Together - A Senku Ishigami L...

By phantomsockeater

54.2K 2.7K 386

She wasn't sure what it was, she wasn't sure of a lot of things since the world changed. Perhaps it was his c... More

Chapter 1 - Pilot
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 Rewrite Note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 48

331 15 1
By phantomsockeater

Tachi slammed her fists against the bars of her prison angrily, her teeth bared viciously and her sharp eyes narrow. She had been battering against the wooden barrier since the moment they had been thrown back behind it, her fists now pulsating painfully as a result, the skin broken and bruised. It didn't stop her though, both the physical and verbal abuse continuing to spew forth from her like lava from an erupting volcano.  

"Big asshole?! Scarface?! Little bitch chief?! I dont care who just someone let me the fuck out of here right now!"

"You need to stop."

Homura's voice cut through her agitated ramblings sharply, the blonde turning abruptly to face her cellmate who stood against the far side wall calmly, her arms folded across her chest and her glare one of immense annoyance. Tachi turned her aggression towards her. Through the entire debacle at the table, the only time Homura had seen fit to speak up was when Tachi had toppled her chair.

"I don't need to do anything! Why didn't you help at dinner? Or are you just happy to be on a leash, regardless of who's holding it?"

Homura remained mostly still at the accusation, although Tachi swore she saw the woman's lips twitch into a snarl for a brief moment. She knew that her words were harsh, but so was their situation, and her fellow captive's could-care-less attitude was nipping at her last nerve.

"I was listening, waiting to see what information we could gather. However your little tantrum quickly put an end to that, and now we're back in the cell with no new information."

When she had asked what it was The Exiled wanted from her, she had known she should at least hear them out, and in a more civil setting, under more amicable circumstances, that likely would have been the case. However after Shin had oh so nonchalantly laced his long fingers together, and with a butter-wouldn't-melt-in-my-mouth smile, told her that he wanted her help, she couldn't help the tirade of enraged swears and demands for freedom which shot forth from her like a bullet from a gun.

Although in retrospect she admitted that she could have at least let him finish.

What is it they say? Hindsight is 20/20?

With a loud, groaning sigh the blonde sank to the cold, dusty floor. Crossing her legs and huffing in childish defeat.

"What did he mean?"

Tachi's eyes met Homura's once more as the gymnast voiced her question, one which had been percolating in her mind ever since it had first come to light, the pink clad scout staring down at her scrutinizingly, her stern expression locked tightly into place. The blonde quirked a confused brow, watching as Homura's face screwed tighter, apparently annoyed further by her lack of understanding.

"They said you tried to save me. The last time we met you promised that if we crossed paths again you would kill me." 

Homura's gaze remained firm as she awaited an answer, and Tachi chewed on her lip thoroughly for a moment before she shook her head in correction of the statement.

"No...I said if I caught you near the village. I didn't catch you. Besides..."

She trailed off, her shoulders slumping softly and her posture relaxing as a graceful smile fell across her thin lips. When she had issued her threat, she had meant every word of it. This woman was affiliated with Tsukasa, the same Tsukasa who had already snuffed out Senku's life once before. When she had seethed with that pure, white hot rage and those words had dripped through her clenched teeth, she had cemented the decision in her mind. No one was hurting Ishigami village. No one was taking Senku away from them. 

Senku was right though. Hate would only beget more hate. Violence would only beget more violence. Blood didn't have to be spilled for a resolution to be found. You just had to stop and think about it.

"That isn't the way the Kingdom of Science does things. Your life isn't mine to take, nor is anyone else's. Wouldn't want to upset the ol' brainiac in charge."

Despite her situation she laughed lightheartedly, but it melted slowly into a sorrowful frown like snow on a sunny morning. Killing wasn't in Tachi's nature, but the day she had met Homura and known that she was working with Tsukasa, a dark, bloodied crimson had ebbed into her vision, accompanied by a hateful, vile venom that raced through her entirety and turned her blood to ice. The Kingdom of Might had tried to take Senku away as its first display of its power, Tsukasa flexing his raw muscle to try and extinguish the bright, hopeful spark of science and progression that Senku was so hell bent on nurturing. The man snatched up lives where he saw fit, smashing the statues of those he didn't deem worthy based on nothing but age, and snapping the neck of Senku as though it was nothing, as though he was nothing. 

