A Soldier's Life

By JPmarvel90

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Y/N is a Major in the British Army on a long term posting to Fort Isaac in LA. After a visit to the park with... More

Chapter 1 - The Park
Chapter 2 - Favour for the Colonel
Chapter 3 - Highest bidder
Chapter 4 - Charity Dinner
Chapter 5 - Charity Dinner pt 2
Chapter 6 - Denny's
Chapter 7 - A Surprise invitation
Chapter 8 - Visit to Set
Chapter 9 - Explosions and PTSD
Chapter 10 - It's been a long day
Chapter 11 - Football and Wingmen
Chapter 12 - Elephant Families
Chapter 13 - It's just coffee
Chapter 14 - Growing up so fast
Chapter 15 - You're not there anymore
Chapter 16 - Six
Chapter 17 - Surprise!
Chapter 18 - Chaos
Chapter 19 - Space Adventure
Chapter 20 - Chicken Soup
Chapter 21 - She saved me
Chapter 22 - Grief and Heartache
Chapter 23 - Just a Soldier
Chapter 24 - The Fallout
Chapter 25 - Football and Family
Chapter 26 - It's just three weeks
Chapter 27 - Protective Best Friend
Chapter 28 - Addressing Rumours
Chapter 29 - Afghanistan
Chapter 30 - Sharing the news
Chapter 31 - We did everything we could
Chapter 32 - But you weren't
Chapter 33 - Hi Mummy
Chapter 34 - Finally joining us
Chapter 35 - Butterflies
Chapter 36 - Physio
Chapter 37 - Ice Cream
Chapter 38 - Walks and Talks
Chapter 39 - Going Home
Chapter 40 - Day of fun
Chapter 41 - Stitches
Chapter 42 - 30
Chapter 43 - Belated Party
Chapter 44 - Presents!
Chapter 45 - Kiss and tell
Chapter 46 - First Date
Chapter 47 - New Car
Chapter 48 - Meeting Matt
Chapter 49 - Shoot your shot
Chapter 50 - Shameless Staring
Chapter 51 - For Good
Chapter 52 - Santa Monica Pier
Chapter 53 - Paying a debt
Chapter 54 - I need you
Chapter 55 - The morning after
Chapter 56 - Boats and Birthdays
Chapter 57 - Returning to Work
Chapter 58 - Race day
Chapter 59 - Karaoke
Chapter 60 - Hangover
Chapter 61 - Pirates
Chapter 62 - Going Public
Chapter 63 - Princesses
Chapter 64 - Jungle Book
Chapter 65 - You're safe
Chapter 67 - Three little words
Chapter 68 - Goodbye
Book 2 is now out!

Chapter 66 - We're all proud of you

5.5K 186 25
By JPmarvel90

Scarlett's POV:

I had somehow found myself mesmerised watching Y/n get ready for tonight. We were attending her medal ceremony and she had spent the last hour getting her uniform ready. It was a whole process, and I hadn't realised how much went into it. I offered to help, but she said it needed to be done in a particular way so was just easier for her to do it.

She started off by ironing her trousers, making sure there was a crease down the centre of the leg. After ironing her shirt, she then started to polish up every button and shiny thing on her uniform. She then moved on to cleaning up the leather strap of her white belt. Now I was stood watching as she shined her shoes. She was sat on the sofa, with a pot of polish, a rag and brush. Ava was busy brushing the shoe preparing it for Y/n to then start with the polish.

I watched as her fingers carefully built up the layer of polish on the shoe in her hand. She worked in silence, even Ava was quiet whilst focusing on her very important job. I, meanwhile, am stood being no use at all, just staring at my girlfriend's fingers wishing that she was.... Ok let's not go there, mind out of the gutter!

