Here Comes Trouble

By ravenclawslove

19.9K 605 94

Trying to live a normal life, Buffy puts her hunting past behind her till Dean Winchester shows up at her col... More

Additional Cast
New Sam story


380 15 2
By ravenclawslove

The blonde looked at Sam as he was trying to get answers. Dean raised up with no shirt on causing the blonde to hug Sam as he continued to get answers. "Is that dad?" Dean says causing her to look at him as he put a shirt on.

None of them said a thing as Dean had his hand out as she listened to the call. Sam looked at Buffy as she heard John apologize to them for Jessica and Mark's death, but Buffy felt as if John was trying to say there was a reason, but he didn't. "Give me the phone." Dean says.

Dean took the phone causing Buffy to look at him. "He doesn't want us to find him."

"No." Sam says.

"Let me get a pencil and paper." They heard and sighed. "What are their names?"

"He is sending us on another damn mission." She says. "I'm getting dressed."

Sam watched Buffy gather her things causing him to walk over to her as Brad raised up. "What's up?"

"Another mission." Dean says.
In the car, Buffy had to see what was going on. "Okay, so the name's John gave us...They're all couples?" She asked.

"Three different couples all went missing." Dean tells them.

"And they're all from different towns, different states?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, Washington, New York, Colorado." Brad named them off as he looked at the list of names.

"Each couple took a road trip cross country. None of them arrived at their destination." Dean tells them. "None of them were ever heard from again."

Buffy looked at Dean. "Well, it's a big country, Dean." Sam says. "They could have disappeared anywhere."

"That sounds about right." Buffy pointed out. "Can we just stick with that plan and relax for one damn day without hunting the supernatural."

"Yeah, they could have." Dean says agreeing with Sam as he looked at Buffy.

"Don't give me that look."

Dean looked back at what he found on the disappearances. "But each one's route took them through the same part of Indiana always on the second week of April, one year after another after another."

Buffy sighs as this sounds like a deadly trap. "Um...this is the second week of April." She tells them. "And I don't like this trip at all."

"Yep." Dean says.

"So John is sending us to Indiana to go hunting for something before another couple vanishes?" Brad says. "One problem."

"What's that?" Buffy asked.

"We have a couple with us." Brad points out causing Buffy to close her eyes.

"Yahtzee." Dean says not hearing a word that was said as Sam did.

Buffy went quiet as this was something that terrifying. The car came to a stop causing her to sigh. She listen to Sam bring up helping John find the demon that kill her mom, Mary, Jessica and Mark. She smiled as she was proven that he loves her and just wants to kill this demon before it strikes again. "Plus, I need to think of me and Buffy. We are the couples in this group."

The blonde blocked out the brothers bickering like always. She heard Sam bring up the months it's been when Mark and Jessica died. When Sam got out, he opened the back door and grabbed Buffy. "So we are leaving?"

"Yep." He said as he opened the trunk.

Buffy grabbed her bag as Sam grabbed his. He grabbed her hand and started walking. "I'm not letting you get hurt on this damn mission." He says.

"I understand." She says as they started walking.

"Wait up!" Brad says as he ran after his sister and friend.
Buffy saw a girl as Brad walked to her. Sam kissed her head as they watched Brad talk to the girl. "Are you sure that we made the right decisions?"

"Yeah." Hesaid.

"You could be some kind of freak." They heard and looked at them.

They saw a van. "You need a lift?"

"Yeah." They said.

"Just the girls, not you two boys."

Buffy felt Sam pull her back behind him. "She's off limits." Was all he said causing her to laugh.

"You trust a shady man in a van than you do me?" Brad asked.


Buffy laughed as they watched the van drive off. "Jealous much?" She said.

"No." He said causing her to laugh. "I love you, Buffy."

"I love you too, Sam." She tells him.

"Why did I come?" Brad asked as they looked at him. "What?"
Getting to a station, Brad decided to buy their tickets as Buffy and Sam. Sam saw Brad talking to that girl causing her to grab her phone and pull up Jerry's number. "We might need to stay the night." He said.

Buffy smiled at him happy that they might be staying the night. "I'm Meg." She tells the couple as she walked over to them with Brad.

"Meg, this is Buffy and Sam."

Buffy felt Sam kiss her head making her smile. They won't be able to get to California till tomorrow.
Brad and Meg went to eat and grab a beer. "You really were watching out for us. Was you?" Buffy asked as her and Sam walked together.

"If something happened to you, I don't see myself living on." He says as he kissed her.

"I don't think I could go on without you." She tells him as her back opened a door causing her to look and see no one inside. "Since Brad is enjoying Meg's company, I say the two of us go in there and have a bit of fun."

Sam pushed her in as she laughed. Pushing her against the door, Sam kissed her roughly causing her to moan into the kiss. "Mmm." She said as he pulled her pants down and picked her up.

She moaned as she felt him enter. "God, I don't think I can get enough."

"Then don't stop." She moaned out as he started moving.

Sam loved hearing Buffy say his name causing him to go faster.
"The scarecrow climbed off its cross?" Sam asked as Buffy was asleep on his chest.

