
Por M1sv682

29 1 0

An abandoned town in Tokyo, Japan seems to have gained a few habitants that were mostly drug dealers/addicts... Más

Chapter 1

29 1 0
Por M1sv682

"Shouta, please keep an eye on alleyways near where you'll be patrolling, there's been a few more illegal deals than normal".

The rest of the conversation was fuzzy, thanks to the lack of sleep, but Eraserhead only wanted to focus on that one part. He knew that all he needed to do as extra was to keep an eye out for more illegal activity involving deals and look closely at spaces such as alleyways. Not that hard.

Eraserhead brought his head up, suddenly holding his breath for a bit. The cracking of the snow beneath someones feet in a nearby alley. It was quick, someone was most definitely running away from something or someone. Eraserhead turned to the alleyway. It was connected to a back alley that winded back to a less populated part of town. No stores were there and there was a small forest with a larger one not too far away. There, just past the larger forest, was an abandoned town. Eraserhead jumped onto the railing to have a look. A small boy, no older than 12, was running. He was almost no where near properly dressed for the season.

He wore a thin, dirty red jacket with torn jeans and a black shirt. His previously white trainers were covered in so much mud you'd assume they were brown trainers. He wore bandages on his arms and plasters on his face. He was pale with more dirt on his hands and face with the addition of a little blood. His hands looked slightly gaunt and his expression was dispirited and looked drained of all hope and joy, only fear could be seen on his face, and the seemingly endless stream of tears running down it. His eyes were a darkened yellow, almost dirty gold colour from the lack of hope. And his hair was a bright purple, well it looked that way because a small bit of snow had fallen on his head. His hair was unkempt and full of knots.

He slowed down, slightly bobbing from his quick breathing. One small step, and then a huge thud as he fell to his knees on the thick snow, trembling from the cold and pure fear. He started making a hiccuping noise, as if choking back tears and then finally started sobbing hysterically. More tears ran down his face every second. He then put his arm up to his face and sneezed, gasping for air right after as if he had no air left to breathe. He went into a fit of coughing, then more panic as he heard the sound of shoes meeting metal and it became even harder to breathe. Eraserhead jumped down and brought the boy into his arms with no second thought. A small trembling voice whispered to him
"I'm.. sorry...". The hero rubbed his hand on the boys shoulder as if to warm him up, while simultaneously cradling him in his arms.
"Do you trust me?" the boy looked up at Eraserhead, seeing the emotionless look on his face.
".. I don't.. y- yeah.." the murmur was difficult to hear but before contemplating what he said, Eraserhead jumped up and in between buildings until he got to his destination.

A few days later.

The small boy put an empty rice bowl down on a nearby table, sighing despairingly. He immediately wiped the sad look off his face, replacing it with an intrigued look, after hearing the door open.
"Yusuo.. someone would like to have a chat with you.." the doctor came in, picked up his tray and waiting for the visitor to come in before leaving. The man put his fist on his mouth and coughed. "I am Naomasa Tsukauchi, I'm a detective". Naomasa sat down on the bed next to Yusuo. "I'm here to ask some questions since we don't know much of your background.. please, answer to the best of your ability." Yusuo just nodded in response.

"So.. first question, where exactly did you come from?" Yusuo looked out the window and pointed to the outside
"in a place that didn't look as cool as this place..".
"Are there any specifics?" Yusuo slowly put his hand down.
"Compared to this, it looks abandoned and the people don't look as fancy as they do here". Naomasa furrowed his brow. The only place he could think of that was close enough was the abandoned town just on the outskirts of Tokyo. He wrote down 'abandoned town - possible habitants'.
"How many people would you say live there?" Yusuo stayed silent, looking at his hands and trying to count,
"if that's a bit too hard, how about the amount of children that are there". Yusuos head jolted up
"oh! Uhh.. I think around 9 maybe. But it might be 12" he estimated. Naomasa gently held Yusuos hand and looked at him with a serious expression, slightly startling him.
"I need you to tell me the truth.. okay... who gave you those scars and bruises?" he uttered. Yusuos eyes widened and he started hyperventilating. The detective hugged him and lightly rubbed his arm in an attempt to comfort him. After a long while of this, Yusuo was finally able to tell the story.

[This is a flashback scene and I didn't know how to put this into an explanation so I just did this. Imagine Yusuo is explaining this]

Yusuo looked into the destroyed kitchen, flinching when he heard the sound of a beer bottle hitting the countertop. He held his 7-year-old brother closer to him as his mother went into a giggling and hiccuping fit. She turned her head, looking into the living room through a massive hole in the wall. She laughed and gasped "you- you look.. funnyy.. cool mask buddy" she grinned for no longer than two seconds. Yusuo held his breath as he watched his mother fall to the ground the minute he heard the sound of a gunshot. The glass bottle shattered on the impact of the concrete floor at the same time as his mothers head. He could only stare as he watched blood flow out of his mothers head. He looked into her eyes, they were lifeless, he was confused on why she was motionless on the floor. He then flinched when he heard a soft and confused voice whisper
".. are you... okay..?". He didn't even look at Okasu, he only stared at the scene.

A strange man dressed in weird clothing stepped in gingerly. Unlike the woman with abnormally long hair put neatly into a ponytail who jumped through and started rummaging through the whole kitchen, putting any drugs she could find in her pockets. The man observed the body, then stuck his hand gently into Yusuo's mother's pockets and pulled out the syringe filled with heroin and put it into his small bag. He looked at the woman and shared with her
"you have those small bags for a reason Makoto..."
"oh, I know, I just can't be bothered constantly opening and closing them". The man sighed in anger
"ah yes, you're too lazy to put drugs into a bag but you're not too lazy to beat a 13 year old or make out with Ashimato?". Makoto snapped her head to look at the man
"you leave her OUT OF THIS-". Both of them turned to look at the doorway. The door was close to falling off its hinges which made a screeching noise so the light patter of footsteps could barely be heard. Makoto whipped out her gun again and ran after the footsteps, being followed by her companion.

