'his Shinigami (Zhan❣ bo FF)...

By ruba_rajan

14.7K 1K 151

⚡ ON-GOING ⚡ bo has been in love with his zhan ge for eternity. even though zhan knows how bo feels for him... More

16. (version 1)
23. (version 1)- dazzling dreams...
35. shini
36. shini
37. shini
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41. shini
42. shini
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46. Shini
47. Shini
48. Shini
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49b. Shini
49c. Shini
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50 . Shini
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52. shini

16. (version 2)

184 12 0
By ruba_rajan

but only a smirked victory smile filled zhan face.... when their sensitive  fleshes were  crushed to one other.... 

bo was shocked with his zhan ge's action but more stunned with those devilish lips and insanely alluring smile filling his gg face.

bobo gulped in his saliva as many as times possible.

should it be called as fear or desire.


those Adams blobbed up and down


as if this stupid pink piggy was in thirst for an -  eternity...

and the poor eyes which encountered was filled with inhumane  lustful thoughts.

zhan minds fore played within his mind of his   bo's lips blow jobing his hard shaft with those pouty plump lips and sweet mouth hitting deep down to reach those blobbing adams to blob and burst within  the same way just like now.

the very instance bo screeched in pain.

as his cluster of hair was pulled aback violently by his zhan ge.

a tear drop was the evidence of his pain.

but neglecting all the paain the very instance bobo felt his  chubby cheeks squeesed within his gg fingers

not so harsh but not so soft to....

still piercing those finger nails into the soft flesh zhan pulled it a bit above to pair up with the other vison.

the moment their eyes met. both zhan and bo flet a blast of emotion...

inexplicable burst of lustfull emotion.

zhan eyes trailed his beauty in awe.

but those non stop adams thub-tubbing  were messing his mind

at first zhan hands snaked those nape and stamped his self  over the crooke of  it inhaling the aroma

few seconds...

exactly within  few seconds zhan felt toxicated

the very same insanely sane aroma was intoxicating his sense.

zhan was loosing it helplessly.

and its his fav channel aroma. which bo always use it.

feeling those bumpy breaths entrapped within the crooke

soon -  very soon  - zhan lips and breaths started worshiping those poor skin.

trailing his pointing delicate fingers to roam around showering with patters over those adams.

bo gushed out his breathed within his gg heated touches.

totally lost in the feel

zhan delicate icy fingers made unknown random patterns circling those perked bone called as his bobo's adams delicately...

as if ready to slice the piece of flesh with his nails...

when zhan's finger nails ended his finger pattern with a final scratch....

bo's head fall aback giving more access to his gg to assult his soft breaths and ragging adams inhumanly.

now zhan felt pleased with this submission from his precious puppy. with a smirked smile licking his lips few times.

few seconds of stillness.... no touches - no care cases - no sucks - and nothing.

bo suddenly felt some kind of fear eating him in and out like why did he stop , or  did i make any mistake , is my gg angry.. what the reason and... multiple thoughts were trashed within bobo brain...

to suddenly look up 

only to choke over his own breaths in shock.

he was stunned in mid air... he couldnt move anymore ... he felt like being barricaded in midair. 

his eyes try to roll around and sense  the situation he was in but -  no -  he could see nothing  except the ceiling but he felt something.


yes lips were all that bo felt now all over his adams...

flushy plushy lips - wet - hot - and harsh...

as..... not only those fingers .....  even zhan lips were licking those adams now... harshly...

slightly licking

slightly sucking

slightly bitting 

and leaving few soft hitcheys.

all over...

bo shuddered.

he felt euphoric .

but coudnt speak up any

his senses got shut with his gg's this kind of worshipping.

zhan touches were driving bo crazy

still whimpering and shuddering within his gg's lips and sucks...

bo couldn't even move a muscle to interrupt his gg of what ever he was doing now... he was just there lying within his grabs to be served deliciously..... which his gg was enjoying to his fullest...

his face looked like he was hit by a ghost...was he scared...yes he was hell scared but more deadly scared to interrupt his ggg in any way...

zhan sucked his Adams like his fav starter before an full course meal... 

