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"Will you scooch over?" Oliver whispered harshly to Bucky who was crouching beside him, while they were looking at the interaction between two men in metal suits and Steve.

He was a bundle of nerves, though he tried not to show it. Everything was so new, new faces, new places, new problems, it sent a thrill through him. He was glad for Bucky though, at least something hadn't changed.

He had barely looked at the other people on their team when Steve was introducing everyone, he didn't care for anyone except Bucky. Though he did look up at the mention of Wanda Maximoff.

He had never actually talked to her, but he had seen her in the facility where they both got their powers. He was relieved when she didn't recognize him, Bucky looked at him questioningly, silently asking him why he cared so much about her. He explained in rapid German.

Mostly, team cap had been discussing their plan, and what everyone would be in charge of doing.

This wasn't the main fight, they had to get to Siberia and face off against a legion of supersoldiers. Even the thought was crazy. But to get to Siberia, they had to go through tony stark.

Speaking of the billionaire, Oliver watched Steve approach him.

"Moveeee" he repeated, nudging Bucky with his elbow

"You have plenty of room on your left" Bucky whispered back.

"Yeah, but then I can't see what's happening"

"Shut up" Sam told them both.

Swallowing a few creative curse words, Oliver turned his attention back out of the window where he saw Steve talking with Tony calmly explaining to him what had actually happened at the facility.

"Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this." Oliver heard him on the comms.

"I can't breathe— WHOA" Oliver's attention was now drawn to the man in black cat suit who leapt over a truck and landed in front of Steve. Bucky had told him everything, including how the Prince of Wakanda thought Bucky was responsible for his father's death. 

"Your highness."

"Are you wearing a binder?" Bucky whispered to Oliver in Russian when he had heard what the boy said. "Oh my god, I've told you from the day I first got it for you, don't wear it when you're going to exercise"

"I— It's a looser binder. But I meant with you two sweating so close to me"

"Hey!" Sam cried out, offended. However, most of his attention was still on his task which was to find out where the other's quinjet was since Tony had taken the helicopter out of the equation.

"You're after the wrong guy."

Steve seemed to have the same enraging effect on everyone except Sam and Bucky. Tony wasn't even interested in hearing him out. 

"And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't."

The newest addition to team iron man was Natasha Romanoff. In many ways, she had inspired Oliver. It was hard to imagine that they both went through much of the same things. She was taken from her home, she was trained, same as him, she was the only person who could totally understand Oliver. And here she was, after walking through hell, with her head held high. 

Oliver couldn't help but admire her. 

He had always felt desperately alone, like no one knew what he was going through. Then he met Bucky, but Natasha would have an even more in depth understanding of everything he felt. 

When Steve showed no reaction to her words, Tony looked at the ground as if he was about to do something he'd regret. Then he cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled "Underoos!"

Something—or someone flipped over Steve from behind him, binding his hands and taking his  shield in his confused state.

The certain someone then landed on a metal platform, one knee and hand touching the surface, Captain America's shield in the other hand— in a typical superhero landing pose.

Oliver would've liked to say his first reaction was a scoff paired with the word "showoff" But instead, he couldn't control the widening of his eyes as he took in the guy's physique.

"Holy mother of all that is hot and fuckable"

The two older men next to him seemed  to have heard him unfortunately because the next moment he had to stutter out an explanation that he couldn't come up with. So with an undignified red face and ears, Oliver turned back to the fight.

"Pretend you didn't hear me" He muttered.

"Hell, I'm pretty sure even Steve heard you" Oliver winced at Sam's words. They seemed to be true because Steve looked at the ground, taking a deep breath to keep himself calm.

"Nice job kid" Oliver lip read Tony's words.

But unfortunately due to the other guy's mask he couldn't tell what he was saying.

The guy had a red suit which was blue at the waist and sides with white eyes and a logo in the middle of his chest. Further, Oliver still stood by his remark, because the guy was ripped. Oliver could see the muscles in his arms through the guy's suit even from far away.

In an awkward manner, the guy gestured at his suit and held up a hand at Tony. Oliver noticed that he wasn't actually that tall, and he used his hands a lot in the conversation, so he probably wasn't that much older than him.

The spider guy waved a hello to everyone and Oliver found himself shaking his head in amusement.

"Keep it in your pants, dumbass" Bucky whispered to him.

"Shut up, as if you weren't making heart eyes at Steve the entire ride over"

"You two do realize that I can hear you, right?" Sam had never wanted to die more in his life than he did right then.

"You've been busy."

The next part of the conversation between Tony and Steve was hard to decipher since Oliver couldn't really see his lips that well.

"You did that when you signed."

"We found it. Their Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway."  Sam talked into his comms, his fingers on the side of his red goggles which were connected to the video his robot bird thing was transmitting.

As soon as Steve heard that, he raised his bound hands. Oliver couldn't actually see what the spider guy had used for it, but he bet it must've been something really cool.

From behind Tony, an arrow flew straight through Steve's binds, freeing him. How Clint had fired such a perfect shot? Oliver didn't know, but he did knew that Hawkeye was getting cooler by the second.

"Alright, Lang" Steve told Scott who was hidden inside the shield. Oliver almost felt bad for spider guy when he was kicked back with an amazing back flip as Scott returned back to his normal size.

"He's good" Oliver nodded. 

"I believe this is yours, Captain America."  Scott handed Steve his shield very formally.

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