"Hey, I'm telling you, Burkitsville, Indiana, fun town." Dean says.

Sam looked at the blonde asleep on his chest as Brad sat down beside him to listen in on the call. "It didn't kill the couple, did it?" Sam asked as he started playing with Buffy's hair.

"No. I can cope without you, you know. Same for Buffy and Brad."

Brad rolled his eyes. "So something must be animating it a spirit."

"No, it's more than a spirit." Dean says. "It's a God, a Pagan God, anyway."

"What makes you say that?" Sam asked as Buffy stirred against his chest causing him to look down at her as Brad looked at Meg.

"The annual cycle of its killings, and the fact that the victims was always a man and a woman, like some kind of fertility rite. And you should see the locals. The way they treated this couple fattening them up like a Christmas turkey."

"The last meal...given to sacrificial victims." Sam says causing Brad to look at him.

"Yeah, I'm thinking a ritual sacrifice to appease some Pagan God."

"So a God possesses the scarecrow..."

"The scarecrow takes its sacrifice." Dean says.

Brad looked at his sister who still slept on Sam's chest as he spoke. When he heard that they are needed, he smiled as he looked at Sam as he knew. "Are we going to help him or go find John?"

Sam looked at the blonde on his chest as Meg walked over to Brad. "Who was that?"

"His brother." He said.

"What did he say?" Meg asked.

"Goodbye." Sam says as Buffy woke up.

"He said what?" Buffy asked Sam.
"We need to go." Sam says.

"What's wrong?" Buffy asked.

"Dean's in danger." He said. "Let's go."

Sam and Buffy started walking away causing Brad to follow them, but Meg stopped him. The two watched Meg try to talk him into going with her, but he couldn't. "My sister goes wherever her boyfriend goes. She's my family and Sam and his brother are her family. She can't lose another brother and that's why I have to go with them to see what's going on. I don't care if it's been three hours or he turned his phone off. This isn't Sam's brother. I know the guy and something is wrong."

Meg watched him walk away. Buffy looked at her brother. "You could have went with her. We have this."

"Yeah. Between the two of us, we can do this. Done it before."

Brad shook his head. "I have to help my sister and that's what I'm going to do." H tells them. "Let's go."
Sam, Buffy and Brad found Dean and a girl tied up. "Oh my god." They heard.

"Dean?" Sam and Buffy says.

"Oh!" Dean says as Sam and Brad ran to Dean's side to untie him. "Oh, I take everything back I said. I'm so happy to see you three. Come on."

Buffy went to the girl and started untying her. "How did you three get here?'

"Buffy stole a car." Brad says. "With Sam's help."

"That's my boy and my best friend." Dean says smiling. "Keep an eye on that scarecrow."

Buffy kept focusing till she noticed the scarecrow was missing. "Dean, what scarecrow?"

Dean looked to see it was gone. Once Buffy got the girl free, they started running. They stopped as they saw guns. "Sam." She says. "They don't want us to go."

A knife went through the sheriff causing Buffy and the girl to scream. Sam grabbed Buffy and ran off with her. When they got to the road, they noticed the scarecrow wasn't hunting no more.
The next day, all five of them went to the tree that was controlling the scarecrow. Buffy felt Sam hug her as they watched as the girl burned the tree. She has nothing left.
Dropping her off at the bus station, Sam kissed Buffy's head as they smiled at her. "Do you think she'll be okay?"

"I hope so." Dean says.

"And the rest of the town, they'll just get away with it?" Brad asked.

"What will happen to the town will have to be punishment enough." Dean tells them as they started to walk to the car. "So...can I drop you three off somewhere?"

"No, I think you're stuck with us." Buffy says laughing.

"What made you three change your mind?" Dean asked.

"We didn't, but we don't know about Brad." Buffy tells him.

"I still want to find dad. And you're still a pain in the ass." Sam says making Buffy laugh again ."But Jess, Mark, Mom and Buffy's mom...they're all gone. Dad is God knows where. You, me, Buffy, and Brad...we're all that's left." He grabbed Buffy's hand making her smile as she looked at Dean. "So, uh, if we're gonna see this through...we're gonna do it together."

Dean nodded. "Hold me, Sam. That was beautiful."

Buffy shook her head as Dean put his hand on Sam's shoulder just for him to smack it away. Brad walked over to them. "I have nothing to lose." He tells his sister. "That's why I'm doing this."

Buffy smiled. "Well, you got a sister that cares a lot for you." She tells him. "Let's go."

Sam picked Buffy up making her laugh as he kissed her. "We're in this together, baby."

"Together." She tells him. "I love you, Sam."

"I love you, Buffy."

"Let's go lovebirds." Dean says. "I ain't got all day."

Buffy flipped Dean off as she grabbed the keys. "I'm driving."

"Damn it." Dean says. "Can we drop her off?"

"No." Sam says. "Get in."

Dean got in mumbling how it was unfair that she has to drive his car. "Dean, I will continue to save your ass. Just think of this as paying me back."

"Shut up."

Buffy laughed as they left the bus station to find their next destination and their next supernatural job.

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