bo's face was facing the ceiling with open eyes and scared facials  but he felt happy


he didnt know why but he felt happy... 

now with a happy tear leaping out his eyes...

zhan looked at his precious puppy and licked the tear drop with his lips.... 

after a while.... 

one last lick to those sucked adams now 

but was he done already...hell no... 

zhan lips trailed his lips  from coller bone to the  tip of bo's  chin.

and zaan gave a  bit soft sucks but  a bit hard bite's  over those delicate  chin to exert a painfull but yearning moan


sealing his babie's lips again with a short peck.

now those adams were harshly assulted with lips sucks and teeth's.

bo trembled within zhan hands.

as zhan lips were now violently sucking those blobbing adams.

and decorated it with his signature purple and pinkish hickey.

bite  it harshly with teeth to leave mark.

bo screamed in euphoric stage


still zhan didnt leave those poor adam.

he kept on savoring it as -  fullest -  to his desire.

bo was a panting mess.

as his soft hands were never left free from his gg's grabs that he could do nothing else apart from lingered with in the feel of pain and pleasure.


bo whimpered in pain but as time goes no it was changing...

bobo desent know why..he felt like this is not enough for him..he did not feel satisfied  yet , but on the other side...he  felt like he wanted it more ...he wanted for this pain to prolong more  and never stop and get assulted more... more violently... 

his eyes branded it...

their eyes met again.. and it feels like zhan could also see it and sense it...his puppies desire... in his eyes....

immediately zhan pecked a soft smooch with his lips still smiling at his bobo.

zhan hands scooped bobo's  nape to get more access to his neck but also to not make his piggy  uncomfortable , zhan tried his best . and continued plesuring himself with those sucks and licks.

zhan  after comfortably sucking out the soul of his babobae.

zhan pulled his withering piggy more dearly to be stamped to oneother in intimate way. - again- 

their sensitive parts crashed over oneother. - again - 

making friction of pleasured moans out his baobaes lips . - again - 

zhan gave bo just few seconds to catch back his breaths.

but it was not even full few seconds ended - breathfully.

his everything was savored again.

zhan licked bobo earlobe and never forget to bite a bit making his piggy to shudder and wimper in pain.

zhan hissed in his divine alluring voice "mine...."

it was like a branding and literally zhan was branding his bobo.in every possible as way

followed by his soft earlobe worship , zhan lips trailed low to bo's jaw line licking it and a short peck flowered everywhere

and then those pointing poor chin which earned a harsh bite making the piggy to wimper in pain again "ge" still

zhan lips trailed low to those already thoroughly assaulted adams, again sucking it - biting it, leaving strong roughed purple and bloody bite marks, but this time a bit more roughly

bo "agh" bo labored in chocked breath with his adams savored by his gg

tracing low to his puppies - hard  - panting -  sweating -  hard abs. caressing it gently alluringly arousing the poor soul below him to wither more with few sensual touches.

the moment zhan fingers landed over those pink buds bo body tremored in shivers.

zhan chuckled ...he felt elated coz his every touches made bo aroused it mean he likes it

not just him ... even his body likes it

at the same time when zhan stopped his actions . as he was stuck with those pink buds visually

bo had few instance to breath out.

but only one thought crashed his mind and senses.

was his body ever this sensitive or its just his zhan ge touches and his mere presence is making it more difficult of bo to control himself.

coz he could feel it.

he is helplessly losing it to his gg

every single touches is making him to subside to his gg.

and more brutal truth is in a hornily way.

and the shocking part it bo like it to... no he yearned for it more.

just that he couldn't voice it out now..

bo literally wanted to face palm himself

wasn't this considered to be sinful.

but what he was feeling is elated to be one with his loved one.

his sense of rationality was clouded with love and lust.

and his ethereal beauty before him was making it more harder for bo to even protest back

in anyways as possible.

and hell why would he.

as bo is the one who insanely wants it...to feel it to be sunken in the same feel -same like him - same like zhan ge

which made him to

....not block it all along in any means ....

and that's exactly what zhan to felt it

zhan mind to justified it.

again and again.

zhan roared "mine "once again and continued his sinful act ( so called as)

which made him to never stop his hands to devoure his beauty baby more.

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