hermione's chest. "All along there was some invisible string tying you to me and I will follow you to the ends of the earth."

"So?" Hermione's face looked hopeful.

"I want to say yes and move in tonight."


Bella sighed, "unfortunately this is something I have to talk about with my therapists first. Apparently I'm not allowed to jump into big life decisions or some bullshit like that."

"Fair enough," Hermione smiled and dropped Bella's hand. "You can still use the key in the meantime to come in whenever you want."

"You may never get rid of me now," Bella smirked, putting the key back in the box and putting it in her jacket pocket.

"That's a risk I'll happily take," Hermione pulled her girlfriend into a hug.

"Come on, love," she squeezed before letting go. "Just a little further." She kept her arm around Hermione's waist and walked them down a tree line path. At the end of the lantern lined walkway was a gazebo lit by thousands of fairy lights, Bella smiled when she heard Hermione gasp. The gentle snowfall glistened in the lights. "Do you like it?" She asked as she pulled her into the middle of the gazebo.


"I can't give all my secrets away," Bella chuckled as she pulled out her phone and connected it to the Bluetooth speaker set on the railing of the gazebo. "Join me for a dance?" The soft sounds of a slow song were heard coming through the speaker.

Hermione's smile was almost as bright as her blush when she nodded her head and put her bag down, being taken in Bell's arms, swaying together as the song sounded in the air.

"I love you, Hermione Jean Granger," Bella whispered into her ear as they slowly moved around the gazebo. "You are the best thing that could've ever happened to me."

You were the air in my breath
Filling up my love soaked lungs
Such a beautiful mess
Intertwined and overrun

Nothing better than this
Ooh, and then the storm can come
You feel just like the sun
Just like the sun

They danced, slowing their movements, feeling the words of the song as it rang out into the fairy light filled night. "I can't imagine how sad my life would be if you had never moved out here. I know I only have Henry to thank for giving you the bookshop."

Never mind what I knew
Nothing seems to matter now
Ooh, who I was without you
I can do without

No one knows where it ends
How it may come tumbling down
But I'm here with you now
I'm with you now

"I didn't think love was ever in the cards for me," she continued whispering to the brunette as they swayed to the song. "From that first letter, I was smitten with you. You inspire me, you challenge me and you love me with your whole heart. There will never be a day where I am not grateful for you. I will treasure you as long as you'll let me."

"Until the end of time," Hermione whispered back, holding in her tears. She felt the same way that Bella did and was too swept up in the romance of the moment to think of something more eloquent to say. She shivered when she felt the older woman place a kiss just below her ear whispering that she loved her. "I love you too, Bella. You are the best thing that's ever been mine."

Let the world come rushing
Come down hard, come crushing
All I need is right here beside me
And all the love I'm swearing
Take my love and wear it
Over your shoulders
And if you say, "We'll be alright"
I'm gonna trust you, babe
I'm gonna look in your eyes
And here you say, "We'll be alright"
I'll follow you into the light

They danced together slowly as if they had all the time in the world as song after song played under the twinkling fairy lights while the snow continue to fall around them.

When the cold had finally become too apparent, Bella relented and the slow dancing ended. She walked Hermione to a nearby hotel that was also adorned with love hearts. She looked almost bashful when she stopped Hermione outside the front doors. "I thought maybe we could stay the night here," she scratched behind her ear in the adorable way she did when she was nervous. "We don't have to. I just wasn't sure I would be ready for the bubble of the evening to burst."

"I'm not ready for it to end either," Hermione nodded towards the door. "Though if we spend any more time in the snow, I may freeze."

Bella held the door open for her girlfriend as they made their way inside the rather lavish hotel. "Here," she walked Hermione over towards the fire. "Stay here and warm up. I'll go check us in. Oh and just so you aren't worried, I called the Rose the other day and asked Henry to stop over and feed the cats tonight so they wouldn't go without food."

Before Hermione could respond, Bella was walking towards the front desk. She warmed her hands by the fire thinking how utterly perfect the evening had been so far. She was nervous to go upstairs. Running through everything in her mind, she couldn't remember the last time she stayed at a hotel with a woman. Though, if they did find themselves enjoying each other tonight at least Hermione wouldn't have to compete with Squeaks. She laughed to herself when she heard that sinful voice enter her ear, "laughing again, love? You have the most adorable facial expressions when you are happy. Come on," she showed Hermione the key cards and she also had an overnight bag that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Where did you get that?"

"Like I said at the gazebo. I have my secrets."

They walked to the lift and waited for the doors to open. They had to share the lift with a man and a woman who were very handsy with each other and it seemed to make Bella a little uncomfortable. Hermione reached down and squeezed the older woman's hand silently reassuring her that everything was going to be okay. "Remind me to thank Dora for her participation in tonight."

"She was paid handsomely to be my accomplice."