"Please.. stay quiet Okasu.." Yusuo and Okasu huddled up in the wardrobe. The heavy impact of someone's shoe hitting the door made Okasu make a small squeaking noise and stare through the small crease in between the wardrobe doors.
"Come out you little.. twits" Makoto fired a gunshot near the bed and Okasu made another squeaking noise.
"There you are you little brat.." Okasu buried his head into Yusuo's chest before getting grabbed and violently ripped out of his arms. Okasu was sobbing uncontrollably as Makoto grabbed his hair and pushed him onto the floor. The man grabbed Yusuo around the chest with one arm, securing Yusuos arms, and covering his mouth with the other. Yusuo struggled and tried to force his hand off of his mouth. Eventually, a small part of his mouth could be seen so he opened his mouth as wide as he could, and bit him.
"FUCK" the man yelped, raising his hand, clenching it into a fist, and putting a hard blow on Yusuo's shoulder. By now, Yusuo was sobbing and constantly trying to fight back. When he finally broke free, Okasu had already been dragged away and his cries had went silent. The man kept grabbing Yusuo's clothes and dragging him onto the floor.

He left with a few bruises and scars from when the man tried to knock him out. He looked around in the snow for any blood from his brother but there was nothing. Only the tiny drops of blood coming from himself.

[End of flashback & explanation]

Naomasa finished writing down a few notes. As he was reading back, he worried. A long haired woman named Makoto...
".. hey.. can you give me a bit more on that description of Makoto?".
"Uuhhh.. she- she was tanned.. and had blonde hair" Naomasa sighed in relief.
"Would you like to.. move on from that topic? I can tell you don't really like talking about it" Yusuo nodded in response.
"How about.. your quirk. What's your quirk?" Naomasa asked.
"I.. I'm not sure but I can make my body muscly, I didn't use it.. with my brother because I wasn't taught how to use it and I was scared I might hurt him..".
"That's a very cool quirk, I'm sure that will make you a good hero" Yusuo froze "a hero..?"
"yeah, a very strong one at that" Yusuos eyes lit up and he smiled at the remark. Naomasa wrote down "quirk - hardening. Little knowledge on how to use it responsibly".

Yusuo was asked questions about himself in between things about the event to prevent a panic or anxiety attack until no questions were left unanswered.

"Thank you Yusuo, I'm looking forward to seeing you again" Naomasa said. Yusuo chuckled,
"I wanna see you again too!". Naomasa pushed himself up off the bed then gently pet Yusuo, before adding "get some rest kid, okay?".

A week later

"Shouta, your shift today has been cancelled and replaced with ms joke for the next few weeks because I'll need you, midnight and hawks to scout an area". Nezu stared directly into Aizawas eyes with his signature smile. "I'll need you three to scout the abandoned town Yusuo came from. We haven't yet told you, but there are other children there as well. Just scout the area and get anyone out of there if you can". Aizawa held his hands together and put them up to his mouth, he then asked "is there anything.. odd I should be looking for?" Nezu pulled out a small note from his drawer. "Let's see.." Shouta looked at him, confused. Nezu put the note on the table "here's a small map for you to navigate. There are small points marked in red that are unstable and shouldn't be walked across incase of breaking. Midnight has already got a version of this map and I will give one to Hawks once we've got any questions you have cleared up". Shouta examined the map, and as he was he asked "when are we leaving?" Nezu just smiled, well, more than he already was atleast, and said "early hours of the morning, midnight agreed to have you three meet at her house at 11pm to plan things out.". Shouta got up out of his seat, putting the small map into his pocket "I have no further questions." as he went to turn around, Nezu leaned over his desk and put his paw on Shoutas arm "oh, and another thing, you have full authority to search inside the houses". He got back into his seat as Eraserhead left, feeling a little more at ease knowing that this would be easier with that privilege.

Shouta opened the door to his house and slammed it shut, causing a small fluff of purple hair to rise up from the couch. The small fluff of hair pulled itself up and slumped its arms on the back of the couch, looking at Shouta. "..Dad..?" he yawned, his eyes almost half closed "hi Shinso.. why are you on the couch?" Eraserhead threw his coat onto one of the pegs near the door, before walking over to the couch and sitting on it, directly next to Shinso. "I was watching a movie and.. fell asleep.." Shouta ruffled his hair, "it's so cold.. why isn't the heating on?" Shinso complained. Shouta sighed "I'll go turn it on.. where's Zashi?" he pulled himself up off the couch and almost wobbled over to the heating, putting his hand on the pegs as if to try and push them away as he turned the heating up. "He's.. in your bedroom I think.. he said he was going to the toilet before I fell asleep" he pulled his legs over the front of the couch and pushed himself up, grabbing the fluffy, black blanket he'd used, then they both turned their heads to look into the kitchen.

A small, pure-breed bengal came running in at top speed, meowing. It made a stop at Aizawas feet, sitting down comfortably and looking up at him. "Shinso, did you feed the cats?"
"Yeah, I think papa fed them before going to bed too". Shouta walked into the kitchen to see if their bowls were full while Shinso turned off the TV. The bowls were completely empty.

He sighed and opened the top cupboard just above the sink and pulled out a box that only had one packet of cat food left inside, he took the bengals bowl and opened the packet. The cat jumped on the counter and impatiently tried to eat the food before half of it was even out of the packet, purring at the smell of food. "Calm down Yukii, oh and Shinso, before you go to bed I need to tell you something". He emptied out the packet and put the bowl on the floor, just to see three other cats chilling on the counter after he looked up. An adult calico cat, a small, pure white cat, and another purely white cat but instead it was an adult. "I'll be leaving tonight at 10:30 to go to Nemuris. I don't know when I'll be back but it'll most likely be around 3pm tomorrow" he informed, as he pulled a new box of cat food out the cupboard and pulled it open, having the calico cat and the small white cat go over to it to sniff the contents. "Oh.. okay, night" Shinso dragged him and his blanket across the floor to his bedroom, lightly closing the door behind him. Shouta put the other three bowls on the counter, the bigger white cat jumped down and sat patiently in the normal spot where her bowl would go "good girl Kaori" he put her food into her bowl and put it down for her, "you going with your momma?" he asked to the smaller white cat. He meowed disapprovingly, "I thought so.." he muttered, putting his food bowl down next to his mothers, and then fed the calico cat. He picked up a bigger bowl and put it in the sink. He turned on the tap and watched as the bowl filled up with water before putting it down and heading to bed.