If she killed Homura, she would be no better than Tsukasa. Someone thought about her, someone knew her, someone cared about her. It wasn't Tachi's place to hurt that someone, not now, nor ever. It was her duty, as a member of the Kingdom of Science, to do the right thing. It had been when she cut Homura down from the snare, and it still was now.

Homura still stared down at her expecently, Tachi's head falling back to rest against the thick wooden bars behind her with a dull thud, and allow the last beams of the setting sun streaming in through the singular window to catch in her hair comb, the refracted light projecting brilliantly on the walls of the cell, like scarlet flowers blooming across its dreary interior.  

"The guy gave you cotton candy, you really think he would be happy to hear I murdered you?"

It took another few intense moments of staring before Homura relaxed her tense stance, and with a short shake of her head, she slid down the wall behind her to come to rest as Tachi was. 

"Why did he give me that?"

Tachi hummed loudly.

"Same reason you ate it I guess. So many of us want things to be sweeter."

She chuckled before Homura had a chance to respond, lulling her head lazily to the side to watch the red pattern across the walls warp and dance as she shifted.

"I read that in the window of an old candy store back home. Ms. Petiguire's Candies and Treats it was called. On Halloween the old lady would dress up in the best haggard witch costume you'd ever seen, and she gave out the best treats. Always my very first stop."

She paused for a moment, giving Homura a chance to chime in on the so far one sided conversation, but the input never came, so Tachi continued on.

"Halloween is my favourite, but Senku said he preferred New Year. What about you? Have a favourite holiday? You strike me as a festival girl. Maybe...Tanabata?"

Her head nodded forward, a firm smirk in place as she expected to meet Homura's blank expression. Instead however, the young woman's face seemed stern, her lower lip slightly jutted as she drew her knees up to her chest, slender but toned arms wrapping around them almost protectively.

"We are not friends."

While Tachi knew the phrase to be entirely true, it still took her by surprise that she had said it, the last rays of the sun disappearing at the edge of the window and bringing their soft light show to its final end. A heavy silence filled the cell almost as quickly as the inky darkness which had until now been confined to the corners leaked forwards, blotting its way across the dusty floor and bringing with it a cold, jagged chill.

"Sorry, Homura."

The apology fell on deaf ears, Homura's bright pink irises disappearing behind her eyelids as she closed her eyes, and herself, to Tachi. She watched the dexterous girl silently, this being the first chance she had ever actually had to observe her while she was still. Although Homura was small in stature, she knew that assuming the young woman to be weak or fragile would be a mistake. Her sharp green eyes trailed her arms in the dying light, inching across pale scars and small, mottled bruises. She had a few snags and catches in her clothing, an irritated patch of reddened skin just below her knee, likely caused by an allergen or stinging nettle.

She recognised the blemishes and marks as ones easily accumulated in the stone world, especially when you were out on your own. While Homura's injuries were smaller and more delicate, they reminded Tachi of the markings she had gained during her time alone, wandering the trees and mountains in search of Senku. Although her time alone had meaning, seeking out her egghead, it had been a lonely time. Through the cold, dark nights and through the days drawn out by the beating sun, howling winds and bitter rain, it was just her and her thoughts. 

Blinking, she refocused onto Homura, suddenly aware of the seemingly oppressive air of sadness which seemed to have settled in the cell between them. How long had Homura been watching them now? Did she ever get a chance to go back to the Kingdom of Might or was she just...alone?

"Look elsewhere."

The pinkette's eyes had opened ever so slightly, and in them Tachi glimpsed that loneliness and solitude, or was it longing? She didn't get a chance to focus further, Homura closing her eyes over softly once more.

"I'll keep watch, get some sleep."

She didn't respond, and per her request Tachi turned her eyes away from the woman sitting across from her, moving to focus out the small window at the stars now appearing in the darkening sky. 

