Unlovable Me {BoyxBoy}

By xink0heartx

9.4K 438 17

It's been so many years and my dad continues to hurt me daily. How long can I continue to live like this befo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Character Appearance
Next Story

Chapter 4

707 36 0
By xink0heartx

The sun peeks through my eyelids forcing me to wake up much to my dislike. A small squeeze on my hand causes fireworks of pain to shoot through my body. A familiar sweet fragrance wafts up my nose. However, the pain in my arm worsens distracting me from the wonderful smell.

An inhumanly groan slips past my lips as I use one my elbows to help myself up. My eyes trail down to my hand that appears to be entwined with another big pair of hands. My eyes follow the arms to find them attached to my mates se... body. Surprised to see Taylor, I quickly yank my hand away from his weak grip. Biggest mistake of my life, I attempted to stand up. Pain sprouted throughout my whole body. I use the IV drip stand to balance myself nearly falling without the use of the IV drip.

In the corner of my eyes a ghostly figure walks in the mirror nearly giving me a heart attack. There instead of my reflection I see a ghost. Gosh I'm beginning to become delusional.

'Wait I shouldn't look this pale; I mean I look almost like a vampire. I didn't even cut deep enough to loose so much blood guess I lost too much blood running away from the rogues.'

A deep groan besides me causes me to jump in fright. I turn around just in time to notice Taylor waking from his slumber.

"You're finally awake baby" he tiredly whispers with a smile, rubbing his eyes tiredly. His deep voice sending pleasurable shivers down my spine. The way the nickname rolled off his tongue catching me way off guard. Suddenly I remember exactly what happened before I passed out.

'Right, I forgot that this guy was my mate for a second and that the Beta brought me here for interrogation.'

"You've been passed out for three days, do you possibly want any food. Wait that's a stupid question of course you want food. You haven't eaten for three days." Taylor blabbers on looking shyly down at his feet before meeting my eyes.

He lets out a yawn. Gosh that was cute. No, No, No I won't let myself be swept away. His hair is a messy mop causing a smile to slip onto my lips only to disappear soon enough. He can't learn of any weak spots of mine; he might always change his mind and attack me later. My guards aren't going to break down after having them up for ten years. It took a lot of time and effort to put them up and keep them up.

I shake my head in a 'no' motion only to hear a loud grumble disturb me of my thoughts. 'Dammit stomach you couldn't shut-up for a few seconds.'

"I'll go and get breakfast for you. After all it seems that you might really need it." He gives me a quick wink before leaving to go get me breakfast even though I might just end up throwing it up anyway. He leaves me alone, my wolf whimpering at the loss of his presence.

After ten minutes or so he returns with a tray of delicious smelling food.

My stomach growls loudly, gosh it's like a whale. Taylor chuckles under his breathe showing off his pearly white teeth. Gently he places the tray of food onto my lap with a kind, handsome smile.

I hesitate to take a bite of the food, worried that he might hit me if I take one bite of the mouth-watering smelling food. Taylors attitude might change into one of rage, he might just grab my plate and throw it into my face and laugh at me. The memories flash before my eyes leaving goose bumps littering my skin.

Suddenly a loud bang from the door echoes throughout the room causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. My eyes look up to see the loud person, but there was no point. I didn't even know who it was. From the look of their clothes it looked like she must be a pack doctor. Well no shit she was a pack doctor. She is wearing a long white coat like other doctors. No shit Sherlock. I scold myself internally for being an idiot.

"Sophie next time knock but you just came in time, he finally woke up. Could you take a body look over to check if his cuts might be infected or not?" Taylor asks to the pack doctor as she smiles at him then looks over to me. The pack doctor had her hair tied tightly into a pony tail and bangs shaped her oval face. She had forest green eyes that held happiness and light.

"Hi, I'm Sophie the head pack doctor, can you please remove your gown so I can take a look."

'Wait did she just say that she saw my scars!? Taylor must have been disgusted with my body. Father is going to kill me if he ever found out that my scars were discovered. Even though I ran away he'll find out one way or another and kill me for even telling someone else about this.' Panic settled in my stomach as I tugged the IV drip out of my arm and jump back into a protective stance.

In mid-air I shift into my white wolf form and cower away from them, hiding in the corner. Warning them if they take one step closer they will no longer have a throat to breath. Even if Taylors my mate and the pack doctor are both higher status then high. My life is on the line and I will protect myself no matter who it is.

