Jacob's Game ✅

By xxinloves

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"LET'S PLAY A GAME TERESA. MY GAME." - Jacob Snow ************* It was all a game. Jacob... More

✯All Rights Reserved✯
✯One✯ - Proposition
✯Three✯ - Emerald Green
✯Four✯ - The Fiancée
✯Five✯ - Extra sheets
✯Six✯ - The Truth
✯Seven✯ - Axe and Branch
✯Eight✯ - Lakewood
✯Nine✯ - Cold
✯Ten✯ - Car Drive
✯Eleven✯ - See Me
✯Twelve✯ - Bingo And A Lie
✯Thriteen✯ - Punches And Goodbyes?
✯Fourteen✯ - Sponsorship
✯Fifteen✯ - Penthouse
✯Sixteen✯ - Jacob's Game
✯Seventeen✯ - Yellow Tulip
✯Eighteen✯ - Auction
✯Nineteen✯ - A Call And A Shock
✯Twenty✯ - Jacob's Lips
✯Twenty-One✯ - Blissful Words
✯Twenty-Two✯ - A Car In The Driveway
✯Twenty-Three✯ - Flowers And Its Means
✯Twenty-Four✯ - Peppermint
✯Twenty-Five✯ - Savannah Rivera
✯Twenty-Six✯ - Friendly Dinner
✯Twenty-Seven✯ - Dangling Thing
✯Twenty-Eight✯ - The Bet Contract
✯Twenty-Nine✯ - Clarity
✯Thirty✯ - Heartbreaking Call
✯Thrity-One✯ - Jacob
✯Thirty-Two✯ - An Emotional Visit
✯Thrity-Three✯ - Awaken

✯Two✯ - Running Mouth

5.4K 154 7
By xxinloves

Chapter Two

"You're insane, do you know?" Alexa broke her silence after a long pause. Apparently her persuasive mouth kept pushing questions on Teresa the minute she saw a large traveling bag standing at the corner of the sitting-room.

Teresa questioned herself for her actual reasons for keeping her discussion with Gideon a secret from her friend. And she knows why.

The one thing Alexa loves doing, is not keeping her mouth shut. Not that she was surprised. Meeting Alexa's family proved it was all in the blood.

Giving Teresa more reason to twist the story from what it really was. The last thing she'd want is Alexa spilling the whole thing out before they actually begin.

Inside their small, comfortable apartment, Alexa kept following her behind; probably trying to get more information out from her.

"The last thing I am, is insane." Teresa said, while taking a huge bite from her toast. While helping herself with a sit from the dining. She and hunger were never best friend. "Gideon is a nice guy to be with." She almost cringe at her word.

Alexa immediately took a sit right next to her. Clapping her hands to Teresa's face. "Well Hello!" She spoke sarcastically, "you seem to forget the part that you both are friends. Best friend if I must point out. And you never date friends!"

Okay. Maybe telling Alexa anything at all wasn't a great idea. Being friends with Alexa for ten years, she just won't keep shut. Teresa fears her ears are about to bleed in pain.

"Teresa I know, don't just wake up one morning to spend her whole week with a man in vacation just like that. So, don't feed me that bull crap and tell me the truth. You always tell me the truth." She placed her right hand to her chest forging hurt, but a raised brow from Teresa made her drop her act. "Okay, maybe you don't always tell me the main truth, but come on. Aren't we best of friends?"

Teresa shook her head, while chewing on her breakfast. "I love you Alexa. But no can do. You won't be getting a word out from me, I can already envision what my telling you would do. So no." Teresa sigh. She found herself saying the word no often.

"What do you even see in Gideon? Isn't he more like a brother than a lover?" Alexa asked, not seizing the moment from stealing one of Teresa's toast, which earned her a glare, but choose to smile back at her friend. "I love you too."

"I've nothing left to say to you." Teresa said, making Alexa pout. The doorbell choose that moment to ring, grabbing both of their attention. In a cue Alexa stood on her feet racing to the door.

"If you won't tell me, well maybe he'll." She said hopefully.

Goodluck with that.

