Chapter 4

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Jennie POV

The questions that Rosé had asked me had stirred up a depth of memory that I had hoped could leave behind me. I was reminded once again, whether I liked it or not, that it was the life that I had to come to terms with. Just because I was out of that horrible place didn't mean that all of it was behind me now. Not by a long shot.

Lisa sat there in silence with me for a long moment after Rosé left, and I found myself glad that she was nearby. It felt as though, whether we said a word or not, she was lifting some of the weight from my shoulders, taking a little of the burden from my mind.

"Would you like something to eat?" She asked awkwardly. "I know we just had breakfast, but I could make you something, if you like."

I pressed my fist to my stomach and found it grumbling. Back in that place, when I had been working for those men, they had only fed me when they'd remembered or when they'd felt like it. I could remember, vividly, lying in bed and staring at the ceiling with my stomach screaming at me, empty in a deep, pro found way I hoped never to feel again. I felt like I had a hundred meals to make up for.

"I would love that." I smiled at her. "Can I help you?"

"I'm not sure it needs two sets of hands, but you can join me if you like," She replied, getting to her feet and offering me her hand. I hesitated for a moment, remembering the shock of discomfort that even Rosé's touch had sent through my body, but I took a deep breath and slipped my hand into hers. It seemed to fit as though it had been made to go there, the two of us slotting together like pieces of a puzzle that had been built to fit next to one another.

She pulled me to my feet, and for a split sec ond I was so close to her that I could have moved just an inch and kissed her. I could smell her afterbath, strong and masculine, like her. For a moment, it seemed to fill my senses to the very brim, overwhelming me. All thoughts slipped out of my mind, and I found my gaze drawn to her mouth - I could have leaned forward, just brushed my lips so gently against her. A thank-you kiss, I could tell my self. But I knew it was more than that. Being so close to her had suddenly stirred some thing in me, my stomach kindling with just the flicker of a flame. A flame that had been doused for so long that I had almost forgot ten how it felt, but I recognised it there, as I stood an inch from her-desire... real, organic desire.

She stepped away from me before I could do anything, which was for the best. Anything happening between us would have been a mistake. I was such a mess, and I didn't want to inflict that on anybody else. And besides, I had only just taken my body back as my own. I didn't want to share it with anyone else until I knew I was ready.

She headed over to the kitchen, and I followed her. She got the makings of a salad out of the fridge and began chopping vegetables and measuring dressing. She would occasionally ask me to pass her something, and I did as I was told, pleased to feel like I was actually helping.

"I don't think I've ever really known a rich person as uh who could cook before," I remarked, and she chuckled.

"It's not really cooking," She pointed out. "And I do have a cook who prepares most of my food for me."

"Yeah, I assumed you would need some staff to help run this place," I observed, glancing around.

"My parents would have this place full of staff if I let them," she shook her head fondly. "I keep telling them, I don't need so many people to look after me. I suppose they still think of me as their little girl ."

"Well, you're certainly not that," I blurted before I could think about how flirtatious it would sound. She shot me a look, a smile, and I felt as though my heart was filling up in my chest, soaking up her attention.

UNTIL LOVE SETS US APART ( JENLISA) Where stories live. Discover now