It somewhat comforted her to know that her friends could see those same stars. There was no doubt in her mind that they were already on this, working together to figure out where she was, and how they were going to help her. She had faith in Kaseki's enthusiasm and Suika's observations. She believed in Kohaku's strength and in Ginro and Kinro's teamwork. She could never fault Chrome's sense of wonder and sharp mind, and Senku, she trusted Senku with everything she had, even her life itself. 

Her fingers wrapped around the bars in front of her tightly, grasping the strong wood and squeezing. 

There was a bright hope inside her, and it kept the darkness of the situation at bay. The people of the Kingdom of Science, wherever they were, that was her home. The ranch she had lived on was many things to her, it was special and it always would be. To wake in the morning and see the horses waiting by their bay doors, Red the goat bleating grumpily outside her window. Her brothers arguing and fighting at the breakfast table over the limited edition breakfast bowl they had saved cereal box tops for and the smell of her mothers fresh brewed coffee. Even her father, seated at his home office desk, fingers gliding skillfully over the keyboard and glasses slipping down his nose because his brow was furrowed so tightly. The ranch would always be special to her, but the Kingdom of Science, that was her home, and its people were everybit her family as those she hadn't seen in so long.

Perhaps even moreso. Amongst the villagers she felt...welcomed, wanted, safe...loved.

Her grip on the bars eased, and her head inched to the side to catch a glimpse at the moon now shining proudly amongst the stars, the centrepiece of the effervescent dark sky. She would make it back to them, back to her family.


She didn't know how much time had passed. The cells had long since fallen into darkness, and the cold air nipped at her skin relentlessly, seeing her curl into herself but keep her eyes trained on the entrance of the hut. An orange light appeared, casting a warm, sombe glow across her prison and she squinted, hoping to keep her eyes focused on the entrance way as it grew brighter. 

The first thing she saw was not a man, but a beast. A large wolf trotted into the cell confidently, and behind it walked Hajiro, followed similarly by another 3 of the creatures. His deep green eyes locked with her gaze quickly but he remained silent, glancing behind him once before closing the door to the hut over quietly, and placing the lit torch in his hand neatly into the holder on the wall. Tachi kept her eyes on him as he approached her, offering a sad smile as he sat himself down outside the cell, just out with her reach, the wolves settling around him and the one which had been leading them moving to settle its head in his lap.

"I know the circumstances of our meeting weren't ideal, but...I really wanted to come and talk to you."

Tachi scoffed at him, crossing her arms over her chest defensively. 'Weren't ideal' was an understatement.

"And why is that, huh? Why me?"

His sorrowful smile stretched further and he buried his hand into the fur on the neck of the wolf laid upon him, rubbing its fur affectionately while he spoke.

"The night the wolves chased you, before you were brought to the village the first time? I was there."

Her eyes widened of their own accord, memories of that night flooding through her mind, her hand instinctively moving to protect the scarred skin of her forearm. Hajiro's eyes flickered briefly to the healed wound.

"We were out hunting when they caught your trail and they were too far ahead to hear my calls. I saw them chase you up the cliff, and I saw Yukan here follow you over the edge after he bit you."

He glanced down at the animal with its head nestled so comfortably against his abdomen, eyes closed and breathing even.

"I was getting ready to go into the river after him but then... then I saw you help him to safety. I tried to track you but they'd lost your scent thanks to the river, and when I returned from the hunt the next afternoon, you were there, in a cage."

He gestured outside,Tachi remaining silent as he continued.

"I was trying to talk Elder Fugaku into releasing you when you and the sorcerer threw yourselves over the edge and down into the water. It infuriated him that you had escaped, so he sent me out to track and watch you. I saw you at the sorcerer's hut a few days later and since then I've checked in from time to time..."

He trailed off, Tachi's brow knitting as he smiled at her brightly.

"You're amazing. The other villagers think everything of you. You're strong and dependable and they all see that you would do anything for them. Not only does chief Senku take everything you say as solid council, but he see's how special you are, and so does Kinro and..."

Hajiro quieted briefly, his smile faltering as he cast his stare downward, swallowing thickly as he did so.

"My brother is not normally one to open up to others so easily."

