Chapter 1

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Lisa POV

"You really think we should go?"My mother fussed over me as she stood in the doorway. I shot a look at my father, imploring him to help me out here and allow me a bit of space.

He took her arm and nodded to me. "I think we need to give Lisa some space," he replied firmly, straightening his shoulders. My father, Marco Manoban, hadn't gotten where he was in life by letting people tell him what to do. As the owner of one of the most illustrious production companies in World, he knew when a firm hand was required to get things moving.

"I just want to make sure she's all settled in." My mother smoothed my hair down and gave me a forlorn look. "It's so strange, having her out of the house..."

"Well, it's for the best," I reminded her. "I'm taking care of the office down here. And it is not going to be forever. Besides, I've been here for two-and-a-half months now. I'm already settled."

"Exactly," my father agreed. "Just for six months or so, and then you can come back home again." "Maybe steal your job, huh?" I teased him, and he chuckled.

"Trust me, these days, I wouldn't mind the break," he joked. I knew that he had worked hard his entire life to get L&R Entertainments off the ground. It wouldn't be long until he retired, and then I would be expected to step up to take over the company. That was what this trip to South korea was about - a chance for me to prove myself by running the office out here, and confirm to him that I was able to take control of the entire company when he was ready to step back.

"You will keep in touch, won't you?" My mother seemed nervous about leaving me here all by myself. "And call Rosé will you?"

"Sweetheart," my father took my mother's hand. "She's going to be fine. she's a grown women; she can take care of herself."

"Rosé knows many suitable girls and she can set her up. I know she can take care of herself, but I'm sure a grown woman wouldn't hurt," she remarked. I opened my mouth to say something, but thought better of it. I was wise enough to know that taking my mother on in issues of my singularity was only going to end in an argument. This had been a pleasant visit so far, and I didn't want to undo that.

"Anyway, you should be going," I hustled them towards the door. "Don't want to miss your flight back to Thailand, do you?"

With a flurry of goodbyes, they were out the door, and I was finally alone once more.

My cook, mrs park, had just left the penthouse and I could smell the delicious spices of the food she'd made for me filling the living room. I was glad to be on my own again.

I was meeting with my little sister, Rosé, the next day for lunch, but for the time being, I could just relax. My phone buzzed in my pocket before I'd so much as made it to the couch. I pulled it out and answered the call.

"Lisa, where are you right now?"

As soon as I heard my sister's frantic voice down the line, all my senses were on high alert. I wanted to drop down on my couch for the rest of the evening, but her voice erased every trace of tiredness from my body.

"Rosé? What's wrong?"

"Just... just tell me where you are right now?" she asked me again, inhaling a long breath and letting it out in a rush of static down the line.

"I'm home, at the Penthouse," I replied. It wasn't like I was spending a whole lot of time at the club or whisking women out for dinner at fancy restaurants. You were more likely to find me with my feet propped up on the coffee table, scouring social media to see what was hot in the video world. I always liked to be ahead of the game when it came to our business, and production was one of those industries that were always changing, always evolving.

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