Why aren't they moving and why do they look so shocked as if they just saw a ghost. Instantly my growling falters and all together I stop.

'Fuck I shifted into my wolf form unconsciously, they're going to hit me and won't feed me for 2 weeks!'

'Our mate wouldn't do that. You should trust him because he loves us more than anyone in this world.' My wolf tells me in a tone filled with adoration and love.

'How are you so sure. We just met him five days ago and three of the days I was passed out.' He shuts up as I cower closer to the wall expecting myself to just immerse with the wall. I wait with my arms protecting my face from any kicks or punches that might rain down on me anytime soon. Nothing comes.

Taylor seems to gasp back into reality, he takes long prideful strides towards me and wraps his arms around my body.

"Baby. You are the most gorgeous living creature I have ever seen and you know what you're my mate and I have fallen for you so much it beats Bella and Edwards love." I can't help the small giggle that escapes my lips. Quickly I cover my mouth and look at Taylor in shock only seems to be in pure bliss. My wolf must have shifted us back because I didn't realize I was in human form until I giggled.

"You laughed, gosh that was heavenly." He says in complete awe. Completely forgetting he was hugging me I snap back and try to escape from his tight hold that only tightens the more I struggle. Eventually his hand accidently touches a bruised area near my stomach. I let out a strained cry resulting in Taylor backing away from me. I make sure to take the blanket that's fallen off the bed onto the floor and cover my body from the two pair of eyes.

"You truly are beautiful baby and I'm sorry for hurting you but it would hurt less if you could let Sophie take a look, please." He coos and begs looking into my eyes. My cheeks heat up and I can feel my face grow red. I give my head a short nod answering yes not talking of course. Taylor smiles at me and steps back but not before passing me boxers that I could slip on.

Sophie walks over to me and looks at my body as Taylor turns around respecting my need of privacy.

"It seems nothing is infected so he should be fine for now be sure to bring him back for another check up in a few days also feed him plenty of food. He's very skinny at his age, his ribs are way to visible." Sophie passes me a shirt and baggy pants that I quickly slip on. I tap Taylors shoulder lightly letting him know he can turn around.

Taylor turns around with a goofy grin on his face giving him dimples on both sides of his cheeks. I start to feel my cheeks grow hot but slap at them attempted to get rid of the red.

"Are you coming or not? The food is cold so we might as well get you warm food." Taylor shouts just when he leaves the room. Once he disappears I trail behind him still keeping my distance. My eyes never falling higher and lower than the ground. As we pass through a crowded area in the corner of my eyes I can see the disgusted stares in mainly my direction.

That's right I was an Omega, I shouldn't be here. It was a smell and aura that nobody could miss. Omega's emit a submissive and sweet smell. However only their mates and themselves can actually smell their true smells. Omega's have always had trouble finding their mates since most unmated males and sometimes female will fake telling them that they are their mate even if they aren't their true mate.

We walk in silence for what felt like forever however was only for a few minutes. We reach as large brown door with beautiful carvings of wolves at the end of the long hall. Taylors smiles at me and opens the door, revealing a long table in the massive room. I stand still waiting for permission to enter.

He gives me a questioning look before realizing why I wasn't entering.

"Come in, you're my mate therefore you have permission to enter every room in this pack house."

'Hang on! My plan was running away a few moments ago and now I'm standing in the middle of a ginormous dining hall with my mate like an idiot. I needed to leave as soon as possible!'

Just when I'm about to turn on my heels and do a run for it something grasps my arm leading to me to jump and slap away the hand. A pained expression passes on Taylors face. No don't make that face it makes me die inside and pains me to the core.

"Sorry..." Taylor apologises looking at his hand before turning around. Guilt fills my chest and stomach. I am such an idiot.

'I am so sorry but it's a habit, any touch reminds me of my father and it scares me to the core that at any moment you could possibly do the same.' I wanted to shout, scream at him. It wasn't his fault but screaming would cause my throat a never ending pain. Instead I won't scream I'll tell him. I don't like seeing my mate hurt because of me.

"S-s-s-sor-ry..." My throat feels itchy as I start a coughing fit. The scratchy and itchy feeling in my throat annoying me deeply. Tayler turns around and looks at me shocked. He heard it, I thought he was too far away. He takes long steps towards me and places a comforting hand on the small of my back.