There was no way Gideon is ever going to tell Alexa anything. Everyone knew her nature. Even poor Mrs Williams next door knew, if possible the whole New York City.

Earlier this morning Gideon had sent a text message to Teresa about picking her up from home. Unfortunately for Teresa, Alexa happens to have unintentionally sighted the message, then intentionally scroll through her previous message with him. And since then the interrogation began.

Teresa had lied to Alexa last night, the moment she spotted Teresa packing her clothes in her briefcase. She had told Alexa, she was taking a business trip with Gideon for a big business deal in LA.

And the rest was history.

She watched as Alexa's body disappeared from her sight to get the door. Teresa sigh as she took note of the apartment she shares with Alexa since college days. Her eyes went straight to the two white mini couch, and a long couch in the middle of the room. The lilac paint with splashes of sparkling gold, on the wall made whatever authentic items they had in the room stand out.

A mini bookshelf was at the corner of the sitting room filled with Alexa's books. Being one of the best time selling author had it part. All Alexa's book are always a success, earning a a decent amount of money and fame. Which she loves. Fortunately for her one of her best series book was about to be turned to a movie.

One the other part of the sitting room were nothing except artistic paintings Teresa had gotten as a gift from Gideon when he has nothing else to do with his money than to go to an charity ball and purchase almost half of the auction goods.

Okay, maybe half was being too much of an exaggeration. But he buys a lot. And gift the rest to Teresa if it doesn't fit his taste.

Then a few feet from the sitting room was the kitchen which had an all four seater dining table. Then on the right side was a short passage leading to the front door which Alexa just went through, and at the other side were two doors, one door leads to Alexa's room, while the other Teresa's.

Both Alexa and her were already planning on looking for a bigger apartment. But house hunting in New York hasn't been easy.

"Gideon!" Alexa's overly enthusiasm voice boomed from the front door. Teresa couldn't stop herself from rolling her eyes at Alexa's behavior. Somethings never change.

Teresa wasn't surprised by Gideon's response. "My, my, isn't it too early to be this high?" His sarcastic voice followed by the door shutting, and footstep filled Teresa's ear.

"Don't you have something to tell me?" Alexa revealed her hands clinging unto Gideon's right arm, in a tight grip.

A confused Gideon turned to look at Alexa. "What? I've nothing for you?" He whirled his gaze towards where Teresa sat, a smile immediately made way to his face. "Teresa, good to see you're dressed. I guess we should get going?" Taking note of her cream button shirt, with a brown leather pencils skirt, and flat shoe.

Teresa nodded, leaving a piece of toast while drinking her still hot tea. "Yeah. Let's go." She went to were her bag was, wheeling it along with her.

Alexa appeared offended with the lack of response from Gideon. "Hey!" She yelled. Startling everyone in the room. "You haven't answered me?"

At her word Gideon gave Alexa one of his charming smiles. "Not today. But I promise when we return, all will be revealed." Not giving her a chance to spoke, he kissed her temple before helping Teresa with her bags.

"I'll see you soon." Teresa whispers, while giving Alexa a warm hug, thankfully Alexa retuned her hug.


Teresa and Gideon walks out of the building, getting into his black SUV parkd at the garage. Throughout the whole ride, they'd both being discussing about Daniel's health that Teresa hadn't been aware they had arrived at the airport.

Gideon lead her straight to the hanger along with some flight attendant helping with their bags. It took a moment for Teresa to realize they were actually traveling with a private jet.

"Wow!" Teresa gasp in fascination. Sometimes she forgets how rich Gideon really is.

As they both walk through the steps of the jet, he lean towards her left ear. "Close your mouth." He whispered to her ear, amusement written in his face.

Teresa smiled at his word, but as soon as her smile came, so did it disappear, at a certain sight caught her attention. As she gave her greetings to the flight attendant offering a formal smile, she turn to catch sight of two individuals seated not too far from where she stood. A certain familiar green eyes slammed with hers.

"Oh," Gideon spoke, breaking the short silence, "did I forget to tell you that Jacob will be joining us."

One thing was for sure. Teresa's trip wasn't about to get easy.


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Lots of love

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