By White_Ghost_21

4.1K 46 2

Complete ✅ Lisa is a simple girl , living a life most can only dream of. With wealth by her side , and passio... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17

Chapter 16

183 2 0
By White_Ghost_21

Jennie POV

When we arrived outside the villa, that was when it really sunk in. I felt tears fill my eyes and put my hand over my mouth as it clicked to me that I was really out of the nightmare which I had been caught up in, that bad dream that felt as though it had gone on for a life time.

"Are you alright?" Lisa reached across to take my hand, and I nodded.

"I'm just..." I tried to find some way to put my emotions into words, but I came up blank. There wasn't the vocabulary in any language to describe my feelings to her, so I would just have to settle on tears for now. I knew they were happy tears, tears of relief, tears of joy that I had seen my parents again and knew they hadn't rejected me for what I had been through.

"Here," She  unbuckled my seatbelt and lifted me into her arms. "Let's get you up to bed, alright?"

I wrapped my arms around her and let her carry me and to the bedroom I had left all those weeks ago. I had truly believed that I would never see this place again, that my punishment for leaving in the night would be a lifetime trapped in that awful apartment with Kai, but here I was. And it was far from a fantasy. This was the real world; the women carrying me was a honest person. The only honest person I had ever truly known.

She lay me down gently in bed, and I let my head sink back into the pillow and closed my eyes. But instead of feeling tired, I felt a sudden rush of energy, my entire body suddenly feeling as though it was sparking with overblown electricity. I opened my eyes and looked at her as she sank on to the edge of the bed beside me, and I took her hand.

"Lisa, I missed you so much," I told her, lifting her hand to my mouth and brushing my lips across it. She smiled down at me.

"I missed you too," she agreed, and she lay down in the bed next to me, seemingly reading what my desire was for and willing to indulge it. She ran her hand up the length of my waist, tracing the curve where it met my hip, and I felt as though she was wiping clean the memories of Kai and everything he had done to me. I knew they would always be there, at the back of my mind, but when Lisa touched me, she made them feel unimportant, secondary, as though they didn't define me.

I moved towards her and placed my hands on her chest, feeling the beat of her heart under her Tshirt, and even though I knew I was physically exhausted, I felt this surge of energy at being so close to her, at wanting so much from her. I gazed up and into her eyes, and found her staring back at me with an intent that made something in my stomach kindle to life. I remembered the first time, on the couch after that movie, when I had been so scared and so desperate for her in the same breath. And this time, I only felt that desire. I wanted her more intensely than I'd ever wanted any one in my life before.

"Jennie," she murmured, reaching up to cup my face with her hand. "We don't have to do anything tonight if you don't want to. We can just cuddle, or I can run you a bath..."

"No," I shook my head. "I want... you. I want this."

I shifted again, drawing our faces together, and planted a kiss on her lips. She tasted so good, so familiar, and at once I felt whatever had burned to life inside me growing, filling me, swelling to consume me in the best possible way. As soon as our lips met, she deepened our embrace, moving her hand back to grasp my head and pull me towards him. Her tongue was in my mouth, her legs tangled with mine. I hooked my leg over her and pressed my hips against hers , surprised and delighted to find her already growing hard beneath her trousers.

"I want you so badly," She growled in my ear, and the words were hypnotic. I felt my self move into that state, that delicious state where only she mattered to me, where her body and mine were the only important things left in the whole universe.

"I want you too," I murmured back, and she moved her mouth from mine and began to kiss down my chin, across my neck, her teeth bearing slightly at my throat. I closed my eyes and tipped my head back, grabbing her and pulling her on top of me, desperate to feel the weight of her holding me down, keeping me earthbound.

Her hands moved hungrily all over my body, as though she was reminding herself exactly how I felt to her. She pushed up my skirt, letting her hands slip over my thighs and grip deep into my flesh, and then started on my torso, unbuttoning the top I was wearing swiftly and tossing it aside. Kai had purchased the clothes for me, and I would happily have set fire to them at once. It certainly felt right that I was letting Lisa rip them off me, a person I actually wanted, actually desired.

"Mmm..." Lisa traced her mouth down my neck again and this time continued down to my breasts. She drew each one of my nipples into her mouth in turn, sucking softly until they swelled beneath her lips. I reached down to hold her in place, running my fingers through her soft hair, reminding myself how she felt, every part of her.

