Fragments. - [Object OCs]

De RoastieToastie

156 7 3

[TW contains swearing, gore, needles, violence, drug usage, violence, and an overall rather dystopian "societ... Mai multe

1 - Welcome to CRISKER
2 - How do I live like this?
3 - Chalk.
authors note
4 - Games.


49 2 2
De RoastieToastie


The creature's eyes blinked open. It had been unconscious for quite a while now, two days to be exact. The creature floated in the somewhat-clear, foggy, green liquid. Its eyes darted around the room, trying to figure where and... what it was. Before it could figure anything out, however, another odd creature entered the room where it resided, this creature looked awfully different from the initial creature, for starters it was much larger than the creature. It had a different material that made up its body, pink-ish with an odd bumpy texture. The new creature that had entered the room stared at the smaller creature with what it could only assume their eyes were. A few moments of silence passed before the larger creature finally made a reaction, the large creature hurried over to the smaller creature's container, getting awfully close to it, the small creature moved itself as far away from the larger one as it could, that being only a few inches as the container was awfully small. The large creature made a loud intrigued noise, startling the small creature. The smaller one could not understand what the large creature had said yet still covered where its ears would be if it had any with its hand-like objects that grew from the sides of its body. Shortly after the noise had been made, a third large creature entered the room, this creature looked similar to the other one who had entered the room yet slightly different, they were all the same to the small one, though, massive creatures who could destroy it if they wanted to. Yet the two creatures seemed to stare at the smaller creature with awe-struck gazes on their faces, this confused the small creature, while it didn't really understand social queues, it was confused on why they hadn't eaten or destroyed them yet.

In barely three months, #083 was learning how to speak and walk with ease, being able to form nearly complete sentences. By this point, #083 lived in their own room within the facility, it wasn't anything too fancy, just a bed, dresser, and mirror. #083 was content with their life, everything in this facility felt normal to them. 

Up until a certain point, at least.

The day their first test began.

Bzzt. Beep.

The intercom booted up throughout the facility.

"All subjects #070 through #099 report to section 4D-A-2. Immediately."

The immediately at the end had a sort of emphasis on it that concerned #083, but it wouldn't worry them too much, this couldn't be anything too important. #083 hopped off of their bed and left their room, the door had been unlocked, presumably by whomever made the announcement from the control panel. As soon as #083's eyes had adjusted to the difference of light in the hallway compared to their room, they noticed many different subjects, to their surprise, a lot of them seemed to look like them, something was wrong with some of them though. Some of the objects that wandered down the hallway were missing limbs, the most common type of missing limb #083 could see was missing arms yet they managed to find a few with missing legs and sometimes even a missing mouth or eye, those were more uncommon, though. #083 began making their way down the hallway, trying their best not to bump into any of the surrounding objects as they all made their way to the room they had been reported to.

After a few minutes of walking, the group reached the room, no one said a word as they stared up at the door. The door's handle was much too high up for any of them to reach, and even if they could, it was almost definitely sealed shut. So the group waited. They waited for a few minutes. Until finally, someone opened the door, and the 29 objects entered the room.


It's been 6 years since then. 6 horrid years since that day. That day. The day that ruined any hope I had left for this world.


I'm Makeup-Brush, or just Brush.

Usually I'm just addressed as "#083."

I've been living in this dump for as long as I can remember.

Born here.

I'll probably die here.


I need to stop talking to myself.



Hey, thanks for reading this if you did!

Sorry it's not that good, I'm not a professional at writing and this is my first actual book.

I may have a QnA after chapter 1 if you guys want it. 

I hope you enjoy Makeup Brush's story through CRISKER.



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