homegrown 》v. hacker

By timetrooper

37.9K 671 41

How did he do it? Manage to mess up everything? How did she go from a normal citizen of Seattle, working a 9... More

cast + credits
A Jamba Juice Card, Really
Pietro's Iconic Liver and Onions
Cockblocked by a 13 Year Old
Smells Like Miami
Just Like Peter Parker
Life Is A Highway
Too Pussy To Make A Move
Boo You Whore
Drew The Loose Screw
Airports and Highways Go Brrrr
8pm On A Thursday
He Wishes
I Think It's Sinister
Too Much For Human Words
Matching Tats
I'm Trying
I Hate You
Such A Tease
I Like How You Think
Pitchforks Are Great For Stabbing
Vinnie Needs A Self Help Book
Last Night As An Unmarried Woman
For Now
Whatever You Say
The Maple Tree
You Best Hide It Well
Major Lack Of Info
Step Sister
How's The Playboy
Absolutely Perfect
She Looks Just Like Me
Digging In The Pit Of Truths
Meet In The Middle
Out In The Open
I Need You
I Always Am
You'd Kill It
Thanks Thomas
Glad I Moved To LA
Fight Me
I Do
Interstate 101
Sleeping Beauty
Free Roaming


324 10 0
By timetrooper

Guys, I am officially done with school. Omg. Its been such a year, I don't even know how to tell you. But yea! I didn't get a.proper good bye to my favorite teacher and almost cried on my way home! Slay. So I'm sorry for the late chapter, its been a stressful last week. But enjoy the wattpad clichéness of this chapter.

Dont forget to comment, vote and enjoy! <3

I stood staring, the pain in my neck growing. But holy shit, this way it. This was the Eiffel Tower. Holy fucking shit. The lights made it seem huge and I never knew this was what it actually looked like.

"Max? You good?" Jake asked, looking over to me.

"It's just so pretty." I answered. "I wanna move here."

I heard Vinnie laugh and saw the flash of his phone. I looked over at him and he smiled.

"You look so pretty." Vinnie smiled and wrapped an arm around me.

I kissed his cheek and smiled. "We should move here."

"What about New York?"

"Screw that. Have you seen the farm land here? So pretty." Vinnie laughed and I rested a head on his shoulder.

"Should we get a picture?"

"Yes. Jack! C'mere." I waved the boy over and held out my phone. Jack happily took our picture and I sent it into my family group chat. Kelly and Drew immediately liked it and I pocketed my phone.

We spent a hour at the Eiffel Tower, just hanging out before Thomas took us to dinner at this fancy restaurant. I could tell we'd blow at least 600 bucks if this was an American restaurant.

I sat across from Vinnie and lightly tapped his foot from time to time. He'd do the same, smiling as he did so. It was cute.

I had fun tasting French food and trying to recall my French from high-school. It wasn't going very well.

We played with a dog on the way back to the hotel and messed around. It was late at night and I'm sure we looked like drunks but it was France. I mean when would I see these people again?

We got back to the hotel at 11 and I was about ready to pass out but the boys had other plans.

"Just an hour. We'll sit in the hottub and talk. You can even bring a book if you want." Jack said, trying to convince me to come down to the pool with him.

"I really need some beauty sleep guys. Go relax, ill be fine by myself."

"Are you sure?" I nodded and Vinnie sighed.

"We'll be back before you know it." He kissed my head and followed Jack and Jake out of the room. I made sure the door was closed before changing into pajamas. I got ready for bed and turned on the TV for background noise. I turned off the lights and got into bed.

I heard clomping footsteps outside and sighed. What type of person walks that heavy?

I heard the footsteps stop and rolled my eyes. I went back to my phone but froze when I heard the doorknob jiggle. My stomach dropped to my ass and my breathing stopped.

I had half a mind to look through the peephole but the fear of someone looking back at me scared me too much.

I waited in silence for the footsteps. Nothing came. The person was still standing at my door. Waiting.

There was nothing I could do without shutting my pants. I couldn't move or else they'd k kw I was awake. It was almost midnight so I hoped they thought I was asleep.

I heard the doorknob jiggle some more before the person banged on the door and stomped away.

Not even 5 minutes later Vinnie, Jake and Jack were opening the door, laughing about something.

I simply turned off my phone and took a deep breath. I was no longer alone so I had nothing to fear.

"How was the hottub?"

"Hot. Like burning hot." Jack said.

"Jumping into the pool after sitting for an hour almost put me into cardiac arrest." Vinnie laughed, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"Well I'm glad that you guys had fun. The highlight of my night was some rowdy kids."

"You know you didn't have to stay up right?" Jake asked. "We would've been courteous."

I shrugged. "It makes me feel better knowing people are with me when I sleep, as weird as that sounds."

"Don't like hotels?"

I shook my head. "Meh."

"Well you'll learn to love them." Jack joked, heading to the bathroom to change. I nodded and pulled the covers up, ready to sleep.

I had a fitful night of sleep and then we were off to another day in Paris. We were going to visit the Arc De Triomphe, the Louvre, and the Musee de l'Orangerie. Lots of precious art and thousands of years of work.

"This is the Mona Lisa? Seems kinda, I don't know, unprotected." Jack questioned and I shrugged.

"This is it. I think people in Paris are just nicer."


"So are you ready for this party later? Going to flirt with some French girls?"

"For sure. I wonder what music they'll play."

"Probably something fancy. This is France after all."

"True, true. Now let's go see some old paintings." Jack grabbed my hand and pulled my forward, further into the museum.

Later, almost 8, we pulled up to the party and it was nothing like I expected. There was American music playing and crazy crowds. I never knew anywhere could be busier than LA.

Immediately we all got drinks and got onto the dance floor. I got some french cider and it was the bomb.com.

Most of the night was spent yelling and dancing with random people and I've never had more fun. This would always top a LA party. Bryce Hall is crying right now.

I was standing in a corner, trying to cool down when Renata approached me, smiling.

"Having fun?" I nodded and took a sip of my water. "I can't believe it's already 11. I'm dying."

"The fridge is cleared. I already checked for energy drinks."

"Someone was smart." I laughed and nodded, hoping she would go away.

"I couldn't help but over hear but I know a great pick me up." A small girl stepped over and I remained neutral.

"Drugs?" I asked bluntly.

She laughed and shook her head. "Kidney beans. It's surprising but red kidney beans are actually full of amino acids, taurine and all this other stuff that gives you a boost."

I glanced at Renata and saw her biting her lip. "You sure it's safe?"

"Totes. I've been using it for years. Trust me."

I glanced at Renta and she shrugged. "What's the worst that could happen?"

I shrugged and held out my hand. The girl gave us 4 each and I chewed them all, nearly puking as I did.

"Tastes like ass."

"That's how you kow it's working. You ladies have a good night." She immediately walked into the crowd and I looked at Renata.

"Should we go find everyone?"

"Yea. What a story to tell."

"Tell me about it."

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