She kissed across my stomach, to that sensitive spot just below my navel that seemed to unlock some dark place within me. Her hands were busy working at my skirt, pulling it down and letting me kick it aside. And, from them, she slid down between my legs, hooking her fingers over the hips of my underwear and grinning up at me.

"Can I?" She murmured. I looked at her soft mouth and felt a shiver run through me. I nodded.

"Please," I whispered back, and she slowly pulled my underwear from my legs and tossed it aside, so that I was bare naked in front of her. Before any other man, I might have pulled back, tried to hide myself, but I felt no urge to do that with her. Her eyes took in every inch of me as she pushed herself up on the bed, staring down at me as though she couldn't believe that I was really here in front of her.

"You're so beautiful," she murmured, and she swiftly moved up to kiss me on the mouth before she slipped back down between my thighs. I groaned and shifted my hips against the bed, my sex already aching for the feel of her, any part of her that she would give me.

Lisa ran her mouth up the length of my thigh, teasing me, her breath warm and eager as she pushed my legs apart. I knew that I should have closed my eyes and let the pleasure take me, but I wanted to watch him as he did this. I wanted to remind myself that the women pleasuring me this way was one that I wanted there, one who had asked to be there. That was the most important thing to me, the sexiest one that I had given her my consent. That was something sacred that had been silent in my sex life for so long.

She kissed across my belly again and brushed her fingers through my pubic hair. By now, I was pulsing with need, the desire coming out from between my legs to spread all through my body. My teeth were gritted and my body racked with tension as I silently urged her onward, and finally, finally, she lowered her mouth to me for the first time.

"Ah!" I cried out, the sensation at once taking control of me and wiping everything else from my mind. She flattened her tongue and found my most sensitive spot, and stroked at it gently, sending tremors all the way through my body. I reached down to grasp her hair, to hold her in place so she wouldn't go anywhere and began to rock my hips back against her. I felt greedy for this, for whatever she could give me.

"You taste so good," Lisa murmured, pulling back for a moment and looking up at me; her mouth was slick with my wetness, and the sight of her eyes glowing up at me in the dark from between my thighs was enough to send another spasm of pleasure through my system. She returned to the task at hand, sealing her lips around my nub and sucking softly as she continued to stroke me with her tongue.

Her hands roamed all over my body as she did so - across my breasts, my legs, my arms, my stomach, and my backside. It was though she was reclaiming her territory, touching every part of me so that she could say it was her again. And I was more than happy to give myself to her in this way, in any way I could. I wanted her to have me like this. I wanted to be her. I wanted to know that a person as good as her desired me, wanted to claim me.

"Oh..." I groaned, my hands balling into fists on the covers beside me as I felt my pleasure swelling deep down within me. My back arched from the bed and I clutched at the sheets, gripping them so tightly I was sure I would leave the imprint in my hands. I watched her, watched Lisa as she used her tongue and her lips to pleasure me, and I knew in that moment that there wasn't a thing in the world she wouldn't have done to please me. And knowing that, knowing that this women would give herself over to me so utterly and without question, was all I needed to push me over the edge.

I let out a noise even I didn't recognize as the orgasm swept through me, feeling as though someone had lit a forest fire in my belly that swiftly spread to consume everything around it. I was trembling when she pulled her mouth from me, and she moved up on top of me, wrapping me in her arms and holding me close as I waited to come back down to earth.

"Lisa...." I groaned her name into her ear, and she turned and covered my mouth with her. I could taste myself on her lips, and that sent another surge of lust through me. I could feel her hardness against my hip as she lay on top of me, and I knew I wanted to taste her, too.

"Here," I carefully moved her so that she was on her back and I was on top of her. I was distinctly aware of the fact that I was totally naked and she was fully dressed, and I knew I wasn't going to be able to let that pass.

"Let me..." I breathed as I started to unbutton her Tshirt, my fingers trembling as they skimmed over her bare skin. She lay back and let me undress her, let me take my time. I worked slowly, savouring every inch of newly exposed flesh as I took off her clothes, running my fingers over every part of her. I adored her. I was never going to let this person be taken from me again, no matter what! Come hell or high water, I would be at her side. Nothing could change that.

