Broken Souls

Von KattraKnit

29.7K 1.2K 763

What if thinks went just a little different when Error fell? What if someone really loved him? What if he lov... Mehr

Broken Souls
Broken Souls Prologue
Broken Souls 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 12

1K 44 38
Von KattraKnit

=BittyTale #8=

Red sat at a table near the stage with Geno watching his brother try to get close to Ccino who had a cat draped across his shoulders. Without looking like he really wanted to pet the fluffy beast. "So how is this shindig supposed to go?"

Geno grins "well open buffet until the food runs out. Knowing Horror there is enough for two armies and then someone. Fresh got an amazing band that will let us get up and sing if we want and every few songs they will take a break and let a few rounds of Dance Dance Revolution or a Dance off happen. The bar is open but we have to buy our own. There is also a punch bowl, which someone will spike about halfway through the night."

"You sound way too happy about all of that. Are you okay?" Red frowns turning his full attention to Geno.

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be okay with my almost brother-in-law leaving on a dangerous possibly one way journey taking one of my best friends with him?" Geno glares at the clear bottle of alcohol in front of him.

Classic drops into the seat next to Red, bottle of ketchup in hand. "Kind of think that is the definition of not okay buddy."

Before anymore can be said the lights go down and the spotlights on the stage flick on as fog billows out and three small figures appear in the mist.

"Red you are going to get a kick out of the lead singer. His name is Slash, he is an Edgy type, lead guitar is a Boss type named Spike, Dagger on keyboard is a Dust type, and Ki on drums is a Black Mamba!" Geno grins, opening his bottle of sake and pouring into a tiny cup.

Classic blinks, "wait you are saying they actually scored The Bitty Bastards for this party? Aren't they supposed to be having a live concert on the other side of the country? Papyrus was disappointed he couldn't get tickets."

Red looks back and forth between them looking confused. "What are you guys talking about?"

"The band for tonight is famous in this AU and that fame is slowly spreading to other AU. They all came through Last Chance Bitty Rescue. Nightmare set it up years ago. It really is the end of the line Bitty rescue for this AU they take the Bitties everyone else has given us on. The ones that would be euthanized otherwise." Geno sips his sake.

Classic nods, "with my AU post pacifist run and the rest button broken well Papyrus will be off to college next fall and having an empty nest has always proved bad for me so I have been looking into adopting a Bitty. That is how I found out about them. I brought home a CD and Papyrus got hooked on their music too, he would rather go to one of their concerts than a dozen MTT concerts."

"Bitties are the tiny pet versions of monsters or humans right?" Red frowns the structure on the raised stage making more sense now.

The mist slowly clears to reveal a miniature version of Red and his brother dressed in leather with a tiny Dust and a lamia version of Blackberry all with matching leather jackets. The old scares were clear under the stage lights but they stood with unbroken pride as they launched into the first song.

By half way through the first song the room had gone quiet and every eyelight was on the stage. With a visceral growl of a voice that completely outsized his tiny frame Slash set souls fluttering and actually had a few in tears.

Geno nearly laughs at the look on Red's face as the song ends. Cross hops on the stage and the band transitions to backing him up on Angel With A Shotgun. "Told you, you would like them."

Classic chuckles, "figures Cross and Epic would be the first ones to take the stage, they aren't even drunk."

Red just shakes his head and eyes Geno's bottle. "I wish I was going."

Geno downs his sake and pours another as Epic takes the stage to sing Freaks. A glance around showed the more perceptive Sanses looking a little uncomfortable. "I think most of us wish we could go Red. Either because we actually care or because they don't want to be stuck here if they can't get him back."

Classic squirts some ketchup into his mouth nodding. "So do we have a backup plan if this doesn't work? I am sure Nightmare's crew does. I am not too fond of the idea of Paps facing my consequences for being a lazy apathetic bastard."

When Epic does a backflip off the stage Cross and Killer cheer and he gets a round of applause. While the band moves into Castle of Glass.

Red shrugs, "I think we just finished building plan B didn't we? Even if Nightmare doesn't bring Error back. Well it is still a multiverse portal generator." Taking out a mustard bottle he eyes Geno's sake with envy.