It all clicked into place for her in that sentence. The dark viridian eyes, the strong jaw, the blonde hair... Hajiro looked as though he were Kinro and Ginro rolled into one.

"Kinro and Ginro are your brothers."

The statement was met with a curt nod of the man's head, some of his blonde locks falling forward across his eyes as he did so.

"Yes, we share a mother. I am their elder."

Tachi had only met Kinro and Ginro's father briefly. He seemed as hung up on rules and regulations as Kinro was, Tachi having remarked so after the brief introduction and the man choosing to take it as a compliment...followed by asking her how many grandchildren he could expect from her and Kinro's relationship, to which she had of course laughed nervously, vehemently denied, and made up an completely unbelievable excuse to leave the mans company. Their mother, they had told her, had passed away many years prior from an ailment.

"Their father challenged mine to The Gauntlet, a time honoured traditional challenge, for her hand not so long after I was born, and he won."

There was a deep, dreadful sadness to the man's words, his eyes half closed and his posture weak, tired, broken. It struck Tachi as odd, if he was being genuine, that such a gentle man could end up amongst the exiled villagers of all places. What could such a soul have done to warrant being banished from Ishigami village? On his own, in this secluded spot, he didn't seem a threatening person, let alone a violet one. 

"Enough about me though. I shared what I found out about you with Shin, who has been set on us emaligimating Ishigami village into our own for a long time. There are many residents of our village who were born here. They have been branded as part of The Exiled even though they have committed no wrongdoing. Shin falls amongst those children. Now the village is dying, and he wants to save it."

Tachi cocked her head.

"It's dying?"

Hajiro nodded, moving to run his fingers along the ears of the slumbering canine.

"We aren't a very big community, and right now there are only 4 women in the village. None of them are under 40 years old. Without a new generation, our bloodlines will wither and die."

Hit with the sudden memory of her last visit to this place Tachi sneered at Hajiro, the man seeming to immediately catch up with her concerns as he ceased petting the animal and waved both of his hands in front of him defensively.

"No we didn't bring you here for that! That was elder Fugaku's plan and Shin is the chief now! After I reported on you to him, he came up with a better plan and we all agreed! I swear!"

"None of you are putting your damn hands on either of us, you got that?" 

She spoke firmly and hoped that the fear inching its way up her spine and coiling around her throat wasn't as noticeable as she felt it was. This wasn't the time to allow her fear to rear its head. Much to her relief Hajiro looked horrified at the insinuation.

"O-Of course not! I would never do anything like that I swear! A-and Shin wouldn't allow it either! His own m-"

"My own mother was a victim of forced intimacy, so I have no intention of allowing it to be forced on anyone else."

Hajiro clammed up as Shin entered the hut, having opened the door as silently as the man had originally closed it, and trailing close behind him was the large man from dinner, Hageshi.

"Is that so? You know your lovely lapdog there doesn't feel the same, right?"

The older man growled at her, Tachi's brow furrowing at him.

"I assure you, we are working hard to change the way our elders think, and I do assure you that he only ever wanted what he thought was best for the village. Now...if you've calmed a little, it would be wonderful if you would finally hear my proposal."

A snappy comment nipped the tip of Tachi's tongue, but she bit it back. Homura was right, in their current situation, they didn't have anything. If they understood why they were here, perhaps they could understand how to get away from here.

"Okay then, take it away."

He gave her a puzzled stare, Tachi rolling her eyes before she shook her head.

"Just...just talk."

He cleared his throat before turning to face Hageshi, the large man sharing down at him expectantly.

"Please leave us Hageshi, with our beastmaster here I'm sure you know you don't need to worry about me."

He shot a glance at Hajiro before sighing heavily and giving the young man a small smile, one that almost seemed entirely out of place on a man such as him.

"There's no one else I would trust with your safety. Call out if you need me."

Shin nodded to him and offered a curt but grateful thank you as his form retreated towards the doorway. He stole one last glance inside before he closed the door over softly, and Shin lowered himself to be seated beside Hajiro, his hands folding in his lap delicately.

"Thank you for hearing me out. My goal is to have our villages come together as one, and see something more adequate put into place for those that have wronged the resident of that village. While some residents of our village have committed the unimaginable, others are here for such minor things."