To distract myself, I started to focus on getting ready myself. Sophie and I would switch places whilst getting ready in Y/n's room. It was a bit of a squeeze for all of us getting ready, but we were making do. I decided to go for light makeup today. I knew Y/n always preferred it when I did that, and I wanted to look my best for her tonight. "Hey, I'm almost at the point I need to get dressed if you both are almost done?" Y/n asked, peering her head through the bedroom door.

Sophie had just slipped on her dress and turned to Y/n. "Wow, you look great Soph." Y/n said with a proud smile. "Thanks Y/n/n. I'm done, so I'll get out of the way and entertain the princess until the two big kids turn up." Sophie replied, grabbing her bag and making her way out the door. "Don't forget to send Matt a photo." Y/n shouted after her with a smirk on her face. "Shut up Y/n!" Sophie yelled back.

Y/n came fully into the room now and closed the door behind her. "Do you need a hand doing your dress up?" Y/n asked, pointing to the green dress that was hanging on the closet door. "Please." I smiled and dropped my robe. I watched Y/n to see her reaction and I wasn't disappointed. I was wearing a matching pair of black lingerie. It was like a cartoon moment as Y/n's eyes bulged and her mouth dropped open.

Even though she has seen me like this countless time, I always loved her reaction. It was like she was seeing me for the first time, every time, and it did wonders for my confidence. She slowly walked over to me and placed her hands on my bare hips. "How about we skip out on the ceremony and just stay in?" She asked. She said it as a joke, but I know there was an underlying tone of seriousness in it.

I placed my arms around Y/n's neck, smirking up at her. "As much as I would like to stay in this room with you all night. I also want to be by your side as you get your medal so I can brag about you to everyone." I replied, pushing up on my tip toes and giving her a loving kiss. "Besides, you've just spent like the last 2 hours getting your uniform ready, you don't want to waste that." I joked and she sighed. "Fine." She mumbled like a child, and I laughed. "But only if I get another kiss." She bargained and I laughed. "You deserve all the kisses today." I said before capturing her lips with mine.

She started to deepen it slightly, her hands pulling me close and roaming my bare back. Just as I was about to fall right into it, she pulled away and I let out a little whine to which Y/n laughed at. "You really need to put your dress on, or we definitely won't be leaving." Y/n chuckled and reluctantly I let go of her. I grabbed my dress and put it on. Y/n helped to do up the zip and clasp, leaving a few kisses on my shoulder.

When I was done, she stood back and admired me like a painting. "I don't know how it is possible, but you just get even more beautiful every day." She flirts and I can't help but smile. "Such a sweet talker." I teased. "Now, get ready, we don't want to be late for your own ceremony." I gave her a quick peck and left her to it.

When I went into the living room, Chris and Tom had already arrived and they both wolf whistled at me then returned their attention back to Ava who was playing a game with them. I sat with Sophie on the sofa, and we waited for Y/n to get ready, watching the three kids playing.

A little while later, we heard the bedroom door open, and I turned around to see Y/n walk out in her pristine uniform. The uniform was tailored, and considering it wasn't the most flattering of uniforms, she looked amazing in it.

(Picture of Uniform. Sorry I couldn't find a decent pic of someone actually wearing one.)

We all stood up and I made my way over to her quickly. "There's my soldier." I smiled and she gave me a closed mouth smile back. "You look great." I reassured her and she nodded. "She hates that uniform." Sophie called over and I quickly turned my head to look back at Y/n. "But why, you look sexy in it." I said in a whisper but heard a couple of "yucks" from behind me. "It's just uncomfortable and not really made for women." She said, pulling at the collar slightly. "Well, I like it." I said, slapping her hand away from her collar and giving her a kiss to reassure her.

I had my hands resting on her chest and my gazed diverted to the medals that were resting on her left chest. I ran my fingers over them. "What are these for?" I asked and she looked down at the three medals. "The first one is the United Nations Cyprus medal. Which I got when I was based out there for a year." She started to explain. I didn't know she had lived in Cyprus, and it made me realise there was still more for me to learn about her.