I finally pulled off her underwear, and her erection sprang free. I wrapped my fingers around her gently, stroking up and down a couple of times and watching the way the pleasure registered on her face. I wanted to give her what she had given me, wanted to show her what I was capable of.

I brushed my mouth over her stomach and flicked my gaze up to meet her as I lowered my mouth down to her for the first time. I traced my tongue over her tip for a moment before I took all of her, knowing that the sensitive spot would intensify things for her; she groaned, the sound coming from deep down inside her, as I took her into my mouth, let her slide all the way into me.

It was an intoxicating feeling, taking her like that - at once, I was submitting to her and controlling her, and the mix of the two was enough to send shivers down my spine. I ran my hands up the inside of her thighs as I guided my mouth slowly up and down her length, her  warmth and her taste spreading across my tongue, comforting. She reached out to brush the hair from my eyes, and I looked up at her and found her gazing down at me with pure adoration in her eyes. I remembered the last time the two of us had been in this bed together, it was when I had left without a second word, and how cruel and pointless that all seemed now. But how distant, too - how far removed from how I felt at that moment. I would never go anywhere again. I wanted to stay by her side for good, and I knew that now, without equivocation.

"You look so good doing that," she murmured, and I could hear the ragged edge to her voice, letting me know that she was growing closer to the edge. I would have happily brought her to climax with my mouth, but she only let me go another few moments before she reached down and pulled me on top of her.

"I want to be inside you," Lisa told me, our bodies blending in the dark edges of the room. "I want to feel you again..."

She grabbed a condom from the bedside drawer and swiftly sheathed herself, and I watched as she covered her length. I ached for her inside me, had been aching for her for what felt like a lifetime by now. I spread my legs and moved on top of her , planting my hands on her chest for leverage, and she held herself steady as I slowly lowered myself all the way down upon her.

"Ah," she growled, reaching up to sink her fingers into  my hips and guide me down on top of her. As soon as she was all the way inside me, I felt as though a weight had lifted, a weight I'd had no idea I had even been carrying. My body seemed weightless as I began to move on top of her, as she began to thrust back to meet me, as though I was floating through space, and this women was the only thing that was keeping me connected to the ground.

I moved my hips in small circles, pushing myself down and then lifting up again, teasing her with my movements; she reached out and guided my hand down to my nub, and I didn't need telling twice, beginning at once to stroke myself in time with her thrusts, letting her move into me harder, deeper. I felt as though I was being filled, not just literally, but in some deep emotional sense as well, as though this women was giving me everything I needed.

I wasn't sure how long I made love to her like that; she linked her fingers with my free hand to allow me to push back against her harder, and I could see the tension in her jaw, the need in her eyes as she watched me move upon her. I tipped my head back and closed my eyes; finally letting the blend of sensa tions move across me, take control of me. I could hardly keep the pleasure in any longer, the feeling of it swelling dangerously, building and building and building until...

"Oh..." I breathed as the orgasm swelled through me once more, the pleasure pulsing in every nerve ending for a moment as it blew up from between my legs across my whole body. My system felt for a moment as though it was spinning out of control, the pleasure the only thing that it could possibly take hold of, and then I returned to my body, landing back down on earth, and I felt Lisa find her own release deep inside me. I watched her face, tremoring for a moment, as she reached her climax, and the sight of it was enough to send another wave of pleasure through my body. It felt as though my pleasure had morphed into her, the connection in our bodies allowing us to exchange it between one another.

She gently lifted me off of her, and then slipped the condom from herself and went to dispose of it. I crashed forward into the bed with a smile on my face, my body spent but happy.

She returned a moment later, the creak in the bed alerting me to her presence, and my eyes flickered open once more and landed on her. I reached out to stroke her hair, reminding myself for what felt like the millionth time that she was really there in front of me, that this was really happening. I was free. And I could spend the rest of my life with her if I wanted. Hell, even my parents approved, which saved me the bother of having to prove to them that the women I had chosen was worthy of our family.

"I can't believe you're really here," she remarked, moving her hand down my arm with a look of marvel on her face. "After all this time..."

"I'm so sorry," I blurted out. "I should never have left. I can see that now-"

"You left?" Lisa furrowed his brow, and I realized that she still had no idea as to what had happened the night that I had been taken once more.she had probably just woken up here, all alone, with no explanation as to where I was or what had happened.