Shin glanced towards the closed doorway, Tachi's eyes following.

"Hageshi lost his mind after he lost The Gauntlet and Hajiro's mother, and fell into a pit of despair filled to the top with wine. He got into a first fight with Kinro and Ginro's father one night about the outcome of The Gauntlet, and was subsequently banished as a result. The results of a Gauntlet are absolute, and to break that tradition is punishable by exile."

Tachi's eyes shifted to Hajiro, the young man's sullen expression focused on the closed doorway, shoulders slumped, frown deep and hurt.

"If Gintashi - Kinro and Ginro's father, had allowed such a thing, Hajiro could have stayed with them after Hageshi was exiled, but he refused him refuge under their roof, and he chose to come with his father as a result, rather than being raised as the village's child."

Hajiro turned his head back towards Tachi, meeting her focused stare and giving her a gentle smile that was tainted with such a dejection that she felt her chest tighten in empathy.

"I didn't want him to be alone."

Shin rested his hand on the young man's shoulder, nodding to him in comforting affirmation before he turned back to watch the girl settled behind the bars in front of him.

"The sins of our forefathers have become the sins of the sons. We want you to help us Tachi, help us reason with them."

Tachi blinked in confusion. Help them...reason with the village? 

" realise you kidnapped me right? That doesn't exactly scream 'we're good people' you know that, right?"

Shin pursed his lips and he leaned forward and settled his head against the earth, giving the girl a somewhat sloppy dozega. 

"And I am sorry that we had to resort to such tactics, we are forbidden to approach Ishigami village, this was the only way I could think to bring you here. I had hoped to capture you in our trap but... I beg your forgiveness."

"What makes you think I can help you? I'm not the chief, I'm just an ordinary villager!"

Shin raised his head slowly and for the first time Tachi took note of the worry and fear settled in his dark blue eyes.

"Given Hajiro's reports I knew it had to be you. Chief Senku will not allow the villagers to harm us unnecessarily, we could not bring him here. But you, you have his ear and his heart. He will listen to you, the whole village will hear you out simply because you are you. We would never be heard, so we beg of you, please, please lend us your voice."

He resumed his dozega, Hajiro lowering himself alongside him. Tachi sat stunned, her mouth agape and her brain stalling like her mothers old Cadillac in the grocery store parking lot on a cold morning. 

"We'll do anything. Please."

They had hinged everything they had on this one, farfetched plan. They didn't know her. She could just as easily refuse to help them, and bide her time for the others to come. Saisei village would be entirely obliterated by Ishigami village. She had seen their population rested around the dinner table, they were few in number, and ever fewer who looked as though they were battle ready. This was how this world dealt with its criminals, they were cast out from their society.

She rolled her lips in on themselves, her eyelids becoming heavy with the weight of her thoughts.

Cast out forever, no matter the severity of their crime. Hageshi's broken heart had seen both himself and his son sent away from their home. Shin was born here, the transgressions of those who came before him now his weight to bear. Being so hatefully ostracised for being in love, for supporting your father, for being born where you were... That wasn't right. She understood what it was to be pushed away, how that feeling of rejection and disgust festered deep within the pits of your soul until it fermented into a bitter, thick disdain. Disdain for those who would reject you, for the world that misplaced you, for the you that you are. 

The exiled had been sent off without a way to look back, to repent and that... well that just...she chuckled inwardly to herself... it was just entirely illogical.

Senku would hear them out. He would hear them out and he would make it right, because that's who he was. For all his evil cackling and weird snake like tongue wiggles, he was a good person. His heart was always in the right place, and no one knew better than her how understanding and accepting that heart was. There was no one she trusted more, no one she believed in more. If anyone could make this right, it was him. 

She moved her hands into her lap, entwining her fingers together tightly. It was odd how they didn't seem to fit together as well as hers and Senku's had that morning in their hut. How was it that someone else's hand fit together with hers better than her own did? She inhaled deeply, a soft, warm smile pulling across her thin lips. 

There was probably some sciency word for it, she'd have to ask Dr. Robotnik when she got back.

"I'll help you, but on one condition."

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