She pointed to the next one. "This one is an Operational Service Medal for Afghanistan and the last one is the Queen's Diamond Jubilee medal, which you get for just being in the Military for over 5 years at the time of the jubilee." She explained and I nodded as I listened intently. "So, your new one will go on here too?" I asked and she nodded. But it'll go first as you wear decorated medals before campaign medals." She carried on explaining.

(Picture of medals)

"Did I tell you how proud I am of you?" I asked her, leaning into her body as she smirked. "Once or twice." She replied. "Yeah, we all are Y/n. I'm proud that I get to call you one of my best mates." Tom chimed in and I smiled at Y/n's reaction. "Ok, I appreciate all this love for Y/n. But she is my best friend and basically my sister, so I am most proud of her." Sophie stepped in. "NO, I AM!" Ava shouted and jumped up at Y/n who was quick to grab her.

We all laughed at her actions. "Ok, no need to fight over it, you're just making this awkward and embarrassing." Y/n chuckled. Before I could say anything, my phone went off to notify that Robert and Lizzie were here. "OK, the others are out front so we should get going." I instructed. Y/n gave Ava a big hug and kissed her goodbye as she was being instructed to take lots of photos.

Whilst I was giving Ava a hug, I watched as Sophie helped to straighten out Y/n's uniform that had crinkled slightly from holding Ava. After saying goodbye to Tom and Chris, Y/n held her hand out to me, which I took easily. We made our way outside to be greeted by Robert and Lizzie stood outside the car. "Wow, look at you!" Lizzie exclaimed walking over to Y/n, looking her up and down. "Easy tiger!" I joked towards Lizzie, and she smirked. "I told you, your girlfriend is hot." She said unashamedly.

Robert was next to greet her and I'm sure he had a tear in his eye. He gave her a tight hug and then held the door open for us all. Y/n helped Sophie, Lizzie and I get in before climbing in herself. Robert then went around to the front of the car and jumped in next to the driver.

It was a bit of a drive out to Fort Isaac, but it went by pretty quickly as Y/n explained the order for the night and we caught up on what everyone had been doing since shooting had taken a break. As we approached the gate, the guard looked through the window and saluted Y/n. "Ma'am. They're waiting for you at the mess." He said and Y/n thanked the man before we drove on to the camp.

We arrived at the mess building and two soldiers opened the doors to the car to allow us out. Y/n climbed out first and I passed her, her hat which she quickly fixed before holding her hand to help me out. She made sure Sophie had gotten out as well, whilst Robert assisted Lizzie, and we made our way to the door where Jimmy was waiting for us.

Y/n approached him and saluted which he did in return. "Ah! The woman of the hour! Great to see you Major." Jimmy said before pulling her into a hug. "You too Sir." I smiled at their formalities. Y/n then turned her attention to Missy who gave her a big hug as Jimmy walked towards me. "Scarlett, it's lovely to see you again." He said holding out his hand which I took easily. "Jimmy, thank you for hosting us tonight. We've all been looking forward to it." I shared and he smiled. "It's my pleasure. She deserves this." He replied, turning to look proudly at Y/n who was in conversation with Sophie and Missy.

We eventually made our way inside. Y/n held her arm out and I linked up with her, holding her hand and placing my other hand on her bicep. As we walked through, she was getting a lot of congratulations from people she passed. We entered a big hall which had a stage at the front and then circular tables laid out for dinner surrounding it.

Jimmy directed us to the front table which we all took a spot around. Robert went to sit down but Y/n grabbed at his shoulder. "Not yet. We have to wait for the Major General and Brigadier to arrive. Then we sit." She instructed and Robert nodded in understanding. It wasn't long until there was a shout at the door. "ATTENTION!" Y/n and Jimmy stood straight and clicked their feet together. Arms by their side, straight backs and head held high. "At ease." A man in full regalia instructs and everyone in uniform relaxes slightly.