When the band takes a break Geno grins seeing the boys getting ready for a dance off. "Looks like Killer challenged Dance to a dance off. He always did take getting banned personally. My g is on Nightmare's boys by the way."

Classic eyes Dust's obvious pregnancy belly and grins. "If it is just the team and not Nightmare himself you're on."

Red looks over to see DanceFell Sans and DanceSwap Sans backing Dance up and laughs. "I am staying out of it with Dance, Hop, and DanceBerry, Fox that is an awful nickname teaming up and the murder time trio. Eh it could go either way they are all pretty athletic for Sanses."

Geno smirks and puts, fifth g on the table. "On the table Classic I don't take IOUs like Grilby."

Red chuckles, amused by their banter but more watches the DanceTale AUs do rather poorly as a team having not worked together before their timing is off and they have no sense of where their teammates are. Nightmare's boys on the other hand were killing it with perfect timing, team work, and spatial orientation, even with Dust looking due any minute. They never missed a beat. "Sans you can say goodbye to your g. Geno, how did you know?"

Classic sighs handing over the g. "How is that even possible? Let alone with Dust that big?"

Geno laughs, "lessons and practice. Nightmare decided years ago that it was the safest way to teach them teamwork and spatial orientation. It wasn't enough to stay away from each other in battle, they needed to be able to work together without accidentally hurting each other. As for Dust, I just don't know, probably stayed in practice while Blue was busy."

"Speaking of Blue he looks like he doesn't know whether to be proud or faint." Classic nods to the edge of the dance floor where Blue was waiting keeping a close eyelight on his mate. "Did those two ever bother getting married?"

"Sure Nightmare threw the book at them about forty six years ago, they just kept it a secret back when everyone was fighting." Geno finally has mercy on Red and takes a second sake cup out of his inventory and pours, for him.

Red and Classic give him confused looks at the odd phrasing. Red gratefully takes the tiny sake cup. "Thanks Geno. What do you mean by threw the book?"

Geno just gives them that grin of his, "you will see later Horror and David decided to get hitched before Horror goes on the mission."

Classic looks startled, "David you mean the Sans from FarmTale #3 right? I didn't know they were dating."

After the little dance off Blue carried Dust off the dance floor much to the amusement of his team and set him in a chair by the stage. Before jumping onto the stage with a grin. When Blue and The Bitty Bastards launch into Parliament of Fools even the obtuse Judges squirm a little and their brothers give them critical looks.

Geno snickers just a little while taking a sip of sake. "I love how vengeful my nephews can be."

Red gives Geno a thoughtful look even as Killer scrambled onto the stage and Blue did a backflip off it. "Huh I guess they are your nephews. They all call Nightmare dad and Error is your brother. Fox multiverse family trees were complicated enough before adding in adoption and timelines splits. And then there are the kids that show up and disappear that may or may not be yours from a different timeline. Hell I am not even sure where they go, just that some days I wake up to a babybones calling me dad and some days I don't and everyone looks at me like I am crazy if I go looking for them."

Red grabs Geno's bottle and tips it back downing half of it before Classic takes it away. "Red getting drunk won't make it better."

Geno shrugs, "try the Omega Timeline, whenever Error could get to them before a reset erased them he dropped off ship kids there. Ship kids are outcodes the creators make when they ship you. Or sometimes they happen naturally between other outcodes. Mostly the resets abort any kids from functional AU."

Before either Classic or Red could ask what Geno meant by creators Killer started singing Hold The Line and everyone else on Nightmare's team and all the neutrals teleported to the dance floor swaying to the music and snapping their phalanges in perfect time even. Nightmare's tentacles were up and flickering back and forth in time to the song. It was a little creepy and the levels of DETERMINATION it raised in them made Dream twitchy as he dropped into a seat at Red's table. "That is... Fox I knew Nightmare was good at suggestion but I didn't know he had them all conducted for survival."

Classic watches his brother sway with the others and tips back Geno's bottle finishing it off. "I think we are all finding this party illuminating."

