
By Romanogersroyalty

15.4K 839 525

(warning: signs of suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, abuse, bullying and harassment) Natasha Romanoff is... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40

Part 10

438 24 20
By Romanogersroyalty

"Here we are, home sweet home." Steve said as parked in his driveway and he got out of the car opening the passenger side door for Natasha

Natasha stepped out of the car, her hand slipped into Steve's as she looked at the mansion in front of her in shock, the mansion was way to big for one person in her opinion.

The whole exterior of the house was stone with a wrap around white porch and large windows that gave you a good view into the house. The yard was big as well with a white picket fence closing them off from their neighbors.

'Why on earth would Steve want to live in a huge mansion like this when he's all by himself?' She wondered

"You live here?" She asked as she kept her eyes trained on the mansion in front of her

Steve smiled as he looked at his home "yes. What you don't like it?"

Natasha looked over at the blonde her eyebrows raised "it's lovely, I just didn't expect one person to want a house so big."

Steve smiled "well now your here so it won't be so lonely."

Natasha grabbed her bag from the backseat, it was a small duffle, just big enough to keep her stuff in, the same one she came home with. The rest of her stuff would be moved into the mansion while they are on their honeymoon.


As they walked inside Natasha's eyes widened in amazement as she looked up at the grand chandeliers and blue interior. The whole house was a mixture of different blues.

"This way." Steve said as he lead her up a staircase and down the hallway into thier room

Without even bothering to look around Natasha quickly ran into the bathroom, duffel bag in tow. Going over to the vanity mirror Natasha bent her arm behind her back and desperately tried to reach the zipper, she had been wearing this dress for a while now and she wanted nothing more than to get this it off as fast as possible. During her struggle to reach the zipper she tripped over her own to feet and landed on the cold white tile floor.

Hearing a bang Steve quickly walked into the bathroom and chuckled lightly as he saw the blonde on the floor struggling to take off her dress.

"Here let me help." he said as he helped up the blonde

"I can do it myself." She said

"Really because it looks like you could use some help." He said and Natasha rolled her eyes as she turned around

Steve's hand's grabbed the zipper and slowly pulled it down sending shivers down Natasha's back. With the dress unzipped it fell to the floor exposing the white lingerie she wore underneath. The lingerie wasn't her idea however it was her mother's. Melina's words still rung in her ears 'he's going to expect you to give a little.' she had said which Natasha simply rolled her eyes to in response.

"Well, um, I'll leave you to get dressed." He said as he tried to keep his eyes off the nearly naked body in front of him

Natasha turned to face the blonde and due to their close proximity her hands landed on his chest.

Natasha cleared her throat as she looked up into his baby blue eyes and muttered a quick "thank you." Before going over to the toilet and shuffling through her duffle bag that laid on the lid of it.

Steve quickly left the bathroom leaving Natasha to get dressed in peace.


Natasha came out of the bathroom some time later with her hair wrapped in a towel and her body covered by her nightgown.

Steve looked at the blonde in awe, the nightgown she wore exposed her cleavage to a good extent and showed off her creamy white legs.

"So, where am I sleeping?" she asked as she looked around the room awkwardly

Steve smirked as he extended his arms

Natasha's eyes widened in realization and she shook her head "here, you have to be kidding me?! There's like a thousand rooms here, why do I have to sleep in yours?!" she exclaimed

"Because we're married and married people sleep in the same room." he replied with a shrug as he began to take off his shirt

Natasha's eyes widened in fear "w-w-what are you doing?"

Steve looked over at the blonde with a confused look "getting comfortable." he replied in a duh tone before he took off his dress pants leaving him only in his boxers

Natasha looked away from Steve as he stood practically naked in front of her. Steve chuckled "what? Never seen a man naked." he questioned causing the blonde to look back at him with a glare

"I have, it's just that normally when I do it's because we're having sex." she retorted with a smirk

Steve's jaw clenched at the thought of her with another man. He didn't know why it made him so angry though. Maybe it's because their married now and he feels protective of her or maybe it's because he grew to have feelings for the blonde over the last week. 'Definitely the first one' Steve thought.

Without saying anything else Steve crawled into the bed getting under the covers with Natasha following suit.