"Little Ash don't force yourself to talk, it's okay. I'm sorry too I must have scared you. I'll love you no matter who you become or who you are now. The Moon Goddess brought us together as mates for a reason so she must have good plans for us in the future." Tears prickle at my eyes and fall to my chin, this is the first time anyone has said something this beautiful and nice to me. All control on my emotions I've held back for so long snap and I break down. He wipes my tears with the pad of his thumb gently caressing under my eyes.

'Thank you' I want to say it so badly but I can't. More tears fall as my head is pushed into his chest while he rubs slow comforting circles on my back. Calming me greatly.

"It's okay little Ash. Everything will be okay." Taylor whispers into my ear sending millions of shivers down my spine.

'He probably thinks you're a pathetic excuse of an Omega, he pities you'

The voice taunts as much as I hated it. The voice never lied. I was beginning to fall for Taylor but I can't let feelings fog my mind. I gently pull away from Taylors warm and firm chest, missing his heartbeat. Furiously I wipe away my ugly eyes and nod. Then memory hits me, I left my bag back in the infirmary. My speaking notebook is still inside.

I pathetically attempt to sign language him my best to tell him I had my bag with me but unlike Roxie he doesn't know sign language. I let out a sigh and mouth him that I'll be back soon. Turning on my heels I run towards the same direction we came from and look in every room except missing on the ones with number plates on them. Those rooms were someone else's room so I avoided them.

When I finally find the room I was being kept in before I woke up. On the chair next to the bed is my bag. Quickly, I run over to the chair and pick my bag before slamming it on the table.

I take everything out of the bag except the razors. A picture of my mother, father and I at the zoo slips out. This was the only picture I have of all of us together and I kept it hidden from father for all this time. I let out a sigh of relief.

'I thought I lost it when I was being chased.' I bring the precious photo to my chest and hug then put it back into my bag. I leave the room and suddenly remember my big rampage throughout the pack house.


Everyone stares at me questioningly causing me to squirm uncomfortably while walking. A tap on my shoulder snaps me to reality this time I stop my body from turning around fast and possibly hitting them. The person behind me hasn't been anyone I've met yet so I don't recognise who it is. His smell wafts up my nose and the memories flood into my mind. This was the Beta that brought me back to the pack.

He looks at me in surprise before a large smile pulls onto his lips as he lets out a sigh of relief.

"Oh gosh, you're awake! Thank god, I got scared when you fainted on me." He looks back at me waiting for my answer but it doesn't come so instead I take out my speaking notebook and begin to write something down.

'Sorry about that little stunt, I hope I didn't scare you too much'

"I see you don't speak. You did give me a scare but not enough to knock me out. I do hope you are alright." He smiles at me when suddenly a feel to large strong arms snake themselves around my neck. My body jumps to the touch but relaxes when the sparks firework throughout my body. Taylor places his face on my shoulder and lets out a growl causing me to whine in submission.


He growls in possession. The word and growl sent pleasurable shivers down my spine.

"Beta Alec did you find anything on the recent rogue attacks near the pack?"

"No Alpha Taylor, there weren't any trails or scents left behind from the recent attack which has us feeling eerie that not a single scent has been found." Alec dips his head as he answers the question. Taylor's arm still wrapped around my waist tightly his head never leaving my shoulder.

'Alpha? ALPHA! Taylor's an Alpha and I'm his mate meaning I would become the Luna. Just moments ago I hit his arm and ran off, gosh he must've been pissed. What about my life? I can't become Luna I'm to pathetic and weak adding on I'm just an Omega.'

Somehow Taylor notices the panic and confusion radiating off me. "Alec this will be the next Luna, please respect him." Taylor says ignoring my panic and confusion for some reason.

'Wait who said I agreed to be Luna? Don't decide things by yourself, it makes me feel inferior you didn't ask for my opinion on all this!'

I mentally scream to myself looking at Taylor in utter shock. My breathing become unlaboured and shallow as my body becomes a burning hot sensation. Taylor wraps his arms around me and just from his touch I can feel my body grow calm and my breathing becomes laboured again.

"Shhh It's okay baby sorry. Calm down I'll talk to you later." He coos beside my ear, his hot breathing sending shivers down my spine. Somewhat glad that he'll listen to what I think instead of deciding everything on his own accord. Maybe I can trust him just a little though even if it's for a few minutes. 

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