We still remained stood whilst the two men made their way to 4 men on the table next to us. Y/n had explained they were receiving medals of their own as well, but they weren't as high profile as the one she was getting. I could see Y/n's hands were shaking a little as they got closer. I knew she really didn't like being in the spotlight and tonight she was going to be front and centre.

Y/n's POV:

Tonight, was making me so nervous. I really didn't want to relive what happened that day and I hated that it would be in front of everyone. I had had a few other nightmares since the one Scarlett helped me with earlier in the week. Thankfully she's a heavy sleeper so didn't wake up. I just had to get through tonight and I knew they would start to fade off again.

I was still in my head when I felt a presence come towards us. I shot my head up realising that it was Maj Gen Howard and Brig Ford. "Maj Y/l/n. Congratulations on your award tonight. We are extremely proud of everything you have done and the work you achieved in Afghanistan in such a short space of time." The Major General said holding out his hand. I took it and gave it a firm shake whilst I gave him a smile. "Thank you, Sir. It's an honour to serve with the unit I'm with and I'm proud of the work we managed to get done." I responded confidently.

It's not often you get time with the Major General, so I wasn't planning on spending it being a stuttering mess. "They were very happy to hear about this back at HQ in London. It will really help you towards your next promotion." The Brigadier added and I smiled. I was still young, and a promotion was a couple of years away at least. That's if I even wanted to stay in. "It was a group effort Sir. All of the men deserve credit for what we achieved." I said, trying to take the spotlight away from me.

"You're right Ford, she's a humble one." Maj Gen Howard laughed and left us to take his place at his table. When they sat it was an indication for us to join. I pulled out Scarlett's chair for her and then repeated the action for Sophie who was sat to my right. Once they were settled, I took my own seat and waited for proceedings to begin.

They started with the medals for the 4 men who were being award the George Medal for their work in helping with the wildfires. They were part of our wider coalition team and had been called in to assist when the situation was getting dire. There was a quick speech about them and then the Major General awarded them all their medals. There was a break after to allow people time to get some drinks and have a break. Then it was on to me. It felt nerve wracking doing this alone. I wish I had someone with me getting one too.

"You ready Y/n/n?" Sophie asked, taking my attention away from the really interesting place setting in front of me. "As I'll ever be. I'll just be glad when this is all over." I replied. I felt a hand on my knee, and it was Scarlett who was giving me a warm smile. "Just remember to enjoy this moment Y/n. I know it's not your thing, but what you did deserves the recognition." Sophie encouraged and I nodded.

"Ma'am, we're ready for you." A voice said and I looked up to see the Sargent Major. I nodded and stood up, giving Sophie's hand a squeeze, and giving Scarlett a quick kiss. Lizzie and Robert looked at me with proud smiles and I followed the Sargent Major to the stage. I took my seat which was sat alone to the left of the stage, whilst the Major General and Brigadier were sat the opposite side.

Jimmy joined us on the stage and whispered to me as he passed. "Don't forget to smile." He teased and I laughed, realising I was sat with a rather stoic look on my face. He took his place at the podium and the mummer of the room began to die down.

Jimmy's Speech

Good evening, Sirs, Ma'ams, Ladies and Gentlemen. I'm Col Jimmy Denton and I'm honoured tonight to lead the awarding of the Military Cross to Major Y/n Y/l/n. I have known Y/n since she was 18. She was fresh from training and was a hyper and enthusiastic soldier who was ready to prove herself. Over the next 13 years I've had the pleasure of watching her grow, determined to become a commissioned officer. Which she achieved in quick time. Once she completed her degree, she finished top of her commissioning course where she passed out with honours.