"We leave at 6 a.m." he stated as he grabbed his phone and set an alarm before putting it on the charger and setting it on his nightstand

Natasha gave a hum of acknowledgement as she turned her back to face him digging her head into the pillow trying to get comfortable. Steve sighed as he looked over at the blonde and he too turned his back to her.

Any other couple would be doing something completely different right about now but then again they barely know anything about each other so why would they be doing what normal married couples do?


The next morning rolled around and Natasha and Steve woke up to the sound of his phone alarm going off. With a groan of annoyance Steve reached his arm over grabbing the phone and turning off the alarm.

Natasha got out of bed first grabbing her duffle bag and taking out her clothes for the flight. Since it is a flight Natasha decided to wear a simple pair of sweatpants, a crop top and a pair of Nike slides. With her clothes in tow Natasha made her way to the bathroom to get changed.

Steve on the other hand was still in bed not wanting to get out of the comforts the mattress gave him.

Natasha stepped out of the bathroom fully clothed and was shocked to see Steve still in bed scrolling through his phone as he laid his head on the pillow.

"Aren't you going to get dressed?" she asked as she looked up at the clock that read '4 a.m.' they have less than two hours to get to the airport and the airport itself is an hour drive.

Steve looked up at his wife from his phone and nodded before getting out of bed and walking to his closet. Grabbing a tee-shirt, a pair of sweatpants and a pair of Nike tennis shoes he made his way to the bathroom.

While Steve was getting dressed Natasha walked over to her duffle bag pulling out the small bottle of antidepressants and taking one. Putting the bottle back into her bag Natasha took out a granola bar and ate it like she did most mornings.

"Alright let's go." Steve said as he walked out of the bathroom and grabbed his suitcase that waited for him by the door of his bedroom

Natasha sighed as she took her duffle bag and followed the blonde outside to where a sleek black BMW waited for them.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs. Rogers." a man with sandy blonde hair and a beard greeted as he opened the door to the backseat

Steve smiled at the man "good morning to you as well Emmet."

"Good morning." Natasha greeted with a smile as she followed Steve inside the car

Shutting the door behind the blonde Emmet hopped into the driver's seat and started the engine.

It wasn't long till Emmet stopped in front of the airport and opened the car door for the couple before grabbing their luggage and handing it to them.

"Have a nice flight." Emmet said with a smile as he walked over to the driver's seat

"Thank you." Natasha waved to the man and Steve looked at her with a look that Natasha couldn't quite place. 'Is he jealous' she wondered. "What?" she questioned as she looked at the blond with furrowed eyebrows

"Do you have to be so nice?" he asked as they walked into the airport

Natasha shrugged "beats being mean all the time." she retorted

Natasha started to walk over to check in when Steve grabbed her wrist and she turned to face him giving him a look of confusion.

"This way." he said as he dragged her along to a secluded area

Natasha furrowed her eyebrows "your not going to kill me are you?" she questioned noticing they were two of the only people in the area

Steve scoffed "of course not." he said as he walked up to a door and scanned his I.D. card so the door would open

Walking through the door it lead them outside where a private plane with the initials S.R. engraved on it sat.

"A private plane?" Natasha cocked a eyebrow

She knew that rich people liked their toys but she had to admit she didn't think that Steve would own a private plane.

Steve looked over to the blonde and nodded "what you don't have one?" he asked with a smirk and Natasha shook her head

"The plane's ready now Mr. Rogers." a stewardess said as she walked up to the pair

Steve nodded and gave her a friendly smile "thank you." he said as he took Natasha's hand and lead her on to the plane

"Seriously, what is it with you and being nice all the time?" he asked curiously as they took their seats on the plane

"I'm not nice all the time." she denied

Steve cocked a eyebrow "really?" He questioned

Natasha nodded "yeah, remember when I totaled my father's car with a crowbar?"

"But you just did that a spur of the moment thing." he said

Natasha cocked a eyebrow "says who?"

Steve wanted to believe she was joking and that she didn't actually do it because she wanted to but at the same time he could see the anger in her eyes everytime someone brought up her parents, especially her father.

"So, you never did tell me where we're going." she stated as she buckled her seat belt as instructed by the stewardess

Steve was put in charge of the honeymoon planning by his mother who thought that her son should be more involved.