By the time he got there, Hizashi was already fast asleep, having left a lot of room for Shouta. He got changed into his pyjamas and got into bed, pulling out his phone and setting an alarm for 10:30, it was only 8pm when he'd finished and gone to sleep.

At 10:30, the alarm went off as expected, waking not only Shouta, but Hizashi up. Shouta lazily turned it off and turned on the small lamp on the bedside table. "Why did you set an alarm for this hour? It's still dark out.." Shouta got up out of bed and walked towards their closet "I need to leave to go to Nemuri's.. I'll probably be back at around 3pm tomorrow.."
"okay.. I'm going back to sleep..." Hizashi rolled over, falling back asleep almost immediately. Aizawa sighed and subconsciously pulled out a random shirt, jumper and jeans out and quietly closed the wardrobe door. He threw them on, grabbed his phone and keys, put on his coat and left.

The car drive to Nemuris house felt a lot longer than it was. So, to make time pass quicker, he connected his phone to the car and put some Mitski on. He was unknowingly murmuring the lyrics to one of her songs, 'A Pearl' [a/n pls listen to that it's amazing] until he made a certain turn that made him know he was there. He turned off the bluetooth on his phone and got out of his car, almost dreading the conversation that was ahead of him. He lazily walked up the path, past the driveway and up to the door, knocking heavily on it. Before Nemuri opened the door, he checked the time on his phone, it was almost 11pm.

Nemuri opened the door and greeted Aizawa with a smile "hi Shouta, you're a little early.." she said, moving aside so he could come in. "Yes I'm aware" Shouta sighed, wishing he could have had a little more sleep while sliding off his shoes and putting them aside, Nemuri noticed his normal exhaustion and he slumped onto the couch, almost falling asleep. She questioned "Do you want me to make you a cup of coffee while we wait for Keigo?" Shouta looked at her, barely moving his head and then nodding, putting his phone and keys onto the coffee table. He looked through the glass, seeing magazines of heroes and women dressed in bikinis and a bit of mail about Nemuri's bills. As he was scanning his eyes across them, he noticed the small circular stain on the table, most likely from before he arrived. As he stared at the stain, he proceeded to doze off into his own world. The sound of a mug lightly tapping the glass caught most of his attention, but Nemuri had to wave her hand infront of his face, saying "hello? You there Shouta?" to get his full attention. "Sorry.. couldn't help but stare at the mess under your coffee table.. and I haven't gotten much sleep, only an hour or two so.." he uttered, grabbed the mug and downing half of the coffee, stopping when Nemuri finally said "it's fine, you're normally tired anyways, don't expect much more from you anymore.. as for the mess-". Before she could finish, another knock came at the door. She walked over to the door and let Keigo in. "Hi Shouta! You're looking as tired as always" Shouta glared at him, being too tired to deal with him and his fake care-free attitude. "How are you so energetic at this hour? And please just.. don't say anything like that again tonight so we can get this over with" Shouta slurped the last of his coffee after he said that, not taking his eyes off Keigo as he sat down opposite him.

"So.. I noticed that the edge of my paper had been torn, so let's just put our maps together and take an area we would prefer to search" Shouta groaned at the mere sentence. "I don't think I brought mine" he sighed, pulling it out and making a 'huh' sound before putting it on the table next to Nemuris. "You're a little more cranky today, what's up?" Keigo asked, earning a heavy sigh from Aizawa "nothing, just tired, please get this done and over with..".

After that conversation
At 03:15am

Shouta carefully looked at the incredibly rusty sign, there was, obviously, a lot of rust and white and red paint that was chipping off. The old writing said something along the lines of 'please clean up after your pets, thank you!'. Now something was painted over it in black paint, obviously painted on with a thick brush. It was hard to read but it was messy katakana saying 'don't turn on the taps for too long, the pipes are clogged with water'. Atleast someone had the decency to check the pipes. He crept around for a few minutes after going past the sign, only finding worn clothes, broken glass and rusty equipment. Then, he heard a flowing tap inside a house. And since he had authority to go inside, he went to go in. The front door was locked and so was the back, so he had no other choice but to climb through a window. As he climbed through, a putrid smell waved around in the air, causing him to gag. As he was about to jump down into the house, because this was a pretty high window, he cut his arm, leaving a deep scar on it. He cautiously walked towards the sound, finding a destroyed bathroom, half of the sink was shattered but all the water was going through the drain anyway. Something was on the floor that made him stumble, it was a painted box with an odd emblem on it, it looked almost like a medkit. He noticed the smell off rotten eggs and meat had gotten worse, and seemed to be coming from behind the shower curtain. Flies were coming in and out from behind it so it was obvious a dead body was behind there.

When Aizawa opened the curtain, he saw a mangled corpse that looked like it had been rotting there for atleast 10 years at the minimum. He covered his mouth to stop himself from throwing up at the sight.

[TW: This paragraph contains a description of the corpse he saw. If you don't like/feel uncomfortable by mangled bodies please skip.]

The corpses mouth was jammed opened by two metal bars, showing a mouth that had no teeth and no tongue, and maggots crawling in and out of its throat. The two metal bars went through the gums, the bottom parts going through the bottom of its hyoid and back through the skin just above the collar bones, and the tops weren't seen. The eyes had already decayed and left empty sockets, except worms, maggots and flies near them, with their eggs just on the brim of the eyelids. There were a very little amount of hairs on its  head, all greasy and mouldy. Both of its arms had been completely crushed and flattened, and the decay made the bones more visible which were completely shattered on both arms. It was incredibly skinny and gaunt and the legs were in similar condition as the arms. The skin went black and all kinds of things from inside the body were visible.

[TW over. No more mentions on what the body looked like.]

He stumbled back in shock, just seeing the corpse made him incredibly uncomfortable. But for the sake of evidence and since it was what him, Midnight and Hawks agreed to do, he pulled his phone out and took a picture of the corpse. He looked at the image and grimaced, stumbling back a little. The handle on the door rattled as he shoved the door open and ran out, desperately trying to find anything that could explain what he saw.