"I'm sure she was," Hermione was being pulled out of the lift and down a long hallway. They stopped outside of the double doors at the end of the long hall. The doors were bigger than the rest so Hermione prepared herself to be overwhelmed when Bella pushed the doors open to a king sized suite. The room was beautiful. There was a small living room with a hallway that had rose petals on the ground, leading into the bedroom. The petals stopped at the bed which also had a heart made from roses on the duvet. Candles were lit on each of the end tables in the room. She would have to find out how she convinced the managers to let her have lit candles in the room. It seemed so cheesy but Hermione was in love with the gesture. "It's beautiful," she turned around and saw Bella perched against the door frame.

"There's a bathroom through there," Bella pointed to a door off the bedroom.

"I'm guessing you aren't going to tell me how you accomplished this or talked the managers into letting you have candles?" Bella smirked and shook her head no. "Didn't think so."

"Just to be clear," Bella started walking over towards her girlfriend, standing in her personal space. "I don't expect anything from you tonight. I'd be perfectly content snuggling up in bed and ordering a movie."

Hermione reached down and grabbed Bella's hip, feeling her through the thin material of her dress, bringing her flush up against her body, "and what if I say I want more?" She whispered into the older woman's ear, breathing a little heavier than she had meant to. Bella cleared her throat and let out a shaky breath. "Are you ready for this?"

"Are you?" Bella asked with an air more confidence in her voice, sliding her hand into Hermione's wavy brown locks.

"Kiss me and find out," Hermione gasped when Bella's finger tightened just so in her hair causing a delicious amount of tension.

And kiss her she did. Bella kissed Hermione softly and endlessly like the world would be ending within the hour. She walked backward to the bed, pulling Hermione along with her. She rested against the bed, never breaking the kiss. Quickly Bella spun them around, setting Hermione on the bed and wrapping the girl's legs around her waist. She pulled back from the kissing, panting and asked, "can I take this off?" She ran her fingers down the buttons of Hermione's shirt.

"Please," she all but whined.

Bella started kissing her slower and deeper, tongues touching just so igniting a fire that would forever burn deep in Hermione's core. She didn't register her girlfriend pushing her blazer and open shirt off of her shoulders. Bella's hand traveled down the length of Hermione's neck and over her shoulder, down the front of her chest and rested on the front zipper of her bra. She stopped kissing her and looked deep in her eyes. Hermione's chest was heaving and her eyes were filled with desire. "May I?" Hermione nodded and Bella smiled, slowly unzipping her bra, letting it fall off of her body. Hermione caught it in one of her hands and tossed it off the bed. "Breathtaking," Bella smiled as she nodded for Hermione to get onto the bed and lay down.

"I wanted to," Hermione started to protest when Bella pressed a knuckle into the seam between her thighs, ripping a moan from her girlfriend's lips.

"You'll get to," she said as she unlaced her corset, throwing it across the room. Hermione's eyes drank in the sight in front of her when Bella reached down, gathering her long dress and pulling it up over her head, leaving her standing there bare before the brunette for the first time. She smirked at Hermione when she saw her drinking in her naked form. Crawling up onto the bed next to her soon to be lover she ran her fingers along the edge of Hermione's pants. "May I?" She asked for permission again. She nodded and Bella slowly and with reverence unbuttoned her trousers and pulled them down exposing Hermione's black lacy underwear, she placed a kiss on the waistband of them then pulled them down with her pants, letting them fall off the end of the bed.

Bella lowered her body down on top of Hermione, skin touching skin, hands everywhere. She pressed her leg into Hermione's center and the girl below her let out a sigh of relief. There were months of prelude that led to this moment and Hermione was dying for release. Bella kissed her long and deep. Feeling every ounce of passion she was putting into her kisses, she wanted Hermione to feel her everywhere. The brunette's head was swimming when Bella started to trail her hand down her body, not stopping at any destination for too long. Her mouth followed her hand as she went. When she settled herself further down between Hermione's legs she looked up. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," it came out like the hiss of a snake. 

"As you wish," Bella kissed the inside of Hermione's thigh, biting, kissing, and sucking a path to where she was most needed. When she placed a kiss just above Hermione's clit, she looked up, "it's been awhile. Forgive me if I'm rusty."

"Please. Touch me already."

Bella chuckled which Hermione felt through her body. She flattened her tongue and licked a stripe up from her center to her clit, circling the bundle of nerves before gently sucking it into her mouth, making the brunette arch off of the bed. That moment Hermione was convinced her soul left her body. "Fuck," she mumbled when Bella expertly gave her what she needed. "Is this okay?" She heard Bella whisper against her clit, the vibrations coursing through her body. "Don't stop," Hermione groaned looking down, meeting eyes with Bella. She looked up, lips glistening with her juices as she smirked. Bella swiped her thumb across her full bottom lip and sucked it into her mouth, moaning at the taste. "Come up here." She left a lingering kiss to her clit before crawling her way back up her lover's body, kissing and licking along the way. She stopped momentarily to suck on the hard pink nipples, feeling bad for neglecting them earlier. Hermione's body was on overdrive. It had been so long since someone had worked her up so effectively, she was certain she could cum from Bella's attention to her nipples alone. She reached under Bella's chin and tilted her head up, her lips leaving her nipple with a wet pop. "I'm close," she whined.