"I sure didn't know almost every Papyrus who wasn't from a Fell verse was neutral." Dream watching with a small smile.

"You look offaly happy about that Dream." Red glances over to see his bro watching the group on the dance floor like he knows he is missing out on something.

"Of course I am, Nightmare never had friends when we were kids. Always said he would rather read. But now he has so many friends!" Dream beams even as the song ends and the group scatters.

Geno retakes his seat and glances at the empty sake bottle. "Really guys the whole bottle in less than one song?"

Classic looks unrepentant as Paps, Galaxy, and Ccino take the stage to sing Make Them Hear You. The song surprisingly well suited to them had Classic looking up startled.

When Paps and Galaxy exit the stage Paps gently lifts Dust up to it with a warm smile Classic hasn't seen in more resets than Classic cares to count. He knew Paps was not happy but what had happened for a brother killer like Dust to win that smile.

Red rubs between his eyes, "I thought this was supposed to be uplifting but they are going to turn it into an all night guilt trip aren't they."

"Yes and no they are definitely using this to hammer home a point but the songs so far could be uplifting to anyone stuck in the resets if the listener isn't guilt ridden." Geno takes another bottle from his inventory pouring for himself and Dream.

Everyone turned to watch slightly surprised when Dust launched into a very emotionally charged rendition of May I while never taking his eyelights of a blushing Blue.

Dream shakes his head grinning, "I have no idea how those two managed to hide that they are soulmates for so long?"

"They only had to hide it from Ink and the council. It is not like any of you ever saw them together outside of a fight and they just spared like they meant it. And they did because it was how they kept each other safe." Geno sipped his drink watching a few couples sway together on the dance floor taking advantage of the romantic song.

Red nods, "I think Carrot even accepts it sense Dust is carrying something about him finally being sure that Blue is really safe with him. Didn't make much sense to me."

Geno gets up again with a grunt when the song ends and the band moves into Love You Like a Love Song. "Don't drink all the sake while I go witness."

The gang plus Geno, Fresh, Epic, and Blue make their way to the stage during the song and Killer pulls a new copy of Idiots Guide To Marriage out of his inventory and dramatically holds it up so everything at the party can see it.

Nightmare lightly swats Killer on the back of the head with a tentacle and takes the book while his team laughs. Killer's antics do succeed in getting everyone's attention.

Paps joins Classic at their table looking amused at the antics on stage. "Good evening brother! I see you have found a way to be lazy at this celebration of Nightmare going to retrieve our glitchy brother."

"Paps, Error isn't our brother." Classic looks up at Paps and takes a swig of sake afraid of whatever he was about to hear because Paps was always right when he was not pretending to be innocent and naïve.

"Nonsense AfterTale is one of the first AU to break off from ours in a very real sense Geno is you or a part of you if you had taken a different path which you did for AfterTale to happen. Error is the original Geno therefore he is our brother." Paps gives Classic a small disappointed frown. "Next you are going to try to deny that Horror, Dust, and Killer are our brothers. They are far more like you than Red, Blue, or Dream are."

Dream takes the bottle from Classic before he can down the whole thing. "That is so interesting, Paps. How long have you known my brother and his boys?"

Red takes the bottle from Dream, filling his glass and eyeing how Dust looks pregnant with new interest. "So Paps you're saying Classy would look like Dust over there if he was carrying?"

Classic teleports to the hopefully spiked punch. Startling Carrot who was either standing guard or hoping to get drunk. "Wow there buddy what is the rush."

Paps frowns after his brother. "Oh for at least ninety resets that I remember but who knows before that it takes a long time for the resets to lose their ability to make one forget." He waves off Dream's question while eyeing Dust. "I don't think so Red. While Dust was Sans once the path he has walked has shaped him both physically and emotionally. I believe Sans would be far softer and less coordinated; he also doesn't have the stamina that elevated LV and training has given Dust. Sans would likely be a lot pudgier and not as graceful."

Red throws back his drink blushing hard. "Paps do you care if I marry Classic?"

