Project Starfae

By LittleOwl137

1.4K 29 118

What if...Sophie Foster wasn't the Black Swan's only project? What if they had created an even more powerful... More

~ Pre-Book A/N ~
~ Creature File: Starfaes ~
~ Prologue ~
~ Chapter 2 ~
~ Chapter 3 ~
~ Chapter 4 ~
~ Chapter 5 ~
~ Chapter 6 ~
~ Chapter 7 ~
~ Chapter 8 ~
Thank You!
1K Reads Special - Incorrect Quotes

~ Chapter 1 ~

216 5 16
By LittleOwl137

Elora's POV

"Elora Shaylie Alenefar!" Yelled Tiergan from downstairs in some other part of the castle-like house. "I told you to meet me in the entrance hall in five minutes! It's been five minutes, and I don't see you here!"

I groaned loudly. "Remind me where we're going and why!?" I shouted back as I got up and walked to the mirror.

I undid my hair from its usual dutch braid and gently brushed my hair so that the waves would stay.

"Alden has summoned us to come meet him at Everglen!" My father replied from the entrance hall, I assumed. "He claims it's important. Wylie's gone out and since your last stunt, I still don't trust you home alone!"

I snickered lightly. I had let a gulon loose in a booby-trapped home. Well more like small set-ups to scare a fairly short being. I had set those up earlier throughout the week then when Tiergan had some business out of the house, I let a gulon move about. It stank up the place badly, but I made sure not to put any set-ups near my room.

"Will I need my elixir!?" I half yelled, while looking at the bottles lined up on the desk. Each of them held the ability to change my eyes from their natural gold to a sparkling midnight blue with an undertone of purple.

"No!" He shouted back. "Don't drink it, and hurry it up!"

"Ok I get it!" I yelled. "And I'm coming! Just let me get this stu– ... piece of wood out of my hair!"

I could practically envision his snort at my failed attempt and not saying the word 'stupid'.

"Finally!" Tiergan exclaimed the moment I came down the stairs. "What took you forever? And I do hope you didn't break your brush this time." Gesturing towards my let down hair.

I rolled my eyes in response. "I started daydreaming again, okay? And no I didn't break my brush. The piece of wood was something I picked up while rolling down the mountain side."

Tiergan's face went from its olive complexion to deathly pale. I snorted.

"No, I'm teasing." I reassured him. "I was logging in my journal and looking for starfae eggs, I guess a twig got caught in my hair."

He let out a relieved sigh and led me outside to the steps. Tiergan gave me one last suspicious look before letting the light carry us away.

Third Person, Following Sophie POV

"So what am I supposed to—"

Sophie's question was cut short by a flash of light that made everyone shield

their faces. When Sophie opened her eyes, a tall elf in a simple black tunic and a brunette girl close to Sophie's age but much shorter strode toward them. The male's olive skin stood in sharp contrast to his pale blond hair and the girl's fair skin, and while his face held youth, something ancient shone in his dark blue eyes.

"You've got some nerve summoning me," he shouted, stepping right next to Alden. He was a couple inches shorter, but he didn't seem the least bit intimidated by the height difference. "I'd sooner be exiled than train anyone in your family."

Fitz seemed to tense up with anger, while the girl cringed at the statement. The girl also sent Fitz an apologetic look, while Alden hadn't even reacted toward the harsh comment. Once the girl caught sight of Sophie, she looked at Tiergan then turned her gaze to Sophie with wide and curious eyes.

GOLDEN eyes!, thought Sophie with a jolt of realisation. The girl seemed to notice Sophie's reaction because a touch of pink creeped up onto her cheeks and she looked down.

"Yes, Tiergan—I'm well aware of your opinion of me. I can assure you, I

wouldn't have summoned you if I wasn't convinced that it would be what

Prentice would want." Alden finally replied after what seemed to be forever.

The girl's head shot up at the name and her eyes went from Tiergan to Alden, back and forth as if it were a ping pong match.

Tiergan on the other hand, had his bold expression crumpled to one of anxiety and worry as if he were hiding something.

But nonetheless, he replied. "Since when are you the expert on anything Prentice wanted?"

Now Sophie burst of curiosity. "Who's Prentice?"

Tiergan then spun around at the sound of Sophie's voice. His eyes scanned over the blonde girl quickly, and widened when he met her eyes.

