Boys like Boys|| Peter Parker

By northlt03

48.4K 2.3K 226

WHAT happens when a metal manipulating, ex-red room assassin with a surprisingly bad mouth meets a certain Sp... More

ACT .1.
ACT .2.


1.1K 58 11
By northlt03

Oliver hated it. He absolutely despised being separated from Bucky. Seeing him in cryogenic stasis stung even more. He wasn't stupid, he knew the dangers Bucky would face if he was conscious. But all Oliver wanted was to slap some sense into government officials, or at least some bullets. 

Unfortunately that's illegal. 

Plus, Bucky knew him too well and made him promise. "Promise me you won't do something stupid" He held up his left hand with his pinky sticking out.

"When have I ever done something stupid?" Oliver asked, reached for the pinky promise.

"Do you want the list chronologically or in alphabetical order?" Bucky raised an eyebrow. Oliver smiled and twisted his pinky around Bucky's.

The two other men in the room chuckled slightly, which only drove the frown on Oliver's face to deepen. While the king of Wakanda seemed welcoming and helpful, Oliver still wasn't on board with leaving Bucky in this new country, especially since they had been rivals a couple of days ago. 

Steve was another story. He was a bit more complex and by now, Oliver had given up on trying to understand him. If Bucky wanted him, Bucky would ask. It was none of his business.

"You sure about this?" Steve spoke up, his eyes drifted to the cryogenic stasis chamber. Oliver hated it, it looked exactly how he had imagined it to be— dark, metal, uninviting and looking like a device for torture. He couldn't imagine what Bucky must have been feeling looking at the device. 

"I can't trust my own mind. So, until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head I think going back under is the best thing... for everybody" At that last word, he looked at Oliver. He could see it in Bucky's eyes, everything he wanted to say. Oliver could see pain and regret, but also a willingness to be better, to do better. Bucky didn't want this, but he believed it to be the best decision. And the least Oliver could do was support him through the process. 

He returned the small fake smile Bucky was giving him. 

Before he could change his mind, Oliver jumped, throwing his arms around Bucky. It felt strange not to feel the metal arm now that Oliver had gotten so used to it, but Bucky was happy and that's all he wanted. 

He stepped away with a sheepish grin a moment later, but Bucky was smiling a little wider now which made it worth it. 

And then he was gone. Frozen in time. 

Oliver wondered how many years he had been like this, how many decades had gone by in the blink of an eye. He couldn't even imagine...

"And what about you?" T'Challa was pretending to be nice, Oliver could tell. He was on the fence about Oliver, unsure of what to make of him, but he was trying to be nice. Oliver appreciated that. 

"Same as always.. stay on the move" he shrugged, trying not to betray how utterly exhausted he was and how much he hated that kind of lifestyle. "I've heard America's terrible, but they have Spider-Man. You know what? I might even shoot my shot."

"Oh, you were being serious... the— er at the airport and the comms—" Steve looked a little taken aback which Oliver did not admire. Sure he was from the 40s but he had spent the last four years in this time, not to mention the fact that Bucky had adjusted well enough without being homophobic or transphobic. 

"Yes, Steve. I find men attractive. Problem?" 

"I— No, of course not." Steve was stumbling over his words, his eyes were wide with something like wonder and his frown had turned into a smile. "I— I just didn't know it was something we could talk about"


Oliver smiled, his first genuine smile because of Steve. Maybe he wasn't so bad and perhaps Bucky had a chance after all. The boy took a deep breath and shrugged. Oliver walked over to the two men and offered Steve his hand which the older man shook. 

"Well, maybe we can all go to a pride parade some day" 


Oliver ignored the blonde's question and stared at the cryogenic stasis chamber. He squeezed Steve's hand extra hard, not that it would hurt him, but just to establish them as equals in terms of power. 

"Steve, I won't lie. I don't like you—" Oliver took back his hand, amused at Steve's expression, "...But, Bucky likes you... a lot. And if you break his heart, I will make sure you experience pain like nothing before" At that, he glared at the taller man. "Just... don't hurt him."

"I won't" Steve nodded. Then he added as an after thought, "I— I like.. him too"

"Called it!" 

Oliver flashed Captain America a smile and finger guns before moving to the king of Wakanda. No matter his feelings, this was not a man to mess with. He cleared his throat and regained his composure. 

"Thank you, for everything"

The man nodded, "If you ever feel like dropping in, feel free to. Or don't— I fear my sister will corrupt you"

"Ah, you have a sister?" Oliver smirked.

He could almost hear Bucky— Stop trying to flirt with someone you haven't even met- Especially in front of her brother. 

But T'Challa didn't seem to mind it, he only smiled. "She is a force to be reckoned with, but you remind me of her. I hope you two never meet, one of you is enough"

Oliver laughed politely. 

"Again, thank you. But I really must be going. Unfinished business and all that" 

"I heard something from Natasha— something about... you?" Steve spoke up. 

"Unfortunately my business is tied to hers, though our problems are not similar. I helped her as much as I could, but I fear it's not enough." Oliver brushed  a finger over his rainbow bracelet. "Her ambitions are admirable, but she can't aspire to do what she wants to with an army, let alone herself"

"Never bet against her" Oliver could tell that Steve regarded her highly, and why should he not? "I've learned that time and time again"

"Well, if you're ever in contact with her, tell her I'll be happy to help"

"So you're really going to New York?" T'Challa asked. 

"Don't worry, I'll be in touch." With that, Oliver walked out of that room. So much had happened within the span of days that he didn't know what to think just yet. So he didn't think. Thinking was a weakness, it's easy to get lost in thoughts. He focused on his actions. 

He would figure out other stuff later. 

End of act 1

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