Dream just shakes his head really not understanding at all sure loving relationships with a good partner or partners made monsters happy usually but the whole attraction thing just didn't make sense to him. "If you have known about the resets for so long why didn't you say something Paps?"

Across the room Carrot steers Classic away from the punch, "not a good idea when you're upset trust me. Why don't you try talking about it or screaming into a pillow or something? I think Nightmare set up a nap corner."

Just about then Nightmare, Horror, and David move to the front of the stage and the band moves into an instrumental version of Somewhere Only We Know.

Horror grins and bows to Nightmare the first time anyone from the council had seen any of his team act at all formal with him. "Boss I want ta marry David FarmTale #3 Sans 'fore we go on the mission."

Nightmare eyes Horror before looking at David while the club goes quiet other than the band.

David bows, "Lord Nightmare Guardian of the Negative side of The Balance, former Guardian of The Tree of Feelings, King of Nightmares. I would very much like to marry your vassal HorrorTale # 0 Sans also known as Horror."

Classic blinks looking at the stage surprise out of his quest to not think about what Paps had so clearly pointed out.

Paps shrugs at Dream, "to what end. That path only leads to DustTale, there is only so much strain one lazy bones can carry. Red you are aware that if you hurt my brother or break his soul I am perfectly capable of killing you right. Just because there is nothing to be done about the human, doesn't mean you are equally lucky. But if you want to settle down and treat him right. I have no objections to him marrying."

Dream and Red freeze at the calmly delivered threat having not expected the shovel talk from Paps.

Nightmare lightly thumps Horror with the copy of Idiots Guide To Marriage before throwing it at Daved hard enough to stagger him back. "Fine, whatever workout your own problems when you have them and don't bother me. I didn't recruit quitters."

Dust, Killer, Cross, Geno, Fresh, Epic, and Blue cheer and congratulate Horror and David even while Nightmare starts lifting them all down from the stage with his tentacles.

Classic shakes his head, "so that is what Geno meant when he said Nightmare threw the book at Dust and Blue. Heh weird way to get married but whatever works I guess."

Carrot shrugs, sticking a honey sucker in his mouth. "Long as Blue is safe and happy I don't care how he got married. I sure ain't complaining about not having to put on a suit for these things."

"That sounds a bit like sour grapes." Classic frowns at Carrot wondering if his brother was as mad at him as Blue used to be at Carrot.

"Maybe a little cannot say it feels great to know I wasn't invited to my bro's wedding, but he stops by regularly now. I think I am even going to get to be an uncle to his kids. Considering he wouldn't even talk to me for three years I think I am lucky." Carrot fills a small punch cup.

Dream glances over at Classic as he starts moving towards the stage. "Things seem a bit tense between you and Classic. Is everything okay, Paps?"

Paps watches his brother thoughtfully, "we have been lying and playing pretend for a very long time. It was necessary during the resets but Sans is not adjusting easily now that it isn't. I must admit I am rather disappointed with the trouble we are having talking to each other. Fortunately there is a solution. I have made an appointment for family counseling."

Red nods, "Carrot got me and Edge into that. It helps a lot. It wasn't easy, especially at first."

Geno returns to the table while they are talking and takes back his bottle. "Hey Dream, are you going to hide over here all night or go spend some time with your brother before he leaves on the mission?"

"I am not sure he wants anything to do with me. I don't want to spoil his time with his boys." Dream rings his hands watching as Nightmare and his team gather at a table across the room.

Paps reaches over and lifts Dream, setting him on his feet. "Go spend time with your brother, there are no resets to get this right, don't make regrets."

Geno nods and shoos Dream away, "he is right Dream things will never get better between you two if you always hide when you have a chance to talk."

Just then Classic lubricated with enough alcohol or emotions he didn't know what to do with hit the stage with a rather good rendition of Natural.

As soon as Classic was off the stage Killer dragged him off to Nightmare's corner table.

Suddenly there is a billowing mist around the stage and when it is gone there is another Bitty onstage with them wearing a purple jacket, black slacks and a tiny golden circlet with a moon symbol he raises his head and fixes the room with soft lavender eyelights and starts to sing with the band as backup. Both Dream and Nightmare freeze watching.


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