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"Barnes is mine"

Despite the gravity of the situation, Oliver turned to Bucky with a grin. "Damn, now men are fighting over you"

The older man only hung his head and snorted. This was clearly not the time, but he loved small moments like these when Oliver truly acted like a teenager.

The three of them sprinted towards the general direction of the hangar where Sam had found the quinjet was located. They were on the first floor of the empty airport, so they would have to find a way down and out.

Oliver's eyes scanned his surroundings, as he was trained to do. He knew airports had multiple exits, which were usually located along exterior walls. Thankfully they were close to the outermost corridors. A few hundred feet ahead, he could see escalators leading down which logically meant that's where they should head.

He nudged Bucky and all of them turned to the escalators.

A dull thud on the glass to their left caught their attention. The guy in the red and blue suit stuck himself to the window panes, showing no sign of slipping. He crawled along the glass parallel to Oliver and the others.

"What the hell is that?" Bucky asked exasperated.

"Everyone's got a gimmick now."

Oliver couldn't help but analyze him. In the middle of his chest, he had a spider logo, and his suit was lined with faint dark web-like designs. A spider themed superhero? He'd seen everything now.

With the same web-like substance he had trapped Steve's hands in, the spider guy swung himself. He launched himself at the glass, feet first, breaking through the window. He landed inside the terminal and kicked Sam into a kiosk.

Oliver had to hand it to the guy, he knew how to make an entrance.

As if it was a protective reflex, Bucky swung his metal fist. The two watched in surprise as Spidey caught his punch easily, and moved his hand to the left, staring up at him.

"You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude!"

Oliver and Bucky shared a split second look. This guy seemed ridiculously young. Like sure, he had superpowers, but he was surely out of his depth, fighting alongside experts. Oliver was young too, but he'd gone through much more than an average teenager.

That's what Spidey sounded like— A teenager.

Bucky took longer to recover than Oliver. The boy knew about Bucky's soft spots, there was no way he would hurt a kid.

Oliver stepped in. He dove for the guy's waist. Sure there were a lot of other moves he could've done but his mind wasn't listening to him. Stupid brain.

With a thud and a "gah!" Spidey fell to the ground, only to try to get up which wasn't successful because Oliver had already grabbed him by his torso and flipped him over his back where Sam picked him up and flew as high as he could while still inside and throwing punches at the annoying arachnid.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck?"

"Trust me kid, I have no idea" Bucky had already began to run to Sam's aid.

Spidey was good, for an inexperienced teenager. He used his webs as if they were an extension of himself, having complete trust over his own abilities as well as the webs. In the brief time Oliver had tackled him, he had seen the source of the webs, a compact device on his wrist.

He flipped, jumped and stuck to the beams overhead with grace and agility. It was almost like he knew for sure what his next action would end up in, like he could see the future. Or maybe he was just that good.

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