"Yes," Alden said when Tiergan gasped. "Whatever you're thinking, yes. Tiergan, I'd like you to meet Sophie Foster. Foxfire's newest prodigy, who happens to need a Telepathy Mentor."

The brunette girl's left eyebrow went up in suspicion when Tiergan gasped. But nonetheless, the girl remained silent,

"She's the one, isn't she? The one Prentice was hiding?" Tiergan asked, very evidently nervous. He had indeed visibly swallowed multiple times before asking.

"Yes." Alden nodded. "She has been living with humans for the past twelve years."

"Twelve years is an awfully long time." Remarked the golden-eyed girl, finally speaking. "And in the forbidden cities!" The girl wrinkled her nose at the last sentence.

"I know right?" Fitz agreed with the girl's remark.

The girl looked at Sophie realising the blonde had been listening.

"I don't have anything against humans." The girl clarified. "But the forbidden cities have some really bad air and it stinks compared to the fresh air here in the lost cities."

Sophie smiled awkwardly at the girl's statement and then she cleared her throat and spoke before anyone could say anything else.

"Okay, seriously." She said, not liking the way Tiergan had and was staring at her. "Who is Prentice, and what does he have to do with me?"

"I'm sorry, that's classified information, Sophie," Alden said quietly.

"But it's about me." She glanced at Fitz for help. But all he did was shrug.

"If it becomes important for you to know, I will tell you," Alden promised. "For now, all anyone needs–"

"That's not fair!" The brunette girl exclaimed, rounding on Tiergan who nearly fell over in surprise. "How come she'll get to know when 'it becomes important' but I'll never get to know!? That's preposterous Tiergan! She's only been to the Lost Cities like what? Twice? And she's already got herself a promise that she'll get to know who the name Prentice belongs to! You on the other hand promised me that I would never get to know!"

Tiergan's eyes widened, and he visibly looked worried. The girl on the other hand was fuming, and glared at him with narrowed eyes. Tiergan took a deep breath and ignored the girl, which must've taken quite the effort.

Alden then cleared his throat and spoke again. "For now, all anyone needs to know is that you are the most incredible Telepath I've ever seen, and you need a Mentor. Which is why I summoned you," he added, turning to Tiergan. "Sophie has already broken through Fitz's and Bronte's blocking without training. She needs the best Mentor we can provide. I know you're retired, but I thought—given the circumstances—you might be persuaded to return to Foxfire."

As thought and resentment flickered across Tiergan's face, the girl seemed to be calming her temper.

"Sorry about that." She told Sophie, whose eyes widened in response. "It's just that I've been trying to get that information out of him for years. And here Alden is already promising you that you would get to know if it were to become important."

Sophie nodded in understanding, if she were in the girl's position, she would surely be angry too.

"I'm Elora, Elora Shaylie Alenefar." The girl introduced herself. "But don't call me Elora. Shaylie is just fine. Your choice."

Sophie turned the names over in her head. "Nice to meet you... Shaylie. I'm Sophie... Well you would know that by now." She added a bit awkwardly, and mentally slapped herself. You've already made it awkward Sophie! Great!

"Don't fret, it's fine." Shaylie seemed to reassure Sophie from her thoughts. "I've seen others do worse. But I recommend adding it smoothly as if you were acting a bit entitled to make it seem less awkward, you know?"

Sophie's eyes widened. "I-i wouldn't do well trying to sound entitled." She finally stuttered.

Shaylie's eyes seemed to twinkle with amusement. "Of course, it was just a conversation tip. You don't have to do it."

Sophie smiled at Shaylie's statement. They both seemed to click with each other as if they'd known each other for years.

When the girls turned back to the adult's conversation, they seemed to have both agreed that Tiergan would Mentor Sophie in Telepathy.

"Wait," Sophie interrupted. "Do I get any say in this?"

"What do you mean?" Alden asked.

She needed a deep breath before she could answer. "I'm not sure I want to get better at telepathy." She'd always hated reading minds, and that was

before she had to worry about serious rules and restrictions on it. And

Tiergan didn't seem like he even wanted to train her. Maybe it was better to

just pretend she wasn't a Telepath at all.

"Are you crazy?" Fitz asked. "Do you have any idea what an opportunity this is—"

Tiergan interrupted him, raising a hand which practically demanded silence. He took a step closer to Sophie, waiting for her to meet his eyes.