We served together on Y/n's first tour of Afghanistan nearly three years ago when she was a newly promoted Captain. It was on this tour that I realised what an exemplary soldier she is. So, when I had to opportunity to select my team to bring to the US for a coalition force, Y/n's name was the first on the list. That turned out to be the best decision I've ever made. She arrived ready to jump straight in. She was enthusiastic and realistic in how she worked and was always looking for ways to better herself. For example, she learnt Pashto to enable her to speak with the locals when she went on her first tour of Afghanistan.

This was a big reason for her selection to accompany me to Afghanistan last year to deal with a very delicate situation. Lives were at risk, and we had already suffered injuries to our men working with the Afghan forces. In the three weeks we were out there, Y/n had formed strong relationships, not just with the British soldiers, but also the Afghan soldiers. Every man in that combined unit trusted Y/n with their life. But none of us ever expected to ever have that trust tested.

It if wasn't for Y/n, I wouldn't be stood here talking to you. I'd be dead, killed twice over. If the men at the tables at the back could stand. All of these men would have been killed or injured too. When Y/n dived at me to prevent me getting hit by an RPG, I wasn't surprised. That is the character she has. She will protect with all she has. It's why she is one of the best soldier's I've worked with. And I'm not just saying that because she saved my life!

That one act alone was brave and heroic. With no thought of her own safety, she carried out an act that undoubtedly saved my life. However, as the fire fight intensified, her bravery was demonstrated once again. We were pinned down by an enemy who had all the advantage. They were dug in and had cover from both machine guns and RPGs. We on the other hand, were out in the open, with only broken-down walls and burnt-out cars for protection.

In a moment that many would have froze, Y/n stepped up. She formulated a plan to overcome the rising odds. As we made our moves to begin to reposition, Y/n led the covering of all moving troops. She ensured that everyone had gotten to safety and the attack had begun, before retreating to safety herself. These actions were the sole reason that these 25 men, and myself, made it home to our families.

The decision that Y/n made that day saved lives, but it almost took her own. She got severely injured by the very RPGs she had protect myself and our men from. I watched as her battle changed from protecting her men, to fighting for survival. A fight she so very nearly lost.

I'm not afraid to stand here today and tell you that was one of the worst experiences of my life. Like I said, I've known Y/n for 13 years. I've seen her grow into a strong and capable soldier and more importantly, an incredible mother. Nearly losing her was hard to take and would have been a loss felt by many.

Thankfully, I can stand here today, knowing that Y/n has made a full recovery. A recovery, I might add, that was not expected. But what did we expect? It's Y/n after all. A person who doesn't know the word can't or impossible. I am incredibly proud to be the one here to present Maj Y/l/n, and speak to you about her heroic actions. I'm proud that I can not only call her my colleague, but also a friend. To me, there is no one more deserving of receiving the Military Cross for outstanding gallantry during operations.

So, Sirs, Ma'ams, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am honoured to present to you. Maj Y/n Y/l/n, recipient of the Military Cross.

Scarlett's POV:

At the end of Jimmy's emotional speech, everyone in the room stood up and the soldiers from her unit started to cheer for her, which we quickly joined in with. Sophie had tears of pride falling as she beamed up at Y/n who had stood up and approached Jimmy on the stage. Robert was whistling and cheering as obnoxiously as he could, and he didn't have a care in the world whilst Lizzie was trying to not look to embarrassed by his actions.

And myself? I was trying to hold it all together. I felt like my heart could burst with pride and love for this woman. As I watched her approach Jimmy, sharing a hug, I couldn't help but giggle at the slightly embarrassed look she had on her face. One thing I've learnt about Y/n is that she doesn't take compliments to well. She calls herself typically British when I mention it. So, tonight is probably her worse nightmare. People telling her all these wonderful things about her, and she has to be polite and accept them.

As the cheering calmed down, we all took our seats again as the Brigadier held out a silver tray to the Major General. He picked up the medal and pinned it on Y/n's jacket next to her others. They both shared a moment which ended with them both laughing. He shook her hand once more and then she spoke with the Brigadier. Not long after, the official photographer was directing them across the stage and took a number of photos of them all.