"I..." I shook my head. I knew that I had to tell her, but I had no clue how to admit the truth to her, that it had been my own insecurity that had pushed me out the door, not her.

"Why did you go?" She asked, concerned. "I thought he took you, right from the room..."

"No, he found me out on the street," I confessed, even though it pained me to do so. I took a deep breath, knowing that I owed het at least the truth. She had worked so hard to be with me, the very minimum I could offer her in return was the chance to actually under stand what had driven me out of that door in the first place.

"I was up late," I admitted, "in the night. And I saw your phone. I didn't mean to look, but I saw a text from a woman you used to date "

"Irene," she muttered, and she spat her name with such vitriol that it secured the knowledge, in case I needed it, that she had no interest in anyone other than me.

"You saw her?" I asked. The text had been about that, I remembered, about getting together again after years apart.

"Yes, I did," she confessed, and my heart dropped at once. But then she shook her head.

"But all it did was confirm to me that I wanted to be with you," she wound her fingers around mine. "I was so heartbroken after you left, and I thought you'd gone on your own accord, so I figured I had to move on. But I couldn't. Even if I wanted to. That's why I went to find your parents. I thought you were with them, and I wanted at least to say goodbye be fore I let go of you for good."

"And you don't want to see her again?" I asked. She shook her head at once.

"Not at all," Lisa replied firmly. "I just want to be with you, Jennie." She was gazing at me, her eyes wide and sincere, and I bit my lip.

"After what happened at the mall, I just thought..." I cut myself off, not sure how to phrase this. "I supposed that you would be better off with someone who was less work, that was it. That you didn't deserve to spend your life running around after me, trying to protect me from myself."

"I've never felt that way," she told me fiercely.

"Even though you actually did have to come and save me?" I pointed out, only half-joking.

"I don't care about that," she replied, brushing a strand of hair back from my face. "I don't care how long it takes for you to feel safe again. I'm here for you. I always will be, Jennie."

I looked at her, and I wanted to believe her so desperately, but there was some part of me that doubted her still. Not her love, but her ability to take me on, to take on all those parts of me that even I hadn't uncovered yet.

"I just felt like I wasn't worthy of you," I continued, the words tumbling from me before I had a chance to stop myself. "After everything I'd been through-"

"Nothing of what you've been through makes me think any less of you," she replied, cutting me off. "I know you might feel that way, but it's not true. I want you. Every part of you. Including your past."

She paused for a moment, as though second guessing what she was about to say, but then she came out with it anyway.

"And your future."

That was enough to get the last piece of resistance within me to give in, and I felt a smile spread over my face. I wanted a future with her too. I wanted everything with her.

All that time I had spent trapped in Kai's apartment had been an exercise in realizing how deeply I needed what Lisa had to offer me. Her kindness, and her acceptance. Her hope and her normality and her ability to share that normality with me. I felt a swell of love in my chest, and while I knew it was soon, I had to share it with her.

"I love you," I told her, and his eyes widened. She didn't hesitate in her response.

"I love you too," she replied, brushing her thumb over my mouth as though tracing the words I had just said against me. I smiled against her, and she leaned forward to kiss me. And as soon as our lips met, it was as though she was rewriting me. I knew it would take a long time, and that I wouldn't be able to let go of everything that had happened to me just like that, but for a moment, in her embrace, I could convince myself it was possible. Likely, even. When she pulled back, her eyes were soft, soft in a way that I craved. I had never known any person to be soft with me before I met her, but I was happy to have her kindness, her tender ness. It meant more to me than she would ever know.

"I love you," I repeated again, the words foreign but natural on my mouth. I wanted to say them so many times that they were familiar to me, that I could recite them in my sleep.

"I love you, I love you, I love you," she replied back to me, making me laugh. She pulled me close as I tossed my head back in amusement, and she kissed my neck. And before I knew it, I felt another swell of desire growing for him.

And I knew that tomorrow I would have to face up to the consequences of what had happened to me, that I would need to give statements and start counselling and accept help, but for now, all I wanted was for me and Lisa to hide ourselves away from the world for the night and remind ourselves how well we worked together. And that we loved each other. The words played in my mind, bright against the darkness, like the first stars of a long night.


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