"Being a Telepath around humans is quite a burden. I'll bet you've had terrible headaches and heard all kinds of things you didn't want to hear. Right?" He asked.

"I can see how that would affect your decision, Sophie." Shaylie said sympathetically. "Personally, I've got a similar experience with my empathy. But trust me when I tell you that this is a once in a lifetime chance, and being a telepath makes your life easier as an elf. Considering it IS one of the more rare abilities."

Sophie actually smiled when Shaylie had offered her advice. Taking a deep breath, she voiced her decision.

"I'll give it a try..."

Shaylie flashed Sophie a small smile of support.

"Well, that settles that, then. I'll notify Dame Alina that you'll be returning to Foxfire. But the name of your prodigy will be kept classified. The Council doesn't want anyone knowing Sophie's a Telepath until she's older." Alden finalised.

"Why do I have to hide it?" she asked. His words touched a bruise. She

thought she was done hiding her abilities.

"You won't have to hide it forever," Alden said gently. "Just for a little

while, to give everyone time to adjust to you. In the meantime, the session

will be listed as remedial studies on your schedule."

"Don't worry Sophie." Shaylie said softly. "You won't be the only new student who's come out of nowhere. No one was expecting me at Foxfire either. Well at least for another year."

"What'd you mean?" Sophie asked, curiosity getting the best of her.

"Well you're going to be Level Two right?" She asked.

Sophie nodded in response.

"You're probably twelve then." Shaylie replied simply. "I'm Level Two as well, but I'm eleven. I manifested way too early and Tiergan didn't like me going out of control at home. So I was able to get accepted into Foxfire at 10."

Sophie's jaw dropped in surprise. She shot Alden a look of question, but Alden seemed to be surprised as well. Fitz too, with his lower jaw dropped open, Tiergan was the only one who wasn't surprised.

Then suddenly images flashed in Sophie's head.

First, there was a girl who resembled Shaylie if she were 4. The little girl was holding a slightly younger Tiergan's hand while walking through an archway. To the left of them were two bragging goblins.

"I bet you couldn't take that little girl down even if she was two times older!" Teased one goblin in a seemingly garbled tone.

"You're right! I bet I could take down both of you if I were two times older!" Responded the little girl in the same garbled tone.

The two goblins stared after her in surprise. While Tiergan looked down at her in genuine amazement.

The scene shifted to one in a gigantic house with stone walls and pale wood floors. There was a girl about 8 here, who was screaming and crying. And a shocked Tiergan.

"Get me out Tiergan!" The little girl screamed. "I don't wanna be stuck in the floor forever! I don't want wood for shoes either!"

It seemed that the little girl had her feet stuck in the wood floor by the looks of things.

The scene shifted again. This time it was in the same house presumably, but in a different section. The room was circular, cream painted stones this time, a white spiral staircase in the middle of the room, the same pale wooden floor and three giant windows placed in the rounded walls. By one window was a hammock with the same little girl but this time slightly older. Around 10 Sophie determined. The little girl seemed as if she had a really bad fever.

"Tiergan, stop feeling anxious!" The girl yelled towards the stairs, which led both upstairs and downstairs because this floor seemed sandwiched in between two other floors. "And Wylie, stop feeling bored! You're making me bored! Tiergan I'd be completely fine if you could stop feeling worried! ..."

The list went on and on as the girl listed the different emotions both Tiergan and this Wylie were feeling in the vision.

As Sophie was slapped back into the present, she blinked. Looking around, Sophie realised Fitz was looking around very confused, Alden was as pale as a ghost and looked like he needed to sit down. Finally, Tiergan's eyes were the size of tennis balls and he was speechless.

Shaylie was looking around confused.

"Did I do something?" She asked, her voice displaying worry.

"Why didn't you tell anyone that Shay here was a Telepath!?" Fitz yelled at Tiergan.

"I didn–" Tiergan started.

"I'm a what now?" Interrupted Shaylie. "Last time I checked, I was only a Polyglot, Phaser and Empath. Not a dear holy Telepath!" Shaylie then proceeded to blush at her sudden outburst. "Sorry..." She muttered sheepishly.

"I will test Shaylie further at home." Tiergan reassured everyone.

The pair walked off a few feet before light leaping away to wherever they live.

