The Golden Age ✔️

By unconsentingsoul

4.6K 268 43

Enrique Viramontes is a Mexican immigrant who has come to Los Angeles in search of a better life. Marshall Cr... More

Author's Note
Author's Farewell


158 9 0
By unconsentingsoul



Upon opening my eyes, I squinted at the harsh light that came in. My eyes adjusted to the rays. I turned to my left and felt my arm hugging something. More like someone. 

I turned and saw a sleeping Enrique. He was sound asleep, breathing lightly. His bare back was pinned up against my muscular chest. I noticed that the both of us were only in our underwear. My dick began to come to life when I noticed that it was very close to Enrique’s bottom. 

I pulled myself away, missing En’s presence in my arms. I got up and stretched a bit. My head began to hurt from all the champagne from last night. I turned to look more at Enrique. His curves were something out of a movie star. Dare I say, he was much curvier than most women. 

The images from last night came to my head at once. The kisses, the bites, the moans, and the skin-to-skin contact. We almost did it. We almost had sex. Of course, I understood where Enrique was coming from when he wanted to wait. I don’t blame him. I would also like to have sex with him when we knew we wanted it.

Enrique began to stir in his sleep. He moved a bit more and scooted himself back as if he was trying to find warmth. Instead, he opened his eyes and met mine.

“Good morning.” His raspy voice said. He sat himself up. Enrique was one of those blessed people whose morning hair is still attractive.

“Morning. How was your sleep?” I asked. Enrique got up and stretch himself.

“It was fantastic. Had a lot of warmth with me.” He said and winked at me. “Let’s go. I’ll make breakfast.” He said. He didn’t bother to put his clothes on. Neither did I. I enjoyed the view. Seeing En’s ass move side to side while he walked.

Over the next few days, En and I continued sleeping in the same bed. I joked that he might as well move his belongings to my room. It was my favorite cycle. Waking up with him, eating with him, talking with him, and sleeping with him.

We also did share kisses here and there. But none like last night when we were drunk. We’ve yet to reach that climax again. It was unspoken. We had hunger for each other, but waited until the time was right.

“Woah! Marsh! Look!!” En said while we were walking down the street. I turned to where he was pointing and saw it clear as day.

‘The Lonely War Hero’
‘Starring Marshall Cromwell and Enrique Viramontes’
‘Coming Soon!’

The poster read. En and I cheered and hugged each other at the sight of it. It was time. The project that we’ve all worked for was finally in completion.

It was hectic now. The public was now aware of our existence. Everywhere we went, cameras would follow us. We would get asked questions about our personal lives and family. We were advised to not say anything to the reporters. It’s happened before where someone will say the wrong thing and ultimately end their career.

Enrique was always ready for the reporters. He made sure to dress fashionably for the camera. He may not speak, but that doesn’t mean he can’t show off.

More posters for the movie were everywhere. From downtown LA to Inglewood. Posters featuring the whole cast. In all of them, I was always next to Enrique. And I was always smiling.

“Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to The Ed Sullivan Show! Tonight, we have a special interview. Rising to fame, these two men are getting a taste of what it’s like to live the American dream. Please put your hands together for Marshall Cromwell and Enrique Viramontes.” Ed Sullivan said. He introduced us as we walked onto the stage. Claps erupted and we sat on the guest chairs.

“Welcome to the show, gentlemen. I hope you lovely people are having a wonderful day. Today’s two guests are starring in the new movie, The Lonely War Hero, which premieres next week. So, Marshall and Enrique, tell us, how was it being in front of the camera for the first time?” Ed asked us. I sort of froze at that moment, not sure what to say.

“Exhausting.” Enrique said, in which the audience laughed.

“Was it now?” Ed said.

“Well of course. Long days and hours. Plus, we rarely got breaks.” En said.

“I heard that production was almost shut down due to insufficient funds. How did you guys manage to recover?” Ed asked. I stole a glance at Enrique.

“It was all Enrique’s idea. He suggested we each raise money. Lo and behold, we raised enough money to continue filming.” I said. I think I saw En blush.

Throughout the interview, we talked about our time filming. We also mentioned that we lived together. It wasn’t weird. We were just seen as very close friends. But if only they knew.

“That’s all for today! The Lonely War Hero premieres next week on Friday. Tune in to see the amazing performances by Marshall and Enrique. Goodnight!” Ed said. We stood up and bowed at the audience as they cheered for us.

We walked backstage, making our way to our room.

“Woops.” Someone said. It wasn’t an accident. I saw as clear as day when this person spilled cold water on top of Enrique. Enrique was in shock. I did the only thing I could think of.

I punched the man.

“Don’t ever fucking do that shit again!” I yelled at the man who was on the floor cupping his nose which was bleeding.

“Let’s go, Marsh. He’s not worth it.” Enrique said. People gathered around us. I knew we had to go. I looked at Enrique’s brown eyes and calmed.

We left that area and walked through the backstage and reached our room. We gathered our belongings and made it to the car and then home. We entered immediately and as soon as the door closed, I pressed my lips onto Enrique’s.

“I love you so fucking much.” I said. I kissed Enrique even more as he kissed me back. Our own dance.

“I love you too. God, I love you so much.” He said. But then he began to tear up.

“What’s wrong? Are you alright, En?” I asked Enrique, brushing away his fallen tears.

“It’s just, I love you so much. And I hate how I’ll never be able to show that love to you in public. I want to kiss you in public but I can never do that. I’m sorry.” He said while crying. I hugged Enrique as we fell onto the carpet.

“It doesn’t matter. I’ll love you no matter what. I’ve never felt like this to someone else before. There’s no way I’m letting you go.” I said. Enrique had his face in my neck and sobbed silently while I rubbed his back.

“Do you promise?” He asked.

“I promise. I’ll love you for eternity.” I said. I cupped En’s face and gave him another kiss.

“We’re going to have to hide ourselves from everyone.” He said.

“If it means being with you, I’ll do it. For you.” And I kissed him again and again and again.


hi hi. i decided to take a week break. i needed to focus more on school and catch up on writing chapters.

bye! i love you all!

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