He went into a larger bedroom, the full-sized bed had a dirty and mouldy mattress on the cracked and destroyed bed frame with the springs coming out of the top. There was two bedside tables on each side; one of which had papers on it. Shouta hesitatingly walks towards the papers, the laminate making screeching and snapping sounds below him. Once he finally reached the papers, he couldn't help but fixate on three parts of the paper on top. The first part saying 'Sunday 17 July' with blood covering the year it was written. The second part having a picture of what looked like a 2-day-old baby sleeping peacefully on the same couch that he saw in the living room, except the couch in the photo looked less destroyed. And the third part saying the name 'Izuku Midoriya'. All the papers had been stapled together so Aizawa neatly folded them and put them into his pocket.

He searched the entire house, refusing to go anywhere near the bathroom, before leaving through the window he came in from. But there were two little girls there, just to the left under the window.

One of them had shoulder-length lime hair with purple highlights, her eyes were red with white pupils. She had tanned skin with injuries such as bruises and burn marks, nothing too serious though. She was wearing a saturated yellow jacket, stained with dirt and almost completely dampened with an orange t-shirt that looked like the size was a bit too big for her. Her brown jeans fell just under her ankles, which also had dirt on them, the bottom parts being dampened; her knees were shown and they were grazed with small amounts of blood pouring out the small cuts on and around the graze. She had black boots with white around the laces, on the laces, on the tongue, and on the outsoles of the boots. Her tanned skin had small white spots of skin that could be seen; one over her left eye, a few blobs and spots on her hands, and a huge spot on the right of her neck with small dots around it. Her expression was panicked and worried, she was trembling and on the verge of tears.

The other girl she was with had deep purple hair that stopped half-way down her back with red eyes also, except they looked brighter; the pupils stayed the same white colour as with the other girl. She was also tanned, but unlike the other girl, she didn't have any white spots. She had a blue jumper with a small, black pleated skirt and knee-high black socks. She had brown boots on. Her blue jumper had a thin layer covering her neck, like a turtle-neck, and her sleeves fell a little above the tip of her fingers. Her black pleated skirt fell above the knees, just below halfway on her upper thigh, her jumper covering a quarter of the skirt. The black knee-high socks had small frills at the top, but they looked more knotted than nicely frilled. Her brown boots had two straps near the top and the outsoles looked almost torn. She had more severe injuries, she had bruises and burn marks, yet a few scars among them; they thankfully weren't deep but still looked painful. Much like the other girl, she had graze marks on her legs too. Though, they were mostly covered by her socks.

Eraserhead put one foot forward, wanting to go up to them, but the girl with lime hair snapped her head around and stared at him. The other girl she was with slowly closed her eyes, her head falling backwards and her hair appearing longer than it was. "What do you want from us?" she whispered, hugging the other girl tightly, shaking more than she already was. He stepped forward again, crouching in his spot "I won't hurt you, I promise". She buried her head into the other girls chest, crying "you liar.. that's what mom said...".
"Please listen-" she brought her head out of her sisters chest and yelled "no!". Eraserhead knew that if she didn't stop yelling, he'd get caught, so he grabbed the both of them and ran. As he was, the little girl was screaming "hey! Are you listening to me? Let me go!" while kicking and scratching. After running for a while, they finally reached the outside of the towns bounds. He placed the two girls safely onto the ground "please listen, I'm a hero, from the outside. Me and two other people were sent here to just have a look around okay? I promise we won't hurt anyone". Suddenly, a flame sparked in her hand and she attacked him. He activated his quirk and wrapped his scarf around her, she just watched in shock as his red eyes pierced through hers and his hair almost levitating with his scarf as it apprehended her. She squirmed around, desperately trying to escape before seeing a purple gas that flooded the area. She tried to keep her head above it but it was no use. She looked up at him as his hair flowed smoothly back into place and his eyes loosing their colour, going back to black. "See.. I told you you're.. a liar.." she mumbled as Eraserhead scooped her up into his arms before she passed out.

"What was that about? I heard a lot of commotion and came over" Eraserhead turned around to see Midnight standing before him. "I.. saw something you.. may or may not want to see and they were near so I just.. took them to safety" he was speaking slowly and was evidently unsettled, yet it was only visible by his voice, as he still kept his stern look. She groaned in exhaustion and sighed "well, I saw Hawks and he said that his area had been cleared already, not too surprising since he only had to get a birds eye view, and I've done half of mine, how long do you wanna keep searching for?" "Hmm.. give it another hour, I think there's still a lot to unpack about this town.. where is Hawks?". Eraserhead picked up the girl tied in his scarf, keeping his main focus on her as his scarf slithered it's way around his neck like a snake; "he's just to the right of the town, you want me to take the other one?". He sighed, "yes, thank you". Midnight scooped up the other girl into her arms and bounced off into the cover of the trees, going towards the right.

When he got there, there was Hawks and another boy with him. Eraserhead couldn't make out his appearance from the shade covering him. "You want me to take care of those two while you finish the patrol?" Hawks asked as the other two heroes gently put the girls down. "That would be much appreciated" Midnight remarked sarcastically before sneaking back into the town, with Eraserhead going his way.

After another long hour, they all finally decided that their patrol of the town had finished, they decided to meet back at Midnights place to eat. By now, it was 8am and they were all quite exhausted.

Once they got there, and after a trip to the hospital to drop the kids they found off, they just sat around Nemuri's coffee table with a cup of coffee each, and one plate each with rice balls and sushi. It was all Nemuri had the energy to make anyway. "All I found was a woman's body, looked like Yusuo and got shot, that's really it other than the girl and the boy I found.." Eraserhead scoffed and uttered "can't even be bothered to dispose of the body.." his remark earned two pairs of eyes looking at him, very confused on what he had to say. It was silent.. "Do you have anything you wanna share Shouta?" Hawks added to break said silence. He pulled out the papers he found and put them down on the table "you can read it, I haven't yet though.." he said, picking up his coffee cup afterwards and drinking the whole thing.