Steve smirked "you'll see." he replied and Natasha cocked an eyebrow


"You need to eat something." Steve said

It had been hours since take off and it was now past 11 o'clock and all Steve had seen the blonde eat was a simple granola bar.

Natasha looked up at her husband from the book she was reading and shrugged "I'm not hungry."

Steve huffed "all you've eaten today was a granola bar, you have to eat something else or your going to get sick."

Natasha let out a huff as she closed her book and sat it down on the small table that sat in-between the pair. "I'm not hungry, I'm fine."

But Steve wasn't going to take no for a answer, he quickly waved over the stewardess and asked for two salads.

With a promise of being back soon with the food the woman left to do what she was asked.

"Why do you care so much if I eat? You didn't seem to care before when you and Tony spilled my lunch all over me." Natasha questioned as she looked at the blonde with a cocked eyebrow

Steve sighed "1, I thought we were starting over. 2, I care because weather you like it or not we're married now and I took my vows very seriously."

"Your salads." the stewardess said as she walked up to the pair and placed their meals on the table in front of them

Steve thanked her with a kind smile and once she was out of sight he redirected his focus to his wife who was now looking out the window not even sparing a glance at the meal in front of her.

Steve sighed as he took the lid off Natasha's salad "what dressing would you like?" he asked as he looked at the assortment of dressing the stewardess left for them.

Natasha looked over at Steve then down at her salad with a look of disgust

"Oh, come on, you told me yourself that salads are a part of your diet." he said exasperatedly

'Why wont this woman eat?' he wondered

Natasha sighed as she picked up a packet of a thousand island dressing and poured it over her salad. Taking small slow bites Natasha was able to finish the salad but didn't eat for the remainder of the flight.

Steve observed Natasha, he wondered what made the blonde so uncomfortable when it came to eating. This wasn't the first time he's seen her like this, he remembered that day at the pizza parlor when Natasha told him about her strict diet. But what Steve didn't know was how much Natasha's eating problem of hers affected her in the past.


"Beginning descent into Hawaii. We will land in less than ten minutes." the stewardess voice boomed through the speaker

Natasha looked at the blonde in shock "Hawaii?" She questioned and Steve nodded

Steve remember that when they played 21 questions Natasha said that she'd love to go to Hawaii some day. Steve found it shocking that Natasha hadn't been before but it made the perfect honeymoon destination in the end.

"Remember when I asked you if you could go any place in the world where would it be and you said Hawaii because you'd never been?" he asked and Natasha nodded

"You remembered that?" she asked shocked

Steve nodded

Once the plane was safely on the ground Steve unbuckled his seatbelt and lent out his hand to Natasha as he got up. Natasha slid her hand in his and the pair walked off the plane hand in hand.

"Mr. Rogers." a woman with a short black hair greeted as she handed the blond a set of keys

Steve gave the woman a nod of acknowledgement as he took the keys and walked with Natasha over to the black Audi. Getting into the car Natasha gave her husband a curious look.

"What?" Steve asked with a chuckle as he glanced at his wife and backed out of the parking space

"Nothing." she replied simply

Steve chuckled as he shook his head and put the car into drive.


Steve pulled into a small beach house a little under an hour later and Natasha looked at him confused. "What, you thought we'd stay in some motel when Howard owns this beauty?"

Natasha looked at the beach house in front of them as they got out of the car. The house wasn't really that small, it was a medium size with beautiful palm trees surrounding it and a view of the beach. The windows of the house were huge which meant there would be a lot of natural light coming inside, the patio held a porch swing along with a chess board. Natasha smiled as she ran up the front porch steps.

Steve looked at the blonde confused not understanding what triggered her excitement. But whatever it was he was glad that she had a smile on her face for the first time that day. Steve followed the blonde up the steps and watched as she looked at the chess board.

"Can we play?" she asked as she turned around to face Steve with a huge smile on her face

Steve melted at the sight of her smile, Natasha was never one to smile a lot but when she did she had a smile that could light up any room.

Steve nodded "sure, after we unpack." he said as he held up her duffle bag

Natasha nodded and took her bag from Steve quickly running inside the house so she could unpack and play a game of chess.

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