(Picture of the Military Cross Medal)

When all the formalities are done, Jimmy and Y/n made their way from the stage toward our table again. Before I could even move, Sophie had rushed over to Y/n and pulled her into a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you. This is the biggest fuck you to any bastard that doubted you. I'm so incredibly proud that I can call you my bestie. Just don't ever do anything stupid like that again. Even if it gets you a medal ok!" She rambled whilst Y/n smiled, her eyes glossing over. "Thank you for always being there for me. I genuinely don't know where I would be in this life without you. You mean the world to me." Y/n responded in kind.

We let them have their sweet moment together. It was nice to see the love they have for each other. Y/n may not have had much family growing up, but Sophie is worth 100 people and I'm glad she's been there for Y/n every step of the way. Once Sophie lets Y/n go from their third hug, I make my way over and instantly connect our lips and I can feel her tense body immediately relax. When we part, I take her hand in mine whilst my other traces over the new medal hanging on her chest. "I know you're being told this a lot tonight, but I really am so proud of you and I'm proud that I get to call you mine. I've never met anyone like you before Y/n. Being here with you tonight, it just reiterates that." I tell her as she gives me a watery smile.

I take a deep breath, knowing that now is actually the perfect time to tell her how I feel. "I'm so happy that I get to be by your side as you continue to grow in your career. I lo-" "Stop hogging her! I want my turn." Robert interrupted. In that moment I could have strangled him. Why do we always have our moments interrupted? Y/n gives me a sympathetic smile and pulls me into a hug. "We can finish this conversation later." She smiles but it leaves me confused.

Whilst she is getting hugs from Robert and Lizzie, I'm lost in my mind. Did she know what I wanted to say? Does she not feel the same and wants to talk about it? Before I can get lost in my thoughts, Sophie's hand on my bicep pulls me out of my trance. "Don't worry. She adores you and I know she feels the same. I'm sorry Robert took that moment away from you." She said comfortingly. Her words instantly calmed me. "It just seemed like the perfect moment." I spoke sadly.

"Maybe it happened because there is going to be an even better moment for you both to share how you feel. Right now, you're in a room full of people, emotions are high, and you'd say it but then have to carry on with the whole military girlfriend act. All I can say is never doubt her feelings for you." I can see why Y/n loves Sophie so much. She's very wise and she always seems to say the right thing. Instantly I'm feeling better and ready to enjoy the rest of the night together.

Before we start for dinner, the photographer has appeared again. He is ready to take some photos of all of us. We have a couple of group ones, Y/n and Jimmy have one and then Y/n and Sophie. Before the photographer leaves, Y/n grabs my hand and tells him there's one more. I smile and we wrap our arms around each other's waist. She presses a kiss against my head and then we pose for the camera. I'm excited to get a photo of us all dressed up with Y/n in her uniform. I already know where I want this photo in my office.

Now the ceremony and formal stuff has finished, dinner starts and the atmosphere changes to a more light-hearted one. The night is filled with stories and laughter. All through dinner, Y/n was close to me, her hand was either on my thigh or her arm was over the back of my chair, mindless caressing my shoulder. I love being like this. Being a normal couple.

Y/n also took the time to introduce me to some of the men she had served with in Afghanistan. Apparently, she had warned them about who was coming as her guests so they wouldn't freak out. Most of them didn't do too badly until they met Robert. There were a few fan boy moments. It was nice talking to the people she worked with. With the job she does, it's good to know who the people are by her side. They are a really great bunch of guys, and I can tell they have a lot of respect for Y/n. There's the usual banter going on and they even end up including me in it, which felt really nice.

In the last two weeks, we had both experienced each other's world in a whole new depth. I was grateful that we have been able to support each other like we have. Her joining me at the premiere and me here with her tonight. This is how our life should be. Stood next to one another, support and loving the other. I just hope the next few months doesn't change that. 

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