Nemuri grabbed the paper and lifted it up, tilting it slightly so that Keigo could see it too. She swiped her hand across the front page, shaking it with a disgusted look on her face as dust flew down onto the floor. The front page read;

Log 103: Izuku Midoriya [Subject 682_4]
Birthday: Friday 15 July 2118 16:53

Birth Father: Hisashi Midoriya [Client]
Birthday: Monday 28 March 2089

>> The subjects father. Born in Koganei, Japan. Moved to Tokyo with father and younger sister on Friday 16 September 2095.

>> Hisashi worked for Studio Ghibli with his wife but moved back to Tokyo shortly after he got fired.

>> Since he didn't have a job, and his wife was expecting a baby, he fell into a great depression, using drugs and alcohol to escape his worries. Because of this, he got arrested on Wednesday 5 January 2118 for the use of Cannabis despite multiple fines.

>> He was released shortly after his arrest on Friday 6 May 2118 for "good behaviour". Taking his wife to the abandoned town because she fell into poverty, deciding that a child would be too much responsibility.

>> He sold his newborn son to us on Saturday 16 July 2118. We requested for his wife but he refused and attempted to prevent her from being taken. We were forced to kill him and hide him in the bathtub before taking her.

Next to the log about Hisashi, there was a picture of him at work, most likely taken by a stalker of sorts. Nemuri turned the page, there was writing on the back of the previous page but it had faded, it wrote about a woman called "Inko Midoriya", most likely the boys mother. On the page next to it was more clear writing, it had still faded but it was easier to read if you squinted hard enough. It was about "Izuku Midoriya". There wasn't much, just about how much he cost, and coordinates, but many numbers had faded more than the others, making it impossible to read the exact coordinate.

".. Keigo.. can you make out what those coordinates say?" Keigo squinted incredibly hard. "What coordinates?" Shouta looked up from his phone, "there's coordinates on here that might be where Hisashi's kid is..". The room fell silent, "did it say where Hisashi was?" Shouta asked, his hand that held the phone shaking "he was apparently murdered and left to rot in a bathtub of all things..". Shouta slammed his phone on the table and turned it so the other two heroes could see the image of the mangled corpse with no hesitation. The rooms silence wasn't disturbed until they all had a long stare at the image. "Is this Hisashi?" Keigo asked reluctantly; the question only earned a slow nod and Aizawa mumbling "yeah I think so.." as the answer. The room was so easily read; discomfort, shock, and a hint of worry, despite the ongoing stillness. Until Nemuri spilled her thoughts "if this is what they did to Hisashi, I can't imagine what they did to the poor boy.."; the remark made Aizawa swiftly snatch his phone back and turn it off.

They spent the rest of the day making conclusions and putting pieces together, before they decided to leave the rest to detectives. They all agreed that this was a case that would need to be searched immediately.

Shouta threw his coat on the pegs and collapsed onto the couch, exhausted as always. With the exhaustion, he fell asleep, only having the energy to tell the time, which was around 5pm. Shinso poked his head from around the corner, seeing him soundly asleep on the couch, with Hizashi who casually walked up to the couch, picked him up, and headed to bed.

Shinso slumped heavily back onto his bed, staring at the ceiling and no longer having the desire to sleep, only to question. Why was he out for almost an entire day? Where did he go? What was he doing? What happened? But of course, his questions remained unanswered, as he slowly drifted off into his own imagination of what happened. There must have been a villain he needed to fight, but that wouldn't take an entire day, would it? Maybe he had to help with an investigation? But he wouldn't have been out for that long, nevermind asking how he would be so exhausted from sitting around for a day and reading things. The confusion left Shinso worried, not knowing why a person you care about suddenly became very exhausted or stressed isn't something you want to feel. What made it worse was that he knew he couldn't do anything about it. All he could do was sit there and just wait for the whole thing to blow over, which didn't make the pit in his stomach any more shallow. He twisted and turned in bed, desperately trying to get rid of the feeling by sleeping it off but it took a few minutes, if not an hour to actually work.

The next morning, Shouta woke up to the sound of a text, he didn't fancy getting woken up with what felt like 2 minutes of sleep, but if he dealt with it now, he could sleep later.

"I'm deeply sorry for disturbing you at such short notice, but I must enlighten you on something. Nemuri has sent me the details of your discoveries. I must say they weren't what I could have ever expected. All I need is the picture you took, and if you would like to return to teaching or help deal with the situation."

Of course, it was from Nezu. It kind of shocked him, Nezu seemed like the type of person, or animal, to want as much 'beauty sleep' as possible. But something else told him he shouldn't be too surprised. He replied with the image, saying that he'd help as much as he could with the situation but still asked to have his teaching duties. He was half asleep and just wanted to be left alone so he didn't care about if this would piss him off in the future and dozed off again.

Not even an hour later, his alarm clock went off. When he looked at the time, he realised it was already 6:30. He'd been sleeping an hour before he should have woken up. Hizashi wasn't in bed, given he'd already woken up, and he was lying in bed with a messy head, internally and externally, oh, Nezu texted him back.

"Wonderful to hear that you'll be returning back to your original duties. Nemuri also told me about your lack of sleep so i'd suggest only teaching for now. I told Emi to take over a half of your lesson so you can have some extra sleep. Have a good rest of your day."

Aizawa shrugged and set an alarm for half an hour after first period and slumped heavily back into bed, falling asleep immediately.

Hizashi tipped the kettle over, watching as the water streamed down out of the spout, seemingly lost in his own world. He almost lifelessly grabbed a teaspoon and stirred his tea before taking the teabag out and throwing it away. The small sip he took snapped him out of his trance and he covered his mouth. "I think I added one too many sugars into this.." he mumbled, reluctantly swallowing the tea "can I have it?". Hizashi jumped, sighing in relief at the sight of Shinso sitting at a chair with his fluffy white spotted blanket wrapped around him, leaving only his head visible. He slid the cup of tea over to Shinso with his tongue out and watched as Shinso practically downed the whole cup. "Where's dad?" he questioned, holding his cup up to his chest "and why haven't we left yet?" Hizashi sat down next to Shinso and explained "he hasn't felt very good since yesterday so Nezu is letting him have a little more sleep and said that I should come in with him just incase"
"ooohh..". Shinso slurped the last bit of tea, glaring at Kaori who was sat down next to his chair, waving her tail around as if she was waiting for something "hasn't she already been fed?". Kaori was lifted off of the floor by Hizashi and was cradled in his arms "oh what's the matter baby? You still hungry?" he put her next to her food bowl but she wouldn't stop meowing. "What's wrong with her? Is she okay?" Shinso got up and went into the kitchen, dragging his blanket across the floor behind him. He looked down at her, staring into her eyes as she did his; he slowly put the cup into the sink and watched her nuzzle up to his leg, purring. "Is it me you want?" he asked as he picked her up, letting her nuzzle his face.