Bella smiled and continued kissing her way up, nibbling on her jawline, kissing down the column of her throat, all the while circling Hermione's entrance with her fingers. "I love you," she whispered against Hermione's lips as she dipped two fingers into her center to the first knuckle causing the brunette to close her eyes and sigh. Bella moaned, slowly pulling her fingers out, entering her a little deeper and harder, curling them as she worked them inside her body. "You feel better than I could ever have dreamed, love." She let her head fall to Hermione's shoulder as she continued to work her fingers deep and slow. "So soft, warm, tight and so, so wet," Bella's talking combined with the curling on her fingers was driving Hermione closer to the edge.

Remembering that she had hands, Hermione trailed them down Bella's back, springing into action. Sliding her right hand between their bodies, she rested her hand just above Bella's mound. When the older woman's head snapped up, Hermione silently asked permission to touch her. Bella smirked then captured her lips in a heated kiss. She let her hand trail down and moan when she felt how wet Bella was. She did this. She made Bella this wet. This exquisite woman was turned on by her. "Fuck," she cried out again and when dragged her finger through the wetness and smeared it in tight circles against Bella's clit. She felt Bella's hips jerk slightly but the fingers inside of her never faltered. "All of this for me?" Hermione asked, breaking their kiss.

Bella's lips immediately started trailing bites down Hermione's throat. "Please," she started grinding down against the fingers circling her clit. "It's not going to take much."

"I'm close too," Hermione said as she slowly entered Bella with one finger. She didn't want to cause the older woman any pain as she had told her it had been decades since she let anyone touch her. The wet, warmth that Hermione was met with made her head spin. "God, you feel amazing," she started working her finger mimicking the ones inside of herself. The pair moved in unison, panting into each other's air, moaning words of encouragement, the sound of their love making filling the room. Hermione's fingers stalled when Bella swiped her thumb across her clit and she saw white fireworks behind her eyelids, finally coming undone. "Bella," she moaned her lover's name into the evening air.

The sensation of Hermione's walls clenching around Bella's fingers was enough to send her towards her own climax. With Hermione's finger still inside of her, she ground her clit onto the brunette's palm, sending her careening into her own release. "I'm cummimg," Bella announced when Hermione felt an extra gush of liquid pool in the palm of her hand. She helped the older woman back down from the edge before slowly pulling out of Bella when she relaxed into the body of the brunette below her. "Wow," she said, trying to catch her breath. "I'm usually more eloquent than this." She rolled off of Hermione and laid on her side, facing her.

Hermione's eyes were closed as she tried to steady her breath. She turned to face her girlfriend and cupped her cheek. "I love you, too." Bella chuckled and rubbed the tips of their noses together. "That was the single most intimate moment I've ever shared with anyone."

"Was it all right?" Bella's cheeks blushed hearing the insecurity in her own voice. She bit her lip waiting for a response as she tucked a few strands of hair behind Hermione's ear.

"It was better than all right," Hermione kissed her lips softly, reassuring her that everything was perfect. "It's exactly as I imagined making love to you would be like. I've never felt anything like this with another human being before. I don't think my words can describe it adequately."

"No," Bella reached out and grabbed Hermione's hand, bringing it to her chest. "I get it. It felt like we were one. It was intense."

"In the best way possible."

"Well," Bella chuckled. "The medication works."

"I'd say so," Hermione placed a lazy kiss on her cheek. "So, what was in the overnight bag?"

Laughing, Bella rolled on her back and pulled Hermione into her side. She rested her head on her shoulder and wrapped her arm around Bella's stomach. Tracing her fingers lightly up Hermione's back, she could feel goosebumps rising so she reached down and maneuvered them under the blankets. "Always so curious," she kissed the top of her head. "Some clothes for the morning, a few phone chargers, shower stuff in case you didn't like what the hotel offered, a few books because we can't be too far from them and an extra blanket just because," she kissed her head again, lightly dragging her fingers through the brunette waves.

Hermione hummed at the gesture, "you are going to put me to sleep if you keep that up."

Bella didn't stop, "well you need your rest because now that I know I can, I plan to do this over and over again as many ways as humanly possible."

"Mmm," Hermione tightened her grip, "you'll be hearing no complaints from me," she ran her hand down Bella's front cupping her sex softly.

"I thought you were sleepy," Bella smirked, feeling her body and mind already getting worked up again.

Hermione brought her mouth up to Bella's ear and whispered, "but I didn't get to taste what you taste like." She felt Bella shiver and spread her legs, a silent invite for the brunette to do as she pleased.

The new lovers spent the majority of the night getting lost in a state of bliss, losing count of the orgasms shared between them or how many times the words 'I love you' fell from their lips as they celebrated their first Valentine's Day together. Eventually the need for sleep became overwhelming and Hermione was the first to give in. Bella silently snuck out of the bed to use the restroom. She washed her hands and her face before returning to the room with the phone chargers she retrieved from the bag. After plugging in their phones, she climbed back in bed behind Hermione, spooning up against her. The brunette relaxed into her arms as Bella whispered one last "I love you" before giving into sleep herself.

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