Elora's POV

The moment we got back home, Tiergan dragged me into his office for a talk. Well he talked. And then he made me go through 'standard Telepathy testing games'.

"I give you permission to enter my head." He says promptly.

"Hold on." I say the moment he opens his mouth again. "I can't even get in your head, so why would you give me permission?"

Tiergan rolled his eyes, and made a gesture for me to go ahead and try and get in his head. Actually, not in an annoying way.

Sighing, I put my hands on my own temples and squeezed my eyes shut for dramatics.

Are you still so sure about your words?

I gasped, my eyes shooting open and I fell out of my chair. My eyes wide in what I presumed was horror, I looked at Tiergan. All he did was give me a grim smile.

After what I thought was hours of Telepathy related speeches and exercises, I was finally allowed to go to my room.

I opened the wooden door that led to the little hallway, and walked in. Then I finally got to the circular room that was the first floor of my room.

The stones that made up the walls were covered in a soft creamy lilac colour that I had painted on myself. Around the walls were 3 giant curved windows that fit right in with the curve of the walls. One window had a window seat fitted into it, with lilac and white pillows and one long off white cushion that covered the wooden bench. All around this room were all sorts of art materials and finished pieces of arts and crafts.

Sighing, I picked up an old painting that was on the floor. It was the one of an old starfae that had died not too long ago. On the painting was the starfae in mid-flight. The starfae was a silver, a platinum silver, with eyes the same gold colour as my own. Behind the starfae was the out of focus branches of my favourite tree in the garden. The nonfolia tree. The no-leaf tree. Well at the time I had painted this, the tree didn't have leaves. But it did have its blossoms. Smiling at the now dead bird from the painting, I set it up on a shelf and walked to the stairs in the middle of the room.

The stairs were all white and had a luminous glow from the chandelier above. The entire staircase was a spiral one and went all the way up to a third floor.

Realising I had to add another entry into my starfae log, I dashed up to the second floor.

The second floor of my entire room was nearly identical to the first floor. Excluding the fact that the walls were cream and not pale purple. Plus instead of arts and crafts things, there were bookshelves filled to the brim with books. One window had a hammock, another had a basket chair hanging from the ceiling. The third window, which was above the one with the window seat downstairs, was open and had a little platform attached to the window sill outside. Right next to the platform was a sturdy oak tree.

Grabbing a leather-bound mini-sized journal from my desk, I raced over to the window with the platform. Sliding the window up, I crawled onto the platform and onto the oak tree. Climbing up the branches, I expertly located where the starfae nest was to be found. Checking the nest, I found two sleeping starfaes. One was a midnight blue hue and the other was a pale misty purple. Smiling, I wrote my find down, and climbed back into my room.

Sheesh, Telepathy exercises are energy absorbing, I thought as I yawned and climbed up the stairs to the final floor of my room.

The third floor was very close to the first floor. There was a door where there would have been a hallway, and it led to the bathroom. My entire room was in a tower, excluding the bathroom and the hallway downstairs, which were actually part of the main house.

And instead of three windows, there was a single, long, floor-to-ceiling window. Along the window was my bed. On the right end of my bed was a modest headboard. The headboard and the rest of the bed frame were made of wood that was painted white. There was also an interesting canopy that went with the bed. It was puffy, white, soft and resembled a cloud. The posts that attached the 'cloud' to the bed were thin and silver in colour. The covers on my bed matched the earlier pale lilac and cream palette.

On the other side of my room, beside the door to the bathroom, was a foldable changing wall and a door behind it. The second door led to a closet where I kept all my clothing, shoes and jewellery.

But my favourite part of the third floor of my room were the little crystal figures hanging from the ceiling all over the room. Each crystal was shaped into random everyday items with wings attached to them. My personal favourite crystal was the key. In truth, I had carved each and everyone of the crystal figures when I was younger, but the key for some reason held a special place in my heart.

Smiling at the sight of my unmade bed, I skipped over to the changing wall and walked into the closet. Humming, I chose a white night-dress for bed. It was simple, with elbow-length sleeves, a small frill to the cuffs and the dress was below-knee length. The dress had no designs whatsoever, other than small pale yellow floral embroidery on the front where the skirt part met the upper part of the dress. (No reference, I came up with this on the spot.)