"Oh uh, what's dad doing? Like, he's not feeling well and he's more tired than usual..". Hizashi looked at Shinso, with a look of worry. "I don't.. know actually. But I'm sure he'll be better in no time!". Shinso gloomily lowered his arms, letting Kaori leap onto the counter. "So you don't know either.. I'm starting to get worried already.." Shinso looked at Kaori, turning on the tap and watching her drink the water flowing from the tap while scratching her head, listening to her purr. Hizashi hugged him "he only started feeling like this yesterday night so I don't see any reason to worry, I'm sure it'll go away eventually and everything will go back to normal". Shinso nodded contently.

A few weeks pass, the people of Tokyo were slowly getting used to the rare snowfall, especially this amount. The light crunching of snow fills the air, adding to the chattering of people being amazed about how much snow came this year. The detective scrolls through his contacts, his colleagues numbers all saved to his phone. He eventually scrolled down to 'Naomasa'. He was the head of the investigation.

He called Naomasa, informing him that he was almost at the police station. The detective entered the police station, walking down the corridors until he reached the investigation room. Sat there was Naomasa reading over a few notes. "Glad you could make it Nakashima". Nakashima sat down opposite Naomasa, nervously waiting as he finished reading the note "some officers checked near where Yusuo thinks his brother might have been taken, we found out when the organisations next appearance will be, and I'll need you to schedule some time within the next 2 weeks to investigate. In the meantime, I'd like you to investigate further on Sashima and her older sisters case. Apparently they also have some intel on this organisation. Or who it's associated with at the very least". Nakashima nodded, "is there anything I can have before and questioning?" to that, he only got a few notes "there's a few topics written down that I want to be investigated thoroughly, I believe there'll be little to no time for breaks Nakashima, and the reason I didn't just tell you this on call is because your help will be needed with plan lay-outs". Nakashima looked down at the notes reluctantly, on one, he saw "Izuku Midoriya". He looked up at Naomasa, "who's Izuku?"
"Oh, he's a little boy that was taken by the organisation, if there's anything, even the smallest hint on where they might have went with him, you make a detailed note of it. The location of Izuku and Okasu are main sources for this case, if we find nothing about their whereabouts.. well, we might as well just be giving kids to them".
"I understand Naomasa, I'll investigate to the best of my ability".

Two weeks had passed already, and police officers had raided the town. A day had passed since the organisation had put an attack on practically the whole town. By the time the police had reached the town that day, some people from the organisation had arrived to clean up the scene. It was a long day, but most of the people had either been arrested or killed themselves. Everyone who knew about this investigation thought that killing themselves was an irrational choice, unless they had a good reason to result to such measures just to keep their mouths shut. Like having a severely tyrannical leader.

Nakashima entered the battered house, it fit the description that Eraserhead gave him with him in it, so he knew to stay clear of the bathroom. He was an investigator, but he was the type that looked into files and put pieces together outside of the crime scene, and most of the murder cases he investigated didn't have such messed up corpses. He left the bathroom to another investigator because of his weak stomach.

He looked at the bed, taking in how uncomfortable it must be to sleep on that mattress. The springs coming out of the top looked sharp, and half of the springs weren't even there. He hated how loud the floor creaked and groaned, but one of the floorboards didn't feel right to step on. Not entirely because of the noise, but because it felt like there was something underneath. After finding out what they did to Hisashi, he didn't want to look, but he made a note of it. Nakashima carefully opened the top drawer on the right bedside table, with most of the middle one pulling itself out aswell, making a squeaking sound. He looked through the drawer, finding pretty much nothing of use, just used sex toys and condoms.

He held the handle to the middle drawer and closed the top, being careful not to break anything. He found a blood-covered phone, stacks of mail, and a pacifier. Something useful, well at least it was more useful then a slimy, used vibrator. He took a picture of the contents then pulled out a grip sealed bag and put the phone in it. He got a longer grip sealed back and put all of the mail inside, same with the pacifier. He closed the now empty middle drawer and opened the bottom. He found a revolver. It looked so out of place, because unlike the rest of the evidence, it was so neatly placed. It didn't at all look used but when it was held, it felt empty. It had to have been used atleast once. After sealing it up, he moved to the left bedside table. The top drawer was completely empty, the middle was also empty, and the bottom one was locked. He made a note of it and moved on.

The kitchen had been completely destroyed, drawers were on the verge of coming out completely, the cupboards were empty and the shelves inside had been broken in half, the tap was running and the sink was about to overflow. The floorboards had been ripped off almost completely, the table was on its side and the chairs were broken into pieces. Nakashima wanted to leave the kitchen until last because of the state of it, and because it was basically empty. As expected he didn't find anything of use, but much like in the bedroom, there was something under one of the seemingly untouched floorboards.

The rest of the investigation in the town was a rollercoaster, the girls said that the organisation was supposedly associated with "some tall, creepy blind guy with a black mechanic mask who wore a suit". The best fit for that description would be All For One, which made this case all the more serious, and apparently he was with an acquaintance. Apparently he looked around 17 and had scruffy blue hair, red eyes, unnaturally pale skin. They found out about this because they appeared in person because the organisation was apparently not answering them, then they were killed.

They put the pieces together and found out that the reason some of the people killed themselves was because they would have died anyway. Either the organisation is a side-project for All For One or their leader is a close friend of All For One, they couldn't tell which one it could be for certain but the police knew that it was terrible regardless.

