Play Dates

By thefroggysheep

1K 25 0

[ ONEUS ] Geonhak is coping with the difficulties of being a single father. His best friend Youngjo believes... More



56 2 0
By thefroggysheep

"Come on, baby, hurry up and pick up your lunchbox!" Geonhak speaks up. Sunyul is still rummaging through his room and his father fears to be late.

"But I can't find my new dragon, the one daddy bought for me this weekend!"

"Have you looked in your travelling backpack?" Geonhak finishes to pack his own bag, checking he has his phone and keys. "And in your bed?"

"It's nowhere!" He whines on, "I promised Byeol-ah I'd show it to her."

"You can always invite her for a play date later and show her then," the adult kindly suggests. "We're running late."

The boy comes back to the kitchen and nods sadly, taking his bag with him. The two leave the apartment hand in hand and speed to Sunyul's school. Most of the class is already in the courtyard, every student wearing a cap and a big backpack.

Hwanwoong spots Geonhak and waves with a big smile. He has a cute sunhat on his head, and hiking clothes, which are very different from his usually brightly coloured stylish outfits, as Geonhak notes.

"You made it, Geonhak-ssi!" the young teacher greets enthusiastically. He shuffles Sunyul's black hair before turning back to his father. "Thanks again for accompanying us on this trip. The kids will be delighted to have you!"

"That's no problem. I got today off at work anyway." He vaguely glances at the group of fidgeting pupils and frowns. "That makes a lot of children. Is it just us two?"

"No! Another parent agreed to come with us and help take care of the class. Oh, there he finally is!"

Hwanwoong is pointing at someone behind Geonhak, who slowly turns around. His son reacts before he can say anything, "Byeol-ah!" Sunyul waves at his little friend who is running alongside her father up to them, visibly late.

"Hi, Sunnie! Where's your dragon? I've been telling dad you had a new one."

As Sunyul is looking down and is about to explain he has lost it for now, Geonhak meets Seoho's gaze and blushes. "Hi, Seoho-ssi. Are you... Are you joining us on the field trip?"

"Yeah! I took a day off. I figured I needed it. And I get to spend more time with my Minbyeol, too!" The blonde remains silent for a moment and checks Seoho's face. He looks tired and pale, but still has a warm smile.

"Hello, Seoho-ssi! Now, I think we're all here," Hwanwoong interrupts. "I'll count the kids once and off to the bus we go!"

Geonhak and Seoho help the teacher direct the children towards the schoolbus and eventually get in. Geonhak sits at the front and, as Seoho is about to take place next to him, Hwanwoong comes back from the end of the bus and drops next to the blonde. "Do you mind?" the pink-haired adult asks happily. "I need to be on the driver's right, just in case."

Geonhak glances at Seoho sadly but nods. Hwanwoong spends the thirty-minute ride chatting with both adults, sometimes checking the children are fine or tending to one of them if they feel car-sick.

"By the way, I wanted to tell you guys. I noticed a gradual complicity. That's a good thing." Geonhak and Seoho look at each other in confusion. Hwanwoong clarifies with a grin, "I mean, between your children. They grew quite close."

Geonhak softly breathes out, realising now that he had been holding his breath. "Yeah, Sunyul and Minbyeol see each other regularly outside school. That must've helped Sunnie."

"And Byeol-ah, too," Seoho confirms. "She's a very open girl, but she never really had any true friend. She feels she can talk to Sunnie. She told me she was in love with him. Well," he says with a wink, "you know how they are at that age."

Geonhak and Hwanwoong giggle. The teacher goes on to detail the children's interaction during class and at recess, and Geonhak tries to focus, taking in as much information he can on Sunyul. However, he cannot stop losing himself in Seoho's face as Hwanwoong is talking, both absorbing his energy and letting himself be trapped by his stifling beauty.

They finally get to the town forest and as the adults gather the pupils, Hwanwoong gives out several important rules and presents their guide, Sunyul's father.

Geonhak walks at the head of the class with Hwanwoong, and Seoho takes the back. Sunyul and Minbyeol have called dibs on holding Geonhak's hands, and they chat enthusiatically with each other before they get to the first stage of the trip.

Geonhak takes time to stop and explain every detail of the park, its trees and rivers to the children who listen carefully, sometimes heckling a little before Hwanwoong tells them off gently.