After I changed, I made my way over to my bed. Laying down, I stared up at the fluffy cloud that was the canopy. Who's this Sophie girl and why was she living in the forbidden cities? What does Prentice have to do with Sophie and I? How the hell did I just manifest for like the fourth time?

Before I could try and answer my own questions, my imparter started impatiently ringing. Shooting upwards, I picked it up and looked at the caller.

Fitz? Why in the name of gulons is the Golden-Boy calling me? Nonetheless, I answered it.

"Golde–... Fitz why are you calling me? It's getting dark out. And holy, are you in the forbidden cities?" I exclaimed as I saw the unfamiliar background.

"The explanation's too long." Fitz lamely responded. "But I saw that you and Sophie were getting along earlier. And Sophie's really going to need a friend soon. Do you mind light-leaping to Everglen so you can be there for her?"

I hesitated before answering. "Fine, I'll come. But I expect a full and detailed explanation after Sophie goes to sleep."

He sighed before nodding in agreement. "I'll see you in a few."

Then the imparter went blank.

Dashing off to my closet, I found a pair of black netted stockings, and a black overcoat that would go well with my night-dress. I threw both on in a rush, and dug through my pin drawer. Finding a clear and iridescent flower clip, I pinned back my front hair. Grabbing a pair of black half-calf length boots, I ran down my stairs and shot out of the door that led to my room.

Realising that Tiergan wouldn't know where I was, I decided to try transmitting.

Hey Tiergan? Yeah, um, I'm going to Everglen for some reason that involves Sophie. I'll be back soon.

However, I didn't hear a response and I wondered if it had even worked. Then I remembered that Tiergan couldn't get through my blocking for some weird reason.

"Go ahead Shay!" He yelled suddenly from somewhere upstairs. "But keep your imparter with you and call me once you're coming back! And don't forget your leaping crystal this time!"

Okay thanks! I transmitted, not wanting to use my vocal chords at the moment.

Grabbing my spare satchel, I shoved my imparter and home crystal in. Then I raced out the door, closed it and held a clear leaping crystal to the soft star light.

The moment I arrived I was blinded by the light coming from Everglen's gates.

"OI FITZ!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, hoping Golden-Boy would show up and let me in.

Instead, it was Alden who came rushing out.

"Sorry." I muttered with an embarrassed smile.

"It's perfectly fine, Elo– Shaylie." Alden said.

I decided to let it slide that he had nearly called me by my first name. Alden then let me in and started leading me to where Fitz and Sophie supposedly were. On our way, we passed Princess Vacker, Biana.

"What's Alenefar doing here, dad?" She half wailed and half asked.

"Shaylie here was invited by Fitz for something that isn't your business." Alden replied promptly.

I smirked in her direction and quickly followed Alden. He led me to a closed white door where Fitz was waiting.

"Hey Shay." He said the moment he spotted us.

"Hey Golden-Boy." I replied with a mock salute. "So where's my explanation?" I asked, crossing my arms and leaning on the wall beside the white door. "And where's Sophie?"

"She–" Fitz started.

Alden cleared his throat and looked at me pointedly. "How was your testing with Tiergan?"

Oh yeah, that went well. I transmitted to both Fitz and Alden with a small smirk.

The pair of them jumped slightly but they both responded with small smiles.

"Did you tell Dame Alina so you could study Telepathy at Foxfire?" Fitz asked, evidently dying to know.

"Nope." I replied with a shrug. "Tiergan said he'd mentor me himself at home. I don't think Dame Alina will like me manifesting again. She hated it when she would get complaints from my Mentors because I would complain too much about my Empathy during sessions."

The Vackers both laughed lightly at my explanation. Then Alden walked off and Fitz gave me the rundown on what had just happened to Sophie.

"That's a lot to go through for a twelve year old elf." I noted. "If I had to deal with that I would've for sure have broken down."

"Yeah. Same." Agreed Fitz. "But Sophie's strong."

"Tell me about it."

Then Sophie walked out the white door, she looked as if she had just cried for hours and had just half-heartedly laughed at a joke. So I attacked her with a hug. Too bad I was like a head shorter than Sophie, because my head nearly smacked into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." I told her somberly. "And I'm sorry if you're not a hugging person."

Sophie laughed at the second apology, but hiccuped right after. "It's not your fault Shaylie."

I switched on my Empathy, this was when it could be useful. Sheesh, the girl had strong emotions. I was hit with grief, anxiety– for multiple reasons, sadness, worry and gosh the list goes on.