Underneath both of the floorboards was evidence of possible whereabouts, locations pointed in papers because Hisashi wanted his wife back, possibly because he knew they'd want his wife too and made them as plan B's. They were in folders so the papers thankfully weren't covered in blood, but the folders were. And to no one's surprise, it was Hisashi's blood. The revolver had been used by Hisashi as well, obviously in a time of panic because the front sight had been chipped, the other part was found in an area of the house with... a lot of blood.

Again, a few weeks passed since then and they finally got an accurate pinpoint on a research lab. However, there mightn't be anyone in there. With further investigation they found that it had been abandoned after a member of the Yakuza had infiltrated their ranks and attempted to blow the whole thing up, stealing anything useful. However, he had been dealt with and the place was otherwise abandoned. They figured that there must be something useful there, such as the identity of the yakuza member, or even their new lab's location. But there were no promises and a few days after they had devised plans incase there were still some people there, they went.

The abandoned lab was eerie, there was no sound but the wind blowing through the building, showing its hollowness. The heroes had been set aside for this, so the police officers that were there were almost heavily armed.

The winded corridors made the whole place seem like a maze, the only thing allowing them to know where they were going being a few maps. 5 teams explored each and every room, searching for anyone who could possibly be there but not a soul was found, not even any form of wildlife. The lack of life in the building made the place seem depressing, the grim atmosphere really demotivated some of the police officers. Every room they turned to was either completely empty or had been turned upside down. And the messy rooms were difficult to move around in.

In around 3 of the messy rooms, there were bulletin boards, on one there was writing that was written in some sort of made up language. There was only one intelligible sentence. "Don't breathe it in". The team was confused. Don't breathe what in? There must have been some form of gas raid or something similar. A picture was taken of the bulletin board, and the team moved on. In another of the 3 rooms, there was supposedly an investigation hosted by the researchers, the bulletin board showed possible candidates of who the traitor could be, however all pictures went unnamed. There was one image that stuck out, one that had the face of the image burnt off, it must have been the yakuza member. The room was circled on the map and a picture was taken of the bulletin board, they planned to come back to this room later. And in the last room with a bulletin board, there lay papers and documents about selling experiments to fight each other for peoples sick enjoyment. Thankfully, right in the middle of the bulletin board, there was a location. A location that immediately needed to be investigated. But that wasn't the only thing that caught their eye. In one of the corners, tucked away in the darkness, was a box filled with gas masks. If the scientists had to avoid a gas, why where there so many gas masks still in the building? It didn't make sense.

Finally, they investigated the other messy rooms. They didn't find much, just some folders with money they most likely got from the "experiment buyers" but the buyers weren't named.

Overall, this part of the investigation revealed possibly a lot of information.

They gave everything they found the the top detectives of the investigation. They were just as confused with the place, but they decided to lay low for a while. They didn't know if this "arena" of sorts was abandoned as-well, plus they needed to figure out what the made up language is supposed to mean, nevermind who wrote it and why.

"It makes no sense.. why warn the others of a possible gas invasion but not put on any of the gas masks?" Naomasa questioned, he was obviously in a state of deep confusion and wasn't even trying to hide it. He looked at the images he had been provided with but he was so desperate to figure this out that he couldn't even think straight. "Naomasa..? You look stressed, do you need help?". He looked up "Nakashima, thank god.. this is stressing me out... I think I'm getting a little too desperate to get this whole case out of the way.." Nakashima sat down next to Naomasa, looking at the images closely. He picked up the image of the nonsensical writing, he was in deep thought as it was much easier to think because he wasn't as stressed. "Maybe.. the others didn't take him seriously? Maybe whoever wrote this knew about who the yakuza member was and tried to tell them?". Nakashima thought for a while longer. "Maybe.. since whoever this is knew about it, the yakuza member put him under something that drove him insane so that everyone else's focus was mostly on the madman". Naomasa calmed down a little and had a think. "Why would they make an investigation about it if they didn't take him seriously..?" he muttered. Nakashima looked at him, "what was that?"
"They made an investigation about it but.. they didn't seem to take him very seriously..". Naomasas eyes widened. "Unless, they were trying to convince the yakuza member that they didn't know about him, how would he stop the investigation if he didn't know about it". He sighed in relief, finally coming up with a conclusion, a simple one really that could've been thought of if he had calmed himself a little more. "You've made my life a little easier since you became a detective, you know that" Nakashima looked at Naomasa "I'm flattered".

"Nakashima?" they both looked at the door, seeing an officer looked back at them. "The heroes said that the situation with the bought experiments sounds more dire with some new evidence that's just been found.. we'll need you to have a look at it". He nodded and followed the police officer out of the room, leaving Naomasa with his own thoughts.

He stared at the computer screen, scanning the image that was sent. It was a picture of what looked like a basement of sorts. He saw the maps as-well, not one of them showed a basement. In the corner, the corpses of children.. it wasn't nearly as morbid as Hisashi's corpse, and he was trying to think of why. He looked over to a closer image of the corpses on another monitor, they had been killed recently he assumed. No signs of rotting or decay, not that he could see of anyway, and they were only slightly discoloured. "They must be using the basement to store corpses of children.. but what about adults?" he switched back to the bigger image. No adult bodies were found. "I guess they don't target adults unless they're engaged after warning. That'll make this easier..". He stared at the screen for a little longer, trying to find anything that could be of use or trying to identify any of the dead children. "Wait.." he looked back at the kids, he saw one that stuck out to him. A little boy who's lower jaw had been torn off. He grabbed a note from his notebook, reading the description of Yusuo's brother. The description unfortunately didn't fit. But, most of the kids there looked like some of the arrested parents from the small town.

"They must enjoy targeting small areas, especially with willing occupants.." Nakashima looked over at one of the officers who was stood next to him "tell any other available officers to check any and every less populated area, anything suspicious is to immediately be recorded into a file". The officer nodded and walked off, leaving Nakashima alone again. He looked through the other images, of the bulletin boards. He looked closely at the co-ordinates on the board. This was exactly where they were going to go next, fully armed as well.

Throughout the next week or so, papers that involved anything related to the case were thoroughly examined. Though, some investigators worked on some other aspects of the case. Some habitants of small areas said that people they knew would bring high amounts of money out with them and one person had their location on. The co-ordinates matched perfectly with that of the bulletin board and so officers and a few heroes set off.