Sunyul's father gets close to one of the trees, detailing how one can know how old a tree is by measuring its trunk or by counting the rings of the tree. Most of the time, some of the children raise their little hands to ask questions and Geonhak answers softly.

"Okay, quiz time," he finally says after a dozen minutes. "Who can tell me what type of tree this is?"

Sunyul immediately shoots his hand up and Hwanwoong seems surprised. "I know you know, Sunnie. How about we let the other kids have their try?" Geonhak smiles proudly.

His son drops his hands shyly and whispers something in Minbyeol's ear — probably the answer to his question. A few pupils suggest the names of the trees they know, and Geonhak finally lets Minbyeol give her friend's good answer. Geonhak congratulates her, and explains the particularities of birch trees.

He finally asks every student to pick up a birch leaf from the ground for a herbarium project Hwanwoong agreed to.

They walk through the big park, stopping either for some explanation or some games Hwanwoong has prepared to keep the children interested. Geonhak was not expecting to have to play the bulldog game, leading one team against Seoho's, with Hwanwoong as a referee. But he has to admit he rarely has had as much fun — and he can see Sunyul has the time of his life.

When they arrive to the picnicking site Hwanwoong had in mind, the three adults help the children sit in circles and take out their lunches. Geonhak and Seoho are themselves sitting a few paces away, already eating, as the pink-haired teacher is still among his pupils, detailing the afternoon programme.

"You didn't lie when you said you were a tree carer," Seoho says with his mouth half full. "You really love your trees. That's cute."

Geonhak tries to hide his blush by taking another bite of gimbap. "Well, yeah," he mumbles, "it's my job."

Seoho giggles. "No I mean it. And the kids love you." He glances at the groups of children and adds gently, "I can see why. You're really considerate and patient and calm. That must be why your Sunnie is so peaceful." He chuckles. "That must also be why my Minbyeol is so hyperactive. I'm too much."

"No!" Geonhak exclaims, perhaps too energetically. He clears his throat uncomfortably. "What I'm saying is, you're bubbly and sunny. That's only positive things. And your girl is incredible."

"Do you think I'm sunny?" Seoho asks with a smirk.

Geonhak mentally slaps himself. That was the word he used to describe his ideal type for men. Seoho must remember. And already have found out the stupid little crush Geonhak is starting to grow for him. He sighs. "Ain't you?"

Hwanwoong crushes between them at that moment and whines about how hungry he is after all the games they played. This cuts short the two fathers' conversation, but Seoho keeps on smiling. Geonhak frowns, entirely convinced he has been exposed.

And then he thinks, 'Do I really have a crush on my son's friend's straight father?' That is really so typical of him. And yet he realises he does like Seoho a bit too much.

He steals a glance at the brown-haired man, who is lost in his thoughts, looking up at the sun which blinds him for a minute. He really is handsome, and they are both so alike — both feel lost, overmatched and yet they are ready to try it all for their child. Geonhak sighs discreetly. Yes, he definitely likes Seoho.

As Geonhak is making that realisation, which makes his smile and feel warmth spread in his stomach, he spots two children running up to the group of adults they are forming.

"Appa! Appa!" he hears Sunyul exclaim excitedly. He is followed by Minbyeol, who crashes in her father's lap.

Geonhak gives a peck on his boy's cheek. "Everything alright, baby? Having fun?"

"Yeah, you're the best tree lover! All of my classmates love you." He quickly gazes at his friend and adds, "Say, appa, can Byeol-ah come over this weekend? We want to play with my dragons."

Geonhak smiles gently and looks at the girl's father questioningly. Seoho seems to be thinking. "Hum, we're fully booked during the day, I'm going to take her out. Why not on Saturday evening? I can come too if you like."

The blonde gets immediately excited at the prospect of seeing his friend for a whole night and then feels his heart stop. He looks down. "Hum, well. I'd be delighted, but I invited my best friend and his girlfriend for dinner. It's probably the last time I can see him before he goes on holidays."

He sees Sunyul's disappointment, and feels just as down. But he finally suggests, "Why don't you come have dinner with us and meet them? I'm sure they'd want to know you!"

Sunyul and Minbyeol start jumping up and down around Seoho, pleading him to accept and he finally laughs a "yes" out. The two fathers exchange a warm smile, and Hwanwoong quickly changes subject, asking about Seoho's job.

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