"I know it's not my fault." I replied. "But if you feel like crying your heart out, and I know you do, then now's the time to do it. With the Empath. Because I know what you're feeling and you can't lie to me. So go ahead, I'll lend you the shoulder to cry on."

I squeezed her into a tighter hug as I felt her start to sob. Fitz helped me lead her to her temporary room and I stayed with her for a few moments. We sat on the huge canopy bed and I let her just hug me and cry.

"Sorry..." Sophie apologised after a while. "You should go home and sleep."

"No it's fine, school doesn't happen till two days from now." I reassured her. "I can go home late, Tiergan won't mind." I promised her when she opened her mouth to protest again.

"But I'm tired now, and we shouldn't give the Vackers another guest to worry about." She insisted.

"Well I don't like Biana much..." I turned the thought of leaving over in my head. "Yeah I think I'll go. Della's awfully nice but Biana'll be a pain. So yea I think I'll go. Plus I'm in my night-wear."

Sophie gave a gasp. "You came out of bed for me!?" She half shrieked.

"Well yeah." I muttered. "I don't have a lot of friends you know."

"Same..." Sophie muttered while tugging out an eyelash. "And I lost my family..."

"Friends?" I suggested while opening my arms for a hug.

"Friends." Sophie agreed and leaned in for the hug.

When we pulled apart, Sophie had one more thing to say before I left.

"Shaylie, that doesn't look like a nightdress the way you put it together." She complimented. "You should wear it out sometime like that. How do elves do it?" She wailed afterwards.

I laughed at her last question. "You'll get there some day."

"Nah, I'm too human to be like you elves." Sophie teased.

"Well then I'll do it for you, and you can say you did it!" I said, playing along.

"I may actually take you up on that some day." Sophie agreed.

"Have you got something for Golden-Boy then?" I teased and poked her arm.

I didn't expect her to react the way she did. A noticeable blush creeped onto her cheeks and she wouldn't meet my eyes. And her emotions. SHEEEEEESH. There was flustered, embarrassed, and her heart seemed to flutter.

"No!" I exclaimed. "You do!?"

Sophie vigorously shook her head. "N-noooooo!"

"Don't lie to an Empath, Sophie." I informed her. "It's the most basic thing you need to know about them."

"Well then I don't like Empaths!" She exclaimed, trying her best to avoid giving the truth.

I looked at her in mock offence. "Well scuse you!"

Sophie's blush went to an even deeper shade of pink. "Sorry..." She started. "I didn't mean t–"

"I know." I assured her. "I was teasing."

We shared one last hug, then I told her goodnight and left. The moment I closed the door and turned around, I bumped into Fitz. He was worried, anxious and suspicious.

"What took you so long in there?" Fitz asked, obviously trying to hide his suspicion.

I tapped my own chest with my finger. "Empath, remember? And I took a long time because I took my time and Sophie needed support."

Fitz sighed as the suspicion left him. Not wanting to know what everyone was feeling right now, I turned off my Empathy.

"My dad told me to lead you out to the gate when you were going to leave." Fitz informed me as soon as I looked at him in silence.

I nodded. "Okay, then do it."

Then I started walking towards the gate, and left Fitz to scramble after me.

"Congrats on manifesting by the way." He said awkwardly as he closed the gate behind me.

"Thanks..." I replied just as awkwardly.

"I... Didn't know you had gold eyes..." He added just as I was going to raise my leaping crystal to the light.

"Oh yeah..." I said awkwardly. "Yeah, they're naturally gold. The blue was just for school. But don't tell anyone, 'k?"

Fitz nodded. "Alright, goodnight."


Then I held my home crystal to the moon light and let the light sweep me away.

~ End Of Chapter A/N ~

Ok so I just had a 17 doc page long chapter. *clap clap clap* Longest chapter I've ever written! *Silently being very proud of myself* But I do hope you enjoyed that! ^^ I promise Venera will make an appearance in the next one! Oh yea side note. I had a little argument of sorts with my friend, and because I wanted to apologise, I told her I'd make an OC dedicated to her for this fanfic. She agreed with ecstasy and so yeah. Venera Wang is a character dedicated to my bestie Venus. Thank you Venus for supporting me from when my fanfics were just things I could discuss with you!

~ LittleOwl

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