The place looked pretty abandoned as well. They didn't have high hopes of finding any living thing in here, much like the lab. But some people had left not too long ago so they must have been awfully quiet, or knew they were there. The only heroes who attended were Midnight, Mirko, Hawks and Present Mic. They wanted to keep the number as low as possible incase something came up.

As they entered, all they could see were corpses. They didn't expect any living thing to appear, but they didn't expect corpses lying around in plain sight either. They split up into two groups, Mic and Hawks with a few police officers, and likewise for Mirko and Midnight. Mirko noticed that after a while, the number of corpses decreased, there were even dead rats and mice lying around. Nothing that moved or even breathed seemed to be spared, but the place was still worth rummaging through.

A sudden snarl, coming right out of a room the minute whatever was inside heard their footsteps. It didn't sound human, but it didn't sound like any animal they know of either. It was almost a mix of both. Mirko opened the door gingerly, lowering her ears as it creaked and squealed, a low growling almost going over it. They both ignored the pretty obvious warning and glanced at the pair of ruby red eyes staring them both down from the corner of the room. It started hissing and snarling at them, the sounds of shackles clanging against each other echoing through the room. Mirko slowly approached it, having Midnight follow shortly after with her hand on her sleeve, ready to use her quirk. Whatever it was, it obviously felt threatened by what they were doing and dug it's teeth right into Mirko's arm. It started shaking its head violently after getting a good grip, but it only tightened with the purple gas suffocating it. Eventually, it let go and backed away into the corner, trying to get away from the gas but it didn't take long for it to finally pass out. It was unchained and Mirko brought it out, hoping to get a bandage on her arm as well since the bite mark went pretty deep.

Midnight stayed, examining the corpse before her. It was a man, whose arms and right leg had been bitten off. It is most likely what had killed everyone and everything in its sight, the man most likely chaining it to the wall to prevent it from escaping. Though, according to Mirko, it was shaking violently, as if it had been threatened the whole time. It made sense, and it was most likely the cause of its violence. But no matter the cause, it was a threat and would have to be under watch. And with that she got up and moved onward.

On Hawks and Present Mics end, they found a living person too. But they were severely wounded and had a most likely empty gun pointed at them both. He was apprehended and arrested. But no documents were found, and some of the corpses included other experiments. The whole place was wiped out not long after the heroes left, blown into pieces, most likely by someone in the organisation.

Meanwhile, it was being tended to in the hospital. Due to its violence, it had to have a private room in the heroes ward, so that no one would get hurt. Though, unlike what they had expected, it wasn't Izuku. They had hoped that he would be there so this case could be over with and them knowing that children were safe. But obviously, that wasn't happening anytime soon.

"Katsuki Bakugo... quirk: explosion. His parents are alive, surprisingly, and they have no criminal record. We think it'll be safe to place him with them, for the kid at least.."
"God help his parents.."
"Their names are Mitsuki and Masaru, we have their phone numbers. Kanako said that we should wait until Katsuki's calmed down a bit and familiarised himself with his situation before informing them."
"So.. we're just.. not going to tell them that their child is here?"
"Pretty much."
".. meh, not like I can do anything about it."

The doctor entered the room Katsuki was in, only to be greeted by a pair of fluffy, adorable ears poking up out of the covers, followed up by the face of Satan himself and the sound of low growling. Expected. "Okay." he sighed, grabbing a bottle of pills labelled 'morphine'. The doctor pointed at the bottle "painkiller. Pain go away." The growling got louder. Nice to further acknowledge the language barrier, or the barrier between a doctor and a stubborn child as a whole. He sat down next to Katsuki, he was coming up out of the covers a little more, getting ready to bite the doctor if he got any closer. The doctor pointed at himself, making sure the movement wasn't too sudden "nice doctor. Doctor help you". He didn't even know why he was still trying at this point, other than the fact that he's getting paid. He should just spike the kids food or water with this so he'd not have to deal with all this pain. But no, the kid doesn't eat anything unless it has been sniffed thoroughly. He'd smell it instantly.

The doctor put his hand closer to Katsuki, moving his hand away slightly at the sound of a growl before pursuing further. Turns out that since he's not an animal whisperer, he almost got bitten. "Nana, I think we'll need to pump the morphine into his body another way, he's decided that my hands look much tastier than this pill".
"Oh god.. okay. I'll.. sort something out".

The doctors were especially tired, thanks to how much this child didn't want anything to do with them. It was understandable, but he was still causing more harm to himself by fighting back. And that same day, they had to pin him down to the bed in order to actually get the tube in his arm to get the morphine in him. It took the kid a few hours to actually calm down and get used to the painkillers and finally fully came out from under the covers.

His quirk was explosion, yes, but he had extra features. Such as his fluffy, adorable ears that looked to resemble a wolf, or a German shepherd but if they had really fluffy ears, a cute button nose. And a tail. Unlike what you'd think, it isn't fully fluffy. The fluff only reaches half-way down his tail and gradually has more and more fur as it reaches the tip. Though, the rest of it didn't look shaved, it was this thin layer that looked like it could only store the bone. He also curls up into a ball and uses the fluff at the tip of his tail as a pillow which he did a lot. But when inspecting his teeth, they all appeared to be canines with more canines lining his hard palate in at least 2-3 other rows. He also had paw beans on his fingers, but not his palm.

[Basically.. TW: rushed art also imagine there's a bedside table I forgot it.]

"He doesn't look very happy." A doctor walked in after Nana got the tube in, observing Katsuki. "No.. he's not."
"Well.. I brought food. Considering he's under 100.0 lb"
"Question is, will he eat it?"
"If he doesn't then we'll have to do it with a tube." He put the bowl of soup on the bedside table. Katsuki quickly picked up the bowl and looked at the contents and seemed to already know how to use a spoon since he started downing it.
"That answers your question."

[10,812 words.. am I really sure this is a fanfic and not a novel?]

Give feedback regarding the whole chapter here (my first published fanfic) —>

This will have very.. very.. VERY slow updates because I've got a lot going on right now, especially with my mental health so uh.

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